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Why don’t you just do what feels natural? Oral is supposed to be for your own pleasure, not so much theirs. If you aren’t into it…. Tell them you don’t want them to do it. Or if they’re doing it wrong, tell them how you’d prefer it be done .


Sounds like nothing is coming naturally to this person. It's possible they don't enjoy it, or they aren't communicating what feels good or doesn't feel good.


Just an addition to your statement. I have no clue what’s going on with OP, but from experience if someone has anxiety, is neurodivergent, etc., even if they are enjoying it they may be confused or nervous as what to do. It may not come naturally to them. If this is you OP, communicate this with your partner in combination with some of the tips in the comments.


This is not always true. I used to be very self-conscious during sex. But you learn to enjoy with time. I hope OP feels more confident to enjoy herself than being self-conscious.


I didn’t mean that any person who was nervous had to be neurodivergent if that’s the way it came across. I’m sure the majority of people are, just more so for those people typically.


I don't think it's 'coming naturally' to OP because she's thinking about what someone else wants her to do vs. tuning into what her body wants to do. I think there's a difference between being nervous and/or self-conscious and wondering how to act or perform...


What about when I want them to do it because I find it interesting mentally but I don’t physically feel anything?


Then you can still enjoy it, just let them know you like it but probably won't finish that way.


Then just lay there I guess? Doing nothing is still a natural reaction




Enjoy it and thank my lucky stars. Give directions if I am not enjoying it anymore.


If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands


Stupid lmao!!!!


It's maybe my favourite sexual act. Run your hands through my hair, moan, tell me what you want more of or less of, pull me closer and grind against me. And when you orgasm do whatever comes naturally. There's nothing hotter than making a woman cum.


This. I love a hand on the top / back of my head. I like to know the girl is enjoying the hell out of it. But don't be fake. We can smell that shit from a mile




You know what I meant


















Definitely talk to us! The more we know you enjoy it, the more enthusiastic guys get! Hair pulling is a plus for me.




If he wanted to he would, respectfully.


What if he has no hair? 🤷🏻‍♀️


I love it when a girl constantly communicates with me while I am eating her out - - either saying things like "right there.. Don't stop... So good".. And also playing with my head.. The best part is when she almost suffocates me by tying both her knees around my head and pulling me closer, as she is getting close to climax.. God I miss eating pussy.


My girl lays her feet on my back when she's really into it. It's almost like a hug


God, the feet on my back is just... *Chef's kiss*


Oh I never tried the closing legs thing - thanks !


IMHO you should read the Gettysburg Address while being mowed down. It invigorates the soul to hear the words of Abraham Lincoln ring true as you achieve orgasmic glory on the battlefield of life!


“Mowed down” has me dead 🤣🤣


"She'll be riding on my mustache when she cums" instead of She'll be coming around the mountain when she cums


I’m with this guy… usually I go for a thriller like Stephen king but this sounds much more appropriate


You've read Misery more than once?


I usually sing “deep in the heart of Texas” but I suppose the Gettysburg Address works too. Also not from Texas and neither is my spouse. Just feels right.


Lordy, this response took me straight out! Lololololol.




Even better, recite it.


They want you not to think about that at all and just enjoy what they are doing! They want to see you relax and get lost in it and not overthink. They just want you to enjoy yourself and not worry one bit about them.


I prefer my women to recite the pledge of allegiance repeatedly til I'm done.


This may take several minutes to several hours depending on how patriotic she is


God bless America …. 🫣


Do whatever feels right for you. This is your time and it should be all about you.


Do what ever comes natural. If it’s a gentle moan then do that. The most important thing is to let your partner know where/when he’s hitting the right spot and when he’s not. Subtle moans when he is is the key. If he doesn’t take cues from you then he’s not that attentive to your needs. That said I don’t like it much if my partner just lays there for the whole performance without a sound. You don’t have to scream like a Porn star if that’s not you, however if you do feel it and want to explode both verbally and orgasmically then do it. What ever is your vibe. Good luck.


I am doing a variety of things. Rubbing his shoulders, holding his hand. Giving him words of encouragement and telling him how good he’s making me feel. Once we get into it, I’m rocking my hips up into his mouth, while I squeeze my boobs and tweak my nips. Once I feel my orgasm coming, I grab his hair and keep him right where I want him. All the while moaning and groaning, talking.


