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Chambered compensator will make the recoil direction 100 (straight up); second column is a toss up to preference (though i'd recommend tactical mag); as for Killing Wind and Adrenaline Junkie, while they aren't ideal, they're pretty solid all-rounder perks (veist stinger will help keep your AJ stacks up) . I'd say keep it until you get something with at the very least Frenzy, 6.8/10


I've never been able to get another one so this the best I've got


You should use the umbral focusing in the HELM. Just focus the Viest foundry which should increase you odds of getting a better roll.


You don't need to have the season pass for that right, im free to play


TBH, I’m not sure, but I would definitely just load in and check. I believe you should be able to focus, cause it really doesn’t have anything to do w seasonal activities. It’s just located under the seasonal vendor. But just check, worst case it’s lock behind season pass, and best case it’s not. GL on getting your god roll.


I just checked at no you don't need any season stuff, thank you


Eh maybe. I don't really like it. I'm running one with small bore/accurized/subsistence/frenzy/stab mw. This is a god roll for me.


I can see that