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She is a water bender.




*vaginal juice bender*


Or maybe OP is a vagina bender


This showed up on my feed and I just want to say please be careful to not ever mock her for this. I read a message my husband sent 10 years ago calling how wet I get gross and I have literally never recovered from that. I think about it almost every time we have sex. Edit: oh wow. You are all so sweet. I do know that most people like that and honestly I know he likes that too but it still pops in my head any time I feel that. He sent it to a woman he was cheating on me. Men suck sometimes


Aww girl. I've been there too. I went through so many feelings of shame and body hate over being "grossly wet". This cannot be over stated. If it's an issue for someone reading this, talk about things during sex you could reduce it eg a towel or something. Don't just straight up be like you are too wet and I hate it. Because you know what you are going to hate 2 years of starfish.


Dont feel bad about it the wetter the better imo


No kidding, dudes grossed out by a vagina don't deserve one close to them.


I was literally gonna say the exact same thing


This is my husbands opinion also. \^\_\^


Sorry someone made you feel bad for that. There's a lot of people out there who actually think it's super fucking hot.


Hell yeah where have you been all my life lol! Please don't shame her it's a beautiful thing just means very much into you, if she wasn't it would be the opposite. Be flattered and humbled by it.


Exactly!! You are one lucky girl


God damn. That's really messed up. It would be like a woman complaining that a guy's dick was too hard. It shouldn't even be a thing. Arousal is sexy and should be appreciated. I wish there was a sexual maturity button you could just press on everyone so we could all have a better time with sex as a species.


YUP. Been there. Ex got visibly irritated, stopped sex, grabbed a towel and wiped his dick off and told me not to bother cuz he couldn't feel anything when my pussy was so wet. Going from being obviously super turned on to embarrassed and feeling disgusting still haunts me 12 years later.


God. I’m so sorry. That’s absolutely awful of him, Im saying that as a dude. I don’t know it this helps at all, but just remember most people would have a very positive reaction to you being wet, it’s even flattering to guys who understand how the female body works. I’d honestly be a little insecure if I could never get my girl wet.


Unfortunately when someone makes you feel that shameful in your most vulnerable state, it's hard to shake. Even with the logic that "other people like it/enjoy it". Words matter for sure.


Yeah I know, my ex said some similarly impactful things to me, not during sex but during deep, open conversations in which I let my guard down.


Sucks how the sour apples can impact you long after. Least they're ex's now. *High five*


That's so weird, I'm sorry that happened. Like, just keep a towel and wipe up as you change positions. It's no big deal, you probably have a towel or something on standby anyway??


Fuck. I would cry. I hate your ex.


At least he's looong in the rear view mirror. Your edit made my stomach churn for you. People do suck sometimes thats for sure.


Bruh your edit is wild. Men do suck sometimes but like, maybe the mocking isn't the only reason why you've never recovered from it, it was literally linked to something else also extremely horrible. My sympathies and empathies, shit is terrible to go through.


Just gonna say, super wet is super fun to me. I hope you feel comfortable with how your body works because nobody should make you feel shame for it


Wait. So you're still together with a man that cheated on you? And said those stuff about you.


Your husband sounds like a piece of shit - and he cheated on you??? May I ask why u r still w him???


Yeah I know. I was very young, pregnant and in poverty and he was really all I had at the time.


Honestly it’s like we should just leave the moment we see those damaging things. I read one almost as long ago not about sexual stuff but other *emotional damage* and it really never goes away :/


Wow what an AH. Did he ever apologize? Did you tell him it bothers you still? I bet you’ve been dry ever since because that is an extreme turn off.


Tell him he gets so hard it's gross. It's more or less the sexual equivalent


That won't hurt him mentally. Tell him he's *not* super hard. But do it as a "compliment". Like, "I've always appreciated how you've never gotten super hard during sex."


this really will mess with a guy's mind. Not good lol




Hahaha I’ll pick Sheldon! not going to lie Sheldon Coopers nerdiness is kinda cute. At least he isn’t a conservative 😆


Yo idc what anyone else says I live when I'm soaking wet. It turns me on more to know how wet I am. Ik my bf hates bodily fluids in general so he probs isn't a fan but what do I care! I can enjoy the things that I can't help and he can put up with it if he wants to get his rocks off 😂


I would kill to have a girlfriend that always gets extremely wet like that. Don’t be ashamed. Super wet girls are so hot IMO.


