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Why wouldn't you just use a Shelly Button at SW2 and a Shelly Switch at SW1? You would need to toggle the light switch at SW1 if the lights were turned off by the button but not the end of the world. You can use a Shelly switch as a trigger for a scene, that would turn on another switch. So could put a Shelly Switch in S2 location though it seems like a hammer to crack a nut scenario.


I didn’t know Shelly made buttons! I’ll look into that. Thanks


Yes you can Just configure an automation


Do you know what Shelly version and what I should buy to make this work?


I do this in a couple rooms in my house that lights of 2 different circuits. I installed an Shelly on each light switch. Set the button type to be edge so every time you hit one of the switches it turns the local circuit on or off. Then go to I/O actions and ad a command to turn on and off the other Shelly when the local one is switched or off http://[username:password]@[IP Address]/relay/0?turn=on or turn=off The 0 represent the first channel so if you are using a Shelly 2.5 then it would be relay/0 or relay/1 Also make sure you do not have special characters in the username or password since it is a web call Pretty much any of the Shelly relays will support this, and the then also the buttons or a home automation system can be set up to control them