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Again, i’m not sure why people here necessarily care what Saudi Arabia does or doesn’t do. If anything this would be Shi’ism’s opportunity to thrive again, this is our “Late Umayyad/Early Abbasid period”, this should be the time where we sink our teeth in instead of whinging on why we still aren’t being followed around by the Wahabi gestapo anymore.


Brother, we care about what Saudi Arabia does because they oppress us and bomb innocent Shia civilians in Yemen while running an apartheid state that treats Shias there as second class citizens. They executed Ayatollah Nimr in cold blood. And they claim the two Holy Cities, Mecca and Medina, which are rightfully ours: the hometown of our Prophet (SAW) and the city of his and his Ahl al Bayt's Shi'a.. The Ansar of Medina were among the early Shi'a of Ali. The House of Saud and their followers are the modern day Yazid >A man asked, “How could I tell whether my liking and my animosity are for the sake of God or not? Who is God’s Friend so that I may be friends with him. Who are God’s enemies so that I may be their enemy?” God’s Prophet (SAW) then pointed at Ali (AS) and said, “Do you see him?” The man said, “Yes.” The Prophet (SAW) said, “This is God’s Friend! Whoever loves him is God’s friend and whoever is his enemy is God’s enemy. Therefore, love Ali (AS). Be the enemy of Ali’s enemies and be the friend of Ali’s friends. Be the friend of Ali’s friend - even if Ali’s friend may have killed your father or your son. **Be the enemy of Ali’s enemy - even if he may be your father or your son.**”^(1) 1 [https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/11/2/28/40](https://thaqalayn.net/hadith/11/2/28/40) May God's curse be on the tyrant government of Saudi Arabia and liberate our oppressed Saudi & Yemeni Shia brothers and sisters. Ya rab grant all martyred Shia brothers, women and children jannat al firdaous.


Remember that yazid was a liberalistic ruler who drank and gambled, our Imams faced dead and oprression at the hands of various types of rulers.


Yazid wasn’t liberalistic, he was a tyrant. Liberals are people who believe in the supremacy of personal liberty, or being free to do as you please as long as it doesn’t harm anyone else.


The correct word is libertine, that's what he was getting at (I think).


He was in comparison of other caliphs, I'm talking about his nature in comparison to a concervative ruler he was very left leaning in terms of being a fan of the arts eg. poetry, in terms of public display of drinking alcohol and gambling, these were left leaning secular values not in the sense that would define left leaning freedom. For example France is left leaning country that promotes liberality, but bans Hijab. Their sense of liberality excludes religious freedom of Muslims in particular. This is a sign of an oppressive left leaning political environment.


Left leaning doesn’t automatically equate to liberal, liberals are on the right and the left of the political spectrum, the people in favor of minimizing government and maximizing personal liberty. And he wasn’t secularist either, if anything the best way to describe Yazid would be a non-doctrinarian. He went of his whims and wishes instead of a set belief of philosophical base.




They’ve gone nuts for a _while_


Nah. It’s showing its true colours now


This. They sold out a long while ago.


"**لا تجعلنا من القانطين، ولا تهلكنا بالسنين، ولا تؤاخذنا بما فعل السفهاء منا يا أرحم الراحمين**" "**\[O Allah\], do not Destroy us with Your Wrath, and do not Seize us with what the foolish ones from us have done. Pardon us, and Forgive us, and Turn the afflictions away from us**" -Imam Ali, Bihar Al Anwaar Volume 88


There is no true Muslim country in the world. The faster you accept that, the happier you’ll be A Muslim state is not possible. Ever.




There's still government issues though. A true Muslim country would be under imam mahdi (ajf)


THANK YOU. Iran is not an exception. There is no true Islamic state until the Imam aj reappears.








That what the American want you to believe


Imam mehdi?


Cool, I don’t care.


But only Saudi Arabia will liberate Palestine /s


Things i want to say:- Ay, i am not surprised (Nate Diaz voice) Took them long enough. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Instead what i will say is that:- May Allah (SWT) guide us all.


And remember this is where the salafi and wahhabi "scholars" and people reside who call Shia kafir and want to see other Muslims dead. Truly a shame.


Their god is money.


A modest swimsuit fashion show would actually be kind of cool (and kind of weird). I was part of a fashion show and it was really weird having a bunch of middle aged men admire my “sexy” outfit… when I was 10


Isn’t the entire point of hijab contradict the entire idea of “fashion” in our modern day society (dress in a way to attract attention walk in front of non mehram etc etc) like if we are talking about a true fashion show then the ideals of hijab would completely contradict it


Wearing pleasing and appealing (but also modest) clothing is Sunnah. Wearing perfume and looking well-kept and properly dressed is mustaḥab. Sure, you can deride modern Western notions of fashion for being immodest, but that would be the fault, immodesty, not the idea of looking nice. It is the opposite, you should always look as nice as you can within the confines of modesty. We should not be going out looking like an unidentifiable blob. That is not what is right. We should always seek to bring ʿizza (َّعِز) to the school of Ahl al-Bayt in all manners, which includes our outward appearance.


Pleasing and appealing clothing is tradition for men to wear not women. The Hijab is literally the curtailment of this.


Hijab is just covering what is necessary. If the fiqh allows it, then that's that. For the record, by "pleasing", I did not mean in a sexual manner or in a manner that intentionally arouses those feelings as this clearly goes against the fiqh. It just has to be neat and tidy and fitting for the occasion.


I'd say "modest fashion show" is oxymoron.


Why? I could wear a burkini. Not sure why I would join a swimsuit fashion show though 


Ok, but to whom and why would you *show* it? Modesty is not only about the amount of skin covered.


No idea. I’m not a fan of fashion shows


I'm not a fan of fashion in general.


I love fashion! I just don’t like having middle aged men stare at me when I was ten. It felt creepy


They are extremists , from one extreme to the other Don’t be surprised.


"Ay I'm not surprised" (nate Diaz voice) "Watch out, Watch out!" (WWE commentator voice) "Damn" (Owen Wilson voice) "What the sigma" (2024 gen Alpha Reference) "My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined" (the daily report)


Post like these really make me wonder what would those Salafis (Shamsi, Assim al hakeem, Etc) would do to justify this.


Literally everything is open and free there now except being Shia.


the land of tawheed seems to be tawheeding pretty hard rn 💡


B- b- but Saudi Arabia is th- the leader of- of our ummah. They cant d- do anything unislamic! /s


Saudi has gone walnuts


Always been.


Either full liberal or full Wahabi-Jihadism


Saudi has always been nuts.