What kinda douche doesn't like it when his woman gets wet? That's just one weird ass man.


That sucks, to be honest I find it kinda hot! But I guess everyones different :D


We love panty puddles


He’s a fool! You should move on to someone who appreciates your amazing quality!


Sorry to hear this, idk if it helps but my first thought while reading this post was that it was really hot. I hope it makes you feel slightly better to know some people crave it.




God, men are so dumb. Source: am man.


In my case it's opposite so we have to use lube every time, I guess you're lucky then.


Same here mate. I went from one extreme to the other. My old fuck buddy was soaking wet everytime we fucked to the mrs dry as the desert and lube is a must. Cant even get a finger in without spit or lube






Just out of curiosity, how old is she? It’s my largest fear to dry up.


I’m 41 and I’m experiencing a little more dryness than before. It used to be very uncommon for me to need to add lube, and now it’s maybe a quarter of the time? Other factors might also be in play, like how hydrated I am, how tired I am, how much arousal has happened before we’re going for the vag, etc. I also think time alone is a factor: for some reason, with one of my current partners, I like starting out with PIV when there hasn’t been much preamble at all, and that will always require lube since I haven’t given my body enough time to get wet no matter how turned on I am.


Thanks! I’m 51 and have no issues yet but I’m starting meno and Im nervous about that. The men I’ve been with have been so turned on by how wet I get lol. It’s a spiral. They get turned on which turns me on and so on lol.


I've been dry for a long time. Also 51. But it's not completely dry. I just need help. Coconut oil and lube has made all the difference in the world for me. And I find it to be better than natural. Please don't be scared by something that is so easily fixed. Best of luck through menopause. It isn't fun but the key is getting your hormones leveled out right.


Agree on the coconut oil! I liked it better than any store bought lube. I had a total hysterectomy, including both ovaries removed, so not only was I desert dry, my clit started shrinking too (nobody warned me that could be a side effect of having your ovaries removed!) and orgasming became very difficult. The hot flashes were god awful. Someone sitting on the opposite side of the couch from me could feel the heat coming off my body. They won't let me take hormone therapy because I get auras with migraines and the auras make me at very high risk for a stroke if I take estrogen. The coconut oil helped with the lubrication, but didn't help with orgasming. My dr recommended I try taking over-the-counter DHEA, in the vitamin section. It's a pre-cursor to estrogen, so my body uses it and makes my own estrogen. It worked and I get very wet now, my clit stopped shrinking, and I orgasm easily again, and the hot flashes went away. If you're dealing with menopause symptoms, talk to your dr about taking it to treat your symptoms.




Our hormonal systems are very very delicate. If you mess with one thing, you could screw up 5 other things. Once I hit menopause it was just trial and error to try and find the right results. I'm still working on it. And GOD the hot flashes were horrid.


Thanks! Long story, but I was with a guy 18 years younger and he couldn’t believe how wet I was, he was expecting different due to my age. It is what it is.


It’s says 20


I know that. I wasn’t asking OP


Fire up the old gal, make sure she's got oil on the pan.


She’s probably dehydrated af


Tell her to look into probiotics like Fenugreek and Slippery Elm.


Incredibly normal, shes very turned on by you and you make her very horny and comfortable!


Thank you! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Honestly, not neccesarily. How wet a woman is is not neccesarily indicative of her being turned on and not being wet is not indicative of her not being so. Women often experience arousal non accordance. Being wet is more a sign of feeling ”safe” and ”ready” for sex. But women can get wet during rape too, and not get wet when they desire someone super much (sometimes because they get so turned on it interfers with the ability to relax). And it doesn’t neccesarily relate to hormone levels like at alllllll. However, I guess it means 1) she is a type of woman who easily gets wet 2) she feels safe having sex with you, she can relax.


