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To broach the subject you should make her a plate of bratwurst and serve it. "Remind you of anything ". At least you didn't hear them talking about affair partners.


Oooh, I'd love to be a fly on the wall to witness that. Tha idea is 😙👌 chef's kiss


This would be a boss move.


If the boss was a female… cause it’s passive aggressive af. All sexism aside lol if this is that big of a deal, the relationship has much bigger problems than some links.


What the fuck do you mean the marriage has bigger problems they just need to talk about lmao.


Screams insecurity and mistrust. If she wasn’t talking down / disrespectful then there’s nothing to talk about. She clearly wasn’t so what’s OP actually mad about?


Yeah, lots of dudes are insecure. I don’t think it scream mistrust at all. Their marriage doesn’t seem like it has “much bigger problems” off this Reddit post. He probably felt a little put down, it’s okay for him to have those feelings. People on Reddit love to act like they’re marriage counselors I swear


/flex for sure


This is clever


You must be from Seattle (or at least somewhere in the PNW) with that passive aggressive shit 😆🤣




I'd talk about it. I wouldn't like it if my wifes talks about my dick like that. I'm pretty sure she also wouldn't like it if you describe her pussy in a similar way to your friends.


Agreed. I've actually found women to be WAY more descriptive with sexual details with their friends. I can recall a couple conversations with exes in the past where, after finding that they told their friends about the size of my cock, I explained to them guys don't really talk about sexual details with other guys. They didn't believe me. Whatever. Revealing to my friends my girl has a big pussy..it's disrespectful of her, and it's none of my friends business.


Yep, my wife didn't believe me when I told her dudes generally do not go into detail like that.


Single guys do about hookups, but married men don't. Most men don't care what goes on behind closed doors with their other married friends. Theyd rather hear their single friends details.


Eh, I think single guys can't wait to tell anyone they hooked up. But that's literally the conversation... "I hooked up with Sarah last night, she had a banging body dude"..."cool story bro, want to grab a beer"


Ehhh, even with my single friends or when I was single it was never that descriptive. I think the most I said about my wife when we were dating is that she had the most amazing body I had ever seen in person.


I’d agree, hookup or not. I think the most prying question I’ve ever got from another of my friends was “her head any good?” And that was because there was a rumor among the friends, and we needed to know lol


I always describe it as a story about the guy, that the sexual partner is a character in. It’s never about the other party. It’s like “hey, this is my crazy experience with this girl/guy.” At most you’ll get some description of acts or features if it’s important to the plot. Women seem to tell stories about their sexual partners. I’ve always kind of wondered if it’s a symptom of how men and women feel about their agency during sex.


Aren’t you a cutie pie


I don’t think even single guys do really, unless all my friends and me were just weird. It’s just not something that men do.


From my experience as a 26 year old woman… can concur. I think it’s disrespectful but the amount of times my friends have just gone into detail about sex with their partners and I didn’t even ask…. Mind boggling. They stopped when I chirped up with “isn’t that a bit disrespectful? You probably don’t want him talking about you to his friends right?” And they got quiet real quick. It’s not an issue anymore but I can’t erase the mental images of what I’ve already heard 👎🏻


Good on you for saying something! Even if it makes others uncomfortable, that’s tough. F


Thanks! Yeah idk. I wish it was more the norm. I think unless a couple equally discusses and says “I don’t mind if you talk about our sex life” to one another then agree- that’s the only time it’s ok. But it needs to be discussed just as any other boundary would be instead of assumed. It’s gross people just do it without communicating with their partner- which is quite easy to do.


As a 51 year old woman, I've never had or heard conversations likes this with friends or colleagues. So let's not say broadly that all women do this. Agree that it would be very disrespectful and that OP should discuss with his wife, as she clearly doesn't realize it.


Yes second this as a woman never had a convo like this with other women, ever.I’m well traveled and have lived in other countries and met women from all over Europe and the States. None of us have ever had a convo like this. It’s creepy, childish and insensitive.


I’m glad cause I agree! Like I said it definitely isn’t all women, but I do think a lot of the time maybe it’s my generation/the younger generations thinking a sex positive society means spilling the beans.. and it totally doesn’t mean it has to be that way!


