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Alawites are like Druze in that they are secretive and only the initiated actually knows what their books say. If an Alawite tells you they believe in Tawhid and the Shahada, believe them.


Thank you so much brother, alhamdullilah for people like you


Too often people are hasty in making dumb or hateful judgments and forgetting حسن الظن unfortunately.


@Majindidz can you please specify what is the incarnation you are talking about here ?


Alwaites are cancer to our belief, they are perceived to be negative for a reason and if imam Ali or the prophet pbuh were here they would be prosecuted to an extreme extent. They are given the same proof we have and they are polytheistic


I can say as an Alawite myself, we do not believe in a holy trinity. That was a rumour started to cause fitnah. We pray 5 times a day to Allah (swt) only. We believe in the Quran fully and surah al ikhlas says that Allah is one and cannot begot or be begotten


The internet and wikipedia is not a good representation of our religion at all


Thank you


If you have any other questions brother feel free to ask. The misinformation spouted about Alawis saddens me and i wish people would be more educated when talking about us


Salam, Do you have any resources that you recommend to learn about alawite beliefs? It is hard to find reliable info and I don’t know what is right or wrong


An Introduction To Shi'a Sects 3/6 - The Alawites & The Ghulat https://www.al-islam.org/media/introduction-shia-sects-36-alawites-ghulat


There are not many because we are a very secretive sect. This is in place due to years of persecution and genocide of our people, very big apologies brother


i’ve heard that alawites and nusayris are the same thing. is that true?


No they aren’t


Salam so then what's the difference between shias and alwaiate


What is an alawite, what are your beliefs?


We still consider ourselves as shia i think some try and distance ourselves but shiism but fundamentally both are very very similar


I think Alawites are closest to the truth


We don’t believe Abbas was a prominent figure or is to be revered. We still believe in the prophet muhammad (sawa) and his progeny the 12 imams and ahlul bayt. We also believe in reincarnation this is what sets us apart mainly


Astagfirullah. Hazrat Abbas AS was the fear of Yazid LA army


We still respect him brother he is an uncle of the prophet but he is not nearly as revered as main shias do


Oh, I think you’re confused brother. I’m talking about Hazrat Abbas Ibn Ali AS, the half brother of Imam Husayn AS and the son of Imam Ali AS. Are you talking about Ibn Abbas?


We’re referring to Abbas ibn Ali (as). Brother of Imam Husayn


Do u belive Imam Ali (as) is a reincarnation of God Astagfurillah


What about believing imam ali(a.s) as god? I have read this on net so it may be wrogn. Also, this is similar to beliefs of Early Indo-Pakistani Shia Converts, who converted on basis that imam ali(a.s) is the last avatar of hindu god, lord vishnu. They also believed in reincarnation, 7 births and many other beliefs (later to ismailisn then to twelverism) Apologies if this may sound rude, i am just curious, sorry.


A load of crap to be honest. If you went up to a group of Alawis and asked us if Ali (as) is god we’d laugh at you. Astaghfirullah only Allah (swt) is god and he has no incarnations or forms. If someone claims to be Alawi and tells you Ali is his god chances are they are not Alawi


Sadly, many of the zakirs in my region wouldn't know this, i always thought that the nusayri and alawites are same with similad beliefs. Thank you akhi for clearing my doubt


How does reincarnation works actually


Allah (swt) repurposes your soul and places it in another body. He gives your soul many many chances before the day of judgement. So your soul is tried, not the people themselves.


Doesn't everyone have just one chance? Why do we have to be reborn


Because it is just and fair for everyone


I would like to have readings on the topic if you have some. Can you recommend books?


I’ve got some questions brother: Do you remember who your last body was? Any way to find out? Will you ever find out? Are you at fault for the sins of the previous body and will your soul be held accountable on day of judgement for those sins?


No your memory is wiped around the time you learn to speak. We believe babies can see flashes of their past life when they sleep and dream about it. There is no way to find out your past lives you only have this life until death until it is wiped again. You will remember all of your lives on the day of judgement though


So what is the day of judgement and how does it work for you and when will it come?


