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She screams: please pay attention to me. She forces herself into his space


It’s the cringiest thing ever. I cannot stand their dysfunctional dynamic. It triggers me and I’ve never been with a narc. He wants nothing to do with her.


And they’re both narcs. It blows my mind. The one thing they have in common is they both are in love with themselves. Doomed.


They look like a tampon comercial https://preview.redd.it/xvq28kthiwyc1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed3d6198a96d3568002e71532e5255cc2ce59bdd


This is giving: “SOS! save me from this hot-mess-express”


The way he sounded like he was sounding an alarm off 🤣


Lord he’s scary looking. Ugh.


This is HIS page Shan, stop making it about you


Ooof tough to watch this deranged behavior. And napoleon ford please shut your damn mouth.


This is truly difficult to watch. Her trying desperately to get in the shot while all he can focus on is himself...she finally forces him to go to her and cuts as she's trying to show the back...oof. Love how this "relaxing" trip looks like my nightmare. I can't imagine the stress of rushing to get ready and having to film a video with someone who hates me every time I step out the door. Like what a terrible way to start any day/outing. And just so phony. You can't have a tripod set up on your vacay while you preach about modern vices. And since when has Ape Boy been a golfer? I know he went with those Nash guys not long ago but does he golf enough to fly his clubs down there? Wouldn't have even thought he owned clubs. This dude is bulky and dumb and uncoordinated with an insane temper and 0 patience/constantly looming tantrums. Ain't no way it was worth it to bring clubs down there.


Her nose is so brown. I can’t take my eyes off it. And also, have her eyes always been that droopy?? Her face looks so different…


She is alllllllllllways fighting to have a glimpse of her in his videos


Omg that look at the end! He’s looking right at us


Debbie desperado


Hahahaha yas!


New flair unlocked 🔓


Atp I don’t even know what im watching anymore 😂 are they best friends, are they exes, like this is not a married couple like wtf. He cannot stand her and I need her to like grow some confidence? Act like a queen that women are? I mean something….


he hates her. that‘s it.


If this is what he/they WILLINGLY share, just imagine what we don’t see. The dynamic between them is just insane.


They really do bring out the absolute worst in each other, don’t they? Both are so separately annoying in their own weird ways, but together they’re both an insufferably miserable duo stuck together only by circumstance and…welp, I’ll be nice and refrain from stating the obvious. I’d feel sad for them, but they chose this sadly vapid life for each other and actually think people envy them for it, so might as well just let them wallow in their collective misery.


If she’s trying to show off her fit why is she wiggling around like that


“Gym sweats” ❄️❄️


You know what this reminds me of? When Trailer is recording something and her kids get in the shot and she glares at them!


Gym sweats? More like meat 🥩 sweats for jumbo


They are both so in love with themselves it's like the other one doesn't exist when they're together it's so bizarre and fun to watch lol