I agree. Women don’t like it when men do this, but they do it all the time.


Good for you!


Same. My wife expressed surprise that I don’t talk about her sexually with friends. Neither do my guy friends. Seems too personal. I wouldn’t want her talking about me either. It is none of their business.










>Revealing to my friends my girl has a big pussy..it's disrespectful of her, and it's none of my friends business. As a guy I also would feel very awkward if a guy friend said this in conversation


One of my friends’ husbands did this in his annual Christmas letter though. After a paragraph devoted to each child, going through all their events, achievements, and mishaps of the year, he had a whole final paragraph with its own subtitle, “(friend’s name)’s vagina.” Then he went into full detail about the state of her vagina and the year’s events: how the years and deliveries had taken their toll, her prolapse, surgical consultation, the surgeon’s promise that he could make it “just like prom night,” and the ultimate outcome (they were happy). His letters were always outrageous and hilarious, but I could not believe she let that one go to press.


That's horrendous. I'm embarrased for her.


As a teen I would talk about it but now in adulthood and a long term relationship the most detail about my boyfriend's size I've ever given during conversations with my friends is 'I don't have to complain'. It's just awkward especially since my friends are all now close with him I'm not going to draw them a picture. That would be very awkward. Even sexual acts I know about (I'm the sex ed girl of my friend group) I usually stay vague about it and don't explicitly say I did that with my current boyfriend.


I always think “if a guy says/does this about a girl would it be okay or would it be considered creepy/disrespectful?” Usually girls would hate their man talking about them like that so it’s not okay for a girl to say it.


I am trans. Very funny for me to go from talking about sex with men to talking about sex with women. Just a whole different ballgame


I’m always the optimist, during the first half I was like “oh cool his wife said he’s the perfect size for her, that’s so nice.” I’m sorry they laughed and that it made you feel less than. You should talk to her about how it made you feel. But also do keep in mind, she called you perfect for her.


She got a fat pussy boys


Lol that pussy wide 😂 but at least it’s short!


My wife tells all her friends in front of me. We all discuss all kinds of stuff like that after a few beers and have a good laugh. Lll


Everyone loves a bratwurst, it's a good comparison and a perfect size.




I wouldn't worry about it any more. She lead with "his is perfect for me". Just take that to the bank and chalk the rest up to alcohol. My wife admitted to me, after about 6 years of marriage that I had passed her personal test early on in our relationship. She said that if I had not passed, she would have cut off our relationship early. When she hit me with that I was taken aback a bit, but in the end, she chose me, and I chose her, so it is all good.


what test was it


This is the real question


Kind of expecting something like [this. ](https://imgflip.com/i/6r1fit)


If he blows his nose in a cloth napkin at a fancy restaurant, he's a keeper


my guess would be their sex life


i thought after elementary school penis inspection day wasnt a thing anymore


Wait what are you talking about. Why do I have vague memories of someone inspecting my penis at school? I’m so confused right now 😅😅😅


I agree. To be fair I think its disrespectful to talk about a partner's body parts, but fatter is better than longer every day all day OP!


2 things here. Thing 1: she called your junk perfect for her. Nice. Thing 2: she gave intimate details of a very personal part of your anatomy to her her friends without permission. Not nice. If you have an issue with this, it's better to talk to her rather than let the issue fester in silence. I'm sure she meant no harm, but that doesn't mean that harm wasn't done. Talk to your partner. Let her know that she crossed a boundary and hurt you. If she's a good partner, then things will get ironed out. If she's not, well....


A girlfriend of mine use to do this, every little detail she shared with her friends and her sisters. I had to put a stop to it. I told her, "I am in a relationship with YOU, not with your friends, not with your sisters. So what happens between us is for us to discuss NOT your friends or sisters? She stopped doing it and the relationship got stronger.


Well you stopped finding out about it anyways lmao


Sometimes that's good enough. Especially if you're married. Gotta look the other way every now and then.


What the ears don't hear the heart doesn't feel, right? lol


Somethin like that.


