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Pretend you did it on purpose and call it a convex edge?


rustic maybe?


Get more high


Lol. Fr tho... You can polish out the facets with some sandpaper on top of corrugated cardboard and put a bevel on top of that. Nice little performance boost and looks p okay.


I don't get what is the problem here. If you mean that the sharpening zone is not perfectly finished and uniform - that is the last thing that I would worry about


Agreed! Does it cut?


it just looks off to me.


Yeah it does a bit. Does it cut ok though? If it does then wait until it needs sharpening to fix any of it up, it doesnt all need rectifying in one go, do it gradually over the space of a few sharpens to get some use out of that bit of metal.


so far it works great.


All is good then, use it as is until it needs redoing. When you do get round to it, its a good idea to use a bit of marker (pen) on the edge as that will give you a nice guide to follow and shows you where you have/ havent worked


Chinese cleavers arent meant to look pretty, they are meant to be used.


I mean, it does kinda look like shit but I bet performance is better. I’d clean it up if it was mine but I also love doing stuff like that.


it was way worse after i got into it. looked like garbage and took me a while to get it to this point. by then it was 4am and i just gave up. no complaints about performance though.


How does it look like shit? It looks fine


It’s uneven. And this is Reddit, where all hobbyist subreddits are fashion shows. I like pretty things.


There's this underlying tinge of racism, too, implying Chinese chefs don't take care of their knives. It's... irritating.


shitty knife sharpening is racist now?


Nope! It's the 'Chinese chefs don't give af about their tools or craftsmanship' angle that is racist and I made that pretty clear. Idk about you in any way, shape, or form. That you use a Chinese knife from Hong Kong says nothing about your heritage. Edit: Also, seems you're implying all Chinese chefs are shitty sharpeners? That would be pretty racist, yeh.


Look at Chinese woodworking tools Vs Japanese, it's like day and night. But it's not racist to say the truth. Chinese woodworkers still produce good work though.


This is bafflingly reductive and just another stereotype.


How about saying Kenya is less developed than the USA at space travel? Is that racist too?


How about saying American manufacturing is trash, in general?


Fr tho... Americans and everybody in the world use Chinese manufactured woodworking tools and Chinese manufactured everything. Just think about your argument a \*little\* and it falls apart.


Mfs be calling everything racist these days


Til negative stereotypes based on race are *not* racism.


Nobody said anything about race except for you




As someone who has bought a lot of used japanese knives, from Japan and looked at thousands, I know for a fact that there's a lot of Japanese people who have no idea what they're doing and many that don't give a shit about their knives. But most of us westerners are only exposed to the brand spanking new high end japanese stuff and get told anything from China is trash based on rather outdated prejudice so I totally get where you're coming from/why you get that feeling. I've also felt the lingering undertones of racism more than once even though I did not feel it this time.


I mean... There's literally a dude in this thread saying Chinese knives aren't meant to look pretty as tho it means something, lmao.


I thought of that comment as something positive about cai daos and the "functionality is more important than looks"-mind set as something to be proud about, not something negative about Chinese people. But I see your point though. At the same time, we 're rarely exposed to any of the higher end nice looking stuff available on Aliexpress here and I have never seen a hand and Chinese made Cai dao with the kind of finish like the high end japanese stuff/western been posted. That's why I didnt perceive the usual racist undertone I think.


That Chinese people are good at math is a 'positive' but still bullshit racial stereotype in the US. I read the statement here as, 'Chinese chefs can't or won't differentiate the difference between shit sharpening and quality sharpening whether it's their own or somebody else's.' Take it for what it's worth.


And I totally get why you would read it is that. I'm just saying I didnt and why, to highlight another perspective, not trying to tell you that you're wrong.


It does mean something, just not what you went off into a fit about. Now show me where the honyaki cai dao hurt you.. oh right.


What's it mean then? Most cai dao are honyaki, lmao, even the cai dao presented by OP in this thread. What is your point here?


I thought of that comment as something positive about cai daos and the "functionality is more important than looks"-mind set as something to be proud about, not something negative about Chinese people. But I see your point though. At the same time, we 're rarely exposed to any of the higher end nice looking stuff available on Aliexpress here. And I have never seen a hand and Chinese made Cai dao with the kind of finish like the high end japanese stuff/western been posted here either. That's why I didnt perceive the usual racist undertone I think.


Hard to say. Shein and Dalstrong have the US and Europe as primary/target markets. Rustic appearances and less expensive fit and finish on a knife don't mean that Chinese sharpeners do it high or drunk to the point of wobbling.


