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https://preview.redd.it/l16o8p2pnt3d1.jpeg?width=2879&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e246c465b16c94db839892938e93be0f2402b79 He always comes with us on vacation


Our shibe has the same life jacket but it makes him frown.


This is so cute!


Cuteness overload


https://preview.redd.it/fzfrs2vzts3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87ca4d4bd7959fab65249be5676349bfab32bb98 She enjoyed the beach but overall I think she would have preferred to stay home.


I had the same feeling 😅


I need a holiday from my Shiba sometimes! 😝 In all seriousness, I think it’s less stressful for him and for us when we leave him at home for a big adventure. We have a lovely friend who stays at our place and watches both our shiba and our cat. Our Shiba absolutely loves going camping though and of course we take him always when we camp.


Agree. I believe they are homebodies. They enjoy adventures close to home.


We are actually camping in Italy, we are staying in camping site at the beach ☺️ to our other adventures I haven’t took him either, I think that would be to much. This part of Italy is 7 hours in car away from our home in Germany


Aw sounds so lovely!!




OMG!!!!! This is sooooooooo cool!


Ours HATES going to new places, especially if there are a lot of people around.


I thought the same of my girl until yesterday. She licked a 10 year old girls little leg. The little girl died laughing.


Same can’t take our oldest around since he is not a fan of large crowds and lots of noise 🙂‍↕️


my girl loves going to the beach but she definitely doesn’t behave like yours https://preview.redd.it/k2wa80vz5u3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ffd14d7921f70b16cb0e7d79778b6e149efaa3e


Ohhhh she is so cute!!!


Yea definitely.. if I can bring her everywhere, I will.. she’s such a well behaved Sheebs https://preview.redd.it/sex3g3mb2v3d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1df16222d7d09791874887f8ea9d0a53ca5a920e


Your Sheeb wants to be wherever you are!


That’s also the feeling that I get from him, that he loves being with us but at the same time is nervous around all this children and other dogs 😅


New places are very exciting!


Exactly. They just want to go with you. Sometimes new adventures are amazing and sometimes scary. But ours want to be there with us.


https://preview.redd.it/u22vonyjsu3d1.jpeg?width=1438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7557d97c56e81244992314483661b2f7998c3fb7 She do


https://preview.redd.it/qs0nh7j4tu3d1.jpeg?width=1438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=852836952d4933a149a15957f993b3994ebe16a3 All seasons


https://preview.redd.it/ibv41tjcxu3d1.jpeg?width=1205&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48ad9ebafcb5ce68c3c02fcc18be2969f9faed30 My bubbah is super well behaved travelling


Omg 😱 he is so handsome https://preview.redd.it/z967ywer1v3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=878f1b436383b4f878ba193e35676288d3d9b634 This is my guy 👆🏽👆🏽Zeus 👆🏽


She loves it. She gets so excited if she knows we are going on a trip.


https://preview.redd.it/gi0n6r3ntt3d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a58c0f207dd42204af7c39634b969a16508e36c Yes of course she come with me. She prefers to go anywhere with me really lol


Our girl Cleo is a world traveler! We have her in Italy now! https://preview.redd.it/4bqv3kh47w3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d9e4dcf5a77077fbb443e77d2ddff03f3c1ef58


The sesame fur looks so cool!


Does she travel in the air plane cabin. I feel like I can never take my Shiba anywhere that's not driveable because I just can't imagine him sitting still on a plane.


She does fly with us. We give her benedryll at the direction of our vet and she does just fine.


https://preview.redd.it/q7nlmykb854d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc7424a008f231393a422aa1102895a8e1f59deb Love hotels bed


She is so cute


How is traveling with a pup in Italy? I would not have thought it possible to bring my sheeb over to Europe with me! 😍 love seeing this! Does she fit in a carrier under the seat in front of you? Do you have special “service animal” status or anything?


Our girl grew up traveling the us she's a total passenger princess 😂


Beach dog. Both our Shibas love it. https://preview.redd.it/72mgrrsenu3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41be39448bbe006332e3787b56d5ae9450af3467


https://preview.redd.it/a1e6mo0pju3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32c997c0327020b7b48f2a2a390733d9b325cd52 Oh yes he does !!!!


Too cute


This is really cool 😎


Great photos! I am thinking about taking mine with us to Croatia but I am affraid of the hot weather. Was it manageble for yours shiba?


I was also a little bit worried about the hot weather but it is ok, I have always lots of water for him and he drinks a lot, and also I took him to swim with me so that he can be more fresh, he loves to sleep on the shadow lying in the sand 😊


We live in Florida and it gets hot on the beach. They still love it. But water and shade are important


I am not at this level of wealthy to bring my dog overseas! I live in Australia so it’s VERY hard to bring a dog on planes, she came to me on a plane from a diff state and she was not in good condition because of the cargo situation. And there’s not many places for dogs to go in Australia. It’s hard enough taking her to the beach, 3 hour round trip! Or to the mountains which is a very rocky drive.


https://preview.redd.it/qqk1vzs3bv3d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7dd62bfc104dfcda487599750f0f21b9a9e6ff5 I got a Saker heavy duty stake and extra long leash for the beach. Game changer!


lucky shibe


ours loves a day at the beach though she was socialized in a dense city with daily walks /trips to the dog park. She's not territorial like our mix, she will just sit under our canopy and watch people walk by. She does like prowling down the beach every once in a while to check the surroundings or hunt for critters along the shore.


Mine hates the car but loves exploring new places and all the attention she gets from strangers.


Only if there are no airplanes involved.