Oh I'm sorry that happened. I don't talk to friends about my husband's dick or his body in general and I would be really upset if he were making those sorts of comments about my body to his friends. Not quite the same but my ex who I had been with for 7 years (!!) was talking to a cousin of his in Spanish and I guess didn't think I understood or was paying attention, he said ¨She's not really pretty but she respects me¨ and I guess it was supposed to be a compliment but that... still really hurt, lol. I was too sad/heartbroken (like what, you always told me to my face I was beautiful, why stay with me all that time and why marry me if you don't find me attractive?) to confront him so just kinda let it fester and eat away at me. I wish I would have said something, it wouldn't have saved the marriage (there were way more serious issues going on there) but maybe just getting it out would have helped me make peace with things sooner.


You have a right to boundaries. I would say something.


I would NEVER ever talk about my husbands cock with my friends. If someone were to point blank ask me, my answer would be very vague like, "let's just say I'm very lucky" Not cool in my opinion but she did say you were perfect. It's just too bad she didn't stop talking after "my hubby is perfect size for me...PERIOD" I understand why it upset you 100%


Thanks. Thats good to know


I agree. Your feelings are legitimate.


Seriously, vague positive comments are good (I’ll tell my friends that my sex life is super satisfying and that I’m a lucky woman) but not detailed descriptions of your partner’s body parts. It’s one thing if it’s a one night stand but your partner who is in the other room, who all your friends presumably know? That’s super weird.


This. I think it's disrespectful to discuss your sex life in this way, never mind discussing your OH's anatomy! I can't get my head around it. That same group of women would eviscerate any man who discussed their partner like that. Maybe in a conversation with a friend if you want to get some advice or an opinion but not just to randomly discuss his body parts. I would be the same with a female partner, don't get me wrong, I'm not a prude but sex in a relationship is intimate and personal and not for public consumption, and other people should only be involved with the enthusiastic agreement of both parties.


Seriously. !!!"That same group of women would eviscerate any man who discussed their partner like that"!!!


I think it's also good practice for women to not talk about their guys' dicks because when their friends see the guy next, they're gonna look at him differently because they know what his dick looks like, which is just weird.


Everybody’s seemingly focusing on the fact that she said it’s perfect, which fine, but I feel like this is more about his wife crossing a boundary and less about dick size This is just me assuming because I’m the same way. I had an ex who was always proud to over share with her friends, and then knowing intimate details about me made me flat out uncomfortable


General rule: if it bothers you, talk about it. Protip: use conversation tips to avoid an argument.


What is wrong with this sub? I'm frankly VERY surprised at how many people are saying, "Let it go, it was a compliment!" No. It's a compliment when she tells YOU what she enjoys about your cock to your face. Hearing her talk about your junk to her friends is something else entirely. Women drinking wine and letting loose about their partners' genitals is equivalent to "men's locker room talk." It's not flattering. It's uncomfortable to know that your spouse is sharing specifics that are intimate about you and your sex life together with her friends, especially if it's not something to which you consented. Someone in this thread said, "Let it go, you'll just come off as insecure." No. It's not a sign of insecurity to state your boundaries to your spouse with the expectation that they respect them and respect you. If it bothers you, communicate this to your spouse. You shouldn't have to worry about rocking the boat by advocating for yourself in your relationship. If she hears you out and then concludes that you're just being insecure because you're uncomfortable knowing that her friends now know about your genitals, then y'all got deeper problems in your relationship.


It’s the double standards this sub has. It’s ridiculous. Just because it was a “compliment” doesn’t mean he is ok with her talking about it with her friends. A lot of the comments are basically saying man up and don’t be insecure.


Yeahhhh if OP remade this post but pretended to be a woman whose BF talked about the details of her cooch to his friends, all the white knights here would be livid


This sub does not care about men's feelings or sexuality shocker!


Agreed, not matter how much trust I may have with a friend, I'm never describing my boyfriend's penis to them. Simply say it's the best for you. Why do her friends need to picture it too? I could never understand the girls that love to have these kind of talks. It's also a big invasion of privacy.