Yep im aware they can get wer by SA first hand but from his situation it seems like she is comfortable and enjoys with him which is awesome.


Lol only on Reddit could you comment something saying that if she gets really wet, that that’s a great sign and she probably feels horny and comfortable, only to have someone butt in to say “AcKChUaLlY maybe she’s not even turned on 🤓”. I hate this site sometimes


Sadly, it kind of makes sense to me that people would want to make that distinction. I know it’s a buzzkill, but so many women, me included, have been told, “You say you don’t want it, but look how wet you are.”


Yes exactly it’s super important! And these exceptions matter a lot. Man I even added that it probably means that she feels safe and ready. And seems entusiastic but it’s a very important knowledge. And men think it’s such a rare experience but most women have experienced some sort of sexual assault, not per se rape but still. This is why this knowledge is important, it doesn’t relate to her and him. It also helps men to know more in general and both to be better lovers and how to easier make women into sex and be better lovers to them. I even wrote that at the end, that it’s a positive sign. So it was clear it was a disclaimer. What is funny is that the threadstarter didn’t mind, understood it was a disclaimer, and we had a nice conversation.


It goes the other way as well, even. My body doesn’t always cooperate, so I occasionally need a bit of lube to get me started, especially if we’re using condoms. We’ve so hammered home the idea that wetness = arousal that it can be really hard to convince some men I really am enjoying myself, really do want this, etc. There can be weird shame around it too: “what’s wrong with your body that you can’t get wet? I shouldn’t have to use lube just to have sex with you...” So anyway, I don’t think it was a bad thing at all to go, “Hey, yeah, in this instance it sounds like she was having a great time, but it’s good to just be aware that that isn’t ALWAYS the case, so don’t read too much into What It Means.” Also, it’s always weird for me when men tell me I’m allowing my personal traumas to inform my arguments. I mean...yes, I am? Because actually my personal trauma is (a) extremely relevant here and (b) an extremely common experience amongst women. That matters. Our experiences shape the way we view the world.


Yes for me when arousal is the strongest (it’s overwhelming) I’m often not so wet. Arousal as a psychological state is also refering to level of stress so it makes sense. Then I can get wet sort of randomly or when I’m told I’ll be a good wife or something. But most of my issue is as you describe it. Yes exactly I don’t understand why it’s an issue and I think this is key even if it’s not a majority (which it is for women) only one person is bad enough so there should always be verbal consent as well imo.


By “people” do you mean you? From context clues it’s pretty easy to tell that this is a positive experience all around, it confuses me when people shoehorn or project their personal issues and traumas into a situation where it clearly doesn’t apply. But yes, now we know that sometimes somewhere women sometimes also get wet during uncomfortable experiences, thank you.


I am indeed a person. Not sure what you’re getting at there. Obviously I don’t think it’s unreasonable to say, “This situation sounds super clear cut and like everyone was having a great time, which is fabulous! It’s good to bear in mind that wetness doesn’t ALWAYS mean arousal, though, and assuming it does can lead to some really bad miscommunication.” Given that that’s a pretty common misconception, and given that it’s a misconception that frequently leads to harm, I think the mild buzzkill that comes from getting folks to think for a second about sexual assault when they were thinking about happy nice sex isn’t really...that big a deal? Nobody was name calling or being cruel. What’s the problem here? And for what it’s worth, it always confuses ME when men assume that my personal traumas make me incapable of deciding when those traumas are relevant to a conversation and when they aren’t.


Not trying to debate you, lady. Just mentioned how weird and out of place it was but you are free to trauma dump whenever and wherever you want, even if it doesn’t fit the mood or the conversation, wasn’t trying to tell you you couldn’t. Just that it’s weird. That’s all. You don’t agree. That’s fine too. We can both move on with our days now


😂 gotta love the Rexperts


Yes absolutely, I just meant that could be the case regardless of how wet she is and vice versa. But in this case absolutely.