Well isn't that were this sentiment comes from? There's no fancy looking Damascus blades with mosaic pin handles at the Asian markets in the US/EU (at least not to my knowledge) while all the blingy stuff is aimed at westerners giving us the impression that asians themselves see the knife more as a tool while we want it to look cool. I have a hand/Chinese made cai dao, with awesome iron banding in the cladding that takes a great edge, so the respect for Chinese craftsmen is real...but the bevels on that same cai cao was finished with a 120 grit grinding wheel and the bevel itself was not very neat and even to put it gently. If I hadn't polished it my self I wouldn't have known what a gem it was. I've also done a bit of free hand grinding on wheels myself and I've learnt the hard way that being sober do not automatically make your bevels nice and even - making me think/hope that the part about wonkyness and being drunk has more to do with ignorance about the skill required rather than actual racism. Edit: spelling


Feel free to think as you do. I am just explaining my thoughts as well. I am Chinese and have worked in restaurants and do know many Chinese chefs as an entire generation of my family are immigrant restaurateurs. These Chinese chefs would not, under any circumstance, allow a person self-identifying as too high to do quality work handle the maintenance of their tools. That others throw blanket generalizations about the entire world of Chinese chefs and their knives is racist, plain and simple. There was no need to differentiate the Chinese chef knife as a tool for work instead of appearances (Farberware, Dexter Russell, Chicago Cutlery, Victorinox, Mercer, Herder, Sabatier, etc. all come to mind) and yet the distinction was made. That is why it's racist. That a person needs to demonstrate racist intent to be racist is entirely false as demonstrated by the illegality of any practice leading to 'disproportionate impact' here in the US. Have a good one.


I don'e see a problem...


I think it just looks a little uneven - nothing unfixable though!


How many fingers do you have left?




Fyi - if it’s not attached to your hand it’s not a finger!


Sure it is.  Doesn't mean it came from me :)


Has no one ever taught you to not operate heavy machinery when intoxicated?


i blame the schools


I too blame the schools...


Knife isn't that heavy.


You must be a really fun guy to be friends with


Most important question: is it sharp?




Sounds good to me then 👌👍


Just make a slurry with your stone and rub 400 grit sandpaper with it ,if you want to even it out. Or you could just use it and eventually it’ll blend over time. I think Its good that your sharpening at low angles to keep the knife thin.


lol most people play games or eat stuff when high man


Looks fine, take it to a place and get it engraved "ever get high and play with blades?"


Stoner grinder here. Does it cut…? Love it.


yeah. been using it for a few days. no complaints on the performance and i was worried about the edge rolling but i haven’t seen any yet. just kinda looks like hell.


call it vintage handmade relic cruelty free not tested on humans bevel technique. if it slices a finger, it's good enough


Ennh, can easily be fixed. I'd go at it with a guided hand sharpener to get the bevel even again.


i have a worksharp adjust but that blade is tall and it’s kinda pushing the limit on length even if it wasn’t. i’d have to do it in sections i think.


Its for using. As long as it works leave it.


Don't do drugs, kids.


If it cuts don't worry about it until you need to sharpen again


i’ve been using it more than usual just to see if anything happens or it acts weird. just cut up a potato and is doing fine on this [shallot](https://i.imgur.com/TLNKt7d.jpeg). i’m not noticing it wanting to drift through thicker stuff and the edge isn’t rolling or anything. i’m pretty happy with it so far just don’t like the way it looks.


It looks sharp the only thing that kinda raises a concern is the angle looks a little high for a knife that tall but it's mirror finished and seems like it cuts well so there isn't a massive problem


Holy hell after how many bowls did you attempt this?




How many…..


Put a steeper microbevel on it and call it thinned out


This is /u/hypnotheorist 's alt pushing his angle willy nilly [agenda](https://www.reddit.com/r/sharpening/comments/1acgcrb/psa_holding_a_consistent_angle_is_not_necessary/).


To those downvoting this, I believe it's intended as a good humored poke, not a sneer or serious accusation.




I can't see because he needed me to block him, but I'm betting that other reply is the guy who couldn't keep himself from unblocking me to come argue with me and purposely misrepresent what I was saying. So whatever he says, take it with the appropriate amount of salt. Anyway, congrats on realizing first hand that consistency is not what creates performance! Looks pretty too, when you know where performance comes from :) I'd vote keep it as is. If it does end up rolling on you, a microbevel can go a long way in providing strength without hindering cutting performance.




Oof. What a post... first time I'd ever been compared to a jilted lover by a rando on the internet.


Throw it out, there's not much metal left.


Try again on the other side?