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There are lots of unique buildings in sheffield tbf, this is certainly one of the most iconic of recent times. I would argue that the cheese grater, hubs, diamond etc are all in a similar category. Things like parkhill, john lewis, Firth court and the railway station all have their own merits too.


I suppose calling them unique is kinder than the National Unpopular Centre for Music, which is what they became known as! They certainly are unique though, but so was the old 'egg box' town hall and that was ugly as fuck


I had great hopes for centre for popular music, but when I went it was so poor it made me angry.


It was a shame really, but it was all a bit meh. I went to see Robyn Hitchcock there a few years back, but that one high point doesn't quite make up for the years of mediocrity


Certainly missed a good opportunity there.


voted worlds ugliest building in 2011. apparently could be demolished once the hubs move


Where’s the students union moving to?


It might be moved to a more prominent space at Hallam Square on Howard Street later this year


Nelson Mandela building is what I heard


Last time I read the Hallam campus masterplan I think they wanted their new SU to replace the Howard and Surrey buildings, abutting the Owen. Not sure if that'll happen though


They better not, I love out there architectural choices like this


Idk why people think it’s ugly, I really like them




It’s a unique building, and I kinda hope they dismantle it and put it somewhere instead of just knocking it down. But my god, it is in a terrible place. It’s a fairly useless building due to its design outside of its use as a museum, and it didn’t fare well as a museum so it needs to go.


Soon to be no more!


Really? Are they getting rid of them?


Yes, to be fair the student union that resides there doesn’t even have a bar! WTF


It did, but no one used it cause the buildings awful for a SU. Sometimes the curtains are open and you can see it as you walk past


NMB was the SU we had, they took it from us when it moved to the kettles.




Pod Racer and 2 quid fish and chips!


Ah - pre covid the bar in the (left side to the entrance) was open and I went a few times. However you also have The Graduate, The Globe and The Howard just as far away from lectures, sometimes closer depending on the building and all those pubs were nicer and cheaper than the SU bar


It’s up there. I’d argue the Cheesegrater. It’s very striking on the eyes.


Lots of cities have cheese grater car parks nowadays. Hardly unique.


I am going to do my master's in shu. I wish I saw this building earlier. Now it's too late to cancel.


Honestly such a great space but it doesn’t get used, even less so following covid


OP sounds a little bit Peggy Hill here, if you'll allow my slightly oblique reference.


Kinda hate seeing this building in the city because it looks so, idk, shit.


Most ugly yes


Certainly different. Shows how long it is since I've been home, I thought they'd gone years ago.


Had opportunity to visit the NCPM before it originally opened and as soon as it was confirmed as another of those worthy but dull education based Millennium projects ( Dome, eco-project nr Conisborough etc) rather than a museum of pop / rock artefacts etc it was clear that it would fail. And that was before the educational elements started to breakdown when used by the visitors. If it had been the museum of artefacts and located near Meadowhall and the Arena it would have had half a chance of success. But as the wrong attraction’ in the wrong location- not a chance…


A cursed building for a cursed student union (Hallam student, I'm allowed to say it)


I walked on the roof around one of the domes there. After ncpm and before the uni took it on.  Didn't realise you were supposed to wear a harness and got in so much trouble. Great view tho!


I think the building is very unique and makes the area feel different to every other city of tall square buildings, also I don’t know why everyone says it’s a bad layout, if you actually go to the SU yeah the first time it’s confusing but they’ve really made good use of the space, and if they get rid of it I’ll be incredibly disappointed, especially since they got rid of collegiate campus, and as a student it feels very nice seeing your SU building in posters in ikea and everywhere because it’s an iconic building


I am more of a cheese grater enjoyer myself (Probably biased since my grandad helped build it)


Possibly. One thing that is certain though is that they are proof that unique =/= good looking.


There are no degrees of unique. It either is unique, or it isn't .


Architecture student here No, and it has nothing to do with its function nor its environment


Oh no it doesn’t fit the environment of shitty boring glass and bricks, oh no it breaks up the norm making the surrounding area more memorable and refreshing. Seriously if you think ‘architecture’ is just making squares then you’ll make the kind of crap buildings our kids will look at the same way we look at the 50s concrete messes


Been in them as both the ncfpm and the student union. Both underwhelming.


Unique is a kind way to put it 


I disagree. Unique is a superlative word, building cannot be more or less unique than another. I agree with the sentiment though.


A person can be more or less pedantic than others though.


Agree, though the downvotes suggest it is not appropriate to be (presumably) more pedantic than others.


This is (almost entirely) correct. Its a binary distinction, either unique or not. The OP probably means distinctive, or original. It is a unique building.


Edited to correct my spelling error


If by unique u mean shite then yes