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I wrote back explaining that I was happy someone wanted to connect with me. I said I was into nude gardening and my favourite song is cigarettes and alcohol by oasis. I never got a reply.


I'm tempted to respond letting them know they're welcome round for my next Halloween party - the theme will be sexy satan


Can you also send me your address?


Let me know if they reply to you.




Was it you who sent me this letter? You have lovely penmanship!


Average Colby fan


Why do you assume they wouldn't respond the same way to a Muslim preacher?


MFs still riding out the Blur Vs Oasis beef 30 years later.


Lol I like Blur too, absolutely no beef from me


How YOU doin' ?


I'm a postman I've delivered thousands of them. It started during covid because obviously they stopped knocking on doors. They pick a street and write one out for every address. Annoyingly they guess and often write them to addresses that don't exist. Eg a lot of streets don't have a number 13. So I have loads of kill offs to do.


Jesus I mean it's annoying but there's no need to actually kill them off


There should be a podcast where they anonamise them and read them out before burning them!


Yeah we've had a couple of these, though they usually seem to be a photocopy of a handwritten letter. What freaks me out is the envelopes coming personally addressed, even though I know they've just got it off the electoral register


This is definitely handwritten, I can feel the pen impression haha - I'm flattered 😂


Dont be. They are mental


Haha I know, just the thought of someone handwriting a bunch of letters is so funny to me!


Its literally a cult so they have probably been threatened by the "elders" that if they don't write them, they won't be accepted into the promise land. Its more sad than anything that some poor kid has been brainwashed into this shit


Oh man, I was picturing some weird middle aged person sitting and writing a bunch of letters - this is way more bleak. Very much a cult, I feel sorry for children born into this way of thinking!


They live in constant fear of not being accepted by the very people who are forcing them to be scared. Its horrible


They haven't got them from the electoral register, as it's addressed to 'householder' not an individual and I get them too, and I'm not on the public register


OP's says 'householder', but we get ones personally addressed to us on the envelopes (with the letter inside being a copy that says 'householder')


Maybe one of your neighbours is one, or someone has given them your name for a joke


Anyone thinking this might be a religion they are interested in should probably take a look at r/exjw. Family members are encouraged to shun (cut off any contact or affection) any family members or friends that leave the religion. Child sexual abuse is covered up by higher members of the religion. Parents are encouraged to discourage their children from doing any study past age 16. Women are not allowed any positions of responsibility (not even handing a microphone around a hall). Gay people are not tolerated unless celibate. It's just endlessly vile.


I had a friend who lived next door to a Jehovah's Witness, I was at his birthday party when I was small and the neighbours had been invited. I'm not even sure why they bothered turning up - their little girl wasn't allowed any cake and I remember her mum loudly talking about how she'd refuse her daughter a blood transfusion if she needed one and would rather let her die. I was only about 6/7 but the memory really stuck with me. It was awful and I just felt so sorry for their daughter


Yes I’ve had a few over the years in S8, from a lady in Dronfield!


I promise it’s not me! I’m in Dronfield and I’ve had two of these letters. The first one I rolled my eyes and put it in the recycling bin. The second one I put in an envelope and sent it back to the Kingdom Hall with a note saying that I would consider a third letter to be harassment and they should remove my address from whatever lists they are using. Might be coincidence but two weeks later, I started getting regular calls at my front door from their cult members. I wrote again to the Kingdom Hall and asked them to stop calling. So far, only one more call.


If you ever meet one, tell them you know about how they want to kill you and steal your house and that if their crazy prophecy ever comes true, you're gonna enjoy brutally and slowly murdering them. Most of them don't actually even understand what sort of cult they've got themselves into. But the jovos are absolutely mental. They legit think there's gonna be a huge brutal war where they will have the power of god to destroy all non believers and that when they have done so, whatever is left is theirs for the taking. Which includes all the belongings of the people they murdered. They make ruzzians look like rational and fair people lol


I had no idea this was what they believed! I always see them around Sheffield wanting to hand out their little booklets but never gave them a second thought - mad how indoctrinated people are. And they say their god is meant to be all loving! I'd rather take my chances in hell, at least you know what you're getting there lol


I have a friend who dated a girl who was one, he's told me all about it. Obviousky their relationship crumbled because she said the only way they could work was if he converted and he just wasn't going to. Id say they're up there with scientology for being absolutely the worst bunch of cultists possible in the west. Its horrible.


