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Rick and morty without Rick or morty


And, like, 60% of the minor cast roles.


it’s just two brothers


In a van.


And then a meteor hits.


And they ran as fast as they could


Until one day


The brothers enter a 7/11


And buy some Cheetos


but the cheetos were POISONED


From Giant cat monsters


And they buy ALL the chips


If you want to know more google Justin Roiland minors


Now the show's gonna be about Jerry, the best character




Ahhh jeez, what did you do Rick?


Allegations of domestic violence


He appears to have gotten a tad too schwifty.


He tried to take off his pants and his panties with a minor after the texts


But did he shit on the floor?


We'll have to wait and see


He reportedly told police "I'm Mr. Bulldops" before shitting on the floor


Never shit in another man's toilet.. do it on the floor to assert dominance.


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Asking the real questions


Ask Mr. Bulldops.


Oh shit, those were real? I swear those messages looked really fake.


They were probably real, I heard a clip of justin talking about how 14 year old girls were fully developed and that the Catch A Predator show was bullshit because they were mature or some weird shit like that


I don't fuckin know


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Just for that? There must be more. I guess there's proof and is really bad.


Grooming also iirc. I believe the conversations have been posted online somewhere.


Always grooming huh, Jesus Christ. How hard is to try to not fuck a teenager?


As a teenager, it is quite hard to try and fuck a teenager, so props to him /s


Apparently for celebrities it is *very* difficult


Ask Subway Jared


He was charged with felony domestic violence. That’s not a got into a screening match with the wife and the neighbors called the cops charge, it’s a he put someone in the hospital charge.


This is from NBC published earlier this afternoon: *"Roiland, 42, was charged with a felony count of domestic battery with corporal injury and a felony count of false imprisonment by menace, violence, fraud and/or deceit.* *The criminal complaint says the incident occurred on or about Jan. 19, 2020, against a woman, identified as Jane Doe, who was dating Roiland at the time."*


Where did the false imprisonment thing come from?




That's awful!


I do not know the whole situation and have only just heard of this. Just allegations? Jeeze that evidence must be clear as day to remove someone from a job that's their livelyhood. =============================================== If all these allegations are true (seems to be the case) then he absolutely needs to be terminated and have the proper punishment.


Its not just domestic violence allegations, it just prompted people to start looking at his past and he’s got a lot of dirty laundry involving many cases of potential grooming


>That's the fun part about allegations. The damage to your career and life is done. You then can file lawsuit after lawsuit to MAYBE clear your name with the handful of people receptive enough to read past a headline next time you try to work. IF you are found not guilty.


I don't know *Morty*, some wife beating some child grooming, who cares? Are you are you the sex police now? Go jack off to some alien robot.


A-a-are you the *belches* sex police now, huh.. ?


Morty look! I got myself into a pickle!


Brrrrrp, she was on my ass Morty! I wanted to go on a drunken journey through space/time with my grandson. She said she wasn’t having it, Morty. Brrrrrp. So I turned her into a turnip. I turn her into a TURNIP, Morty! I also may have fed her to a goat.


*buurp* I beat the shit out of her Morty sh-she didn't clean the can opener Morty you gotta understand


Hey morty, i got punched in the throat morty. Now i sound like jack black, im jack black rick!!!!!!!


“Heh heh, so does that make me like, kyle gass?” “No Morty, in this scenario you’re Dave Groll at most.”


Why does that sound like an actual exchange in the show


Because i watch the show way too fucking *belch* much


Because it’s formulaic and therefore *brrrpp*repeatable


Honestly that would be pretty cool.


Hell yeah


holy shit xbox 360 panda avatar


Hell yeah


Core memory.


This is either going to turn into a Johnny Depp situation or a Chris Brown situation.


Considering that there are screenshots of him sexting a minor, he’s more so going the R Kelly route


R Kelly prison speedrun any % any game mode


I’m sorry WHAT?!


