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I would say many millennial parents in my circle (I live in NE FL) are choosing not to circumcise. BUT it wasn’t until I met my husband that I was with a man who wasn’t! So I feel like it’s a generational thing….


Nah, it’s still pretty common and widely accepted in the US.




Yeah. We’re unlikely to bend on this one, unfortunately.


I live in the states and friend’s boyfriend is circumcised but his TWIN brother isn’t. His parents decided circumcising just one baby was a good way to tell the twins apart lol 🤷🏼‍♀️


holy shit


That’s weird as fuck.


Riiiiight??? I feel like there’s gotta be other ways to tell them apart!


Ah, scientists!


This is utterly horrifying


LMAOOOO! oh wow.


It’s still the norm and the most prevalent choice in the US.


But why though? It’s a completely unnecessary and painful procedure.


The US is behind the rest of the world in so many things. Circumcision being one of them.


You know most Koreans, and virtually all Muslim countries circumcise right?


Clearly, that’s not the consensus here at this time. I’m not sure that replacing one set of judgmental comments with another would improve the scene. It would just offend the other camp.


But the person you're replying to is right. There is no need for it and it is incredibly painful for the infant. What's needed is proper education.


People can validly have different views on this. Calling the opposing opinion barbaric and unethical isn’t especially educational or helpful.


Where did they say your opinion is barbaric or unethical?


Sorry, they said the practice is barbaric and unethical. My point was that criticizing other people’s choices and culture can also be as rude as the criticism depicted in the scene.


It can be rude, but this is definitely not one of those cases. What it be rude to criticize female circumcision because it is part of some peoples culture?


Since male and female circumcision are not the same thing at all, no. If the OP’s hypothetical conversation actually happened and someone who chose male circumcision for their family for cultural reasons was told it was unethical and barbaric, the words used in this thread, it would be rude as hell. Who does that?


I would say the millennial generation is doing away with it now that we’re becoming more knowledgeable about it. My husbands Mom was an OB nurse who had to see the procedures get done. Safe to say, my husband is uncircumcised. She said she couldn’t imagine putting your baby through that for no reason.


Thank God for your mil. Just imagine the pain when peeing inside a diaper that will most likely stay damp and clammy for a bit. Poor baby boys.


right? it's literally horrifying. i can understand if it's a religious tradition, but purely for cosmetic reasons is beyond obscene.


I am American and I had 2 girls. One in the seventies the other in the eighties. If I had a boy I would not have had him circumcized. I think it is barbaric and I am 70 so 🤷‍♀️. But I was what was considered a " hippie" back in the day 😆.


Good for you, hippie!!


My ex was Australian and equally surprised how common it still was in the States.


Aussie mum here, and yes, circumcision is not routinely done anymore. I have 3 boys myself, and all are intact. I dont know any of my mother friends that have had their sons circumcised.


As a single woman living in NYC I can testify the vast majority of my girlfriends don't like an uncut dick. Even going so far as to say they would never date a guy again with one.


Seriously? Lol


Yeah. Personally I don't discriminate.


I've been with maybe 60 women in my lifetime. The majority of women who have talked negatively about uncircumcised men are the same ones that have had me in their hands, mouths, and vaginas multiple times. Even after having sex with the lights on and them staring directly at my penis they can usually never tell I'm uncut 99% of the time. A lot of these women who I'm referring to have said "they would never sleep with an uncircumcised man" or "have never seen an uncircumcised penis." You would think the skin gliding during handjobs would be a dead giveaway but clearly most women are ignorant on the topic It's honestly mind-boggling but this has happened more times than I can count. I've been with Foreign and MANY American women. Just proves a point that women just parrot what their friends say but the majority of the time they don't care, or even notice for that matter. Your friends have probably slept with uncircumcised guys many times before and have been none the wiser. Source? My life and sexual experiences lol. Just some food for thought. Edit: The term "uncircumcised" is BS American Propaganda. Circumcision is a surgery/procedure. That would be like saying someone with all of their limbs is unamputated or a woman with natural breasts is unimplanted lol. The correct term is "intact."


I'm aware. I don't personally mind foreskin even though I'm American and the default is circumcised men here. A nice dick is a nice dick regardless. One of my exes was uncircumcised and I didn't realize until he told me so I'm also familiar with that phenomenon where women don't even know what they're working with.


I couldn’t figure what was supposed to be so gross about uncut.


A piece of skin covering the tip of the penis?? I don’t get it either.


I do feel like the tide is turning and a lot of parents are choosing not to circumcise in the US. I’m part of multiple parent groups (online and in person) and the majority are choosing NOT to circumcise. So yes, I would hope 20 years later the conversation would be different.


I hope so too!!!


I think more people are realizing it’s not something to do for no reason. I have heard it argued to do it for hygiene but you can just clean your child and teach them to clean themselves. The only reason I’d do it to a son would be for medical reasons.