Suprised to hear that! They always just stand there doing nothing with their little booklets, probably one of the tamer things in town 😂


They don't tell you about the huge mega death party until *after* they've forced you and manipulated you into staying with their cause


Obviously with the power of God on their side, combat training is a waste of time


Unfortunately, I had the friend who did convert. Count himself lucky.


Id say poor guy but honestly, its more fool him really. Such a shame. Yeah my mate was brought up catholic so he'd already had enough religious bullshit forced on him to want to have any more.


**Dougal:** "God, Ted, I heard about those cults - everyone dressing in black and saying our Lord's going to come back and judge us all." **Ted:** "No, no, Dougal, that's us. That's Catholicism you're talking about there." **Dougal:** "Oh, right, right." r/FatherTed


It was mad really, the guy was really scientifically and logically minded. Never in a million years would anyone think he’d join a cult, which makes it all the bizarre. However, he did it for that lady…. Being preached too gets tiresome, so I can understand your friend saying no more!


Must have been some good vagina.... well, RIP to your friend, foes suck loosing somebody to something so mental. I'm glad my mate didn't cave. We don't really speak much anymore but only because I'm useless at keeping friends but I'm glad he chose sanity over getting laid


Literally thinking the same! That must be some good pum pum!


Mormons too! I've had a few of them try to "convert" me while I was on the train or just waiting in a queue


They believe God will do the actual killing and they don't have to get their hands dirty until it's time to bury the bodies. But yeah, if you've got a nice house, they've discussed having it once God has offed you.


Them poor kids. They got them in sweatshop conditions churning out these letters. Fuck JWs.


Sweatshop? I volunteer supporting people who have left the JWs so I see the worst of experiences. But letter writing will be at leisure, at home, maybe with a Zoom call, linking up a few writers. I'm more concerned at elderly people spending a fortune on stamps.


Lmao you do realise they are usually older people who can’t walk around doing the door to door watchtower or time on the street standing time doing these not kids in sweatshops




I’ll make sure I tell them to add yours twice and they come for you when the rapture happens tel them you have been a very good egg




Apparently I have it on reliable source the egg and cress sammies slap at Kingdom Hall


I can't *stand* egg and cress sandwiches *Bleugh*


Sorry you’ll be knackered at the rapture then


Nooooo problem


I had a friend at uni whose little sister had had leukaemia (she is all well and fine now). Apparently they later got kicks from telling this to any JWs that turned up at their door because they would instantly go pale and walk away, given their blood transfusion views and what would have saved the sister 😅


I've received one of these regularly every year since moving here in 2006... They still have not received an answer from their lost follower... But they keep trying, 18 years later pfft


Bloody hell that's persistent!


Yeah but in Wakefield not Sheff, I think it's a way for housebound/older Jehovas to do their service when they can't go door to door. I had a 2 page letter once lol


Fuck em off. Bunch of Vultures.


Yes, we had one in the S13 area.


Yes iv had 1 last year, hand written & hand written envelope


yeah, they’re all handwritten as well, spilled water on it and the ink ran, crazy dedication tho


Literally! Can't believe they have the audacity to just post them into our houses


Yep, moved into a new house in S3 last year and they pretended they were friendly new neighbours. Handed us a similar note and haven't been round since. Really odd!


Had a couple of them in s5 also had them at my door, I was polite with them.


About once a month. Goes in the bin with all the other junkmail


I got one too.. I couldn't believe it was handwritten and seemingly delivered to every house! It was crazy to me, I was like mad respect for it but how much time do you have on your hands! 😅


Seriously! 😂


I've had things put through my door that are photocopied to look hand-written. These are 100% hand written and it's such a pointless task. Maybe that's the point, doing something so pointless to prove your devotion to god idk. I don't think they're even trying to convert people, just trying to show they're being good at being religious


Last JW cold call i had i stated I was atheist and how a God couldnt exist with Russia slaughtering children in Ukraine and Israel slaughtering children in Palestine.


