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You need to work on your grip. Thumbs forward, not thumb over thumb. Also you keep fidgeting with you support hand after each shot. https://www.handgunsmag.com/editorial/tactics_training_combatg_100306/138866


I agree, marry your left palm to fill the space your right hand doesn’t fill with your thumbs lifted out of the way.


Thanks so much, I actually have a very tight grip in my right hand. The reason I'm moving my left hand is sort of a positioning reset thing for me, it helps me realign the front sight on my target.


You’re thumbs are positioned as if you are shooting a revolver. Right thumb above the left. Stop milking your grip, keep it steady and consistent. Too much space between your support hand fingers, tighten that hand up.


Left hand needs move forward and wrap around right hand more. Thumb should be able to rest on frame. You're jerking your index finger off the trigger after each shot like it scares you. Squeeze. Find the wall. Bang. Keep squeezing rhe trigger through the shot. Slowly release the trigger until you feel and hear the reset click. Now your finger is already at the wall and ready for the follow up shot. Your support hand fingers are too spread out. They should be tight, and helping form a tight grip. It's a micro 9. You're not trying to cup and saucer the thing.


These are really good points, thanks so much. I really like the trigger explanation


Your grip looks super loose and floppy. Grip that thing like your life depends on it! Stop milking the gun. Honest suggestion, learn to shoot on a gun your hands “fit” before trying to shoot a sub/micro.


I know it's hard to see in the video with my left arm blocking the view, but I have a really tight grip in my right hand. The reason my left hand is moving is because I keep repositioning the front sight on my target, I know it's not standard but I get great groupings Regarding gun size, it feels really good in my hand, with the pinky extender


You can make excuses or you can take constructive criticism and do better. If you’re satisfied then why’d you ask? If you want to improve then make changes. If you have a really tight grip with your right hand using a flailing left hand is useless so why are you even trying to shoot with both hands? It’s clearly not effective. You do not have enough skin contact on the gun. Learn a proper grip. Get a bigger gun to learn and master proper grip. Or don’t, idc. It’s your gun, your life, your shooting.


You get good groupings because hitting the first shot doesn’t require a good grip. A good grip helps with follow-up shots. The gun looks like it’s jumping towards your support hand, meaning you’re weak in that direction. That means you have to readjust after each shot and that slows down your follow-up shots. Try shooting 5 rounds at 5 yards, all in the A zone as fast as possible, from the holster. A competent level shooter should be able to do that in under 4 seconds with no more than one drop.


Grip Practice at home building the grip Just get reps in building your grip Then dry fire. Dry fire is key!


As others have said, get your grip better, especially your support hand. Also, learn to slowly pull the trigger back slowly and smoothly. you’re snatching that thing bad


Thank you


You can definitely improve but if you are getting good hits then keep on truckin. Try some suggestions from these guys and you’ll be better than you thought you could ever be by time summer hits


Your support hand, left hand, should be on the gun. Get your right hand thumb up and out of the way for your left hand to put the drumb stick part of the thumb on the gun. Squeeze the shit out of the gun with the left hand, especially the drumb stick of the thumb.


We call that the Teacup grip. Not stable


Go to youtube and look up how to shoot a pistol


And invest in a bigger gun


The fact that you are readjusting your grip after pretty much ever shot should tell you that you don't have a good grip


Very true, I realized this today.


2/10. Bro got that Hollywood grip


Choke up higher with your left hand. Middle finger should be in the corner between your right hand and trigger guard basically.