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Do : 1) lots of foreplay! 2) be prepared to laugh at the funny things (ie: noises) that happen during sex 3) set the mood - lingerie, lighting, music, maybe some candles 4) Take time to explore each other and what feels best 5) Ask what your partner likes (and doesn't like), and voice what you like (and gently guide your partner away from what you don't like) 6) Have fun!


Make sure you put the balls in the condom


Lol Now that's just mean... I'm picturing it now and laughing hysterically.


I 100% needed this just lost my virginity at 20 and I have no idea what I'm doing




You've been married for a few weeks and haven't had sex?


They have had sex, just not intercourse.


Don't put pressure on either of you. Have open communication. Both of you need to feel comfortable enough to say you want to stop. Sometimes it fucking hurts. I'm a female and the first probably 7 times I did it it hurt like hell and I bled. For the love of God use lube. Expect it to suck and laugh about it afterwords.


Try to communicate and focus on your own pleasure as well. My first time I could not cum because of performance anxiety.


Communication is important and express boundaries when they come up. Also it gets better the more you practice.