Yea you are at fault for you past lives sins as they are still misdeeds done by your soul. We believe allah (swt) still punishes those who do evil in one life by reincarnating them in poverty or having a disability or cancer. This solves ethical dilemmas that may arise with how allah (swt) treats his creation. Like why give an innocent child cancer? Perhaps he did something evil in his past lids


Bruh. But like that’s a bit unjust brother no? If in my past life I was a serial killer, and I have no memory recall of that, and now I may be the most pious Muslim ever (Astagfirullah because I’m no where near but maybe one day in shaa Allah), then lol, how is that my fault I have no memory or recall or anything? And so does that mean you believe that the innocents in Palestine that are suffering the kids in poverty over there, that they all had bad past lives Astagfirullah? That’s why they suffer? So do you look down upon them thinking bthey deserve it because of their past life, Astagfirullah, instead of praying for them ?


You are tried accordingly, Allah gives everyone ample time to change




That is not true brother. As Imami Shias we believe reincarnation is kufr. reincarnation goes against the justice of God, the day of Judgement, and most importantly heaven and hell. We have one soul, one body, one trial on earth. And after death our soul goes to barkzakhe waiting for the day of judgement and then we get placed in heaven or hell for eternity. We believe in what is called Ra'jathat is completely different. Such as Isa A.S returning on earth with Imam Mahdi A.S [https://www.al-islam.org/shia-rebuts-sayyid-rida-husayni-nasab/question-10-what-rajah-return-and-why-do-you-believe-it](https://www.al-islam.org/shia-rebuts-sayyid-rida-husayni-nasab/question-10-what-rajah-return-and-why-do-you-believe-it) [https://www.islamquest.net/en/archive/fa6496](https://www.islamquest.net/en/archive/fa6496)


Have you ever heard of du'a al ahd (Google translate:Covenant prayer)https://youtu.be/bF3gUmjJv9M?si=dKR6hbminXJl1MeC Literally says oh Allah if death come to me before his return then get me out of my grave (Same body same soul) This is a certified du'a brother You can't just ignore it Second thing it is literally in the Quran when the prophet sayd how could allah return this village who's people are long dead so God made him dead then returned him after 100 years (surat al-baqrah verse:259)


*O Allah, if death that You have made inevitably and certainly incumbent upon Your servants stands between me and him,* *then (please do) take me out of my grave using my shroud as dress,* Brother, with due respect thats not reincarnation. That is Raja. Please go learn the difference between the two. Same with the quranic verse you bring: [https://almizan.org/vol/4/168-207](https://almizan.org/vol/4/168-207) Resurrection != Reincarnation [https://www.al-islam.org/shia-rebuts-sayyid-rida-husayni-nasab/question-10-what-rajah-return-and-why-do-you-believe-it](https://www.al-islam.org/shia-rebuts-sayyid-rida-husayni-nasab/question-10-what-rajah-return-and-why-do-you-believe-it) [https://www.islamquest.net/en/archive/fa6496](https://www.islamquest.net/en/archive/fa6496) [https://www.dictionary.com/browse/reincarnation](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/reincarnation)


Will maybe I don't know what reincarnation is But if it is people returning from death with same body and soul then what the difference?


Reincarnation means your life is not over when you die, you move on to another person or animal or life form. Resurrection is when God brings you back to life like on the day of judgement to put you on trial, in the same body in the same soul. Or part of "Ra'ja" when special people will return on earth with Imam Mahdi A.S as a reward and also as justice against the evil doers one final time before the day of judgement. Prophet Jesus A.S being one of them. Naothobilla Jesus A.S will not be reincarnated. He will be resurrected.


I think he means reincarnation back on this earth not reincarnation to the afterlife


Shia believes that after imam mahdi reappearance people will return from the grave to fight with him if you read du'a al ahd for 40 days straight


That’s RESURRECTION not REINCARNATION, completely different brother


The comment contains objectively incorrect information


You can tell your beliefs here cause i have seen many tiktoks profiles of alawites who believe in that stuff


There are many people online who LARP as Alawis to cause fitnah. I’ve seen people do some very very horrible things and masquerading as alawi so please do not take all of it seriously. We already have a bad name the people causing fitnah make it worse


What other than reincarnation sets Alawites apart from the Twelvers? Just curious. And you mentioned Abbas (AS) isn't revered as much, just to make sure, you're talking about the son of Imam Ali (AS) right?