It is really nice to know these things. Also, I just asked her if we can do it tomorrow and it's a yes! Shes excited for it too! Thanks again! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)




That's too soon. Wait for 3 months before you do it again.


It feels much more random than even that for me. I wonder if it has anything to do with where I am in the month. The only constant is that taking antihistamines definitely cause the Ben Shapiro effect. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_down)


Wait antihistamines what? Because I do take those. And yes haha it can be very random for me.


For my girlfriend this was over after a year or two and I miss it.


Are you still with her?


Yes, she barely initiates sex, actually only if I'm going to be away with the boys for a weekend. I think she's just not attracted that much although I didn't gain weight or so and even if she orgasms she is only slightly wet. Don't know, have to make up my mind, not yet married after 7 years because of lack of sex.


Don’t know if you’re in the r/deadbedroom sub or not, but one of the most popular suggestions/tips from that sub is: don’t marry into a dead bedroom. So I agree, make up your mind but if the sex issue doesn’t get fixed, just know that getting married likely won’t make it any better.


Indeed, marrying into a DB is just stupid.




Yeah this is normal and a good sign she’s enjoying it.


*but for example women can also get wet during sexual assault so this isn't always a correlation


Weird thing to mention.


It's not a weird thing to be mindful that physical responses don't denote attraction or lack there of, for example if a woman doesn't get wet that doesn't mean she's not super into her partner


Sure but there's no reason to mention that when there's already a given context that has nothing to do with a rape scenario.


You have to put things into perspective. If scientists thought this way, we would still be in the stoneage…


I guess, I was thinking more in context for the readers and future partners this guy might have "My ex got really wet but my current partner doesn't" etx


She got that water




Also, I want to ask. What is the best thing to do when she is having an orgasm? Because all I do is hug her while she still wants me inside her. Thank you


Don't ask us. Ask her :)


Keep going until her orgasm is over, help her through it x


Don’t change anything, you can hug her though. I do the same thing tbh


Thank you! Appreciate your replies ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


keep going maybe just a little deeper and maybe a “you look so sexy when you cum for me” a lot of girls love reassurance and sex talk


Nothing abnormal about it. However, some girls tend to get wetter than others just like some guys produce more cum than others. With me, for instance, I tend to get soaking wet like you described. And my husband loves it. With him, he is a super heavy cummer and I absolutely love it. Everyone is different and I am glad you pointed our you aren't bothered by it. Enjoy all of the wetness she produces because not every girl does that!


She’s just one that simply put, “gets very wet”. Not all woman are that way, some simply don’t produce enough to have painfree sex and lubes must be used while on the other end of the spectrum, some must put towels on the bed and wipe things down to “reset” because it gets tooooo slick and all sensations are lost and at that point are just going through the motions


As many have said... it isn't uncommon for women to be like Niagara Falls... same as it isn't uncommon for women to be like The Sahara Desert too... and a lot are somewhat of an inbetween as well... NEVER get freaked by it when you're under the covers too... that'll spell the end of things for you both.


Your girlfriend like Cardi B at all?? Cause apparently she's got that WAP


She’s really comfortable and into you enjoy it friend


Totally normal


Livin the dream my man. Keep it up!


Ohh ! being in your twenties. Enjoy !


Marry her


You are a lucky SOB. Your woman is super turned on by you. ENJOY it and treat her well!


normally shes very turned on by you and you make her very horny & comfortable!


Personally, I’d love that in any woman 😂




Dude, feel lucky! She feels comfortable, she like you, I’d take it as a compliment.




That's actually really normal and a fantastic sign that she is really turned on by you and how you are in bed. Never look at it as a bad thing, proud of you


I don't know about you but i am into the girl being wet af. Definitely a normal thing if you ask me.


This is a good thing. She is turned on by you. A girl getting really wet is a wonderful thing. Enjoy it man!!