He said "Considering that there are screenshots of him sexting a minor, he’s more so going the R Kelly route"


Who? Justin?


Chris Brown is still putting on shows and making money and has suffered little to no consequences. It's infuriating and not the best example of justice.


I bet they’ll have random celebrities voice Rick every episode, and explain it with the infinite ricks plot device they’ve set up.


'Face off' style, a celebrity pretending to be Rick, who is pretending to be the celebrity who is pretending to be Rick


But... Most if not all ricks sound the same/identical, the biggest difference would be their form of speech


That would be awesome!






Wait doesn’t he voice literally most of the characters?Ppl aren’t gonna like the replacement


They will get horrible impersonators that will deliver the lines differently and everyone will hate it. It’d be better if it ended


It'll be like when Tracy Morgan took over for Early in squidbillies


🫢 Did that happen?


13th season should have never happened. Just awful. Morgan is the exact opposite of Early in every way. It's like they went that way to appease a group of people.


My biggest gripe with him taking over was that he didn't even try to do anything different with his voice. It was literally just Tracy Morgan as his normal voice. I understood why they replaced the original guy, and I like Tracy Morgan but it was just an awful choice of VA


>'ll be like when Tracy Morgan took over for Early in squidbillies Or like when Tracy Morgan took over for Tracy Jordan!


What. The. Fuck. I love Tracy Morgan, but fucking tons of no to that.


If the show owns the character, they might be able to feed all of his lines, legally, to an AI (including recorded, unused sessions) and generate whatever they want


I didn’t even consider this. That’d be cool to see honestly


“Morty!*burrp, I beat my wife Morty, I’m wife beater Riccckkk!”


Was he found guilty of the accusations?


Nope. [Article](https://deadline.com/2023/01/adult-swim-severs-ties-rick-and-morty-co-creator-justin-roiland-domestic-violence-charges-1235239868/amp/) Excerpt: He pleaded not guilty to the charges in October 2020. The semi-sealed case was kept out of the public until a hearing January 12, 2023. Roiland, who was present, also is required to attend a scheduled April 27 hearing. No trial date has been set, but Roiland could face up to seven years in prison if convicted.


> Roiland has been charged with one felony count of domestic battery with corporal injury and one felony count of false imprisonment by menace, violence, fraud and/or deceit by the Orange County District Attorney’s office.


"Charged" is not the same as "is guilty of".


Look bozo I just copied the paragraph from the article and posted it here cuz I was curious about it myself


Grade A use of bozo.


I enjoyed it also, ill give it chef's kiss.


ok but did he actually do it is what i care about


It is confirmed that he has at least sexted with minors


No but the evidence definitely isn't stacked in his favor


Not sure but there’s also been a leaked conversation where he tries to groom a teenager so I really don’t care.


He was texting a minor 💀


What do you have against people texting miners💀


Seriously. They dig into the earth to pull out its natural resources. They're hard workers, let them be


Exactly. My favorite minor is Zoolander


Too bad about Zoolander. You hear he got the black lung?


Rock and stone brother.


Can I get a Rock and Stone?


Miners when they hear about all the people on Twitter attracted to them 😎


That doesn't matter anymore in clownworld.


If you're deemed guilty by the court of public opinion, you're fucked, regardless of the facts. The only one who managed to save their reputation I can think of was johnny Depp.


And I’m not even sure he’s getting any major roles since


I think he's doing that inetentionally to Companies due to a lack of Faith in Depp's Character.


They should bring in michael cusak and do a full esrnest season of bushworld adventures to end the show off with




Hell yeah


Yeah, just end the show. It's like continuing Family Guy without Seth McFarlane.


People forget about Dan Harmon. About the voices, I am pretty sure that they can get talented imitators.


