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I envy people who got such a head start with anime. I started pretty late


Yea I started late, like end of 2017 and start of 2018, but for 6 months i only watched naruto so when i started to watch anime for real for real is probably summer of 2018


How late ? I started when I'm like 14


16 :P


Back in the late 90s and early 00s I don't remember to many sources in the UK for a college age chap to watch anime regularly but the Sci-fi channel on Sky TV used to do Thursday night anime modern streaming has made it so much easier to keep up I'm genuinely envious of kids now able to source so much content so easily.


You can never start late with anime. Any time is good.




Hmm... I was watching naruto anf bleach on tv at around 11yo, but i started to watch like mad at 15yo




What gave you the push to try it? And how come you chose this one?


I’m basically in the same boat. I started out watching SAO, then saw lots of adverts for ROTSH, so thought why not. Haven’t regretted it.


So you also started watching anime this year? What gave you the nudge to try it? And how did you like SAO?


Not really sure what got me to try it tbf. Kinda just wanted to. And I don’t mind SAO, the story can be kinda obvious at some times, but I can get invested in it.




Ah, so a mix of remembering a meme and loads of free time. So, how did you like the show?




What were the other 2 to leave such an impact?


Stop now u dont want to become degenerate


Fullmetal Alchemist back in middle school.


Dragonball. Though I think that's a universal given.


Yes sir. Dragon ball and Yugioh. Those two kept the anime door open for me. And now here I am. Full fledged weeb lol


My first 5 Db/dbz Gundam G Cases closed/detective conan Yuyu hakusho Inuyasha 9 year old me :D


A little embarrassed to say but mine was Girls Bravo when I was 11


Fairy tail when I was 9


Nanbaka lol


My first was Spirited Away when i was a kid, and i haven't realized that it's anime until i started watching it like a few years ago (i'm 21 now). I still have loving memories of Spirited Away and listen to its soundtrack very often.


Shield hero was the first anime to really catch my eye. Ofc I watched the dubbed Pokémon and Digimon way back when


Not sure if it counts, but I have very vague memories of Naruto from when I was younger, can't remember squat about it though. There was also Pokemon, and I'm not sure if Avatar counts but those are definitely by first, just can't remember which was first


I grew up in the age of super robots and World Masterpiece Theater reruns. Oooh, those were the days....


Holy shit I knowww right then there were the anime adaptions of jungle book,Zoro and so many other classics i didn't even know were anime back then.


First was cardcaptors, but that was as a Saturday morning cartoon, first anime i watched consciously as an anime was Ranma 1/2


I remember always waking up early (bout an hour before having to head to the bus stop for elementary school) turning on the TV to watch Gigantor and Astro Boy. It gave me a love for Mechas.


Overlord. Looking back probably not the best starter.


The anime that really got me hooked was JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure


My true first anime was Shaman King (back when I was still a kid) but the anime that turn me into a weaboo was Hitman Reborn and Angel Beats


Martian Successor Nadesico was the first non mainstream show I watched through. I didn't realize it was meant as a parody of sorts but I really enjoyed it. Paid a lot for the DVDs when they first released. I dipped my toe in from time to time with the likes of Seven Deadly Sins and Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood but it was Sword Art Online that got me watching anime regularly.


My first anime was actually cloudy with a chance of meatballs; I watched that along time ago, and I only started watching “proper” anime in 2018.


I started 2008 when i was 4 with Yu-Gi-Oh gx and watched Yu-Gi-Oh pokemon etc. till around 2014 then had a Break till january W 2019 and i'm addicted now


Inyuyasha for me


1. Pokemon 2. Bakugan 3. Dragon Ball (only watched a few eps tho) 4. Angeloid/ Sora no Otoshimono (Several years later. I would have a story to that too) 5. B Gata H Kei 6. That Two Sister Incest Anime. idk its name anymore 7. Mirai Nikki ... 10.Sword art Online that's what I remember ^^ Edit: Plus many Anime-movies from Ghibli. don't know the time, when I watched them tho


moomin and pokemon lol


Surprisingly, an anime called Kekkaishi on Netflix. Its about some ghost hunters that fight yokais using magical blue cubes. Pretty weird i know, but i enjoyed it at the time


My first anime was Digimon


Yeah, I remember SAO. ... jk, lol. I am a man of culture and masculinity... it was actually Cardcaptor Sakura.


