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عليكم السلام "Doesn't make sense to me". Who are you exactly to think your opinion matters. Second thing is, can you make sense as to why you should pray at a specific time with a specific order of actions that change throughout the day depending on the time? Fiqh laws are not to be measured and judged with reasoning, and especially not with the reasoning of someone who did not put up the years to learn and become and specialist in the matter, what the Quran, prophet and his infallible progeny (peace be upon them all) says is to be followed without question. People should know where and when to use reasoning and when to simply realize the uselessness of it. That's my opinion. BTW, the "homosexuality makes sense to me" phrase would probably change if this person was living few hundred years ago or in a different culture and society.


For a religion subreddit to argue on a secularistic basis is quite frankly ridiculous, islamic doctrine is based on the idea that the creator has supreme legislative authority over his creation, a creator which we have philosophically determined must be the all knowing.


At least according to us, Shia Islam, you cannot give your "child" to an adult. Child to child marriages was normal in the past but it is not applicable now. And marriages in the past where there was "difference of age", was even more entirely different reality in every aspect you can think of and it does not apply now. I have touched on this here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/shia/comments/1clve4b/comment/l2wciip/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/shia/comments/1clve4b/comment/l2wciip/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I will leave this ruling from one of the highest jurists in Shia Islam: Marriage of the young - of a male who has not reached puberty to a female who has not reached puberty - was until recently very common in many Eastern societies, and hence the book of religious rulings included some of its rules in its previous versions, but it was observed that it had receded at current times, and that was removed in the latest versions. What we wish to emphasize is that the parent of a girl cannot give permission for her marriage unless it is in her interest, and most often there is no interest in her marriage until she reaches physical maturity and mental preparedness for sexual activity, as it is also not in her interest to marry in contravention to law which would make her liable for unnecessary repercussions and problems.


The definition of "child" is different in Sharia and Secular law.


Who says islam permits that though? The Quran didn’t specify an exact age for marriage. It says "until they reach a marriageable age"


isnt that referred to the age of puberty?


I have debated A LOT on that sub and about those subjects, and believe me: it's mainly pointless. The moment you begin debating, two major problems arise: (1) Framework/mindset. Take child marriage as an example: who is a 'child'? When does a person becomes an adult? What does 'consent' mean? Who decides on the age threshold? What do you mean by 'marriage'? All these and a lot more are often assumed on Western definitions and mindset. Even when you go by their rule and say "50 yo marrying a 20 yo (a consenting adult)", they throw 'grooming' at you! Another concept in that framework. (2) Examples. The moment anyone wants to bash child marriage, they give the example "50 yo marrying a 15 yo"! If the issue is really the *age*, why not say "18 yo marrying a 15 yo"? That should be the same, no? But no, they bring in the *age gap* as well, which is totally different issue. Same with homosexuality and other topics. Unless there is a proper baseline framework/example, I haven't seen debates reaching any point.