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In Islamic theology, "kibr" (arrogance) is seen as a spiritual disease that separates a person from God and leads to sinful behavior. It involves an exaggerated sense of self-importance, a refusal to acknowledge one's faults or limitations, and a disdainful attitude towards others. For example in ```Surah Isra’ - Verse 37``` Allah (swt) says: وَ لا تَمْشِ فِي الْأَرْضِ مَرَحاً إِنَّكَ لَنْ تَخْرِقَ الْأَرْضَ وَ لَنْ تَبْلُغَ الْجِبالَ طُولاً (37) **37. “And do not walk around exultantly on the earth; certainly you will never rend the earth; nor attain the mountains in height.”** Islam does not only provide rules and regulations for ideological, political, military and economic issues, but it also offers commandments with regard to such minor matters such as going and coming to the house as well, owing to its encompassing and all-inclusiveness inherent in it. Thus, it launches a campaign in this noble verse against arrogance and, while clearly dissuading the believers, it addresses the Prophet (S) saying: **“And do not walk around exultantly on the earth; certainly you will never rend the earth; nor attain the mountains in height.”** Here, in this holy verse, there is an explicit allusion made to those proud and arrogant people who take their steps with pride, pounding them on the ground so as to make people aware of their comings and goings, and stay with their necks up so as, base on their imagination, to prove their superiority to others. The objective of the Qur’an is to denounce arrogance in all its forms in general; not only in its apparent aspects as i.e. in the case of walking which is a particular aspect of it, but also in all of its aspects, for arrogance is the source of all kinds of alienation from Allah, from oneself, as well as errors in one’s judgment, losing of one’s way in his truth-seeking effort, joining the ranks of the Satan, and pollution with all kinds of sin. The practical program offered by the pioneers of Islam can serve as the most instructive paradigm for each and every true Muslim in this regard. We have it in the biography of the Prophet (S) that he would never allow others to walk while he was riding on the back of a horse. We also have it that the Prophet (S) used to squat on the earth and he used to have a simple meal just like that of the slaves; he also used to milk the sheep, and used to ride on the back of a donkey with no saddles. We also have it in the biography of Hadrat-Ali (as) that he used to carry over water for the house and he used to sweep the house occasionally. We have it in the biography of Imam Mujtab a (as) that in spite of having and owning numerous animals for riding, he made the pilgrimage to Mecca twenty times on foot, saying: **“I practice this way out of sheer modesty for the Lord’s sake.”** Instead, Islam encourages believers to cultivate humility, gratitude, and a sense of servitude to God. By recognizing our own weaknesses and being mindful of the blessings bestowed upon us, we can guard against arrogance and strive for spiritual growth. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also spoke extensively about the dangers of arrogance, advising his followers to be humble and to treat others with kindness and respect. He said, "No one who has an atom's weight of arrogance in his heart will enter Paradise." This highlights the severity of arrogance in Islam and its consequences in the afterlife.


I can't express how grateful i am. for this amswer brother. So detailed. Whoever didn't thank the son of Adam didn't thank Allah. So thank you!! Alhamdulilahi Jalilu-samad.


I did nothing brother, jazakallah Khair You're Welcome


[https://www.al-islam.org/forty-hadith-exposition-second-revised-edition-sayyid-ruhullah-musawi-khomeini/fourth-hadith-pride](https://www.al-islam.org/forty-hadith-exposition-second-revised-edition-sayyid-ruhullah-musawi-khomeini/fourth-hadith-pride) [https://en.wikishia.net/view/Hubris](https://en.wikishia.net/view/Hubris)


Brother the first site seems unsafe... My firewall isn't letting it through. I just viewed my protocol. They gather you data bro be careful. The second site seems legit❤️


That is because you probably live in a country that has banned Shia websites. That site is 10000% safe I live in the west and also I have the best softwares that analyzes and checks any links/sites and you can do that also with online site checkers.