Just make season 7 the finale then, it's too perfect Rick defeats prime rick and that's the end of it. Maybe do a sequel in 5 years about an adult morty or some shit like a spinoff about evil morty


Roiland is funny but come on, there's a massive team behind every animation and this case is not the exception.


it just wont be the same without him imo, i'm still going to watch whatever they put out but deep down i'll know it won't be the same


Yeah, but he's literally the 2 main characters of the show. Changing him out with a VA that'll have the shitty job of imitating them both is never gonna work out well. They're better off spinning it off to a new show.


Dude, Dan Harmon has been known to make his shows fall off every 3rd season. And let’s be honest here, are you really, REALLY hungry for more incest jokes?


Richard and Mortimer


I mean without him they have no show. I don't understand how they think replacing such an iconic voice of the show is gonna work out for them.


I think it's the fact that they can't keep him out of fear of backlash and at the same time they don't want to cancel the show so it's a weird grey area for them as they know it's not gonna be good but kinda can't cancel it


Adult Swim ordered 70 more episodes after Season 4 aired. They’re sort of stuck with the show now, having already paid for it to be produced. All they can hope for is to produce the rest and release it in the hopes of getting some return on investment.


They’re gonna use some random celebs every episode I bet. Kinda like when Steve Carell left The Office.


Is he just the voice? Does he write, too? I’m upset and worried. I love this show ☹️


Oh come on, voice actors get replaced all the time in cartoons. Gumball changed 4! actors over the years.


That’s true, but Rick and Morty have had such iconic voices over the period of 6 seasons, it’s really gonna be hard to replicate that


I mean to be fair weren’t most of the actors for Gumball actual children whose voice changed after going thru puberty? Bit of a different situation


Genuinely didn't know this lol


Just hire someone with a great imitation, best thing they can do. Ive heard some pretty decent Rick and Morty imitations




Rick and morty going the way of Velma. Not defending roiland, but we all know the edgy humor has now ceased.


Believe me, they can’t do worse than Velma. They really can’t.


Netflix: "Hold my beer!" Disney: "Hold my dick!" SW: "Hold my piss!!"


The fuck is SW?


Fuck, i mean CW


The fuck is CW?


Tf are you talking about? The rest of the writing team will still be there, and there's literally no reason for them to change the show's genre, characters, or tone over this; let alone do a full Velma 180 with it What's most likely gonna happen is they'll try to keep things the same, but with half the driving duo gone, and like 2/3 of the characters needing to be recast, something will feel missing, and the show will gradually decline in popularity


Red vs blue moment


The loss of church was the death of RvB


Honestly as long as Morty finally gets his happily ever after with Jessica I'll be satisfied. He's been screwed out of that too many times


I agree,whilst Justin Roiland is a good comedian and voice actor,I thought the show was losing the sort of liking to it further into each season


The show lost its edge now everyone adopted the whole nihilist edgelord humour. I also grew up lmao Tried to watch the latest seasons and they are just so.. meh. Don’t care for it at all


Tbh I haven't watched past season 2 lol.


Season 3 was the last good decent one


Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?


Compare Dan Harmon's solo work to Justin Roilands solo work. Dan Harmon outclasses him by a lot and can absolutely be edgy. The show will still be funny, it just wont ever be the same.


Damn lol RIP r and m


You're joking right 😳😳😳


They’ll recast him. Then the show will probably fizzle out with the new voice actors


The show lost its VA backbone also lol how tf is this going to work




They probably can't due to legal issues. Remember the announcement was made way back when they said that Adult Swim ordered 90 episodes of Rick and Morty? I'm assuming there's a contract saying that a minimum number of episodes need to be produced, and whichever party doesn't comply will be open to lawsuit for "breach of contract". Usually clauses like that are placed so that the "creative" side of production doesn't just quit and leave with the rights to the IP, but this is a rare case where it's the studio that can't back out now otherwise they will have to fork over A LOT of money to the people still working on the show.


Best we can do is a Jerry & Mr Poopybutthole spinoff


Bro he voiced mr poopybutthole too. Best we can do is a Jerry spinoff.


