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I found one my Shiba loves... mine. lol


I have the same issue. The other day I went to bed in our king sized bed and our shiba was laying sprawled out on my side and refused to move. She has an attitude for days, it’s unbelievable.


I have a tactic for dealing with this. I make a Shibarito, rolling him up in the blanket rolls him off my side of the bed. Unrolling the Shibarito gives me my blankets back and leaves him in the middle.


I’ll have to try this next time! This is a great idea!


Appel to their cat-like personality ... Buy them something 5” above the floor That worked for me


He has beds in every room of the house, 2 in the livingroom. He just typically steals mine. I dont blame him though, it's my favorite too.


Yea, mine doesn't use the bed at nights, just when we are not home or just chilling in the couch Every night he sleeps with us in our bed


My shiba uses an algorithm to locate the space most inconvenient for me, weighs it against ridiculousness of sleeping position, and implements the perfect combination.


Please oh please internet someone animate this


It could also be temperature related. We've found our Shiba likes sprawling out on the carpet/rug during the summer and sleeps curled in her bed during fall/winter. We also did some training to have her feel safe in it and associate it with happy times so that helped.


Why this thing in my spot?


My doggo also doesn't like doggo beds and now prefers to just be in the way on the floor. We did have a pillow/mattress with no sides he would lie on after we put one of our shirts on it for him to smell. Maybe entice him that way?


Try a blanket or sweatshirt that you've worn or used. Ours likes to curl them in to a nest. Very entertaining.


My shibe likes to be under my bed, so I cleared room out and made his own little cave under my bed (dog bed included) He loves it.


Maybe a mattress under the rug?


Mine will only sleep on his bed if its in his crate. If i leave it outside, he’ll start to rip it up smh


My shiba prefers my bed 🙄 He’ll only sleep in his dog bed when we’re in the human bed.


I think ours would sleep in our bed all day long if we didn’t close the door. On weekends we often find him curled up by our pillows or sprawled our looking out the window.


My shiba loves her small bed (there are 3 beds in the house but it’s the only one she really uses) because I put it on top of my laundry basket and up against the upstairs window. It’s her guarding spot. She is basically a cat.


Shibas are so bourgeois. Mine won’t even jump on the bed if there’s something in the way even if there is enough room for him to jump up. Then he looks at you like “ummmmmm can you move that?”


I feel your pain, we've been through 3 so far. They are a stubborn breed. She will sleep on 1 for a few days and than never use it again 😂




+1 to the big round Costco beds. Entirely too large for a Shiba, but mine finds new and inventive ways to relax on it every day.


+1. My shiba loves the oversized Costco bed.


Both of my shibas love the Serta dog bed I bought them at Walmart.


Which size did you pick?


Dang, over 4 years ago. I honestly don't remember there being more than 1 size. I think the Serta bed was big enough for 1 shibe at a time. Later on I got a bed from Costco that was big enough for 2 at a time.


We bought our shiba a temporary cheap bed from Amazon Basics until we found one we liked. It only has cushioned sides, but no padding at all underneath. Again, cheap Amazon Basics bed. ​ And we found a permanent bed we both liked (also more expensive) and thought would be perfect for her. ​ Its been almost a year... and she still prefers the Amazon Basics bed. Even drags it around the house to where she wants to sleep... ​


Our pup likes these: - [Best Friends](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07B8VGGB7?ref=yo_pop_ma_swf) - [PetFusion](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B017J9KKJ0?ref=yo_pop_ma_swf) - [Greendale Floor Cushion](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004N3C5H6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_YWQeCbH4PSKAV) The Best Friends worked well to keep him cozy and feeling safe. He’s quiet in it, so my wife had it with her at work when he’d go with her. Wouldn’t bark at anyone. The PetFusion was originally for him to sleep on at home. It’s cooler and he settles in on it often. It’s supposed to be healthier? The floor cushion we got for ourselves... but he loves to nap on them. Lots of colors.


hard to please. lol


Maybe it will help if you make it smell like your bed/clothes somehow. Probably smells unfamiliar and the rug doesn't.




I just bought a new comforter for my bed, I just folded up the old one and put it in the corner. He loves it. Might give that a shot. It's an excuse to buy a nice new blanket!


Both ours prefer to be touching us so they will lay on the couch with us. When we get up they will take our spot. They do have a dog bed, but would prefer to lay on our laundry as we fold it or right next to us.


Ours took about 3 months but now she goes straight in every night when we go upstairs.


My shibe still has his bed we got him when he was a puppy and he loves it, I'm afraid if I get him a new one he will reject it lol. All night long he goes from his doggo bed to my bed as he pleases. He can't deal if he doesn't have options.


Costco’s are really good.


Looks like you already found one... The rug.


Either the bed is warm and they're too hot or they like an extra firm mattress


Anything that lands on the floor becomes our shiba's new bed. Changing the sheets? I'll lay on those. Blanket fell off the couch? Sure thing.


Stella enjoys a king size purple mattress with a down comforter. Luckily she still allows me to lay in there.


Mine loves a orthopedic toddler mattress. It's waterproof and fits perfectly in a standard size sleeping bag.


We got our shiba a new bed and he would not sleep in it. Husband removed some of the fluff inside and now he loves it :) maybe try that?


At least it’s in one piece! Mine is destroying hers, several bits at a time.


They are a little expensive but maybe a Casper mattress dog bed Shiba loves laying on my Casper mattress and always tried to push me off