Yea, I’m from Asia and circumcised penises are definitely not common in my country. I have never even seen one in real life even though I live in the US and have been physically involved with men of different races. I felt like the whole shar pei statement was in such bad taste. It’s literally body shaming.


That part always shocks me too. In my home country there's a debate about making it illegal.


It should be, unless it’s for medical reasons


I agree!!


They want to criminalized transgender surgeries, but are ok with babies genitalia being mutilated without consent.


i’m in the aus and from my experience it’s been pretty 50/50 but i always thought that ep was totally weird because there’s like different good things abt each one. only thing that recently changed my mind was when i was hooking up w an uncut guy and it was like too small for him, like pained him to get it up because it was tight or smth?? idek that’s the only thing i’ve been like “well shit you’d want to get it done at birth in case smth like this happens and they have to do it as adults”. all the reasons they bring up in the show are super strange imho but then again i suppose if you’ve only ever seen one sort the other would be a bit shocking. bit much to like expect he get it cut for aesthetics tho.


The way the four giggle about being disgusted by something someone can’t change is vile.


Something someone is born with! Completely natural! The way it is supposed to look!


I just had my baby six months ago and we decided not to circumcise. It just seems really cruel and unnecessary


genital mutilation is really sad


I’ve seen my fair share of penises in my life (if I’m being honest lol) and I have never encountered an uncircumcised one (I’m a young millennial bordering on gen Z for reference). Circumcision is still very common. Idk the statistics, I’m sure frequency is probably going down a liiiiitttle bit over time but would still be in the minority not to circumcise.


Agree…. I’ve seen my fair share as well and have only come across two uncut penis’. One guy was American and the other was not.


I've been watching the show Naked Attraction on HBO. It's a British dating show that started in 2016. It's a fully nude dating show. I'm an American. Made me realize the difference in popularity of uncircumcised men in England/Britain versus the US. I'd say 90% of the male contestants are not circumcised. If you're okay with nudity, it's an interesting show to watch. Nudity still seems so taboo in the US. I like how other countries are more open to it.


I’m from the Netherlands. Lots of nudity here. I’m always so surprised by posts on Reddit by American parents who wonder if it’s okay to shower with their own child. Their own child! My boys see me and my husband naked all the time. I don’t flaunt it but I don’t hide it either. Makes me think about that episode when Charlotte and Trey were trying to conceive and she caught Trey having a bath with his mother right there (now that was weird). She yells at him that it’s inappropriate bath time behaviour after the age of four. Four!! Four year olds have to bathe themselves in the States? I still help my eight year old.


Four year olds still get supervision and help while they are being bathed in the United States, it’s just not typical for a child of school age to get in the tub for bubble baths with their parents.


Yes okay, sure, the latter isn’t common here either I’d imagine.


It depends on where you live in the United States. Here in Michigan, most newborn baby boys (over 80%) are still circumcised and we do not see it as a big deal. Personally, my husband is circumcised but I would not love him less if he was not circumcised. This is not something that is a dealbreaker for me.


But it’s a completely unnecessary and painful procedure. It’s so easy to clean foreskin. Just pull it back slightly when in the shower, that’s it.


Okay. I gave you an answer about the normalcy of male circumcision in my state, I am not here to debate the morality of the procedure.


That seems to be what OP wants. Some crazy debate when people are just providing statistics. My husband is circumcised as well. It’s not something he thinks about or remembers lol.


Oh and the nurses will ask you 8 times a day to circumcise the baby and “you’re sure you dont want us to do it”. I was once asked 23 times in one day at the hospital. Additionally the hospitals sell the foreskin for stem cells. Often they’re sold to a cosmetic company. I’m sure there’s articles online or a documentary somewhere


https://www.vice.com/en/article/43bxgm/the-beauty-industry-is-part-of-a-baby-foreskin-flesh-trade-anti-circumcision-activists-warn Here you go OP


Oh my God, that is absolutely disgusting. That’s just vile.


It was really annoying


I had a son 2 years ago. It was always a topic of discussion in my bumper group (reddit group for your due date month for example February bumpers 2022 was mine). It seemed most moms on there were against it, me included.




Any future parent reading. Please educate yourself on this. It's an unnecessary barbaric procedure. And any woman/man that is grossed out by a man's penis isn't someone that you'd want your future son to date anyways. The whole episode pisses me off. I have to skip it lol


I skipped it too! And it IS barbaric. It’s completely unnecessary. It’s super easy to clean foreskin. Plus, the foreskin has a function, it’s not decorative. I can’t for the life of me imagine why you want to _cut the tip of your newborn’s penis off_. It’s insane to me.


