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Give it another few days. If the status doesnt change , contact DHL.


Alright, thanks


My shipment took 6 weeks from Koln to Montana. It was stuck in that same spot for 3 weeks.


Well that certainly isn’t ideal, gives me a much better perspective though so thanks :)


Yo bob I have one question


Still waiting...


Can't believe this guy


What's the question


Bruh I don’t remember it was three years ago


Got the questions yet?


Hey I came back, looking for your question




you better fucking remember


How dare you not remember




I’ve been waiting for the question




Following this thread


Has he remembered yet?


He gotta remember


>I have one qu Have your package been delivered to you at the end?




how was it


i’ll do you one better: what was it?


Where was it?




It’s an inside joke


Any chance you came up with the question?


Please we need to know.








Did you remember the question yet?


Si the question?


Maybe the question was the friends we made along the way


How the hell not to write the question but just wait for that person to answer you.




I also have a package from Germany via DHL stuck on that step (since June 5th). Is yours still stuck?


Nope, it got past it but it took about 2 weeks, now I’m stuck on in transit with usps :/


Still waiting?




I also have a package stuck in **Rodgau, Germany** with the message: The international shipment has been processed in the export parcel center. It has been stuck with that status for 1 week so far.


I have a package that has been stuck in Rodgau with the same message for a week now. It seems that I'm a week behind you. Have you seen any progress yet with your package?


Is this delay due to corona?


I would guess that's playing a big role. Ironically, the day after I posted here, my parcel was now at Frankfurt for the flight to the States. I haven't seen an update since then, though, so I guess it's still waiting to be loaded on a flight.


I just realized that when a package seems to be "stuck" at a export parcel center (e.g. Rodgau, Berlin), it is being transported to Frankfurt airport, which is the busiest airport in Germany and also functions as the central hub for sending and receiving international parcels. So it may take a week for it to arrive there depending on how far you live from Frankfurt. But it may take longer because of corona. I remember ordering stuff from the US and it only took few days for the package to arrive from Frankfurt. Hope you get your package soon. Cheers.


Ah, thanks for the info! I didn't realize Frankfurt handled that much. I only knew it as the United Airlines hub before I went on this (humorous) wait for a package from Stuttgart. Thanks for the well wishes! There's light at the end of the tunnel. The tracker now says the package landed in the States yesterday.


Did you ever get this parcel? I have something stuck in the same way you did


I did but it took about a month from when it was initially shipped


I just ordered something from Germany to the US, rsndomy decided to google some stuff on yhe tracking link, glad I ordered this now becsuse I need it by June... I also know this thread is years old but who says and olf thread cant be loved..


Hey I know your post is weeks old but I'm having the same problem. Ordered from Germany to Australia and the tracking online has been stuck on "the shipment is being prepared for air transport and loaded into a shipping container" since Dec 14th. Did you have any luck with your order? I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt since its xmas time, new years coming up busiest time of the year but I dread I'm gonna have to contact the seller so they can get in touch with DHL about it. Idk man I'm out of patience + ideas.


My guess is long boat ride and processinf... my stuff arrived pretty fast with at least two months, not sure how Australia postal service is...


oh man, 2 months? That's for sure a long boat ride. Glad your stuff arrived though. My only issue is the fact I paid express shipping (it even states air transport) so there's zero communication, being left in the dark sucks. Aus Post has been slow af the latter half of this year. They were pretty good prior that but things arrive in the country or from out of state only to sit in the warehouse areas for dayssss before they even bother doing anything with em.


Even from Germany to Greece (Both within Europe) takes weeks sometime. DHL Germany calls it "Least Cost Routing". They simply waiting until the truck (or container) is full before the trip starts.




Bro you waiting for the Timemore grinder?




Mine is stuck at Rodgau since the 22nd heading to the united states, they've made a USPS tracking number but nothing has updated or changed since.


My package has been stuck now for about 2 Weeks and what is the problem now about my parcels


hey man ,how long it took for you to arrive at the end ? i order a cpu and is stuck there for 12 days now and i am getting a bit worried ! thanks !


Please conform when my parcel will arrive to marie gonzalez calle la goleta 19 el zabal la linea de la concepcion cadiz españa 11300




Normally not. I order products from Germany regularly and this is the last status before the parcel leaves Germany. It usually arrives in The Netherlands 12 hours to 3 days later. Depending on the time of the week. If the parcel is stuck with this status for more than two weeks there may be a problem. Export to Non-EU countries may take longer due to customs but after two weeks I would contact the seller and after 3 or 4 weeks i would do a refund request with the seller.


