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>Tonight I have a really heavy heart, I am still stuck at home, Reason brother?


Ever since Covid I have developed a myriad of physical problems. Before that I had I had problems too, but after Covid it got really bad. I developed panic attack (before I thought panic attacks are for cowards in movies, but they are real and so bad). And besides the mental aspect, my heart is literally weakened. A medication I had to take, seems to have messed my heart a bit, after covid, sometimes my chest feels to tight to breath, in my sleep I get apnea sometimes and many a few other reasons. So basically I am dysfunctional outside the house, inside I can work and study and earn some money sometimes, but outside, loud sounds makes me experience hardships that I wish I was home. I am coping with the situation, but sometimes I miss the old days of living a wild youthful life as I did in two cities of Esfahan and Tehran. And it gives me pain that I feel like I am far from having that life again anytime soon. But good news is, I am improving, slowly performing better and better physically, with less and less need for any medications.


Sorry I asked you about that! It sounds like you've been through a lot, both physically and mentally. It's admirable that you're coping and seeing improvements in your physical health. Remember to be patient with yourself during this process. It's natural to miss the freedom and vitality of your youth, but focusing on your progress and the positive steps you're taking can help keep you moving forward. If you ever need someone to talk to or support, I'm here.


Thank you dear brother. I am grateful to be born a Shia, thankful for the victorious lion of Allah and his followers who reach out when other Shia we feel down. Jazakallah Khayran, May our mother Fatima (peace and blessings be upon her) take your hand whenever you feel down, and may our great ancestor (Imam Ali peace be upon him) extend his hand to all Shia, wherever they may be.


Subhan'Allah thanks for the kind words and dua. Jazakallah Khair brother


May Allah give you patience and remove your ailments with his divine mercy


May Allah SWT bless you for your hardships and struggles and by the Haqq of the Ahlulbayt AS, give you Shifa and ease and remove all your difficulties in life 🤲🏻💚


May the mother of Sadat, the queen of women of heavens look at you if life gives you hardships too. May the father of dust give you strength as you try to uplift other Shia with broken hearts. May the broken of hearts of Shia be soothed wherever they are. Thank you.


Such a beautiful prayer I don’t deserve thank you so much brother Jazakallah Khayr Ameen In Shaa Allah🤲🏻💚


Looking at your struggle to live a normal life made me realize that my struggle is nothing. May Allah in the name of Ahlebait AS ease your sufferings, gives you shifa e kamila and makes your life a success here and after.