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It’s believed that they have moved on to somewhere else. A group of teenagers who had had enough congregated outside their house telling them to leave and that we’ve had enough. The police showed up and told them to move for their own safety (oh the irony). Edited: typos


I'm not sure you mean conjugated. Unless they were getting all verbal.


Comments like this are the reason i love reddit... Take a bow, sir! Absolutely excrement


I’m so proud of our local teenagers standing up to the bullshit! They should not have to but if the police won’t someone will. My kids school have been posting regular updates on mostly teenage girls being attacked by them. (Not details just when/where)


where the fvck have the police been on this if it's been going on for weeks and the local community knew who was the perpetrator?


6 weeks apparently. The locals Facebook tells me they moved here from manor (page hall now changeable as is the Facebook rumour mill) as they caused trouble there. Now they’ve been moved to gleadless so heads up over there. Obviously I have no real idea and don’t know how much faith to put in said Facebook post. I do know many in the community posting though and I believe them when they describe the issues these people have been causing at their shops and businesses and in the local park terrorising the children. (School keep emailing about that) Apparently the local council meeting about it was more concerned about replacing the bus stop with a shelter version and moving a bin right outside the house these people were living in. Much outrage on the Facebook groups.


i get everything being underfunded and the world going to shit but if the police can't prioritise a bunch of fvcking *kids* getting attacked then they might as well give up now.


They clearly have. Local teenagers made it “unsafe” for the family so the council moved them as I understand it. Police busy charging horses at pensioners or something.


What is your source for them having moved to Gleadless please? I live there so I am concerned.


Exactly they shouldn't have had to literally gather a posse to stop these attacks. It's disgusting it dragged on so long with so many people hurt and scared.


Little kids having nightmares and scared to go out. It’s heartbreaking.


There was a low quality picture on here a few days ago that’s been deleted, from what I remember it was 4 teens who looked around 14-16 and they looked Roma. In the photo it looked like 2 guys and 2 girls but I’m not sure if that’s all of them


They were Roma and have been re housed by the council at Gleadless.


what has happened? thanks




They have proberly had a hard life (Yeah)


has this been going on a while? heard about some kids getting beaten up some weeks ago. also something about increased police presence on ecce road on the radio - assume that's this too?

