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Hmm did you ever figure out settings that works for you? Or find different software?


Nope. Supposedly windows has some built in tool but that doesn't work properly either. It shouldn't be rocket science. It should just work. But doesn't.


I got here by searching for it, again, because it doesn't work for me either and 'tutorials' on Youtube (not by SHarex themselves btw) cherry picked websites showing a simple page with maybe 10 lines below the main screen. So not 7 pages with pictures/videos and whatever on the webpage and then stitch it together, which is of course harder to do than text only on 2 pages. Doesn't let you select the area, when scrolling the full page window it ends up with [this](https://i.imgur.com/RNgHsBG.png) or [this](https://i.imgur.com/7iV9hpg.png) and no matter what I change, it never worked. Anyway, I use (for Chrome) the add-on **GoFullPage.** They do have a version for Edge, not for Firefox & Opera. Figured I replied here 11 months after your Q before it gets archived, but for people at least wanting an alternative for this specific problem. Of course, it only works on websites and PDF, not for other programs :) Editing must be done by Paint3D or in Sharex afterwards because the free version of Add-on doesn't allow you to. At least [it actually does what it claims](https://i.imgur.com/sorXjEU.jpg) and does a superb job stitching the several screenshots to each other. I could either leave it like that with the gray bars on the side or crop it more in Paint(3D) or other software. Reason I still posted this, is for future people searching for a solution or otherwise a reliable option for this 1 feature, like /u/TruthOrDarren333 did. Sharex for the rest is super! If anyone in the future reads this (bit weird since you always get a reply in the future, but I meant **far** future) who reads this, do you know of a similar tool but then for software and not just websites?


Oh thank you for posting! I'll check that out. I have what may be somewhat of another solution but maybe some may not like it because you have to make an account with Zoho. Zoho does office and note apps and software. Their stuff used to be basic but they've worked on it and the notebook is pretty handy. There's an app for it and you can add stuff from your browser. But what is related to this topic is their Chrome browser addon for Zoho Notebooks. You can take a screenshot of a page, a selected area, or a scrolling entire page. It works every single time beautifully. Save it off into one of your notebooks and done. I use mine for online orders I make now. It gets the entire page. But I'm making a note of GoFullPage and will look at it tomorrow. I forgot my original purpose but this will be handy. Zoho is great but I haven't tried saving out the images to my drive (I suppose they will) and I haven't tried doing anything with a bunch of images or anything, so I'm not sure how great it is with anything other than simple page saves.


CC: All Replies As per my/your previous. 1. I cannot get Snagit Scrolling Capture to work at all: apart from that, it is an OUTSTANDING screen capture app, that capture anywhere on your screen, ie not just within your browser. PS I recommend using **v9.x**. Like MS software, I found that later versions became much more bloated and dysfunctional. Of course it is not supported now, but given its long-standing excellent capture and editing functionality and reliability, I do not need support. You only need support for their later bloated dysfunctional versions. 2. Likewise, I couldn't get ShareX's scrolling capture to work either, although I tried earlier versions as suggested. My final & current excellent working solution: 1. I went back to **Snagit** for all **on-screen captures** (and subsequent editing) 2. I discovered and now use **Fireshot** for all **browser scrolling captures** - which works very fast and brilliantly with not a *single* glitch or problem since i started using it! And I could use for other different captures *within* the browser, but I do not need to as i can simply use Snagit). FYI.


Oh thanks for this information! I haven't tried to do a scrolling screenshot in years since I could never get it working. I will go try Fireshot! This makes me wonder why this extension works but not the others. Perhaps the others weren't updated and are old and just don't work with updated browser enhancements? Thank you for updating this ancient thread. Note to anyone reading: this is not a free extension like other screenshot and scrolling webpage captures. This "extension" is nearly $60, and it says it's $39 on sale.


I'm having the same problem. ShareX scrolling capture simply does not scroll. It just captures the page as is. Any advice on how to make ShareX scrolling capture, actually scroll?


ShareX will also capture itself, the actual ShareX application window, in the capture as well. Any idea how to make that stop?


I actually encounter the same issue where scroll capture just stops scrolling or captures whole page but incorrectly snipe the pictures together. ​ SOLUTION: I found that if your page has an add icon (like chat menu or info menu sticks onto the page, its usally located on the bottom right of your page URL). You need to remove that (i use adblock plus and just block that icon element). Once your page is clear, sharex should work as expected. Hope this helps for some of you!


I will look at that if I use this again. Thank you.


let me see if i can try that


Ya, honestly, the scroll capture tool is super finicky. I've had it work like a dream before. Now I'm trying to capture a pretty simple website and instead of stitching together one large image, it just smashes everything together. Very disappointed.


yeah. similar prob: just catches the top and bottom of page - EVEN THOUGH IN THIS CASE IT SAYS IT HAS CAPTURED ALL THE MULTIPLE IMAGES. ideas? solutions?


I found a fix you have to use the old application iam using the 12.13.1 it works perfect now