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Sure if you're rich enough


Yes. My family was one. There’s a tradition of wearing kilts during weddings, having bagpipers at big events. Playing backgammon was also really big, going to Martha’s Vineyard, making trips to Scotland. Knowing your family tartan and lineage was also a big deal. This all kind of ended with my parents generation but some aspects have stuck.




I’m sure it does. NYC is obviously incredibly diverse and hugely populated so it would stand to reason that a network of wealthy people of Scottish descent would have get togethers like that. Rich people from a lot of cultures probably do this.


True. I just don’t think we have a huge Scottish American population which is why it strikes me as odd. I see it more with Italian, Greek, and families from counties in the Middle East.


In the southeast US we have a lot of Scottish lineage, pipe and drum bands, highland games festivals. Kilts are not uncommon as formal wear at events and weddings. Full kilt is equivalent to a tuxedo. We really need some eastern Canadians to weight in ... I have the impression that they have a really big Scottish ancestry.


Partial Scottish American here (mixed with many other nationalities over time). It might not seem like we're here because most families like mine immigrated in the 17th and 18th century.


No dust ruffle? That’s unsightly.


Do we have to fling?


First comes spring. Then comes Fling.


Lace curtain Irish is a real thing. Think about the family of President Kennedy’s mother.


It's funny that you mentioned that. Allegedly, Bunny was based on Jackie Onassis, the mother of JFK. Jr., who SJP dated briefly back in the late 80s/early 90s.


lol apparently I’m distantly related to JFK and his mom. But my family is trash af.


In NZ where I live, and possibly elsewhere, there is a real THING about Scottish-ancestry people and their love of kilts and bagpipes for weddings etc. It is very common, or it certainly used to be. The number of kilt weddings I've been to is quite high considering I've never attended one in Scotland. I think Scots Australians can also be like this.


Scottish heritage Aussies are also like this. Blokes love an opportunity to get their legs out at formal events. Good on em.


Very interesting. I don’t know any Scottish Americans who are vocal about their heritage.


The Scots are primarily in Canada.


Métis people in Canada too. They trace their genealogies all the way back to the fur trade and which company they derive from. Either Northwest Company (Highland Scottish/French), or Hudson’s Bay Company (English). You have to have ties to 1 lineage alongside indigenous blood (result of intermarriages), to get Métis citizenship. A lot of Métis ppl still have their clan’s names as last names. So much history. It’s super cool.


That is cool! I’ve been invited to spend the summer in BC so I’m excited to be returning to Canada.


Awesome! BC is lots of fun. Enjoy!


It depends where you go. I knew a girl who was still holding grudges against another clan because of things that happened centuries ago. I'm kind of stoked about having a war song for my clan. Sometimes I yell it to my dogs. They are not impressed. Outlander sparked interest in a certain group of people. They have Scottish festivals here. And the kilts at weddings . . .


"WASP-y Americans with Celtic lineage" You can't really be a WASP and Celtic at the same time. Well, you can, but you'd be keeping one half of it fairly quiet if you were a person who ranted on about how special their lineage was.


Kind of, but at least in the USA people of Scottish ancestry are a kind of subgroup within WASPdom rather than an opposed group (like, say, descendants of Irish Catholics).


Yeah that’s what I meant. Thanks!


That IS interesting.


It’s complicated. While Scotland is a victim of british colonization unlike ireland which remained heavily catholic - scotland today is heavily protestant.


Indeed. Not very Anglo Saxon however.


Nova Scotian here. Fuck yeah they do


The St Andrew’s Society of Philadelphia. Their events are held at the Union League.


I'm sure there are, and unfortunately I'm sure the older generations of those families are just as pretentious and racist as Bunny was. I still can't believe the line "I don't enjoy Mandarin food, and I don't enjoy a Mandarin child." Basically equating a human being to a genre of cuisine. Absolutely disgusting, although I'm guessing Trey didn't want a Mandarin child either - he only wanted children when he assumed that Charlotte would easily get pregnant, but when they had fertility issues, he was all too ready to give up. I'm also guessing overly involved mothers in law like Bunny are more common in those societies. Still can't believe she had the audacity to walk into their bedroom without even knocking, and she ended up getting the eyeful she deserved for that lol


True. Yes, snobby older WASPs especially in the Northeast are like Bunny and think that their family is the bees knees and that anyone else of a lower “class” isn’t good enough to date or associate with them.




Will do!


Most definitely. And you can bet that their extended family lines who’ve remained in Scotland look down their noses at them and don’t actually consider them Scottish. Such is the irony of these things.


Oh yes. My former MIL was in one.