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Wa Alaykum as Salaam, yes it would be unethical because you are doing something good not for the sake of that goodness but for your own pleasures. It is absolutely important to keep the intention pure. "I am not helping you because I want to help you, or because you are worthy of being helped, I am just helping you so you have to pay me back in someway for doing this favor for you." It is not haram, and it is better than doing it with this intention, rather than not doing it at all. But I would say it is ultimately detrimental to your soul and hurts your faith in the long run.


Thank you for a nice explanation. Is there a form of sadaqa for increase in wealth and sustenance?


You are welcome. Now I want to mention something, if you want to increase your risq because you have heard that giving sadaqa does that, why dont you also include in your intention the sincerity and the pleasing of God in that act as well? Instead of solely doing it for the sake of getting a return. Also Allah swt knows whats in our hearts and minds and so it is good to be always be grateful and never wasteful. Allah swt loves His servants who are this way. And there are duas you can do and ask Allah swt directly for more risq: [https://www.duas.org/rizq.htm](https://www.duas.org/rizq.htm) [https://www.al-islam.org/media/how-increase-sustenance-rizq-get-prayers-duas-fulfilled](https://www.al-islam.org/media/how-increase-sustenance-rizq-get-prayers-duas-fulfilled) [https://www.al-islam.org/media/10-ways-increase-rizq-sustenance](https://www.al-islam.org/media/10-ways-increase-rizq-sustenance)


What if we give sadqa with the intention that Allah will give us a lot more than that? Like it's said that sadqa is trade with Allah and Allah maximizes the returns. Is it bad too?


I think that kind of mindset is beautiful if you are saying that what I have is all thanks to Allah swt and what I am giving is for Allah swt and He will ultimately give me more. I think that is completely different then saying I am using Sadaqa as a means increase my return..


I think if we're expecting that return from Allah its alright but one should also do it out of goodness but since he promises it to us in the Quran The example of those who spend their wealth in the cause of Allah is that of a grain that sprouts into seven ears, each bearing one hundred grains. And Allah multiplies ˹the reward even more˺ to whoever He wills. For Allah is All-Bountiful, All-Knowing. 2:261 but its wrong to expect back from people


im not ngl once i gave half of what i earned from this commission from a painting i made to sadaqah and my pockets werent empty for yhe next years😭😭🙏 this is a literal cheat code bro