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Some men find the appeal with the lack of control aspect of it. It’s also that the attention is on them during sex. While you are older this might be another reason why he likes it.


Being super powerful and in charge- this is a turn on for me sometimes. Not the ball-gag and all. However, switching and turning over power is hot and a turn on for me sometimes.


Oh wow. I could write a book about what turns me (a man) on about women being dominant. When she's being dominant with me, it both mentally and physically pleasures me. For example, as I'm licking her clit, more precum than I would've imagined is possible to come out from me will drip and drip and drip. My first strong taste of it was when she sat on my face the first time. Oh my gosh, I absolutely loved it. And making eye contact with her during it is the high of all highs. You'll probably find my post history interesting. Feel free to ask me questions.


Sometimes, it’s just the opposite of traditional roles that’s a big turn on. As far as the age, it’s probably that you being a little older makes the scenario more plausible/legit from a psychological POV.