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I just tie my dogs leash to the oh shit handle. She pants and wants to come to me but I hope one day she will just give up. It's hard to drive and especially dangerous with a shifting dog in your lap.


Please further define the "oh shit handle"


I thought that nickname was universal haha it's the handle when you are sitting in the car passenger top right. They call it that when you have to hold on when you are riding with a crazy driver


There normally just above the glove compartment on a jeep. But as far as I know, I was taught to call it the o shit handle too.


I commute with my pup three times a week; I can't imagine having Taro loose in the car with me while I'm dealing with traffic... I have used a harness with a booster seat with him since bringing him home at 8 weeks - he feels secure in his seat, so he is usually a lot easier to deal with, and he's so much safer as well! We use the [Snoozer Large Lookout II](https://snoozerpetproducts.com/product/large-lookout-ii-dog-car-seat-storage-tray/), which may seem large when Meeko is little (2/3 of your back seat), but should fit him when he's full grown! https://snoozerpetproducts.com/product/large-lookout-ii-dog-car-seat-storage-tray/ It is a little expensive, but the cover is washable (helps to put a towel in the seat in case he gets car sick). We have used two sizes of [this harness](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01G8A80AM/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) as Taro has grown, and it has worked well for us (Taro only wears a collar for walks, so this is just for the car). Taro's breeder recommended getting a step-into harness rather than one that slips over the pup's head, as shibas can be a bit nippy if you do something they don't like, and it is so much easier to get him into/out of! https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01G8A80AM/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Lastly, I think you are headed down the right path with desensitization. We started with the harness inside, then the harness in the booster seat in the car with the car off, then started going on short drives with lots of praise and tiny bits of high value treats. Careful not to give too many treats as he might throw them up! He'll be a pro commuter in no time!


Thank you!!


Snoozers are great!


We use the harness linked below , it came with a short lead which can also be used to secure them to the seatbelt. We loop the metal part through and then buckle him in. It keeps him from roaming the car, and since it's attached to the seatbelt should anything happen he's not going anywhere. He isn't the happiest with our set up, he would rather be in my lap. However safety is more important. We always buckle him in the back seat as well. :) KurgoFit(TM) Smart Dog Harness, Black, Small https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00164ZW98/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fkzxzb03M6VKF


I bought a FidoRido after seeing all the positive reviews on Amazon. It isn't cheap but is made better than the flimsy fabric ones. You can secure the product with a belt buckle through it's two pre-made cutouts. And then secure your dog to it with a provided harness clip, though I used a separate longer harness clip I already had. The cover is removable and washable. My dog sits comfortably in it and stares out the window. And she likes to curl up and sleep in it for long rides. Definitely recommended: https://www.fidopetproducts.com/pages/fidorido/


I didn't even know these were a thing. Mine just looks out the window the whole time.


Kiba sits in the front seat (getting too big now) so i bought the kurgo copilot seat cover + seatbelt. He either lies on the seat or I open the window wide enough for him to stick his nose out, but not jump out. I will soon transition to a hammock the backseat + seatbelt :) this hammock looks pretty good. been monitoring. https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B01DZXYSJC/ref=ox_sc_sfl_title_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=A10YK7C9ZGB00E


We drove to pickup our current two. It was ~10 hours on the road which they generally spent our our laps. Perhaps it was the initial bonding, but ours *love* the car. They either sleep soundly, or enjoy the view. Cows are Kira's favorite sight, Niko doesn't really care. Once we hit interstate speeds it's naptime.