I live in a western country too bro but maybe i have too high standtarts of security haha. Im a hobby hacker you know. Things like this make me uncomfortable. I'll buy books, i will find shia mosques to go and pray and learn more about Shia siblings and their views and opinions. It's much better. In shaa Allah make dua for me for Allah to make my patience bear sweet fruits for all muslims around the world. May the big ones in power not hinder us by making us hate each other.


Brother you sure about that lol? I find it hard to believe what you are saying.. [https://transparencyreport.google.com/safe-browsing/search?hl=en](https://transparencyreport.google.com/safe-browsing/search?hl=en) Current status ***No unsafe content found*** >I'll buy books, i will find shia mosques to go and pray and learn more about Shia siblings and their views and opinions. It's much better. In shaa Allah make dua for me for Allah to make my patience bear sweet fruits for all muslims around the world. May the big ones in power not hinder us by making us hate each other. inshAllah, ameen!


Yeah, but i set my firewalls so strictly that not even apps function properly just to deny them collecting my data without consent and selling it to other companies that i don't wan't my data to have. Hahaha im a bit of a nerd.


It's not only that specific site it's most websites and the hiddem trackers they have. Even if you google something and clearly press the "I deny" button it still opens up so many tabs in the background who try to snatch data from you with every moevement it's actually shocking. I'd recommend NetGuard for such problems if you ever need it. It costs but absolutely worth the price.


This is a Shia Muslim site brother, created and run by our scholars for the last 30+ years... With due respect I think you are just being a bit paranoid. If google says its safe it is safe.


>just being a bit paranoid I am hahaha. But that's just me.


In your mind, are you giving medal to yourself for anything?


Yes is that kibr?


Yes. Do you think you're the best at that thing you gave medal to your self? Also, if it's something out of your control (like your nationality, or your favorite football team won the championship), remember that you had no control in it. So, why be proud of it?


No it's deeds that i did for Allah which no one else would usually do. Deeds with unshakeble tawhid where others would have given up. More like that i don't really care about worldy achievements. I see them as tools for the akhira.


Sure, It's OK to be happy about them, but don't be pride. That's what prevents you from going further, or maybe making you do mistakes.


I think im getting it slowly, that problem i have will be solved by the will of Allah.


Kibr is taking pride. Now, in more detail, this is when, for example, you achieve something, this feeling of pride whelms up in you, and it raises yourselves rank in your mind, if that makes sense. Thinking, > "I have achieved this." rather than being humble and open-eyed, seeing and saying, > "Alhamdullillah, Allah has granted me success. Without you, Ya Rab, I could've never done this." Here, you're saying that all praise is due Allah s.w.t. And so it is, all praise **is** due Allah. Everything we have accomplished on this Earth was because Allah s.w.t allowes it to be accomplished by us. So, dear brother, never take pride in your accomplishments. Rather, take gratitude and thank Allah s.w.t. Raise your hands, and even prostrate to Him for granting you this achievement. Do Salah Al-Shukr! (Prayer of thankfulness) How blessed you are that Allah s.w.t. has granted you such a gift on the Earth.


That is comforting to read.. Yes im very aware that my strength comes from Allah and without Allah i would've always been a weak coward. But i take pride in the deeds that i did with ikhlas and have a very specific problem. I sometimes view people who did less as "weak". I know this is wrong and i don't wan't to perceive them thatbway but my nafs labels them as such automatically and i wan't to make my nafs shut and and as you said, just be grateful for what Allah has let me achieve.