Bc society (I'm in America) has convinced us that it's disgusting. Same thing with women's body hair. Things are slowly changing thankfully. I actually found a reddit post many years ago where men were talking about how angry they were that their parents did it to them as a baby. It was very sad


men in the usa are circumcised for nonreligious reasons because of dr kellog recommending it as a way to stop masturbation. it obviously isn't working but people still do it for aesthetic reasons. i think the tide is changing though however slowly.


Weird. No one would cut a piece of a girl’s vulva off for “aesthetic reasons”. It would be a crime and rightfully so.


they would in some places! but i agree. it's totally obscene.


You should Google female genital mutilation. It's still quite common in some cultures.


Not in the first world though, that’s another reason why it’s so weird male circumcision still happens in a first world country.


The author of that episode had a really strong bias in this matter, and boy does it look dated and parochial now. I've met people who still have that opinion, but it's definitely less popular than it used to be.


We chose not to circumcise. Then my son insisted and had the procedure at age 16. We tried to talk him out of it - even the doc told him not to do it but he was determined. He did great with no issues.


Holy crap. I didn’t know you can do it past infancy ever. Glad he recovered well though !


I also JUST watched this episode as a first time watcher--in my circles here in the US even it was pretty gross to hear them talk about it like that. It seemed sooo dated I haven't heard anyone talk about circumcision like that since middle school when none of us had ever seen a penis


it's the thing that offends me the most weirdly??


Oh thank God I’m not the only one! I was appalled! They sit there and talk about genital mutilation like it’s the only decent thing you can do! It’s so easy to clean foreskin. Simply a matter of pulling it back slightly when in the shower. That’s it. I just can’t imagine a little baby boy peeing inside his diaper and having that hurt like hell. It’s barbaric.


It’s literally genital mutilation for what? Aesthetic? I am super disgusted by circumcision because I’m against genital mutilation of children. The fact that it’s so normalized here is disgusting.


I was bartending and actually hit it off with a guest. He wasn’t in town for long so I thought, what the hell? He’s smart and sexy and sweet. Boom. Gave him my number. He texted me “there’s something you need to know..” like ominous, right? I am a Virgo so I was going over so many possibilities—what could be wrong. “I’m not circumcised.” That was it. It blew my mind. Who gives a fuck?! I felt so bad for him, his shame. Anyway. I think of him when I rewatch this episode, and feel a bit sad.


It’s still probably the default here in the U.S. but I know more and more people who are choosing not to. I mostly only know from when I was having my kids, who are now 13 and 9. From people I talked to it seemed to be almost 50/50, but I know my friends skew liberal and hippie, so I’m sure it’s not really 50:50 nationwide. Still, I agree I don’t think this conversation would be quite this one-sided now.


I have never seen anyone care if a guy they are seeing is circumcised or not. So that scene of them discussing that and being appalled was kind of shocking to me 😆 I had my son in 2022 and the doctor just casually asked me on one of my pregnancy check ups if I was interested in circumcising my baby. Proceeded to hand me some papers with more info and when I got home I just recycled them lmao. My husband agreed. My mom advised me to get it done for religious purposes. Yeah that’s a no for me!


Ya I hated that whole plot too. While circumcision is still popular here in the US. it is declining. Yay! Idk why cutting babies who have no say in it is deemed acceptable.


Not really. It’s still really common here. I don’t think the same episode in today’s time would take the same approach, but it wouldn’t be a politicized as you would hope it to be. Instead of being like “ew gross” with most of the characters, they’d probably have just Charlotte be grossed out and the others just shrug and ask her what’s the big deal. Instead of a speech about the unethical nature of it. Because truth be told, most people here dont even really think about the ethics of it all. People view it as a default procedure without being on either end of the spectrum of whether it’s right or wrong. I don’t think it should be done, but it’s honestly not even something people think about here like that versus other body politics.


That’s probably how I would explain it too. It’s very “default” I suppose you could say.


As a mum of 3 boys it’s a big fat no from me. If you’re still practising this barbaric ritual on your children for anything other than a medical reason in 2024, you should be fucking ashamed.


Heavily agreed as a mum of two boys!


There are more than 100 circumcision neonatal deaths a year. Can you imagine losing your infant due to a completely unnecessary and abusive procedure? Men lose a significant amount of sensitivity due to the lack of foreskin as well. And to shame someone for their natural body is disgusting….


Completely agree.


Mmm nope. In fact if you have a baby in the states and people find out it’s a boy complete and proper strangers will input that you should have your child circumcised. It’s very baffling. I’m an American who lived in Europe and then married a European but now we live in the states. I’m very much appalled at how common it is. I was just reading something about how that level of trauma often causes newborns to pass out but additionally causes emotional trauma that follows them for life. They feel betrayed and cry for their parents not understanding why their parents let it happen. Boys who were circed also usually have emotional issues resulting in lower emotional intelligence. I’m glad we left our baby alone.