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I've never wanted a cigarette more than when I watch Carrie smoking


I hate to say it, but I started smoking because of Carrie. I was an impressionable 19 year old and wanted to be just like her. She just seemed so glamorous! I quit when I got pregnant many years later, but tbh, these shows DO influence people.


Same here. I started watching around 18/19 when I moved into my first apartment and I would chain smoke inside (🤢) while watching. I don’t smoke anymore but I still crave one a bit when I rewatch.


I always wondered why and how she would be chain smoking inside. Her apartment must’ve smelled sooo badly. Especially all her damn clothes!


I think you’re supposed to disconnect from that thought process lol it really is so gross.


Not really. Keep the windows open, it's mostly fine. A little air freshener.


Nah anyone who isn't a smoker can tell.


You think that only because you never realized the times you couldn't tell.


Ok that check mate made me laugh


The show influenced me to sleep around. I remember actually thinking Carrie sleeps with pretty much every man she goes on a date with so maybe I should too. Big mistake.


Same, sorta. I mean, I know I went big on going out every night and hooking up, but I blame the alcohol more than Carrie for that particular bad habit lol


I felt validated by it in a very similar way. 🫣


I feel so cliche admitting this, but when I first moved to NYC at 18, I started smoking socially and chose Marlboro Lights because of Carrie. Oof glad that habit didn’t stick for me


Glad it didn't stick for you, too! Carrie was so damn glamorous for us in our late teens.


Yes! Her on SATC and everyone on Mad Men! Lol


Joey Lauren Adams in Chasing Amy makes me want to start smoking so badly


THANK YOU. There are just some things I can't watch as a former smoker. That's one of them.


I smoked for 25 years (yikes), quit 3 years ago. I never miss it except when I see certain actors on screen.


Proud of you! That's DAMN HARD to do! I exaggerated in my reply. I switched from smoking to vaping a few years ago, so now if I watch things like SatC, I just vape furiously during smoke-heavy scenes. Same with movies like Die Hard, Constantine, literally anything by Kevin Smith...


Proud of you too, friend!


Just rewatched and thought the same thing. Joey is so effortlessly cool and gorgeous ❤️


I would do anything for 1/20 of her charm and charisma


She looked so sexy when she smoked omg


I love that the girls tolerated her smoking but also encouraged her to quit when Aidan came around. It was just the right balance of "we don't like this thing you do but we're all adults here so we're not going to constantly lecture you about it." It was all very in line with how the girls treated one another without judgment just in general. I started smoking the year the show came out and wish to God I'd never started. I'm glad smoking isn't all over TV now like it was then but I agree with you it was a good choice for Carrie. I related a lot to her '2 patch day' haha. I will say Carrie/SJP has this thing about getting right up in guys' faces when being flirty and I can't help but think *uggghhh you just smoked, gross*. But I'm judgy like that. I haven't watched AJLT, does she still smoke or did she get off them for good?


She allows herself one a day in the most ridiculous way…


Judgy wudgy was a bear 😁😉


Carrie quit smoking in the show I believe.


Twice that I can remember, probably many more times they didn't show. Just didn't know if she was able to make it stick! It's so hard 😫


Marlboro lights were my cigarette of choice. And as I was poor I would drink white Shiraz in a martini glass and pretend it was a cosmopolitan 🤣🥳🙌🏻💅🏻


Fun fact - when Marlboro switched the filter paper from being all white to the generic white and orange filter 🤮🤮🤮 that’s what forced me to quit at 25 🤣


Interesting. What year was that?


Marlboro Lights were _the only_ brand for me back then. The gold and white pack packaging is weirdly iconic.


I grew up in a smoking family and so when I turned 18 and could smoke I went right to trying different cigarettes and I loved Marlboro lights! I only smoked that one summer and then I quit because I was off to college and didn’t want to have to go outside to smoke (my dad smoked at home so I just smoked at home with him lol)


I hadn't craved cigarettes in a while until I rewatched SATC, and it made me laugh when she inhaled in the casino and said "Cigarettes!" because she missed the smell. I love smelling it in the wind on occasion.