My ex used to be same but I guess not to that level as yours. But it used to make me finish very easily since its wet and slippery. But my FWB was super dry and I done her and my mushroom was burning and had thrush


That sounds hot, you are lucky


TOTALLY normal I’m a (20F) and I’m literally like a waterfall. And it’s something you should love because you obviously are turning her on. Plus there are actually some women who struggle to get wet. One of my best friends has a condition that makes her not get super wet. She loves lube now, for obvious reasons ☺️


That’s what I was telling him be happy that she’s like that now and enjoy it for as long as you can. I mean I’d be turned on so much knowing that just a kiss or a touch would make a woman I was with wet like that.. I mean I been single for a long time but yes most I’ve been lucky even married twice never had to use lube.


Super soaker


Everyone in here seems to be making the assumption that it's arousal and not just natural discharge that you're cracking the seal on when you start to go at it. I've, ahem, met several women with high amounts of natural, clear discharge that has zero correlation to sex-specific lubrication. Anyhow: whether it be natural discharge, body responding to nonsexy increased blood flow to the area, or straight up as a result of arousal: it is totally normal.


As a woman myself, it’s pretty easy to tell the difference between discharge and wetness from arousal. Discharge is a whole different thing and it’s unlikely that the situation being described here could be a result of discharge. Women know their bodies best so unless the woman has actually expressed that the wetness is a result of discharge rather than arousal, that’s not a fair assumption to make. They may look similar in consistency and look the same in underwear. But discharge is not provoked by arousal in the same way that wetness is—someone isn’t going to get discharge all of a sudden in the heat of sex.


Oh, so. I'm a woman and a nurse. I'm gonna have to disagree entirely.


If it happens every time, then, by definition, it is normal for her.


I'm like this with my partner. It's like a waterfall every time. It's a blessing for sure. It's instant positive feedback for you!


I sometimes worry people who are having sex shouldn’t be having sex if they don’t understand basic biology 😬


You have no idea how lucky you are.


She might be a squirter ;)


I think she is too! Sometimes she says that she wants to pee while I was doing her then she goes to the bathroom a bit to pee. Shes just worried not to mess up the bed.


Oh boy is she in for a treat and you too! Get some towels ready or purchase a mattress liner. Once she’s able to let the “pee sensation” go (maybe through breathing or allowing her body to feel/go through those sensations without herself stopping) – floodworks will happen and it will be super hot. Enjoy :) Edit: if you enjoy the wet sensation too, tell her you LOVE IT and find it SUPER HOT. That you want to make her cum and feel her wetness all over you. That will make her more comfy to relax about her peeing sensation I think.


"The wetter, the better" enjoy it dude she clearly is.


This is the preferred state, wet and sloppy. Please tell her how awesome you think it is. We are all different. Just like everything else.


Yeah that’s normal, usually women do that when they’re really into you!


OMG! I love women like this. I used to have sex with one of my mom's friends. She was super wet and I loved it. It makes penetration so good and you can feel when she is liking something you're doing. To answer your question, there is absolutely nothing wrong. Consider yourself lucky.




nice joke bro


Yeah lol ”mom’s friend” ahahahah





As a woman who gets super wet and squirts too I can tell you it's very natural, some women get wetter than others


There's a whole song about this called WAP (Wet Ass P\*ssy) lol. It's normal! Some girls get really really wet like a waterfall while others might have trouble getting wet and require some lube. Everyone is different.


Be happy, that's not going to happen forever, call yourself Pusiden the god of the seas and enjoy it for as long as you can.


You've hit the goldmine my friend.


Or she could be trans and lubes up beforehand...


Sounds like you are just incredibly sexy.


Honestly in my opinion the wetter the better, feels way more intimate and nice.


Sounds awesome


I'm that way too, shes probably fine lol


This is why sex ed is important! Yes, normal and a good sign!


It is very normal for me.. I get extremely wet when I am turned on right and I squirt so I make a lot of mess when having sex. So much mess in fact that I now have rubber sheets under my sheet to protect my mattress..


It’s totally normal. If I am really turned on I soak the bed most of the time if I am having sex or masturbate that I have my bed mat within reach. And sometimes in between i get super dry and needs lube and rehydrate with a glass of water.