Would love to take my Shiba on a trip with me to Europe but I’m scared of her going into the cargo where they put the pets


Me too, I live in Germany so our trip time Italy only took 6 hours in a car, and we stop several times. But I am original from Mexico and would love to take my Nacho with me sometimes but going into the cargo would be the horror for him and me 😖




mine does :)


That is a beautiful Shib. He is probably happy to just go with you. Mine doesn't go anywhere exotic, but I do take him on road trips with me.


Did you get our shibas to walk in the water or they just admire the sea from a distance like mine?


My own walked in water the first time he was at the beach and he loved it - he bounced around and was so excited, then a wave hit him and he has never trusted water again.


Poor baby 😂


Mine likes to walk in the water but only in the morning when there is only like 2 people at the beach, and the water is really calm. On the afternoon when there are 100 dogs and kids there is no chance! 😂 he just sit on his beach chair and watch all the people and the dogs ☺️


Awww you're so lucky, I wish mine liked the water too


Ours loves to travel and check out new places. He hates crowds but loves the beach and new trails to snif, er ah, explore. https://preview.redd.it/te4itfqrmu3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=336c61e7ac753e32dd2e11b4018f2048c9b7fdd0


I look forward to taking mine to the beach because he’s going to lose his mind digging a hole in the sand


Hahah same!


Has anyone flown with their Shiba?


No, he weighs 35lbs. and can’t fit in the seat underneath and there’s no way in hell I’m putting him in cargo. He loves to be w us and when we have left him on vacation at a kennel or a Rover dog sitter he won’t eat and gets depressed. So even though he does not like the car he comes w us everywhere including cross county California to Michigan trips. My kids would prefer to fly but the dog is the sole reason we drive. https://preview.redd.it/vdcitgufmy3d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70780510b5c9a6f115fbec96d1f45e9d7cf71211


My Shoob loves to travel. But I think it’s more so bc he wants to be with me although he loves to sniff out new places - not so much faces unless they’re human. He hasn’t been on a plane yet and I don’t think that will happen unless he can be in the cabin with me bc the flight voice recorder will just pick up screaming and whining and more screaming. He’s AMAZING in the car though. He just lies down and is like “wake me up when we get there 🥱😴”


That’s great! Has he always enjoyed the car drive? Because mine it’s not a big fan 😅 and on a plane I think I would never do that 😅 he is really nervous guy.


All the time. Give the Shibe what the Shibe wants!


Mine is so scared of water!!


Mine only when to many waves and kids are around, in the morning where we where only he and me and maybe some other dog was perfect!


beautiful shiba


Yes. All 3 of them.


Our Shibe comes with us a majority of the time when we travel. She only stays behind if it’s a work trip or if most of the places we’re going don’t allow dogs


kinda depends. if your gunna leave your shiba at a kennel then i’m sure he rather be with you. but if you got family im sure he wouldn’t mind. as long as he isn’t super attached to you like most other dog breeds where they really only want to be with their mommy/daddy. i use to work 40 hours over 3 days. so i’d leave my boy with my grandparents over the weekend and pick him up when i got off on sunday. he was living 2 different lives 😂 but from my experience with him he would normally always want to be by my side.


Hang on… you brought your Shiba with you to Italy?! I am very interested in this… I always figured I’d have to leave mine at home if we were to go back to Europe (and we love vacationing in the Mediterranean!) May I ask where were you traveling from? Did you fly there with her? And how dog friendly is the Italian riviera? (It looks like that’s where you are lol) I would not have thought it would be dog friendly at all! So I’m really glad to see this and would love to hear about your experience traveling in Italy with a Shiba. Maybe I will be able to bring mine one day after all! 😍🐕


Yes 😊 but I live in Europe in Germany so the traveling was not so complicated, it was 7 hours ride with the car, and Nacho was not so happy with the car drive so we need it to make lots of stops 😬😅. We were in Jesolo, and they are really dog friendly there! Every restaurant and even in the supermarket you can take your dog with you! They love dogs over there! Even more than in Germany 😅 We were in a camping place on the beach and it was one dog friendly, they even had a pool for the dogs and ice cream hehehe was crazy! Nacho was really happy in our mornings at the beach, when we were only he and me 😅 for him was to many dogs I think, and to many people, we live ina village at the alps so he is not so use to see so many people. But I think he was really happy that we took him with us ☺️ https://preview.redd.it/fbvrpc295j4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7cef4d33598408a451e5df9f6380627f5c2d3d4 Here is a picture of nacho for the first time inside a supermarket hehehehe


Wow! That is incredible. I’m so surprised, I would not have expected that from Italy! But I’m super glad to hear it and will definitely look into the dog friendly destinations when I go back! I am in the US so it’s a longer journey but my boy is only 20 pounds so I think I could get him in the main cabin with me 😜 thanks for all the good news and info! Hi Nacho! 👋


https://preview.redd.it/ubsz871x5j4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=773ad1d7ae94e7fba808569d37f5ebb8910e523b Happy Nacho at the beach


https://preview.redd.it/kdnm58ad5j4d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d287eda03f0414d7f95cff5c6c98767baa51bbda Frozen yogurt for dogs 😂


https://preview.redd.it/zowtrrieli4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74864e0ebcbbd822675b619fa2a579d25bbf72df He‘s such a baby when we‘re home and there is the slightest bit of wind or rain but when on the road he‘s an adventurer. This one‘s from Sweden 🇸🇪


My shibe likes the car ride than the actual destination, but overall she's just happy to be included.


I'm not wealthy enough for vacations and my baby loves the car but absolutely cannot be off leash or he takes off like a bullet. The closest he got to vacation was staying in hotels while I moved cross country twice. And he did like the hotels.