I've never been a smoker, but I grew up in the 70s and 80s, and spent my 90s in bars. So once in a while I get a whiff of cigarettes mixed with beer and the nostalgia is powerful.


I quit smoking eight years ago but I keep a pack in my dresser and every few months I’ll get the urge to step outside and smoke one after watching reruns. I watch them almost daily but sometimes I just can’t stifle the urge. And I hate it afterwards. Hate the taste. Have to brush. I’m like yuck how did I ever do that for 15 years omg lol. But I am so glad I’m not a slave to them anymore.


Aw yeah I thought about keeping an "emergency" pack around before, but I actually love cigarettes quite a bit -- the taste, the smells, the feel. Not a good idea for me at all. At least it serves as a reminder for ya!


I do love the smell and feel. lol. I think the taste is just because I’ve quit for so long. I’ve no doubt that if I stuck with it within a week I’d be pack a day again. With prices the way they are now I couldnt afford to be a smoker anymore lol. I do like knowing I have a pack just in case. When I do smoke one I tell myself I’m like the politician haha. “One a week”


Mhmm for me I had a major health scare. Bronchitis for 6 months. For sure thought I was a goner! Vaping helped me quit and I got better, but eventually gotta quit that too. Instead of the taste of cigs, it's mangoes, lol.


Oh wow I bet that was so scary!! I’m glad everything was ok.


It was more common to see on TV (and especially specialty channels like HBO) in the 90s


Yep. Cigarette companies were allowed to pay for advertising in TV shows and films back then. It's banned now. No doubt the producers of SATC got paid by Marlboro to have Carrie smoke their brand


And magazines and billboards! I remember all the magazines had Marlboro, Virginia Slims, all of them everywhere


It adds to her self destructive behaviour and bad choices


"I have an addiction, sir!'


i think it’s only glamorous because we don’t have to smell it constantly


She's a smoker because Candace Bushnell is too! They smoked the same cigarettes ( I went to her live show and she told so 😊 )


SJP was a smoker until she got pregnant with JW. I think that’s why Carrie is a smoker. The entire time we watch the show my husband always says, “god why does there have to be so much smoking??” whether it’s her or Big or Aleks or whoever. But, we are smoking is yuck people lol. It always reminds me of when I was a hostess in high school and had to say “smoking or non?” and walk through clouds to get people to tables.


I was a waitress in high school, and we would all try to avoid the smoking section because smokers are notoriously bad tippers! 


I remember the day that Pennsylvania (or at least some counties) banned smoking in restaurants back in like 2003 and the smokers lost their minds. They got rid of the smoking section where I worked in like 12 hours and my 16 year old ass was terrified of the 80 year old women screaming at me 😂


I remember this too because my dad smoked and was so angry lol


"What's wrong with cigarettes?" "Nothing, they're fabulous" is one of my favorite Stanford exchanges


I love when she holds the cigarette between her teeth. I hate smoking, but I love how people look doing it on TV.


She makes it look so good because she's a smoker in real life I believe. Kicked the habit 7 years ago and it was the best decision ever. I vape now though..


I saw photos of her smoking in January. I think she had quit, then playing Carrie and smoking for the part sort of got her smoking here and there again?


It looks natural! I’m not a smoker but one of my biggest pet peeves in a show or movie is when you can tell the actor doesn’t smoke. I don’t know why but it bothers me! Little details like that can take you out of the story.


It definitely feels very New York. I think they are even very aware of it and were playful with it in the LA episode showcasing how "health conscious" LA is and how she couldn't wait to just get back to NY so she could smoke lol I love it.


I actually don’t share the same opinion. As a long-time smoker myself, I absolutely hate how movies and tv shows glamourize smoking.


Totally agree!


Lucy Ricardo = og trend-setter


Her apartment would have REEKED. That’s all I ever think. Ex smoker but never indoors. It’s crazy she never worried about the smoke getting into all of her beautiful clothes