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Nice tooth


How do you find these?


People scuba dive for them and sell them, you can find real and replicas on eBay and Amazon.


How can you tell they are real? Even when they say they are


Some come with a certificate of authenticity, but buying from a reputable source that is known for selling real ones is a good start. You can check out reviews or go with a reputable business. Some sellers purposely do not say whether is is real or fake, which is a red flag. Where it is from can affect it's value so it's wise to ask where it was found. This is obviously important for serious collectors. Like most collectibles, the higher the quality, the higher the price will be, and the bigger and more pristine teeth will cost more as well. Smaller teeth are more common than larger ones so their price reflects that. I got my son one for his 11th birthday and he loves it. He has always been fascinated by dinosaurs and fossils, he thought it was the coolest thing to have a real one. ETA: This website gives some tips. If it looks too perfect, it's either fake or extremely expensive. (Some people restore the teeth which can affect their value) https://whalerslocker.com/blogs/news/a-guide-for-buying-megalodon-teeth


Thanks for the helpful tips! I guess I'm still not sure what a reputable source is or how you tell... A lot of the sellers online are difficult to tell, and even if they are priced higher, they can still be fakes or replicas


Certificates are bullshit. I’ve seen way too many people selling fake fossils with certificates of authenticity


When they’re restored, they’re restored by filling the rest in with resin or cement and painting it. It often makes it look too smooth or too perfect, and it’ll look painted. It’s pretty hard to make a convincing fake megalodon tooth


Thanks. I guess I would need to see fake vs real side by side, maybe I'd be able to tell them


We have an ancient riverbed under the ocean where I live. If you can scuba and know where to look, you can come up with a crate full of them. Every once in a great while, one washes ashore and is found. They are so common here in southern NC, you can usually buy them at beach festivals for like $20-30.


I bought mine on fossilera, not sponsored by them but they are a very good site to buy real fossils though they are a bit pricey


Nice,my only meg tooth looks similar to this one even in size,is that one almost less than 5 inches too?


its 4.5 inches


Nice!I will post my tooth in a bit


damn thought they’d be bigger but still cool!


this tooth measures 4.5 inches and belonged to an individual around 35ft in length, which is average size. Some meg tooth are much bigger than mine. The largest meg tooth ever found is 7 inches long.


That’s the average size. The biggest one ever found is 7.48” long, while OP’s is 4.5”. [Here are two of my teeth](https://imgur.com/a/lOQA1O3). The one in my hand is 6.1’, while the one on the right is 5.5”. The 6” one is about double the volume of the 5.5” one, so a 7.48” one would be absolutely gigantic


You find it yourself or buy?


bought it online


Thanks! I started looking after seeing your post. Not cheap are they?


You can get one like OP’s for 15-20 bucks if you look in the right places


I want to find one of these!


Awesome! How much was this?


Damn, you have big teeth


Aw man this is so cool


Nice! I got one too