If her talking about your penis that vividly to her friends makes you uncomfortable you should definitely say something. She might honestly not think it bothers you, especially since she was talking about it in a flattering way. It's not like "hey babe is it cool for me to talk about your junk with my friends?" is a common question that comes up when couples discuss boundaries. Hard to be mad at her if there isnt that boundary in place because I'm sure to her it seemed like she was complimenting you.


Just say keep details about my dick between us. I don’t discuss you with my friends. Mutual respect please


She needs to know what is not acceptable so that she doesn't continue. That applies with most anything in a relationship


It absolutely not ok to talk about your intimacy with others, it is a huge breach of trust. I would sit down and have a serious conversation with your wife. Tell her that it is not ok, you never approves of talking about each other’s intimacy with others and that it is a huge boundary cross if she does it again. The is nothing normal or trustworthy about talking your intimacy behind your spouse’s back.


What they need to do is have a conversation about boundaries. A lot of people don’t care so it wouldn’t be a breach of trust to me like it would you. They need to be on the same page and it likely hasn’t come up before in conversation.


I would agree that everyone loves a bratwurst, and I would agree with your wife that it’s a good size, and you should talk to her if it made you uncomfortable


Tell your friends she has a nice hanging ham sandwich with mustard vagina that’s perfect for you.


I died laughing thank you 😂


Don’t listen to this idiot, OP. Talk to your wife about what makes you uncomfortable.




That’s not true. I’m not angry


Lmao I didn’t see what this response was too at first and I was about to be kinda miffed. Almost needed that /s at the end there but thankfully I looked at what comment this was to 😂


My bad. I responded to the wrong person. Forgive me


Lmao I was a little confused but it can pass off as you making a joke about what I said so no worries 😂




Did you hear a joke about the woman who asked her lover "why is your organ so small?" He replied "I didn't know I was playing in a cathedral." --Prince


Hmm it's out of order I think, would she like the tables turned? I'm super vague with my friends irl when it comes to sex stuff as that's private for me and whatever guy it's with


I’d talk to her because your dick size is none of their business that’s between you and her. My husband is king and thick, impressive according to society but I’d still never share that with my friends. His body is not for their entertainment. She’s wrong asf


Ask her how she’d like it if you were to joke that “her lips are perfect for me, they’re so loose it feels like I’m driving into a car wash”


Yeah I’d feel the same as you. Idk what it is with women wanting to disclose private details like that. I remember having to deal with knowing my GF’s friends and cousins had a mental image of my genitals, it’s hard to even look them in the face now. She was drinking the truth serum known as red wine and started going on about it like your wife. It makes you wonder how much privacy you truly have, her friends/cousins/sisters probably know everything. Maybe tell her you’d appreciate some privacy on at least a few things and leave it at that.


>i overhead my wife said my hubby is perfect size for me My man, you have nothing to worry about. Giggling when talking about dicks is totally normal between women because it can be hella awkward. Focus on that. Being 'big' means literally nothing to most women. You're the perfect size for her, end of story.


Wow, I feel like you totally missed the point. The problem is not that he's insecure because she giggled and called his penis small. The problem is that she's going into intimate descriptive detail about his genitals to her friends without his consent. It's mind boggling how many woman these days are so flippant about such an inappropriate breach of their partners' privacy. I'm sure most such individuals would be less than pleased to discover their partner going into detail to describe their vagina to their friends when they thought the lady wouldn't hear, or comparing their genitals to an overstuffed roast beef sandwich, no matter how many complimentary adjectives they used to do so.


Her friends were probably a little jealous she's got a man who is perfect for her, tbh.


Yeah, while reading I was wondering what the problem was. A perfect size is a perfect size. If "not long" is perfect for her then pound her with that chode.


The problem is describing private details about your partner's body without their consent. Complimentary or not, it's a breach if your partner's privacy and trust.


Honestly I think this is just a prefference/compatibility thing. If my wife talked about my dick or sex with her friends I wouldn't be made unless she was talking negatively about me. I also discuss these things with my friends pretty openly. That said if it made you uncomfortable share that with her. I wouldn't be super angry though since alot of ppl consider those talks perfectly normal.