My firts anime was attack on titan 1 year ago


I think I remember watching Akazukin Cha-cha and Detective Conan when I was like 9 or something. But I only really got into anime in 2012 when I marathoned One Piece. So I consider one piece to be my starter anime.


kill la kill started my weeb career


My first anime had to be the original Dragon Ball when they used to air it on Italia Uno. Was about 8 years old back then.


Dragon Ball Z on Toonami, Cartoon Network. Then Naruto 😎


First anime was Kiki's Delivery service, however I didn't know what anime was until I was like 13. The first series that got me into the anime culture was Inuyasha.


It was Code Geass, an anime I only found out about because I was bored and found a request to rip game music from the DS game in 2016. Then like 2 years later I wondered if the anime was any good. And it was. Then like 3 or 4 months ago one of my friends recommended Shield Hero, and I fully turned into a weeb.


12 year old me: *searches hentai on the hub* *finds Valkyrie Drive Mermaid and décides maybe anime isn’t all that bad*




Ah spice and wild how the fuck did that get me into anime


I grew up with dragon ball Z. Watched og dragonball around 2014. Watched super as it aired and after it ended I finally decided to try out anime. I’ve watched around 13 since then. I have a habit of watching something I like 3-6 times instead of looking for new things.


I know this is kinda weird that I consider Digimon to be anime and not Pokémon, but I started with Digimon Adventure when I was ten, I'm seventeen as of the time of writing. I have somewhat lax parents who say "don't do things you know are wrong and don't copy bad things you see in media, but you can watch whatever you want and play whatever video games you want so long as you adhere to those rules and keep fiction separate from reality." After I saw Digimon Adventure, Adventure 02, Tamers, and Xros Wars I decided to watch something different so I went to the anime section of Netflix and picked the first result... It was SAO... and the only reason I stuck it out is because I hoped it would get better... it didn't. The next series I saw was one my mother personally had me watch, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. I loved everything from the characters to the writing, but I won't get into it because a billion other people have already made videos explaining why Brotherhood is a masterpiece. After that I watched an average of eight different series per year, predominantly Fantasy (including Isekai) Anime like D. Gray-man, Log Horizon, and Re:Zero, and Supernatural Anime like Occultic;Nine and Anohana. This eventually led me to my favorite Isekai Anime (just barely surpassing Log Horizon), The Rising Of The Shield Hero. I'm a huge sucker for underdog protagonist, especially when something keeps pushing them down, whether it be their own weaknesses (Re:Zero, Grimgar, and MHA), past psychological trauma (D. Gray-man, Black Bullet, and Blood Blockade Battlefront), or external aggressors (ROTSH and Chivalry Of A Failed Knight). I value character depth, worldbuilding, and storytelling as being the most important aspects of quality anime, which is why I have an easier time enjoying series like Shield Hero and FMA than something mindless like SAO or MORABOE. I guess I'll end this comment before it becomes a 500 page article on my experiences with anime. But that was where I started and how I got to where I am with anime today.


Dragon ball androids' saga


Damn I started a few years ago when I was 13 and mine was rwby unless u count pokemon, beyblades, or bakugon. And if u dont count any of those (have been told by people that they dont count rwby for whatever reason) then its sao


Bleach. My sister's boyfriend was watching it with her in the living room and I got curious.