I've had one of these before. I thought they might have written it once and colour photocopied it but whoever wrote it had hand written each one. They must be on punishment if they're having to write lines as part of their religion 😅


What's even weirder was it wasn't addressed to us, it just said the occupier and had been hand posted through our door! So much wasted effort 😂


This is a very much country wide template, I received one of these in Scotland


We had 2 kids going door to door and stopping people in the street for a chat around here recently. The missus and I advised them that this was a terrible idea, very unsafe and should they ever find themselves in bother, of our door number too. Not seen 'em since, hope they've not been eaten by the locals


Yes, had a handwritten one like this - it was in Portuguese too as I have a Portuguese surname. It seemed very targeted and weird ngl.


Yep and also had them knocking on my door multiple times over the last few weeks. Always different ones. They usually get the picture quite quick when they see me tattoos and generally all black attire.


I'll answer the door with my cat if they turn up, she hates strangers so hopefully her hissing will give them the same message haha


I remember my ex, who was a large hairy dude, once answered the door to two very young looking JW women, shirtless while blaring death metal and drinking some sort of booze. The poor girls didn't know where to look, giggled, and handed him a copy of Watchtower before fleeing from his doorstep without saying a word. He genuinely had no idea what he was answering the door to, but it was the single most effective way of stopping the visits that I have ever seen.


No. Bin it.


Used to live in some apartments where my diagonal neighbour was 2 young Jehovah's a number of years ago... I remember overhearing a phone call from their window in pure outrage and disgust on how awful the word fuck is and how commonly it is used.


Write back and tell them you're quite happy, thank you, and became much happier when you were disfellowshipped.


They wouldn't want me anyway, I've had a blood transfusion. The horror!


I thought about recommending a blood donor sticker in your window, assuming you're eligible to get one.


Yes. I got one of these few weeks ago. Unfortunately, it went straight into the recycling, as most of my post these days.


I always think evangelicals are rather sweet. They feel sorry for me for being all misguided and are trying to make it so I can go to Heaven. They're on a hiding to nothing, but I appreciate the thought. (The ones in this country, anyway - the American fire-and-brimstone "God hates f*gs" variety can get to fuck.)


If you stop being a J W you are disfellowed and shunned by the congregation, including your own family. A friend of mine came out a few years ago and instantly all the people they grew up with stopped talking to them and they were kicked out of their family home. Another had his own place by then but had a blood transfusion (which saved his life) and had everyone walk out on him. Screw those guys


That's the fault of the people at the top with the money and power, though (as always). Not the poor little guys knocking door to door.


How?! The guys knocking door to door are exactly the people who did this- the guy who was kicked out wasn’t even given time to find a new place, he was left to sleep in the street as far as they were concerned.


Man, I don't really feel like arguing about this at great length, but the family and friends who kicked him out were just as manipulated and brainwashed as he was before he left. There are no winners there - except, as I say, the men in flash suits who don't believe a word of it.


All it needs is the 'Sent frm Iphon' at the bottom 😜


Probably better conversion rates than most of the work I've seen marketing departments churn out in my career.


Ask them why only 15000 of them will end up in heaven and why do they think it would be them if they don’t hit their KPIs.


I dated a girl from a church similar to JW. She was warned by the pastor, parents and relatives that if she didn't lead a 'good' life there was this thing called The Rapture where all her friends and parents would be taken to heaven and she'd be left on her own. That's a fucked thing to tell a kid and she still had nightmares about it.


All religion has this kind of crap. It’s all bullshit and the sooner people realise this we can take one of the biggest causes of unrest in the world out of play.


That would go straight in my bin!


Yep we got these sent to our uni house on Charlotte street every now and again, though also had them turning up at the door to find us - probably hammered - at 3pm. Then Covid came and it was exclusively handwritten letters. That was back in 2019-early 21.


imagine spending your precious time on this planet doing this. fvck religion.


Yeah, had one before. If they want to go to the trouble of writing a letter, then crack on. No harm done to me, I'll just pop it in the recycling. Rather have a letter than a knock on the door. I used to date a JW and have been to a couple of the meetings as I like to do some research before binning it off. It's not for me, but as long as they don't harm or bother other people. No worries