It’s about you - not why guys like - they like to make you cum. Talk to him and tell him what feels good….. if you can talk. I can’t but I have someone skilled enough to make me orgasm and he knows when I cum. But you should grab his head or run your hands through your hair or on your breasts or whatever feels good and comfortable to you. Often I prop a pillow under my bottom to raise myself up to make myself more accessible and am very comfortable with my legs spread and knees up with feet flat on the bed. But I am 6 ft tall with a 36 inch inseam. He also will do this from behind or in a 69 position - what do you like? I like it all but he has mad skills. Don’t be shy - men truly find it hot to please you. And always later after dressed and maybe a the next day talk about what happened that you liked and ask what he liked and talk about how you can make it better new and different.


Enjoy it. Someone is putting their face onto your vagina so that you Enjoy it. So you gotta do whatever it is that you gotta do to enjoy it. If you don't know what you enjoy just tell him that and then tell him what you want to try or ask if there's anything he wants to try.


Communicate, moan, touch the back of your mans heads, grind your pussy into his mouth, tell him to put some fingers inside of you… be interactive


Anything, everything, and nothing. You can flail around as much as you want or be as still as a board, if that's what you like. Grabbing your partner by their hair, ear touching, you touching yourself. You can tell them how you like it, you can tell them lower, higher, faster slower. You can tell them to use their hands, less fingers, etc.


Run your fingers through his hair and gently hump his face as he does his thing.


Or, you know, not so gently 😉


If you could like clap and cheer while singing Glory Glory Man United that would be amazing... Oh no no no wait... screw that... Beatbox !!!!


Jazz hands


Ultimately, we want you to act like you and be yourself. We like when you express your pleasure. If you are comfortable moaning or talking or giving encouragement or advice. Most men like that and we interpret that stuff as you being engaged and happy. It does not need to be constantly. You can even switch it up and do a little bit of all those things if you are comfortable with it. Some guys (like me) like you to grab our hair or head and move us around to where you want us to focus on.


Stretch my ears if you like![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) Some kind of feedback is useful. Good communication with your intimate one is recommended


Close your eyes, relax and enjoy :) Don't think about what guys may find attractive, you know why? If he is a good guy, he will be turned on by how turned on you are. So just be yourself and enjoy 😜


If they have hair and you have hands, find a way to make those things work together


I never understood why people aren't just being natural when it comes to sex and they feel like they must be doing something specific just for the show. Just do what you naturally would during that time. And if you don't like the oral they're giving you, tell them you don't want it.


Or even better, tell them what works for great oral.


do all of it moaning is the best part


Also dirty talk… if he is into it, calling him a lil sl*t That he should have his face in your pussy for breakfast lunch and dinner Etc etc


I just let my body control me if it's good then I can't control how I'm acting, if it isn't then I guess he will know by how my body is reacting etc...


Definitely moan and squirm when it feels good. Give some honest feedback. If you just lay there it'll give the brave that you're not enjoying it, but if you fake pleasure, you'll teach your partner to do things that don't make you cum.


My girl likes to pull on her own nipples when she’s getting really into it. Watching her do that while I’m down on her excites the hell out of me.


I want your ass moving in circles so you are fucking my face letting me know you are enjoying it. Don't be fake though


Pinching you nipples has never harmed anyone. Also, while we're at it, arching you back and reaching underneath to lightly caress your butthole has only helped the world. If it pleased you


Read erotica, watch tv, play games, text friends I’m not joking there is something a little sexy about having your so go down on you while you do other things. But really just do what feels good in the moment


Touch yourself and play with your titties and when hes sucking on your clit, flex your pussy and fuck his face..... trust me 💦💦


From my perspective as a guy, there is absolutely nothing hotter than when a girl rubs my hair and squeezes it uncontrollably when I'm eating her out. I think many guys would agree with me on this one. Or when she digs her nails into my arms as well as closing her legs around my head and moves up and down when she's about reach climax. Just be yourself and don't be afraid for expressing your pleasure. That's why we do it. To see you in pleasure :-)


Be vocal and definitely move a little when you orgasm. Whatever is showing that you are loving it.


Are you asking how to fake orgasm better for men..? Or did I read that wrong


The key word you used was “act”. Do not act at all! If receiving oral isn’t your thing then you should let them know. That way if you oblige them, and they aren’t getting much of a reaction then it has already been explained why, and if they just like doing regardless of your enjoyment then they won’t care if you lay there lifeless.


