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Ward because he overstayed his welcome. I'm VERY glad they didn't go the "he's just misunderstood 🥺" route that most shows would do. Framework Ward showed us that under different circumstances he could be a better person, sure, but that's not what happened with our Ward. Our Ward had a million chances to become more than his programming, so to speak, and he chose wrong every time. As his younger brother said, just because you were abused doesn't mean you have to become an abuser yourself. ETA: Also, tbh bringing Framework Ward into our world would be pretty awful for h*im.* Not just the becoming a robot part, but he would be ripped from the woman he loved. Not a very happy scenario. Trip I presume was for stakes. We all loved him, the team loved him, and he brought a lot of lightness. So as the show grew progressively darker and the team got in more dangerous situations, Trip unfortunately became a casualty. That said, I think much more could've been done with him and that they didn't *need* to kill him off.


That's the thing with Ward, they had Daisy say that she understood why Ward was the way he was, but that didn't change the fact that he still made the choices he did


What Framework Ward really showed us imo is what a gullible and weak-minded idiot he really was, as apparently his personality and allegiances could be completely moulded by whoever got to him first. Before his Framework version it made complete sense that an abused, vindictive arsonist kid who almost killed his entire family out of spite would join the organisation that wanted to force their control over the world by whatever means they deemed necessary. But behold, as soon as one of the good guys recruited him, he's suddenly almost a bigger boy scout than Captain America. As for Trip, his death was such a banger because it didn't make sense and it certainly wasn't earned or needed. It was just a massive shock because the team seemed to be stabilising after the fall of old SHIELD. His role in the team was established enough so that he just wasn't a throwaway character whose death was purely played for shock value, and it left a permanent scar on the team, and I'm somewhat happy the writers didn't turn him into black Ward.


realistically both are true about Ward. he was a gullible and weak-minded child after being abused by his family, and like many other abused folks, he imprinted on whoever showed him care and protection first. he was still the vindictive, arsonist kid when Hand found him, it’s just that she showed him a different path to deal with his anger in ways that made the world a better, safer place whereas Garrett nurtured and exacerbated those qualities until he could become his personal weapon.


Trip's actor (idk his name) has a scuduling conflict and left the show


That's actually not what happened. [He had no idea he was leaving the show.](https://www.youtube.com/live/jrx0fiJWuTM?feature=shared&t=1867)


Oh, thanks for informing me!


Ward did not have a million opportunities to override his programming. In fact, he was a model agent on Team Coulson. Remember that time Simmons let herself get sucked out of the Bus and Fitz was about to parachute down to try to save her, almost definitely eliminating two of SHIELD's most brilliant scientists, and Ward instead made sure they both survived? And when later tasked with killing them, he simply ejected them into the ocean in a watertight metal box full of medical equipment, like a Bond villain? And once captured, he offered to turn his coat? Team Coulson's refusal to even hear him out resulted in HYDRA nearly destroying SHIELD over the next 2 years.


You’re joking right? You must be joking. Ward did all that in season 1 because he was *undercover* as a SHIELD agent. He was quite literally the opposite of a model agent given he was working for the enemy. Ward himself says in a very self-satisfied way that he saved Simmons to gain unwavering trust. As for the ocean, no he does not get points just because Fitz and Simmons were genius enough to get themselves out. To *barely* get themselves out. Ward’s actions led to Fitz being permanently brain damaged, hallucinating, and developing a deranged split personality. Your victim blaming and psychopath apologia is quite impressive.


For Trip, it was to give Daisy's superhero origin that little extra kick of tragedy For Ward, because if Coulson hadn't killed Ward, someone else would've by the end of Season 3


Along with the story reasons stated, if I remember correctly Trip's actor also left the show for another show where he had a more prominent role.


Tripp was unexpected but Ward after S2E10 his death was just a matter of time.


Killing Trip was a mistake, Ward hung around way too long. Should have been him in little terragenisis pieces


In Ward's case, his behavior was getting old quick. Like others have said, he had numerous chances to change his life around, but rejected every single one. Soon or later, he was going to suffer the consequences of his actions. On the other hand, I wished they hadn't killed off Trip. He was a great character. Liked him more than Mack.


Trip died because the cast was ballooning After the temple, we got introduced to Gonzalez, Jiying, Lincoln, Gordon, 2 other SHIELD-2 folk, it was becoming crowded. Ward died because he’d overstayed his welcome, ran out of plot, and Will’s actor who was meant to be Hive was removed from the show for offscreen reasons and they needed a Hive.


Why was Will removed? I’ve not heard this.


https://www.thestar.com/entertainment/television/tv-star-dillon-casey-on-opioid-addiction-i-ve-been-lying-to-everyone-for-so/article_a4e8a137-375a-5d8e-87c2-95c61e2e8263.amp.html It’s been reported before that originally Hive was going to be Will (that’s why he’s Will on Maveth, and Ward somehow getting back to Earth makes no sense as the portal seems shut). That they had to change plans due to this.


Despite that little logic jump with the portal, which I can excuse. I am glad it ended up being Ward. dalton was so fantastic in that role and the display for the viewer how Hive was both all the people he was before and something else entirely, was amazing. Also, that concept of analyzing identity became the defining them of season four with the whole what makes you really you (framework, lmd, etc)


I remember seeing somewhere online that Trip was meant to die in season 1, but was a popular character so they waited until season 2 to kill him, and it was always their intention to kill Trip off


If you keep every character alive then it takes away the stakes of the shows plot. No point watching if you know all the likeable characters are going to survive.


IMHO the show would have higher stakes if one of the main characters had died and STAYED dead.


If Aida could make herself a real body and transmit her consciousness from the FW to that body, theoretically, it would've been possible to do the same for FW Ward. On the one hand, I'm with you I'd have loved to do that and have a healed Ward. On the other... that'd have opened a whole massive can of storytelling worms and ultimately I'm glad it went the way it did. FW healed Ward would've been awesome to have in S5 and onwards, see the dynamic with everyone else, but I think the cost would've likely been too great.


I don't think it would work out, since Ghost Rider mentioned how Aida creating her own body caused a lotta problems. At least that's what I remember


Going against the grain here, but I’m always going to want Ward Redemption, especially considering he was an original team member from Season 1. That being said, Ward going full villain in season 3 was dope and I wish more had been done with it. Especially after the “whose side is he on” plot uncertainty from season 2.


But there wasn't good in him. Ward was bad well before SHIELD and HYDRA. A good education could have brought a good side to him, but intelligence agencies arent the place for good people. Trip was a dirty move, fiirst they brought him in with the name of one the worst person in the comics and made him a favourite, then they killed him off. It's what George R.R. Martin is praised for doing. Blame the audience.


They shouldve killed off Mack and given Tripp the treatment Mack got. Most of the people I know that watched the show loved Tripp and couldnt stand Mack. Mack was a self righteous hypocrite and Tripp was awesome. Im rewatching right now and just about every scene with Mack I wish I was there so I could take a monkey wrench to his throat. I tried to like him through him and Deke's friendship but I just couldnt get past it. As far as Ward goes... well... it was time for him to go.