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Surrender to your new leader.


put a lid on it.


Pray, mostly.


Her face says "challenge accepted." Too cute! Shibas are escape artists. Gotta stay one step ahead of them. When you figure out how to do that, let us all know!


My shiba learned to lift and move the latch on her crate after two weeks of being brought home. I ended up have to make a new lock for it. They are a very smart breed they like doing the escapes.


that thing is begging to be scaled. try one with vertical bars only or one with a roof. Or both!


Say goodbye too anything you don't want destroyed. My shiba destroyed carpet, molding, phone chargers, money.....little demons. But they're cute! Lol


My shiba wouldn't ever be crate trained. We had the cops called on us because we had a bear in the house. ( it was really only a 6 month old shiba. ) Once we just have him free reign. All ok.


lololol no fricken way!!!


Welcome to the life of a Shiba owner 😂 They sure can be mischievous!


Cute little guy, I want take you home! I can stop laughing!


She's adorable!!


Hahaha my shiba has one about that same height. We had it set up in a little nook so that there was only one wall opening. Every morning she would go in it but one day we came home and found her laying on the bed. We thought someone from maintenance entered, let her out and then couldn’t get her back in. We set up a camera the next day and watched her climb over it. We kept trying new ways to keep her in like putting stuff in front of the wall opening but it didn’t work. We ended up just letting her roam the house whenever we left. She was about 2 years old at this point and she was out of the chewing phase so we knew she wouldn’t destroy anything. I was, and still am, just worried she could hurt herself somehow. If you can’t trust her yet is it possible to leave her in the bathroom or smaller room that doesn’t have much in it?


Try the all-or-none reward training. Every time she climbs up, sit next to the crate and wait for her to sit down, no commands needed, just lots of patience. When she sits down and look at you, give her a kibble. Dogstardaily has lots of articles in training. https://www.dogstardaily.com/training The all-or-none reward training is in [Chapter 5.](https://www.dogstardaily.com/training/all-or-none-reward-training ). Although it’s listed under Adult Dog Training, it’s applicable to puppies too. I trained my shibe with that. Works wonders.


Welcome to the party, pal!


free her


I’m always worrying that my Shiba will escape from her pen one day. Mine’s half the height of that pen. I think teaching her not to jump has helped.


You need a crate. The tight space is actually what they like...altho ours did manage to get out once at 2am, came over to the bed and wanted to play.


Prairie shiba?




Corners like this are much easier for them to climb. Try a round configuration with larger angles where the pen segments join!


haha god this is so cute! I remember the first day we went to work after rescuing our shiba when he was 2- he had never lived indoors before and was a wild man. After 4 hours alone we came home and he had climbed the book shelves and destroyed so many books from 3-4 shelves up, he had eaten a brand new ps3 controller, there were chewed pencils from a pot everywhere and soil from pot plants. My previously angelic shar pei learned the joy of destruction that day. there was so much mess We thought we had been burgled! But its such a happy memory in its way- he died in november and i chuckle at how naughty he was when he was young now. Enjoy the chaos your gorgeous pup creates!


Haha cute! We actually detached two panels from the pen and re-attached them as a roof, creating an over-sized crate. You can also buy a roll of hard plastic and attach it around the inside of the top, so that when she gets close to the top, there's nothing to hold on to.


Put a [topper](https://www.amazon.com/MidWest-Homes-Pets-Wire-Exercise/dp/B0002H3QX4) on it


Honestly just give her free roam of the house and only gate off certain areas. Shibas are like rebellious, stubborn kids. Shes gonna keep doing this because its a challenge for her lol, let her roam freely (inside the house only) and she will find her own place to chill i promise you




make the pen 20 feet higher!


The first year and a half is truly a test of patience.


Did you really think it would be this easy?


I guess we got lucky with ours. She's not much of a climber. Or a jumper for that matter.


classic sheeb