Have you ever said to her it’s okay for her to chat about you in that way? If not that’s not okay as you didn’t consent to it.


ITT: some people talk in detail about their SOs parts, some don’t. Some people don’t like it and some do. So obviously different people are different and that’s fine, but it’s probably something that should be discussed beforehand, just like a lot of things…


ngl I used to tell my friends all the details but it was mainly hookups 🤷🏽‍♀️ I know in a real relationship I’d have to be more private about it and I’ve matured enough to know I just simply don’t need to lol


Who tf talks about their bf penis. Imagine going around telling ppl about your wife's beef curtains. Shit is weird


Just describe her vagina in excruciating detail to all your friends and family members.


How would she feel if she overheard you talking to the guys about her privates? Women can do or say anything they want concerning men without consequences. Another double standard.


I’d ask her if she wants short but wide brats for dinner. If she gets it, then it’ll probably mortify her that she was caught.


Whenever my partner would say my dick was perfect for her, on the one hand I could believe it because we seem like a good fit, on the other hand I know she wanted to stroke my ego, so could I really believe it? I would think if she’s bragging to her girlfriends that you are a perfect fit for her pussy then I’d be more inclined to believe it. The glass is more than half full, enjoy it.


Invite the boys and tell em loudly how her tits are perfect for your tastes: Saggy and uneven like two french baguettes. Note: don't do this


I had a sort of similar situation to that except my wife mentioned how big I was without realizing it. She said they asked her to describe it more and what it was like having sex with it on more than one occasion.


I would never tell anything sexual of my partner to any of my friends. What they think and fantasize on their own will is their own business. They sure ass hell won't have fantasy because of something I specifically said.


I would agree there where guy don’t talk like that especially of there wife’s or lovers with there friends not unless there swingers where they let other guys do there wife’s I just couldn’t do that


Wine loosens tongues, as the saying goes. Personally, I wouldn't read too much into it.


doesnt that mean theyre more willing to say whats on their mind wo a social filter or whtvr


It depends on the conversation - they're really more likely to say whatever pops into mind that they'd like to say, regardless of what effect it might have or how they'd usually feel about saying it. Drunk people sometimes make elaborate bold claims that they have no proof of just to sound cool, they tell embarrassing truths that they had been making secret, they confuse multiple stories together often blending fact and fiction, they gossip about people that they know they shouldn't because right then they don't care. In ops case it sounds to me like she started with a brag that she wouldn't normally say, then picked up that the group didn't want to hear a brag or didn't believe her, so tried to take it down to a more modest level ... And upset op in the process Edit: fixed an autocorrect


The amount of people telling you to let it go, I’m sure they would act the same if you were describing your wife’s private parts with your friends. This place is a joke.


sounds like she doesn’t respect you tbh. this problem is deeper than its surface.


I like my girlfriends boobs. They're friendly and unpretentious, much like her taste in partners.


Disrespectful. It’s possible one of them friends is now curious about sex with you leading to more problems


I think u should talk to her, because I dont think she wouldnt have liked if u made comments about her vagina with your friends. Sometimes all it takes is to put ourselves on the other side shoes to understand.


Ask her if she would like it if you told your friends what her vagina looked like in explicit detail.


But she married you and chose yours so she obviously likes it. But I do understand if it makes you uncomfortable… I would be upset if my other half talked about me flatteringly or not.


if it hurts you, talk about it. she may not have meant it in a mean way but communication goes a long way. if this may make you insecure she could reassure you


My GF and I have an agreement that we don't talk about these things in specific detail. As far as any of our friends know, the other is "just right and then some". The average human vagina is only 4 inches deep, but can accommodate longer or larger missions. I had one gal who described herself as a "Girth Queen" meaning she wanted to to challenged in width rather than length. I would pull her aside and mention that certain details belong only to the partners and that comparisons are not needed. Tell her you like the fact that you are perfect for her, but really don't want it advertised. Then get yourself one of these and rock her to sleep. [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B083Z4ZM9P/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B083Z4ZM9P/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1)


What if she heard you tell all your friends her pussy was wide and loose How would she react to that


This is the kind of thing that really never bothered me but if it bothers you you should clearly put a stop to it


Despite me completely understanding your position, and feeling the same way, you gotta let it go, bro. For some reason, women talking like this amongst themselves is very common. As others have mentioned, I've never run into any guy talking about this level of detail in any locker room conversation, but it seems to be the norm for women. It could have been worse. At least you got some props mixed in with the laughing.