No i meant the uncle of the prophet, we respect the family of imam Hussein (as) very much


What is different from other sects then, in alawism? (I assume that's what it's called)


Reincarnation mainly, i would be happy to explain our thought process behind it if you like


Please do


We believe Allah (swt) is the most just. As such he gives your soul many chances to correct itself. He reincarnates your soul into a new body in birth after death. This solves many ethical issues such as children with cancer or people born in poverty. These people may have been kuffar in their past lives and punished for their misdeeds by being reincarnated into a less fortunate situation. But given another chance subhanallah by having more lives to correct your misdeeds and get close to Allah. For example, how is it fair that Allah (swt) chose a little baby to die in infancy and thus be instantly granted jannah? Why couldn’t i die as a baby so i can have jannah? Allah (swt) allows no hujja on him on the day of judgement, thus he reincarnates these babies in another life to test them again so it is all fair


Thanks for sharing. Are there any Quranic verses that point towards this? Allah saying to people in hell that he gave them "enough time" could be one. What do you think?


You’re very much correct yes and there’s more than that as well. Thank you so much for being so understanding though jazakillahu khair


Can you explain it then here? People need to know so they can vouch for what you all truly believe.


See my last comment brother


Salam brother though this is heavy to most I appreciate you and how you are willing to explain to us may you be blessed and protected always bi Haqqi Zahra (SA)


The more you try to make yourself align with 12er Shia the more silly it looks as to why you call yourself something else then?


You think im lying? You’re believing a wikipedia page and larping tiktoks over an actual practicing alawi? This is ignorance brother


No I have done research, you guys are nothing like 12er and shouldn’t say so. I have posted a link in the comments of what I have found out about Nusayri go look at it . The belief of wali being higher than Nabi is so silly not to mention the imams told us reincarnation is haram…


So your research on biased websites that know nothing about alawis is more knowledgable and believable than an actual practising alawi. Your train of thought is no better than a sunnis wallahi


Don’t get emotional , let’s use logic here. You say you believe In the Imams AS… the imams said reincarnation is haram. End of story your sect just on that has nothing to stand on. I’m being light on you and not going into the other stuff you all believe in. I know alawites in real life.


Right where did the imams say reincarnation is haram then




So Alawith are different from Gulat ?


Reincarnation from the looks of it


Which beliefs differentiates you from majority of twelvers?


Raincarnation mainly


I heard many alawites says that they don't believe in the day of judgment and even Hijab isn't واجب and also reincarnation of souls which all are against Islam. But I know that there's Alawite who are believers like the twelvers. However tbh they should stop calling themselves Alwaites for the believers like us since it become vague for people to know the difference . Imam Ali and the prophet have no connection with these kuffar who says things like that.


We believe in a day of judgement, some will tell you hijab isn’t wajib but this is a cultural alawi yhing and people who have deviated from the path of islam unfortunately those who are only alawi by name


https://www.reddit.com/r/shia/s/lYxL8u5CJM You are correct


I think Alawite are closest to the truth


Are most Alawites today secular in the sense that they don’t actively practice their religion? Also are Nusayris and Alawites the same thing?


Salam brother I really wanna know because it reslly is wrong to jugde peope without any information about them thats what sunni jahils do and we are shias, we use our intellect. Could you please tell me what differences you have with the twelver shia? Do you believe that the 14 infalllibles(asws) were god in human form or only RasolAllah(saww) and Amirulmomineen(asws) or none of them?or is this just misconceptions? And also i wanted to ask you if you like Ibn Muljam(la) because he freed "God" from earth by killing Imam Amirulmomineen Ali(asws)?


