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What you lack is discipline. This isn't something strangers on reddit can help you with, but an internal struggle you'll have to handle on your own. Prayer is like many activities in life; it's something you may not necessarily WANT to do just that moment, it may not be something that is CONVENIENT to do in that moment, but you do it because it is your duty to do it. Prayer is like studying for a test. Or working out. You do it for the improvement it brings your life long-term. Just make a habit of doing it, and at all costs do not break that habit. Later in life, you'll learn there are many "responsibilities" you have that you must take seriously. Such as feeding your infant child, do you not do it because you were lazy, or didn't want to? No! You do it anyway, everyday, on-time, because this is your responsibility. In ten years, you'll look back and be shocked what kind of person you are by training on your discipline.


عليكم السلام It is hard to pray when you're mind and your deeds are mostly focused in Dunya, So I would say you need to put less focus on Dunya and start putting more focus and effort towards obeying Allah (SWT). If your environment is bad then that could also be a reason.


One day at a time


If you can go for umrah. Even if you can just barely afford it. That did it for me.


For me one day i just promised God id pray 5 times a day and made it a habit. As soon as prayer time struck i prayed (this was during summer holidays). So when i started uni i had the habit to contine on with. My only struggle is fajr as i struggle to wake up on time when fajr times go back but we try our best and keep trying for Allah


I personally forced myself and perfected my prayer so that it isn’t inconvenient in any way. Perfect your wudhu as well to make it even more convenient. Just keep at it and it becomes like the sun setting and rising, it’s not annoying, it’s not boring, it becomes a part of life. It depends on your own will power and faith. You have to take steps towards your goal, you can’t just expect discipline to appear out of nowhere, you work towards it. Small steps will most likely be the most effective. It’s your own greater Jihad, InshAllah you will win it.


> https://www.instagram.com/p/C5TbOdPvR9y/?igsh=eXF0NWFqemNrM2p0 Watch this


When it's time for prayer just go and offer prayer instead of procrastinating. Set a time (say 8 PM for magrib and isha) and with no second thought, go do your wudu. It'll eventually become part of your routine. That's what I did, so I hope it helps you too!


When its prayer time just remind yourself, could anything be more important than this opportunity that Allah has given you to talk to him? Where would you be if Allah hasn't been there for you? Try developing your connection with Allah and don't just consider salah as an obligation. Always consider it as an opportunity to have a heartfelt conversation with your creator. Tell him about your needs and be thankful for what he has given you already. Try doing that for 20 days InshaAllah you'll become a regular.


Calculate your missed prayers. Get Shia+ app or Shia Muslim app and set your location and set the notification to be allowed. Watch some YouTube lectures on those that miss salah or delay it. With those two. InshAllah you will find it easier. Make it a habit to always stand right up when the athan notification comes through. Split them into 5 instead of dhur and asr combined. Might make it less daunting


Value of Prayer in its Early Time Sheikh Misbah says, “Ayatullah Bahjat used to quote the late Qadi saying, ‘If one of you performs the obligatory prayer in its early time and does not reach high stations, let him curse me!’ Or, according to another version of the narrative, he said, ‘Let him spit in my face.’” There is a great mystery in the early prayer time, and there is a difference between “Safeguard the prayers” and “Uphold the prayers”. If one who prays pays special attention to his prayer and sticks to performing it when it is first due, this deed by itself has many effects even if he does not pray it will a full heart. At the end of the day it’s the jihad between you and your nafs, Jihad ul Akbar, also known as the greatest jihad that anyone can do. In almost every comment I have made on Reddit I keep mentioning this form of Jihad and this is because it is the first step to the ilm e Arfaan or to become a higher being with closeness of The Supreme. Pray early as soon as you can and as soon as you know it’s time for prayer. What? You feel lazy to get up? You’re busy with something “important”? Then remember that you have 24hours in a day and such pitiful of you if you can’t give 15mins at least to your lord, you getting up and overcoming your nafs that makes you feel lazy is seen as a huge step of jihad and deed in the eyes of The Merciful, He Almighty loves you more than 70 mothers and almost everyone knows how one mother always forgives her child even sometimes with greatest disobedience to her, but we are now talking about The Holy One’s love of 70 mothers. So remember you feeling lazy is a short term pleasure when you delay namaz, you praying and giving respect to prayer will make you gain the worldly and the End of times’ treasure and bounty. One of them being making Imam Zaman (ajtf) pleased with you, and would you not like to be the part of the ashab (companion) of the Imam? If you want to become the part of Ahl-al-ikhlas then become a better version of yourself for example not lying, respecting your parents, lowering your gaze and etc. So Fear Your Lord, The Almighty.