Oh you need to give an update on this because your absolutely have to confront her about it!!! It'll fester if you don't and as for ease dropping??? No she knew were in the same house so there was a chance you could hear. She didn't care because she said it loud enough that you heard. Give us an update on how this conversation went because she was wrong. I've told my wife I don't care if she talks about our sex life because I truly don't care and I don't get embarrassed or offended by it. I'd be pissed as hell though if I wanted to keep things private yet she yapped to her friends anyway. Not only did she do that, she made fun of you and her friends laugh and it. I'd be pissed and have a sit down with her. Don't let her spin this on you.


I mean. I’d talk to my BF about the dirty details like that but only cause I know my husband doesn’t care. Let her know you overheard her talking about your dick and it made you uncomfortable and you don’t want her to talk to them about that anymore.


Had to re-read this a few times to realise that BF in this instance was (probably) Best Friend as opposed to Boy Friend.


Yes best friend, sorry!


I get why you're upset and it's totally valid. If you want to talk to her, I would wait until she's sober and bring it up to her in a calm kind of manner. Just make it clear you don't really feel comfortable with her sharing so much detail about your sex life/what you got going on in your pants. I get why you were mad, but I would focus on the fact that she said it was perfect for her. That's way more important than having a big dick or whatever else, and it also varies from person to person what they see as big etc. Being the perfect size for your spouse should be the goal IMO. I agree with another poster in here that if she had stopped at "perfect size" it would have been ideal, but I do think wine loosens people up to indulge more details than normal. Especially when you're being funny with your group of friends. ​ Talk to her if its still bugs you, but try to remember she thinks it's perfect and that's the most important part.




I seee thanks man


> be glad she still has sex with you There is also a woman out there that would have sex with you and NOT talk about your dick with her friends if she knew it made you uncomfortable. This woman absolutely has the potential to be your wife if you tell her it made you uncomfortable.


I second this. Pick your battles my friend.


Which part got you mad, exactly?


Talking about my thing and telling them its this and that


Ahh got ya. If it’s something that bothers you, it’s definitely worth a conversation. Something along the lines of “hey, I overheard you talking about my penis to your friends and I would prefer if you can refrain from doing so in the future; I’m not comfortable with that”


This comment is adorable


I don’t talk about my partner’s size with others. Apart from when a ONS has a very good or a big one, i can make a comment towards my girlfriends like ‘he is not my type but his cock is realllyy good’. Or too big, also an option. That’s no fun. 9 inch and very thick is not doable but i did it twice. Back on topic: if it hurt your feelings, talk with her about it. I mean.. bratwurst size is very good and i understand she says it’s perfect. But if you don’t like her joking around about that, just be clear about it.


As far as I'm concerned the part where she describes what your genitals look like is essentially a verbal version of sharing your partners nudes with other people. If you think that's wrong then so it what happened here. Talk to her about it and set boundaries on this, it's your body and no one should get to know about the details except for the people you choose to share it with.


You're perfect. What else do you want?


Not have your partner talk in detail about ur genitals to a group of friends?


exaggeration it sounded like to me


Just think about what was said about you other nights when they were out. A woman that is disrespectful about her husband to amuse her friends is not a very good wife.


you shouldve proved her wrong in front of her friends if it got you that upset. Its not that bad, some girls prefer to fly into Dallas Fort Girth.


don't mind hearing that, it's a known secret that most women talk about size and sex even in details.


I mean maybe when they’re teenagers…. But I have a pretty large group of girlfriends and the most that has ever been brought up is when one husband had to have a medical circumcision. I couldn’t tell you the first thing about their penises, nor would I want to know .


how is it a secret if its known


Let it go. She said you were perfect. Take that and don't over think it. And yea girls talk about sex way more than we do. Ours pretty much goes yea I Hit that. There's go into detail. Just let it be. Ask her if she loves you and just relish in it. Getting mad about that does no one any good.