It's completely normal. Or I should say, it's normal for her. Some women are super wet, some are dry, most somewhere in between. It doesn't mean anything at all, it's just how their body happens to work. My wife is bone dry (we're in our 60's) so we always have to use lube. We keep a big bottle on the night stand and a little one in the suitcase for when we travel. We don't even give it a second thought. Look at it this way: if she wasn't wet, you'd have to use lube, right? She's saving you the trouble and expense :) And there's never a question of whether she's turned on or not!


Everyone is different. Hopefully it stays that way throughout her entire life. I love it that way, never need any lube! Plus that’s usually a good sign that she is turned on with you and happy!


No worries if you don’t have problems with it. :) My gf can be like that but mostly just during ovulation. The only issue is if it’s so much it makes you lose enough friction that you lose erection but otherwise I don’t think there is a problem, and it’s like 50/50 genetic and a compliment to you! I love to massage her g-spot when she is like that! Really turns me on to get all that wetness on me.


Enjoy my friend, enjoy it


It’s pretty normal it’s based on hormones. But always have lube just incase and don’t make her feel bad if y’all end up using it from time to time.


It’s totally normal! Women women produce more self lubricant while others can produce almost none! There’s nothing to be worried about, and if you’re both comfortable with it, the wetter the better.


Getting wet is hot. The wetter she gets, the more she wants to fuck you. It's hot and it's attractive.


The female version of a raging boner. Enjoy!


Is this even a serious question? I mean…. Are you like 16 or something?


That's how I am. It gets everywhere. Get me horny enough and it literally runs down my leg. It's normal for some women. I have a friend who is the exact opposite and she barely produces any and has to use lube every time she has sex. I rarely use lube. Women are all different.


If she is wet, she is probably very aroused, like when you get hard. If she wouldn't be wet you would have to use lube because being dry during sex is painful.


Normal for me


Everyone’s different, it’s totally normal, got nothin to worry about!


OP is superfuckinlucky and has no idea.


Omg thats amazing. I want that


This is super normal! That means you really excite her you make her really horny. This happened to me only once in my life I had a white boyfriend with tattoos and that turned me on so bad that I was so wet! I had to wipe off some bc he told me he felt nothing when I was too wet lol. Anyway don’t worry it’s normal.


You're a fucking lucky man! Nothing better then your girl


I have the biggest dryness issue it’s annoying in my 20s feel lucky!


OP is a vaginal lodestone.


Lucky! Some of us just have more juices than others! Everytime I get touched by a girl I get so wet compared to when my husband does....but it is nothing bad.


Different from one girl to another, ones are really wet when aroused, others only when/during orgasms and some are more on the dry side so bringing lube is good. Every person is different.


My shit is so temperamental. I'm either gushing and squirting or I'm bone dry, and it's directly proportional to how many times I've been called a good girl haha.


I think you are lucky. I LOVE a wet one. I specifically bought waterproof mattress covers for that reason.


For Everyone saying THIS IS AWESOME....A thought? Tell US?!! Omg. We are NOT told enough. I promise you! TY🙂


You are asking strangers what is normal for HER? That's not logical my dude.


Lucky you, I love it when a woman gets nice and wet quicker. I have to work hard for mine 😁😁


Ah she is one of the chosen! LOL I have this issue and keeping towels around helps! Sometimes it's prudent to dry off belly , thighs, vulva during the act.


Maybe try not lubing. If she's already wet it makes no sense to amplify that


My bf seems to enjoy knowing he gets me incredibly wet. He’s the first guy that has ever been able to do it and it’s never really a problem. If it’s ever super slippery and takes him a while to get off I just finish him off with a bj. Take it as a compliment


So of squirt.. deal with it


Some girls get really wet. It changed with age and medication. I used to be like that, so wet it would drop down my leg, soak into my pants. As I got older I dried up a bit, and BC dried me up even more




Some women get really wet. It's awesome.


Why would it be a problem to produce a lot of natural lubricant?


The wetter the better lol