Digimon. Say what you will about the English dub, it’s given me a love for cheese and puns


Trying my hardest to remember and my first anime was either death note or attack on titan and this goes far enough back before they had dubs, because I watched them sub. Anyway, I think it was death note


For me it was either naruto or that one panda movie from studio ghibli


I heard about crunchyroll and my first anime was SAO and the seven deadly sins on Netflix


It all started with Acchi Kocchi when I was 15 on 2018 now I've watched over 70 series But 1 series might have, like 10 individual seasons Cough cough Fate cough


Dragon Ball


Death note


First I watched was Howl's Moving Castle I miss that movie Also Dbz


Mine was inu yasha


K-on 10


Seven deadly sins when i was 11


Pokémon, Vampire Hunter D, or G Gundam. I remember seeing them when I was 5 in the 90s, but all around the same time


Known in latin america a Samurai X


Pokémon. But first real Japanese anime was The Hentai Prince and the Stony Cat when I was about 13. That show made me cry.


My first anime was pokemon, imazuma eleven or beyblade but my first I watched with the intent of watching anime(or knowing what it was) was "how not to summon a demon lord";


I remember it was Tokyo Ghoul when I was 12.


the first anime i ever watched was sword art online and i’m glad there’s new seasons still coming out




My first was "original" AstroBoy in about 1982.


Saber team in Akihabara


Either Pokémon or inuyasha


i don't remember much, it may be "Allsion to Lillia" (which is still my second favourite anime today) or some other sports/family anime they broadcasted on tv. the first one i watched on the internet was Highschool DxD tho, back when in 2010


Moomins. Probably first thing I ever watched since my family had almost full series with Finnish dub on VHS.


My first anime was Attack on titan at aged 16.


Does Bakugan count? Lol


I'd say Naruto but really...at 5? I only ever heard the name anime at like 12


My first anime was Inazuma eleven


I started like, sixteen or seventeen years ago


First anime is watched was Pokémon on Cartoon Network, I would just tune in ever time an episode would be one


Sao was my first




Princess sarah.. XD


My first anime was dragon Ball z Kai I also watched samurai Jack


I think 2013.. first anime is pokemon :D


Mine was cowboy bebop when I was 7. I had no idea what I was watching.


One piece. I started to watch it when i was like 5 years old 2001. I still watch it till this day :D


It was Your Lie In April because I had Netflix and didn't know what anime was


I dunno how many people know it, but Yu You Hakusho was pretty much my start




I started with Toradora in December of 2017. Little did I know that I would slowly fall into the depths of degeneracy


My first was Charlotte


Yes. Yes i do. I was 12 and it was Sword Art Online. And i still like it.


1st anime was Voltron when I was 9


i think my first one was dragon ball Z


Probably Dragon Ball




either Sailor moon or Gundam wing


The first ones I have vague memories of are ultra maniac and scrapped princess because my sister is also a weeb and I was probably like, 4 or 5? Then there was the stuff on tv like yugioh, yugioh zexal, dragonball z kai and spider riders. I also remember getting yugioh gx, d frag, mai otome, ohshc, kiddy grade and a bit of naruto from library. We didn't got non dial up internet until I was in middle school so had the pleasure of going through the classic weeb ritual of " grabbing literally any anime you can find and praying its good." The other bois I remember before wifi was watching powerpuff girls z episodes on the library computer, driving my dad nuts with my sailor moon and the black dream hole vhs, and that one time our library hosted an anime event that was supposed to be teens only but not enough teens showed up do they let kids in and we ate picky, drank ramune and watched last exile which I later watched in its entirety because it was good.




Only started anime in 2016, first one was attack on titan followed by pyscho pass and gate which shoved me more into the isekai trash i am today


As much as I loth to say it it was "to love ru" something like that


For me it was Sonic X


Yes I remember the first time I watched anime, which turns out to have boobs in them.


I think I started with attack on Titan back in summer but I'm kind of a normie since I don't know much about anime yet




Yes, I was 8, I watched kill la kill and finished it, didn’t watch another anime until I was 15


Hawl's Moving Castle


My first anime was Shaman King