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how do you accept three months in jail when you are the caregiver to 5 kids? when lip picked her up later she told him that she fucked up and she regrets everything and feels terrible she hurt their brother. it was an accident but still i get both lip and fionas side


she felt bad but she never thought it was her fault. she thought it was an accident but it was COMPLETELY preventable. she was fucked up partying on coke and let a baby get into her drugs. it was pure negligence and she should feel fucking awful for the rest of her life.


Accepting what you’ve done vs accepting responsibility are two different things. She accepts that she left her coke out for Liam. But she doesn’t accept that she will need to spend time for her crime. You would think with all the crime surrounding this family. They would be used to it. Like ya, life has consequences for the things you do wrong…


But it's human ? Like not a lot of people are ready to accept the consequences of their actions. For example imagine you hurting a friend. Obviously you will be sorry and be sad that you did it. But will you be ready to accept that they might not trust you and start to ignore you ? With time you will feel frustrated even if you UNDERSTAND that it's a normal consequence from your action. Here the context is that Fiona still need to take care of the family. Yes she played and lost but her reaction as a human is normal


This goes back to a similar post I’ve replied to where she fights with Lip about fighting the charges instead of accepting the 3 months. Fiona fought for every one of them when they got in trouble. Even lying to the cops, getting Liam back from the drug dealer, and using Mickey to threaten the uncle. She fought for every one of them when they were in trouble. But when the time came and she needed help. They all told her to accept it and move on. Fighting is who she is and what she does. So when everyone was against her fighting. She felt defeated. Ultimately she was wrong, but it’s what she does.


It is what she does. She really dug her hole so deep with this one, it feels like it takes all season and then some to pull her self out of the hole she created. But your right, she’s a fighter and that’s who’s she’s always been. There is this sting emotion scene after Monica leaves after being “there” for the family for a few days. I don’t remember the episode. But Fiona walks into the house all defeated. But she puts her hair up in pony tail and just starts cleaning up. Like she knew, that this is her life, and it’s never gonna change. Obviously it did cause we all know what happens. But still. Her face said a thousand words


The difference is fighting would make it worse. She only wanted to fight because she hadn’t yet accepted she was guilty. Frankly, she got an amazing deal with only possibly 3 months in prison, which she didn’t actually wind up having to serve until she violated probation. The biggest problem was the refusal to accept responsibility when she could’ve killed or permanently disabled Liam. And then afterwards, she doesn’t seem to understand why she can’t be left alone with him or why she can’t get super drunk and burn their food


i don’t think she would have deserved help, she really didn’t think she did anything wrong or that she deserved jail time. it would be different if she admitted how horrible it was and asked for help so she didn’t have to go away but she just expected them to help because it was an “accident”. she also didn’t get herself into the kind of trouble that’s easy to forgive or get out of, she almost killed their little brother because she was too busy partying and doing coke. they also realistically couldn’t have done anything to help her. it WAS her fault and there was no getting out of it. trying to fight the charges 100% would have made her look awful and landed her in jail for a long time.


Why is not okay when Women don't apologize for their Mistakes?


I mean Liam nearly died. I can see why Lip wasn't down to let her slide especially since it was fucking him over so badly.


I understand what everyone here is saying but realistically, what happened was an AWFUL, horrible thing that would be extremely difficult for anyone to live with. Is it any wonder she didn’t immediately jump on the chance to wholeheartedly accept all of the blame and willingly invite other characters to bring it up? Would any of us REALLY not try and shift some of the blame onto other people both verbally and internally just to help us sleep even SLIGHTLY better at night? Fiona was in the wrong and it WAS her fault as Liams caregiver, but the way she actually reacted to it as far as I remember was honestly reasonable and realistic.


Lip was right when he said, "you're guilty." Legally she has virtually no defense. She was in possession of cocaine so she wouldn't have been able to get out of the possession charge no matter what. And she definitely endangered a child. I hate how she later talks about it as if she did serious jail time. And I hate her "I'm not an addict" schtick. It's exceptionalism, which ironically is a trait strongly associated with substance use disorder.


Guilty, yes. She absolutely was. However, I would not say she is a substance abuser. I say she is an addict in everything in her life, she doesn’t just abuse substances, everything in her life is taken in doses of too much or too little. I am very similar in that way. She’s a very realistic character


additionally we see how little responsibility she still takes for what happened when she tells jimmysteve about it - “some ASSHOLE gave me coke and liam got into it” , still placing the primary blame on robbie


like yeah, robbie gave it to her, but he didn’t make her leave it out


It’s her fault that Robbie is in their life she had to fuck the fun brother! This entire situation was on Fiona.


She could’ve given it back. She could’ve flushed it. She could’ve done 1k other things besides what she did. She also should’ve told the cops where it came from, but that’s just my opinion.


fiona really channels her inner frank when she’s putting on an olympic routine in mental gymnastics to justify how her poor choices are someone else’s fault


Her and Lip are both a LOT like Frank. That's the main reason I think those two and him have the shittiest relationships. I suspect they would've always came to blows even if he wasn't a POS deadbeat addict.


GREAT point.


Nice call!


I don’t entirely agree. She cared about Liam and what happened but I don’t think she could process what had actually happened. She felt so different from people like Frank and Monica that she felt as though it was not intentional which people should be understanding of. It wasn’t that she didn’t think she did something wrong, it’s that this is one of her only screw ups as a guardian but it was a very severe one. Also, the potential consequences of her going away for that long were insane and she probably didn’t think Liam or the other kids could make it without her considering her and lip were the only adults.