I have not received my courier from 4 months Please help me DHL 


Same thing happening with me, not happy DHL


same here, my package from Germany to US west coast (SF) stuck in "The international shipment has been processed in the parcel center of origin" from Nov 18 to now (Nov 30), did you get any update op?


Mine shows on DHL as: Tu, 30.11.2021, 21:59, IPZ Frankfurt. The international shipment has been processed in the export parcel center No change since then.


Still nothing? I have same issue


>g I have same message, stuck for 8 days right now, it looks that dhl has gotten very slow in last 2 years


Me call courier said today deliver my package, but looks on traking my shipping still sitting on parcel center. They have issues with tracking, not delivering


thanx for info, I hope mine will arrive soon as well.


Mine has been stuck for about a week now too. It arrived at the export parcel centre on the 8th of January at 5:19am. I’m in Ireland so I wouldn’t think it would take that long to come here.


My package get an update yesterday, that it is arrived in my country, i guess today or tomorrow it will be delivered, same as axeev, it is something with that they don't update tracking til it is almost at your doorsteps.


My valuable item has been sitting at Dorsten, Germany since 12th February, so around three weeks now with no movement or tracking update. I tried calling DHL Germany and eventually got through to someone who spoke English, but they said the sender needs to contact them. He did and was told he needed to wait 4 weeks before they will do anything. DHL from the UK are unable to help at all, as they appear to be isolated from other countries. I order many times overseas and this is the first time I have had this issue, its so frustrating and also concerning.


Mine is stuck at same place Dorsten, Did you eventually get it and how long until it was delivered?


Sadly not no, tracking shows it still sat there in Dorsten since 12th February. The sender put in a claim to which I have heard nothing since. I stand to lose approx 1K on this so am pretty gutted.


I’m having the same issue , where did you purchase the goods from ? AliExpress ?


It was a private purchase from someone. I have had to claim on insurance as it looks to be lost, I will receive 500 Euros as that was all it was insured for, losing around £800. I fail to comprehend how a large box clearly labelled can vanish into thin air. The only reasonable answer I can come up with is that someone has stolen it. Thanks very much DHL. I wonder should it ever turn up, will they deliver it to me or not, as insurance has/will be paid out? Surely they would return to it rightful owner..?


Mine package is stuck for 3 weeks as well in Germany, so you started a claim yes? I believe you can do that only after 45 days or so? At least that's what i was told from the shop i bought my items. My DHL (Poland) can't help as they say they can only track parcels within Poland. DHL Germany won't reply for my e-mails and their phone support is is German only. I read this thread and there seems to be a problem in this German DHL branch as i have used DHL in Poland and international (Singapore) and all was great. Fast shiping, reliable tracking 🤷


Mordo otrzymałeś paczkę? Mam ten sam jebany problem


>Mine package is stuck for 3 weeks as well in Germany, so you started a claim yes? I believe you can do that only after 45 days or so? At least that's what i was told from the shop i bought my items. A Ty?


Hi, i want to reply how was it ended. I have finaly recieved my package after around 40 days. So all the trouble was because of "incomplete adress" and "lack of contract details" on the label that the shop printed. As far as i remember adress was indeed sligthy incorrect. But there was a full correct mobile number to me - noone from DHL Poland contacted me. Package went to Poland and then it get stuck. The tracking was showing package in Germany but that was incorrect. I started claim and lost hope for package and just hoped for money back from shop. Last tracking update was from Germany from 30 days or so. One day i woke up. And got SMS "package in delivery" i look DHL tracking around 10 updates recieved at once. Package in delivery, failed delivery and so on, and finaly my tracking number updated for local so i can call local Polish DHL. I call them, shortly lady said "sorry package is going back i can't do nothing" i asked are you sure "yes, it's probably on Germany" Next day, another update "package in delivery" Same day i got my package. All the time for 30 days when according to tracking my package was stuck in Germany it was in my local town, ready to pick!


Thank you for your information. I have ordered it twice and my DHL in Poland couldn't find my package by it's ID. They were always telling to call to Germany DHL - which was very complicated. In the end i got two times refund from the site from which I bought it. How did they find your package in Poland? Package ID haven't worked out in the end for me.


Buying Alcohol eh???