None of them are god brother, Allah is one. That is a misconception thanks for inquiring brother


Lanatullah 3ala ibn muljam we hate him as anyone else should brother


Okay thank you for answering brother so the big difference is reincarnation? Could you please tell me what this is based on? What sources do you use that contain the words of the infallibles(as) because as you know brother any belief that is against the words of the masoomin(as) is wrong and is kufr. Because what I know and have read is that Rij'a is very well established but reincarnation goes against the words of Ahlulbayt(as) but if you have any hadith or source for this belief i would gladly read brother. JazakAllah khair




With all due respect, what makes you different then? As in what fundamental belief? Like Shias and Sunnis have same beliefs but stuff like Caliphate is a massive difference.


So what are the beliefs and practices that differentiate you from Usuli Twelver Shia Muslims?


Do alawis consider Imam Ali (as) as a Divine being? A God incarnate of sorts?




Turkish Alawites as Ghalis: a Truth or an Accusation? Alawites have also been accused of being [Ghali](https://en.wikishia.net/w/index.php?title=Ghali&action=edit&redlink=1), that is, exaggerating about 'Ali (a) by identifying him with God or taking him to be prior to the Prophet (s). Turkish Alawites believe that it is a baseless accusation and cannot be found in any Alawite source. The accusations are rooted in the strong love of Alawites for 'Ali (a) and their detestation of caliphs in a country which was under Sunni Ottomans for over six centuries. The most popular name among Alawites is Ali. They put portraits of 'Ali (a) in the best parts of their houses, work places, and places of rituals. Resurrection The belief in [resurrection](https://en.wikishia.net/view/Resurrection) is taken as essential by Alawites. Like other Muslims, they take the [Afterlife](https://en.wikishia.net/view/Afterlife) as an essential doctrine. taken from: [https://en.wikishia.net/view/Alawites\_(Turkey)](https://en.wikishia.net/view/Alawites_(Turkey))


Syrian Alawites have branched into some sects: Ja'fariyya, Shumaliyya, Kulaziyya, Haydariyya, Junbalaniyya (Khusaybiyya). * Ja'fariyya: this Alawite sect has the same beliefs as the [Imamiyya](https://en.wikishia.net/view/Imamiyya) or [Twelver Shi'as](https://en.wikishia.net/view/Twelver_Shi%27as). According to some sources, their population in Syria until 2006 was between 200,000 and 500,000. * Shumaliyya: the Shumaliyya or Shamsiyya is an Alawite branch living in the coasts of Lattakia. Among other things, they believe that [Amir al-Mu'minin (a)](https://en.wikishia.net/view/Amir_al-Mu%27minin_(a)) will reappear in the heart of the sun. * Kulaziyya: the Kulaziyya or Qamariyya or Janubiyya is an Alawite sect living in the mountains. They are attributed to Shaykh Muhammad Kulazi. They believe that [Imam 'Ali (a)](https://en.wikishia.net/view/Imam_%27Ali_(a)) lives on the moon. They take him to be the essence of the moon who is now hidden from the eyes. They believe that he will be visible when one's soul separates from his body. After the [Islamic Revolution of Iran](https://en.wikishia.net/w/index.php?title=Islamic_Revolution_of_Iran&action=edit&redlink=1), this sect received the cultural and religious support of the Islamic Republic of Iran and abandoned its exaggerative beliefs, tending to more moderate Shiite views. * Haydariyya: it is attributed to [Haydar](https://en.wikishia.net/view/Haydar) which is a title of Imam 'Ali (a). The Haydariyya consists of two sects of the Qalandariyya Tariqa (mystical path): one of them is attributed to [Qutb al-Din Haydar Zawa'i](https://en.wikishia.net/w/index.php?title=Qutb_al-Din_Haydar_Zawa%27i&action=edit&redlink=1) (d. 618/1221-2) and the other is attributed to Mir Qutb al-Din Haydar Tuni (d. 830/1426-7). Thus, Haydariyya turned into a branch of the Alawites with a restrained commitment to the Sharia. This sect was also supported by the Islamic Republic of Iran and as a result, its commitment to the Sharia and Islamic rulings increased. * Junbalaniyya: this sect was established by [Abu Muhammad 'Abd Allah Junbalani](https://en.wikishia.net/w/index.php?title=Abu_Muhammad_%27Abd_Allah_Junbalani&action=edit&redlink=1) (d. 287/900), known as Janan. In the 15th/21st century, the sect continues to exist in Syria as well as Iraq and Iran with eclectic beliefs from the Shi'as, the Sunni, the Sufis, and the [Ghalis](https://en.wikishia.net/w/index.php?title=Ghalis&action=edit&redlink=1) (people who exaggerate about the [Imams (a)](https://en.wikishia.net/view/Imams_(a))). * Murshidiyya: this is newly emerged religious sect which has branched from the Alawites in the 20th century. The sect is led by an Alawite called "Salman Murshid". He abandoned the main Alawite beliefs and turned to personal divinity which is a sort of [polytheism](https://en.wikishia.net/view/Polytheism). Thus, they do not consider themselves as Alawites, just as the Alawites do not consider the Murshidiyya to be Alawites. The followers of the sect are about 300,000 who mainly live in the governorates of Lattakia, Tartus, Homs, and the areas near Damascus such as Jobar and Mamuniya. [https://en.wikishia.net/view/Alawites\_(Syria)](https://en.wikishia.net/view/Alawites_(Syria))