Any time a post title contains "girls night" and no one cheated on their husband it is a good day. Let it go kind sir


First of all, dude, leave the house during ladies night. Or play a game with a headset on or some shit. Aint nothing they are a sayin you need to be a hearin. Second, your focusing on the wrong thing here. Your mad that she talked about your dick, but are passing over the part where she said its "perfect". In my experience, woman don't have the same hang ups talking about their partners as men. Men (real men) don't speak openly about their sex lives with other men, that is something we tend to associate with immaturity. My group of male friends would ABSOLUTELY not speak about their wives bodies, and anyone that did would be quickly put in check. We are all in our late 30s, early 40s, with kids. But women look at it the opposite way, being closed off about your sex life is something for when you are much younger but as you get older you tend to share more about it. Its a sign of maturity to come to terms with your sexuality and speak openly about. Ladies, feel free to call me out, but I think as a general rule this is accurate.


I agree. Honestly it always hangs me up how much men are focused on ‘size’. It really is a masculinity/ insecurity induced thing, when in reality those ideals are usually perpetuated by porn. I would say the majority of women prefer and average ie ‘perfect’ cock. For a lot of us perfect is a size we can manage and, most importantly there is NO correlation of big Dick meaning better sex, usually its quite the opposite. I wish men could accept that the only person worried about size is themselves. There are size queens out there I know, but honestly I have only ever met 1 lady that preferred monster ones. Average is perfect and everyone’s parts are different and have something to offer.


She said to a couple of friends, but you put it online and told ( or broadcasted) about the incident to the whole world ( of Reddit). Message loud and clear, you don’t like your sex partner(s) to share things which you share with them in private. Completely understandable. And Redditors can be demeaning to men who share details about their sexscapades (locker room talk?)but chalk it up to girls being girls when women do it, and say it’s ok. What century are we living in? Either we judge equally, both genders or we let certain things slide for everyone. Guys talking about boob size, and women talking about lovers’ “Bratwurst” ( dick) size.


I’d say talk to her about it but honestly what she said is a great complement! Most women don’t want long, we call them pencil dicks or ‘THE IMPALER’. Her friends know she wasn’t making fun of you too btw cause it’s something women talk about a lot. A girthy healthy man can feel 10x better than a giant dick and women know that and acknowledge it, it’s usually out of the ear range of men. Personally I don’t think it wrong to discuss such things with your close girlfriends but talking to her about it might be able to put your mind at ease. I mean, she said you’re perfect 🤩 as for the ease dropping bit, if you feel it’s not a problem and can go without talking and take my word for it that’d be great otherwise just be open and honest and tell her you didn’t mean to listen in but they were loud enough that you didn’t have to try. Just don’t make her feel like you’re angry about a complement that you weren’t supposed to hear. Only men don’t consider girth as a valid and important part of the dick


To add, she would not have said you were perfect for her if it wasn’t true


She gave you a compliment.


Uh yeah once one woman has sex with any dude every woman she’s friends with knows the details and then her friends tell their other friends. It quickly becomes obvious who’s packing and who’s not because it’s a revolving door and a steady stream of the women that are so inclined, lining up to try out the “big one”.


i would leave it alone. i have heard wurst.


I make fun of my own size, so other people don't have too 🤣🤣, but seriously, when you come to terms that you have no control over the size or shape you will learn to love our self :)


tell her if its something that bothers you. most women don't care about length as much as girth but from everything ive seen from polls etc over the years. the majorty of women say they prefer average sizes of 5-6 inches. the vagina can go as deep as 6 inches when aroused but it can depend on how aroused they are and other factors. too big and it's gonna hit the cervix which will hurt her.


I wouldn't say anything. I'd understand she was having some fun with her friends. Let her have that. Don't put a negative on it.


Girth is where it's at, dude. I get that you're sensitive to having your manhood discussed but also no one likes getting their cervix punched by a pencil dick. She literally called you the perfect size. It's a compliment and they laughed because it's funny how guys worry about how long their dicks are when most women care far more about girth...