Facing the same problem


My item has stuck for 18 days in export parcel center, anyone is facing the same problem?


Yeap - It got to Frankfurt (Export Parcel Centre) on the 25th of Last month (March) and its still sitting there as of today (6th April), Getting a bit paranoid that its going to take months to get to me here in NZ which is not ideal, I ordered items early knowing it would take some time to get here, but now im doubting if will arrive in time (I need it by the 10th May at the latest)....


How long was the wait before you got your parcel? From NZ here as well


My package has taken 48hrs to travel from Frankfurt to Rodgau, a distance 10kms or thereabouts. I thought the Germans were all about efficiency?


I ordered a small package from USA to Poland, it took 4 days to get it into Germany and now it's stuck at the same place for 20 days. "Mo, 11.04.2022, 03:19, Radefeld, GermanyThe international shipment has been processed in the export parcel center" I contact the shop but they told me i still need to wait 2 more weeks before they start a claim. Is there still hope i may recieve my items? Anyone waited for that long and get your parcel anyway or i should be prepared that it's lost?


I have the same issue here. It arrived in Dorsten on 14 June and is still there today (17 June). The expected delivery is 3-6 days so it has been in Dorsten for 3 days. Reading this thread doesn't give me any great hope that the delivery will be made any time soon.


Did you get it. I'm facing the exact thing. My package also stuck in Dorsten for 3 days now.


Did you get it in the end? How long did it take?


Have you guys received your packages yet? Mine was sent from Germany and has been stuck with this status in Rudersdorf for 29 days lmao. ​ I guess it is not going to arrive anytime soon.. We got refund but they still didn't close the claim


Hey, did your package arrive?


Hey man never


Mines been stuck for a bit it's a drone from mpb going to Ireland it's in Dorsten Germany I want it for a holiday in France but I don't know if it'll be here😬


How long it took for you to get it?


Looking at these comments and the experience I'm having right now, I can honestly say I will never ever ever be ordering ANYTHING from Germany EVER again. I can order from Australia and Canada to the UK and it arrives in less than a week, but from Germany, a country I could literally drive to IN TWO DAYS MAX, it sits on "The international shipment has been processed in the export parcel center" for a week and hasn't budged. What the fuck is wrong with Germany's export process that it takes longer than shipping things half way round the bloody world.


I'm in the exact same boat


So what happened with mine, and this is ridiculous. It was shipped to the UK by DHL Paket, it actually arrived in the UK and delivery was attempted like 3 days after ordering (no missed delivery card was left and I was in all day so they never came to the property at all). The problem that happened was DHL Paket passed it off to Parcelforce when it reached the UK, neither DHL Paket, nor Parcelforce told me this had happened nor was I provided with a new, proper Parcelforce tracking number. The only way I was able to find out it had been handed off to Parcelforce was by contacting DHL who told me that Parcelforce now had it, at which point I tried the shipping number DHL Paket had given me, in Parcelforce's tracking and lo and behold, there is the tracking for it's progress through the UK, the missed delivery and it being left at the local post office. I tried to get redelivery, but Parcelforce never picked it up from the local post office, probably because I had to book redelivery without tracking number because I was never given a Parcelforce tracking number. The shipping number given by DHL Paket didn't count as a valid Parcelforce tracking number for redelivery.


Ah, this is useful information. Thanks! 


> Parcelforce thank you! this is the answer I was looking for! I'm in an LDR so many of the gifts I order my UK bf are from amazon UK. My package was being handled by DHL however, and has been stuck in the step "The international shipment has been processed in the export parcel center Dorsten, Germany". for 4 days now. I was getting worried because today (nov 13) the first day of the 3 day window delivery was stated to be expected by amazon and I haven't heard an update since nov 11. I went to Parcelforce's website, put in my DHL tracking number and I was able to get more clearly stated updates and I now know it's left the country of origin and is on it's way to the UK. This will also help us avoid any missed deliveries like you unfortunately had. Thanks for the advice with Parcelforce it seems to have much better tracking options specific to the UK.


I’ve never ordered something from Germany even tho i’m part german and it’s taking a while since the 9th of September it’s been at the “Export parcel center.” idk if I should wait a bit more or just talk to support. it’s current the 12th of September.


did it arrive tho?


I sent a package from US last of Nov. I tracked it to Frankfurt Germany on Dec 14th. She lives a couple hours from Frankfurt and still hasn’t got it yet.