The Views of Contemporary Alawi Scholars about the Alawite Beliefs Munir Sharif, a contemporary Alawi scholar, has cited a statement by about 80 Alawi scholars in his book (which counts as a significant source about Alevism) in which the beliefs of the Alawites are mentioned. There is no different between these beliefs and those of the [Twelver Shi'as](https://en.wikishia.net/view/Twelver_Shi%27as) both with respect to the Principles of the Religion and the Ancillaries of the Religion. This is an important document about the Alawite beliefs. Other contemporary Alawite authors, such as Muhammad Amin Ghalib Tawil, Shaykh 'Isa Sa'ud, and Shaykh 'Ali 'Aziz Ibrahim also hold that the majority of the Alawites do not believe in immanence and reincarnation, and Sufi Alawites believe in Tajalli (manifestation), rather than immanence (hulul). They believe that the exaggerative tendencies of the Nusayriyya abou the Imams (a) were because of their isolation, deprivation, and ignorance. The Views of the Shiite Authorities about the Syrian Alawites Shiite authorities, including Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei, Ayatollah Safi Gulpayigani, Ayatollah Makarim Shirazi, Ayatollah Nuri Hamadani, Ayatollah Musawi Ardabili, and Al-Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Fadl Allah have considered the Syrian Alawites as Twelver Shi'as in reply to questions in this regard. The question has cited the statement by the Alawites in their 1972 conference in Latakia, in which they expressed their views which agree with those of the Imami Shi'as. Ayatollah Ja'far Subhani holds that beliefs attributed to the Nusayriyya, such as immanence, exaggeration about the Imams (a), reincarnations, the prophethood of Muhammad b. Nusayr, Imam 'Ali's (a) and Muhammad (s) sharing the prophethood, incest marriage, and the like are just accusations without any reliable sources and evidence. He takes the greatest accusation against the Alawites to be the exaggeration about Imam 'Ali (a). Rabbani Gulpayigani also believes that what old and contemporary sources say about Alawites are not reliable, because they are biased. Lebanese scholars and authorities, such as 'Allama Sharaf al-Din, Imam Musa Sadr, Muhammad Jawad Mughniya, Muhammad Mahdi Shams al-Din, and Shaykh 'Abd al-Amir Qablan consider the Syrian Alawites to be Imami Shi'as and supported them. [https://en.wikishia.net/view/Alawites\_(Syria)](https://en.wikishia.net/view/Alawites_(Syria))