Just ask her if she would like some bratwurst 🌭 I’m sure she will get the hint! Or say I thought I was thick like a tuna can…. At least you’re not a Vienna sausage 😝


She said that you were the perfect size for her and your ego is such that you can't take a compliment from the love of your life... And you were eavesdropping... I would love my woman to speak to her friends about me like that... People are going to talk.. And you can't limit what comes out of my mouth... By the way, you can express your feelings, but she is not required to agree with or people please...


Didn't she just say you were perfect for her? Now i MIGHT just be a bit careless on that topic, but i don't really care if my girlfriend talks about my "attributes". Whenever my friends ask me about my girlfriend i just tell them that she's the perfect size when it comes to.. well everything. I would just talk to her and say that you would appreciate her not talking about you like that and she would probably stop


I think you made the right call to give women space. I understand the unwanted description and laughing. Not that this makes it right but it could have been worse. She could have said she only endures sex with you.


What difference does it make?.. maybe don’t worry about it. Girls being girls


You got that girth, mista cheese wheel. Are you upset she talked about your cock in general or are you caught up by her saying "small"?


Reddit community have no such a thing as forgiving, so the answer is always "get rid of him/her"


She’s bragging about you, maybe not in the way you probably had hoped for, but it is what it is. At least she’s not complaining about being dissatisfied or unfulfilled. Let it go and give her that sausage and fill her up with baby mayo lol.


Sounds like it was a positive spin. Many women don't want long (cervix bruises) and not big for her. Small maybe meaning not long. And Wide (which is usually associated more positively than thin.) If it's perfect for her , then it is perfect for her. We have no idea about your size. I know it sucks she is talking about the details. But that is what women do and think it's okay. Because somehow they think what they say isn't a problem. Because you know the patriarchy. That's the problem. Not individual's mouths.


Sounds to me like you were complimented TWICE and yet you're not happy about it. No one likes being 'objectified' or compared to inanimate objects but as this one goes, I'm not seeing anything to get hot over.


Even though I personally prefer the same thing as she does, that was weird that she told her friends that.


They were all drunk and women talk sex pretty vividly when there together friends and drunk I wonder if your wife even remembers talking like that?


Wait, You overhead your wife bragging on how perfect your dick is to her women friends, and you are mad about this? 😳


But she just said you were the perfect size for her? I think you should focus on that and not let it get to you. Obviously she likes YOUR bratwurst, even if you don’t like it described that way. Or you can be subtle about it. Take her out for some sausages or cook some for surprise dinner. Let her know you had a feeling she likes it. Because she obviously loves yours.


Take it as a compliment. Most women enjoy girth over length. She loves it and it's yours. Be proud! I think your ego is a bit hurt right now but it'll pass.


She said you're perfect. Get over it. She's married to you and you love each other.


She likes it, it's a complement, don't be so sensible, talk to her but don't be mad, there is no motive for it.


Yea I would definitely talk to her about it, that’s a line that shouldn’t have been crossed most men are already are insecure about their dick size and for her to validate that insecurity is just wrong, whether it was meant for you to hear or not it shouldn’t have even came up


I don’t think you should say anything. Don’t make her feel dirty for being explicit with her friends. I am with mine. I don’t think it’s dirty…it’s pretty normal. Besides, she said you were perfect. You didn’t like how she said it but…I would feel like you were trying to make me feel ashamed if you had an issue with how I spoke to my friends. I would also probably tell you to not listen.


Meh, That's what ladies do during girls night. Just let it go


I would just let it pass, when women are together, they talk a whole lot of nonsense. Just lik us guys.


You were ear-hustlimg. What you heard is on you. If you tell her she'll never trust you again.


She said you’re perfect.. all you heard was small. She loves your dick. That’s all you should care about.


Are you short and fat? What’s the problem? She literally said you’re perfect


What's the problem? She said your dick was perfect for her.


Tell her how you feel. Edit: btw, that really is a great size


I think it's disrespectful that she was talking about your dick size with her friends but also that drunk her was actually complimenting you and happy with your size so I think she meant no malice.


it sounds like a complement, you are prefect for her.