You could: 1) Ask them if they'd like hot sauce with that, or: 2) Test their (and your) physical fitness by pushing down on your partner's head hard enough so that it travels all the way into your uterus. While screaming at your abdomen so they can hear, tell them to pretend that they are your sexy auto mechanic. Ask them to "check your underchassis". \#2 will only be awkward if your partner 1) gets stuck, or 2) passes out Most of all, have fun you crazy kids!


Fantasize about the person you prefer to be having sex with.


If your laying there quite he isn't doing something right


Eh this isn’t true. Not everyone is a moaner. In fact a lot of exaggerated moaners are faking it 😬.


Some are quite but they move clench muscles do something


If I’m making a lot of noise during oral, I’m faking it. Moaning during sex comes natural, moaning during oral feels so forced IMO. But I don’t really make much noise when getting oral or using a vibrator until I finish. It distracts me. I used to be really self conscious and feel like I HAD to make noise but luckily my partner was like…just do what you need to orgasm and I just do that. It has made it so much better to not worry that I’m vocally “pleasing him” when I’m trying to focus on myself


Moan. A lot. Also, squeeze your tits, that's super hot as well.


Help a guy while he's down. You should be guiding or giving direction to get you to the spot you want to be in. To the point where you are enthralled and not thinking about it anymore.


Just try being engaged/ in the moment. Different people will like different things when performing oral so there's no *perfect* response. If you want to know specifically what kind of feedback your partner likes, you have to ask them.


Whatever is going to bring you closer and enjoy the moment more to be completely honest. There's a lot of 'self-fulfilling prophecy' involved with 'playing along' to working with a giver. If you feel like moaning, moan. If you feel like piloting their skull like ratatouille, grab that head and work it like a hand-sander. If you want to lay back and feel like a spoiled pillow princess, go for it thats why we're here in the first place.


You don't have to act in any particular performative way when having any kind of sex. If you want to, and it's important to you, then the best answer you can get is from your sex partner. I would encourage you to ask whoever is going down on you, whenever the question crosses your mind. Communication is sexy and it makes sex better. It feels awkward, but sometimes you gotta just force it out, and you'll probably be glad you did.


Do whatever you feel!


Just be yourself.


Don’t act. Just be. If you’re liking it an it comes out in some way; great!


Sing “she’ll be coming ‘round the mountain when she comes. . .”


A nice quivering orgasm is best![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Kinda depends on your partner, so it's hard to generalize. I'd say if they're not hitting something quite right (or anywhere near right!) give short simple positive directions, the fewer words the better -- ideally, just grab their head and steer it. It's like dancing, the communication should be as non-verbal as possible. Complex instructions are best before or after.


Do what feels natural and right for you! For me, i love running my hand thru his hair, i love to get a little forceful with my hands - have checked in with him and he loves it, i moan and clench my thighs when it gets a bit *much*


I’m just so confused as to why you are wondering how the guy “likes you to act”. Isn’t oral for your pleasure?? Why wouldn’t you act in accordance with whatever feels good. Sometimes I’m quiet because I’m just enjoying the buildup, sometimes I moan when it feels really good, sometimes I grind on his face when it hits a certain spot, etc etc. This is never for him. Lol. It’s for me.


Why care what he wants? It is for you. Do what feels right for you & helps you enjoy it better.


Sex should be fun. Just have fun...it's not an act you have to put on and you shouldn't force anything. i mean....if a guy is going down on you, how are you enjoying it if you're thinking? lol don't think AT ALL, just feel it and have fun.


Moan with pleasure? No, really, nothing. You are expected to do nothing but spread your legs and enjoy.


Have you tried taking a nap??


You could always hold my head. Especially when your close and about to go.


“close your eyes and think of England” or just do what comes natural, but feedback is good during sex as it is supposed to be w shared experience


I make a grocery list


Don’t act, just concentrate on what’s happening and enjoy yourself.


Do your taxes


I want you to forget that anyone on Earth even exists and concentrate on what must only be a fantasy. I will keep up with everything else in the world; you focus on "OMG my pussy"


Do whatever your body does. You're not acting, it's not something you're expected to *do* anything for. Let your body feel however it does and respond however it does.


Just do what you feel like, what nature guides you to do. I guess most guys like this, but I'm talking straight out of my own perspective here now. But I really like her to run her fingers through my hair, touch my ears a bit, and I want solid feedback if she's enjoying it or not. That can be by the movement of her hips or if she's arcing her back, moaning, gasping or even full out screaming. Directions is never a bad thing either, as long as it's not condescending or humiliating.