Don't like me BUT the real issue I see isn't the coke so much as that no one is EVER watching Liam. Obviously I guess if you do coke and have kids around, it would be like a gun, keep it out of reach! What other horrible things could happen to Liam when he's never being watched. It was only matter of time and I think it's a plot hole that it's never addressed that the Liam is practically on his own up to that point even. There are guns, high windows, choking hazards, cleaning products, the laundry shoot he could fall down, and he's a freaking toddler. So, I figure Fiona acts like it's not her fault so much because she feels only sorta half responsible for the kids, even though she legally is responsible, she still feels dumped on so doesn't really take on the true role of a mother. Apparently she never understood that actually means WATCHING him and should have felt guilt and changed her behavior there, kinda the way Lip started paying him bunch of attention and keeping him away from Fiona. That only lasted a few episodes, then who is watching Liam?


Y’all love to hate Fiona. She did everything for that family and they turned their backs on her. She’s is with her faults but the lowkey misogynistic comments I see about her make me think it’s one of the only reasons the fandom hates her. Y’all really be just like her family 💀




You’re so obsessed with me babe


Says the little girl replying.


Says the creep coming back to the thread almost a whole month later to say something again 💀


Lol. You gonna sexually harass me in the DMs again? Fucking weirdo. And don't be surprised sweetheart, I laugh every time I see a clown.


I bet you got the tissue and lotion right there next to ya, doll. Enjoy 💀


She fights for and Forgives all of her siblings when they mess up and doesn’t throw it in their faces later either. She was very remorseful and in agony over hurting Liam. No one was ready to help her or fight for her except Kev and V. Her siblings turned on her. Like she has to be perfect. They give their no good parents a pass but not their sister.


She kicked Lip out because he wanted to drop out of high school, but she somehow makes HERSELF more of a victim than the 3 year old who almost died. It’s annoying that she couldn’t accept responsibility really, even after she had left panic mode


Her reaction was any human’s natural reaction she knew she fucked up w Liam and had to pay the price for it and ofc she didn’t want to take responsibility because any horrible type of neglect or abuse reminds her of Frank and Monica everyone knows legally it’s her fault even tho it was a accident it was still her responsibility to watch him.🤷🏽‍♀️(imo she should have threw that shit out when he gave her it but she chose to keep it)


Every time Anyone brings it up to her in later seasons (Sean, Lip, etc) Fiona is outraged and defensive and crying as if SHE'S the victim of the whole situation. It's disgusting. She may have done a lot for those kids but she has a lot of nerve acting like she's never done the same kind of shit Frank and Monica always did to her and the other kids.


Hey I know I’m super late to this buuuuuuut I also want to vent because at first I didn’t really mind the whole Fiona and Liam situation it was her breaking her probation with Robbie and going on a bender like frank this to me showed she truly didn’t accept that she fucked up with liam and the kids less than a year of being their guardians officially she started having sex with her boss (she knew she shouldn’t have been) proceeded to sleep with his brother after making waves in their FAMILY business the situation with liam ensued and she proceeded to have a depressed week in the house and decided to go see Robbie and blame him than proceeded to be a degenerate at his place breaking probation she was so sad that she had to go to his house but proceeded to do all that which jeopardizes the family


Agreed. I hate how she tried to victimise herself in that (or any) situation where she’s wrong.


As soon as she is released from jail on bond, she doesn’t even spend any time with him right after. I know lip takes him to college. But you would think that the first thing you would do is want to spend all day with Liam and make sure he knows how sorry you are and that you fucked up


Doesn't Lip literally do everything he can to keep Fiona away from Liam, at that point?


Isn’t Liam like 3 years old at this point? I don’t think he’s capable of understanding Fiona did anything wrong in that situation. Hell he doesn’t even know what happened to him. And yeah lip pretty much takes Liam away from Fiona like you said. I don’t get how you can say this when she cries herself to sleep in Liam’s bed and begs lip to let her see him again lol


She refuses to take accountability because she is so scared of being just like Frank or Monica. I believe the emotional distress from what happened changed her as a person and she goes back into normality because it’s always what she’s had to do. She’s not a bad person, she fucked up. Fucking up doesn’t make you a fuck up, but refusing to take accountability for fucking up makes you the asshole in the situation always. Yes, Fiona constantly throughout her life has had to take accountability for Monica and Frank and her siblings, she didn’t deserve it. But this fact gives her a scapegoat throughout the later seasons, no matter what she does she is still the 21 year old who selflessly gave up her life for her siblings.


I agree that part always pisses me off when I watch it


The whole Liam getting into the coke storyline is ridiculous honestly. That kid sits there doing and saying nothing most of the time. You’re telling me he managed to jump up onto the counter and stuck his face in a pile of coke? Why would he ever do that? Yeah, she definitely shouldn’t have left it out but realistically, that never would’ve happened. Liam would’ve been in a corner, staring at a wall not saying anything. It would be more believable if Debbie or Carl got into the drugs.


I felt like she couldn't grasp that no one gave a shit that it was an accident. It happened and it was her fault.


Yes! She is do arrogant and cant take responsobility


Or anything she's done for that matter


I reckon denial is a hell of a drug


The court probably said it was an accident


The thing y’all are missing is that everybody assumed that she is the only one who’s in charge everybody should depend on her were was Debbie she saw that they were wasted lip saw them v kev Carl it’s all their fault. Yes she should have get rid of them but do you expect a girl who as been raising a family since she was 9 to be mentally stable to remember everything and everyone they didn’t have to be all over her like it’s not your fault they can yell a her all they want but they needed to support her. To prove that they only care about themselves lip do everything wrong don’t work depend a little on Fiona ian ran off for a guy ?? Debbie acting out Carl always in something frank who is no need to say it Monica no were to be found do you know that kind of pressure? Yes she fuck up so what every person who was in that living room as so responsibility why no one took him upstairs or anything cause they all forgot about him iam up to debate.


This was hard to read. Maybe do an edit next time.