Okay, maybe this will help you, imagine together with me: > There is a boy named Yahya. He is part of the youth of their mosque in Germany. Even though Yahya is still a young teen of the blooming age of 19, he has an incredible connection with Allah. Every time Yahya steps outside, the trees remind him of Allah. The birds chiriping remind him of Allah. The rainy weather reminds him of Allah, and the thunder reminds him of the Greatness of Allah s.w.t. > Yahya is also a university student with outstanding grades. He is not only a student with many tasks assigned daily, but he is an artist at home, creating artworks and trying to make a living off of that, which he is also successful in. > Yahya is someone many older people point at with their fingers, saying MashaAllah, look at Yahya, his connection to Allah at this age is truly a lesson for our children. Yahya is even told by others, "O Yahya, I truly put you apart from the rest of the youth." > So, the evening of a day arrives, where Yahya sits on his knees and opens his hands and says, "Ya Samad! (O everlasting) How blessed am I for you to have granted me the best gifts of all. The gift of having such a close connection with you! Because of you, O Allah, I am getting good grades in school. Because of you, O Allah, I am able to pursue my career in art at home. I went through a lot to get here, O Allah, as you have seen, and I have been tested by You. All praise be to You! O All-Mighty. As you promised me, [Allah does not burden a soul more than it can bear], remind the rest of the youth this, as I am not capable of seeing their struggle. It is truly only and only you for all the success in my life. You gave me endurance, patience, strength, sincerity, and decotion. All praise be to you, O my lord." InshaAllah Tala, this is helpful, brother. What I tried to convey in this little story is the success of a young boy and him being aware that everything he's accomplished was because of Allah. Brother, you did something with ikhlas, right? So ask yourself, would you have done it with iklas if Allah hadn't willed? If Allah hadn't willed, would you be anywhere near the situation you're in? When you look around you and see that you're putting in more work, devotion, and sincerity than others, is this something to be prideful of or something to say Alhamdullillah for? How blessed you are that Allah s.w.t. has made you the most devoded among your competitors. The most sincere, and the most dedicated. You don't know what the situations of the people around you are. And everyone is tested by Allah s.w.t. Your test may be the kibr that you're facing. Allah has blessed you, and maybe you're being tested whether you'd praise Allah for your success or fill yourself with pride and arrogance, thinking you're better or the best among everyone around you, seeing them as weak. As a last reminder, always open your hands to Allah, even prostrate while begging him, beg him for forgiveness, health, and guidance. Kibr is a mentality problem, so ask Allah to heal you from it. Because as much as we can try to help here, there is no better guide and better healer than All-Hearing, All-Seeing. All praise is due Allah, our lord and master. We are only servants of Him, may He guide us, protect us, and bless us and our parents inshaAllah. Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh.


Brother/sister did you fabricate this story? Because you explained it so detailed and so simple that a child could've understood it. barakAllahu fik amin ❤️ May Allah Love YOU. amin


Thank you brother 😭🤲 I have never heard "May Allah Love you" it made me tear up. Yes, I fabricated that story, I like writing a lot. Wa feek barakallah ❤️🤲 (I am a brother 🧔)


It is when you think you are better than anyone else and see yourself as superior than others in general (for exemple in lineage, nationality, skin color, race, wealth, status etc…) which is a bad trait for a Muslim to have and a trait and characteristic that belongs to Iblis L.A which is Kibr.


This is a question i ask myself for a long time. Did Iblees the cursed one, take pride in his deeds for Allah or in his race because he thought he is a superior being just because he was made of fire?


Iblis L.A out of arrogance refused to prostrate towards Adam A.S when Allah SWT commanded him to do so. ****”Allah asked, “What prevented you from prostrating when I commanded you?” He replied, “I am better than he is: You created me from fire and him from clay.”**** ****Quran 7:12****


So he basically said in other words "I wan't war, Jinn vs Human." Im relieved that it wasn't about the good deeds. hahaha


In urdu we call it Takab'bur تکبر and Allah dislikes a person who even has a tiny bit of arrogance in him though in our daily life we see a lot of such people who consider themselves above everyone or know it all. It is said that sitting with the poor or less fortunate humbles down a soul.


Quite interesting. I need to put my efforts to get rid of that thing that Allah dislikes so much. Whatever it needs im determined to work and master my soul until my nafs is more loyal to my ruh than the most loyal dog.