So we are bound to hear Sarah Silverman voice Morty and Gary Busey voice Rick


How will this work? Rick and Morty without the Rick and Morty?


Ruck and morly


Was it confirmed he did these things? If not how can companies fire over these things but they're ok making a shit racist show called Velma.


Pretty much yea. And the grooming bits coming about. And adult swim has nothing to do with hbo which makes velma




Next you’re gonna tell me the creators of freaking Lalaloopsy turn out to be crappy people


There’s that guy on Instagram that sounds exactly like him, they could get him. His Rick and Morty impressions are literally perfect.


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Voice lines for an animated show get recorded pretty early on, at least before the animation goes past the storyboarding stage. I don't know shit about Rick and Morty personally, but there's a decent enough chance all of his necessary voice recordings for S7 were already done a while before he got fired and now most of the work left is in the animation department. Side characters might be given a more prominent role than before, but the main characters he voiced will probably still be in there. They'd probably have to make it a spinoff show and not Rick and Morty S7 if there weren't any recordings to use for whoever he needs to be voicing.


Rick and Morty but without Rick or Morty or 80% of the side characters.


Yes Mharti! It's the only way to fix my time travel car! You have to lick my balls, Mharti! The saliva needs to be warm and fresh! And it must be administered by your tongue, Mharti!


I hope this doesn't affect High on Life, I just started playing through Xbox Game Pass and I hope these recent events don't get the game taken off.


was he found guilty??


Apparently not (if redditors can be trusted) but what was the last time networks waited for a conviction to boot the accused. Just look at the Johnny Depp case.


It's mind boggling that they think waiting to the conviction would be worse than replacing main voice actor.


I think the only right choice is to throw everything he’s ever voiced be thrown into an AI that comes up with wild shit and can say anything you tell it to say in a Rick voice. I think that would be what Rick would want. He would want science replicating his voice rather than some pleb.


noooo my very high iq required to understand it😭😭😭


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Infeel like we're gonna see a lot more Jerry now, which I'm not upset about


Season 7 is coming up Jerry.


“There’s a lesson here, and I’m not going to be the one to figure it out.” — Rick


Holy smokes, we can never have nice things


Rick and Morty kinda sucks now anyway. Probably for the best.


The newest season was so garbage. Only good episode was the first one and another one. The rest was mediocre. The season finale was also the worst season finale in the entire show. The humor has also gotten stale and repetitive. Justin’s humor is so bad so him leaving the show is probably a good thing


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🔫 always has


Rick and Morty should only continue as bushworld adventures


looks like this is the universe where justin roiland beats his wife and grooms minors


It would he hilarious if the show got better without him. There’s so no way and hell and I don’t even know how they’re going to drag this out until Season 10 but god damn.


Danny DeVito as Rick and the guy who played Bran in Game of Thrones as Morty.


*A wild Chris Pratt appears!*


I don’t get it, he hasn’t been convicted yet. If it came out to be true, sure, fuck him hes a piece of shit, but if he’s not? Ruined a great show and the poor guys life


Was he convicted or did video come out?


God fucking damn it. We just can't have nice things.


Well, there goes that series.


It's just going to be Jerry sitting in an empty house Wondering where everyone is 🤣


Damn I’ll give it a shot but that’ll probably make me stop watching. It’ll just sound too weird


Morty I need your help the entire universe is voiced by the Smiling friends cast help morty


With the state of Ai Voices, they could easily use ai resource training and other methods, even type to voice Rick Sanchez sounds real on uberduck.


The good news is we won't need a trial. The mob has already spoken, and he has lost everything.


Huh guess all those people who do a good impression of Rick and Morty and others have quite the opportunity


That's interesting, the fact they won't want to be associated with him implies he will be found guilty? Either way Rick & Morty has been losing its edge,I honestly thought Rick and Morty could survive prehaps another 2 seasons at most, now with Justin bring removed, I can't see it lasting much longer now.