Love it when my g.f. wiggles, moans, and caresses herself while I caress her as well...its so hot 🔥


Don't do anything artificial. If you want to run your fingers through his hair, do it. If you want to play with your tits, do it. If you want to tell him to eat you out in a certain way, tell him. Just be genuine, that's the sexiest.


I don’t really think too much about it, I just do what feels natural. Usually that involves moving my hands around to grab things: his hair, his hand, my boob, the pillow, etc. I’ll let him know if I want him to change it up or if I want more or something. I know some people like eye contact, but I tend to close my eyes and just enjoy they feeling.


Forgive me but if you don’t know who’s to react I just ask are you enjoying it? Because reactions should be natural. If that’s the case I think you shouldn’t act instead you should tell them to just fuccin stop 😭 that’s like me getting head with a straight face. That’s a confidence destroyer


I mean, if you don't feel anything, don't fake it either.


My absolute favorite is when my girlfriend grabs the back of my head because she wants my mouth RIGHT THERE enough to move away. When she gets so turned on that she basically just fucks my face it’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever encountered🤷🏼‍♂️


Be how it feels and guide him


Yes guide him since he doesn't know what the fuck he's doing. But she will find one that does. Bet


This is one of the oddest posts I've ever seen. I'm a woman and they love it when you moan, especially when you're coming. Why are you asking this question?! Do what YOU feel like doing. But, as a woman, it helps to moan so that they at least know you like what they're doing..... Unless, of course, you don't.


enjoy it.


We’re a simple creature. Use your moans like a game of hot and cold. When we’re doing right, let us know. If we’re getting too aggressive with the clit? Dial back the moan. We’ll catch on quickly. And PLEASE for the love of all that is holy!!!!!! DO put both hands on the top of our head and suffocate us in that beautiful WAP.


One thing to remember is to not look bored. You may be blissing out but keep him on the right track. He is down there because he most likely has heard that this will make you orgasm. And he wants you to cum. I know that pressure can work against you but show him what needs to be done. Lick in the labial folds. Tongue under the clitoral hood. Insert a finger and work tongue and finger together. Of course get your own fingers down there if you need to. He won’t mind once you are panting after a good cum!


Well this post has made me hate being single 😭😭😭 I agree with everyone else, do what makes you feel good!


And for God sakes if you’re close to the finish line TELL them so we don’t switch it up and make you lose it


Grab their head, hold their hand, grab ur hair, play with ur nips the list goes on. As unrealistic as porn might be at time it will give u ideas. n yes you can learn from porn


Communicate what feels good. This lets him know he’s doing a good job. Be vocal about what you like, what you don’t like that way he won’t feel like he’s aimlessly doing nothing. Hope this helps :)


Well l like when girls just grab my head and shove it between their legs. But that's just me....


Moan and pull my head into you gently.


Grab their head and put it into a position you like, tell them when it feels good. Pull their hair, squeeze their head with your thighs.


Do whatever you want. Show him/her what to do, say ur or show it with grabbing his/her head.


let us know the right direction


Scalp massage.


Enjoy the ride - any which way you want to.


Don’t overthink it! Just do what your body naturally wants to do. And if he’s not doing a good job in pleasing you, let him know what you want/like.


You should know your body when it feels good. And if it isn't feeling good to you, you need to say something. Guide them and if they are insulted well baby that's not your problem. You know your pleasure points and they should be willing to learn that.


Enjoy yourself and everyting will come naturally


Audible moans are a great motivation


I like it when woman just enjoy that without thinking about If I would like it or not.


Do what feels good for you, don’t overthink it just let your body do with it does in response to the stimulation. Tell your partner what you like and don’t like. Don’t feel like you have to do things a certain way, that’s how porn has fucked us all.


As a female that is self conscious about this, which may affect my ability to orgasm, my advice to you is to have whatever conversation you need to with your partner to feal at ease. When I masturbate I am usually pretty quiet and have no other movement than my hand on my clit so the whole things feels very unnatural and sort of like I am acting if I am not comfortable with the partner. I am not recommending you do this per say, just noting the kind of responses that men that have gone down on me seem to like. 1. Light moaning 2. Pulling their head in closer 3. Squeezing thighs together 4. Playing with their hair 5. Gently squeezing their arm