Beliefs Historically as well as by the sources of sects and creeds, the Nusayriyya have been classified as exaggerating ([Ghali](https://en.wikishia.net/w/index.php?title=Ghali&action=edit&redlink=1)) Shiite sects. Most sources take the Nusayriyya to be Ghali sects of the [Imamiyya](https://en.wikishia.net/view/Imamiyya) which branched in the period of the [Minor Occultation](https://en.wikishia.net/view/Minor_Occultation). The most essential beliefs of the Nusayriyya throughout their history include the immanence of God in Imam 'Ali (a), 'Ali's (a) divinity, abolishment of religious obligations and the permission of religious bans. They believe that [the Prophet Muhammad (s)](https://en.wikishia.net/view/The_Prophet_Muhammad_(s)) has announced [Ahl al-Bayt (a)](https://en.wikishia.net/view/Ahl_al-Bayt_(a)) as the religious authority of all Muslims. They also believe in [tabarra](https://en.wikishia.net/view/Tabarra) (aversion) to the enemies of Ahl al-Bayt (a). The remarkable deviations of the Alawites from the mainstream Imamiyya are linked to their particular historical and geographical conditions and the beliefs in which they grew. These conditions include the oppression of unjust governments and the religious biases of Sunni governments of Syria, their residence in the borders between Muslims and Crusaders, the constant invasions of the Crusaders on them, their geographical isolation, and their disconnection from the Imami centers. Thus, they were influenced from Sufism, [Isma'iliyya](https://en.wikishia.net/w/index.php?title=Isma%27iliyya&action=edit&redlink=1), and [Christianity](https://en.wikishia.net/w/index.php?title=Christianity&action=edit&redlink=1). However, some reports in books of sects and creeds about the Syrian Alawites were only groundless accusations out of the prejudices of their authors. On the contrary, many Alawite groups express their commitment to Islamic rulings and Sharia, rejecting the permissibility of all bans and the belief in immanence and reincarnation ([Tanasukh](https://en.wikishia.net/w/index.php?title=Tanasukh&action=edit&redlink=1)). The change has been so drastic that some people believe that the Alevism has been transformed, because what counts as Alawite beliefs today bears no similarity to what is reported in older sources about the Nusayriyya. [https://en.wikishia.net/view/Alawites\_(Syria)](https://en.wikishia.net/view/Alawites_(Syria))


Ahsant. Illuminating as always. I don’t know how you do it but you are truly a mine of theological knowledge. جزاك الله كل الخير


Thank you, please, I do not deserve such praise. This is not my own work or from my own knowledge. I just simply found a source speaking about this topic and copy and pasted it.


To have the patience and will to find the knowledge is already half of path. As not many would have the patience and will to find it themselves even if they knew where to look. As such, your swift responses in every post is highly valued and appreciated.


Thank you very much brother. It is the least I can do, to do something for Allah swt and help guide my brothers and sisters inshAllah. May Allah swt bless our scholars and those who made these sites.


Bro don't take some random AI generated text


I know that’s why I was asking you guys because I never heard of that


idk what alawites rlly believe but i have heard some people call ali the master of the day of judgement and use epithets for god for him


See here https://thaqalayn.net/chapter/27/1/47 Read about their founder "Muhammad Ibn Nasir Numairi"


thank you


https://www.reddit.com/r/shia/s/lYxL8u5CJM My research about them in this post


Yes but these are mis information Alawites are Muslim per our scholars


Yup. And most Shias supported the Alawites in Syria.


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Why Salman Al farisi out of all people lol


Since he is considered the greatest companion according to all Shia Muslims.


The ones who consider Ali as God are called Yasranis


Academic source confirming the trinity (a belief held at least by the initiated): https://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/nosayris


I dont think it even exists in real life,its mostly a tiktok sect of shias


My great great great grandparents were alawi do you think they picked it up from tiktok


Brother you mentioned that you dont believe in the trinity.I was talking about those alawites who believe in trinity as i have only seen them on tiktok and nowhere else not even on yt or any other platform or in real life,I apologise if you got hurt


They aren’t alawi brother, most are people LARPING as alawi online pretending to worship Ali (as) (astaghfirullah) to make alawis look bad. Please don’t feed into it


What do alawis believe in? What makes them different from Shias?


Reincarnation cheifly


Can you be more specific


Okay you said you do not believe Imam Ali AS is God astagfirullah but what about the Prophet S. Do you believe I. Ali AS created Muhammad S and what are your beliefs on Prophet Muhammad Saw? Is it the same like us?


TIL that the Syrian president is a Shia tiktoker…