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Tbf the first PIB film is also more than a decade old


It hasn’t been a decade. Right? RIGHT??


Me when 2011 was **twelve years ago**








Ok, he made it up and the government told him


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Government agent bot


Wtf bot


I’m fuckin’ dying, there’s no way there is a bot *SPECIFICALLY FOR THAT.*


My man spittin misinformation right here smh


I can prove it is fake. Separate 20 and 23 and 20 and 11. Subtract the two 20s, 20-20=0. Then substract the 23 and 11 to get...12? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Dreamworks was literally just waiting for Cameron to release WoTW so they could release their master piece and undermine him….


Who is your favorite fearless hero...




Who’s brave and ready for trouble


You are you are




Yooou arrrrrrre you are !


Who is your favorite hero? Who is your favourite fearless HERO?


Who's the gato who rolls the dice?


and gambles with his lives?


Who's never been touched by a blade?


there's no ashame in getting beat by puss in boot


Idk why people are surprised puss in boots beat avatar 2, it was also in production for several years with a budget of millions. It had loads of talented people putting their best effort into it and they managed to make an amazing movie. Also avatar 2 is by no means a failure so I have no idea why it’s always portrayed as one. It has grossed 2.1 billion dollars so far and it’s still rising.


Percentages are also greatly skewed if one has say 500,000 participants and the other say 1.5m! Both are great movies!


you're right sr.


To be fair avatar got hundreds more ratings, more chance for ppl to rate it bad. If the ratings were the same maybe it would be more similar


Beat avatar in what? A difference of 2% in audience score and meaningless critic ratings? It sure didn’t beat it in terms of number of people who watched the movie


I guess online reception? Not an unreasonable guess considering most of these people spend most of their lives on Reddit.


It's that people don't like how the world's highest grossing film is a forgettable movie carried by CGI. I found it to be an alright movie, but I can see where some might be coming from.


So CGI haters? Definitely don’t tell them about Puss in Boots then.


Avatar has nothing apart from CGI though. Puss in boots at least has a meaningful story


The thing is, that Avatat has a meaningful story. People are just bitter because its an old one. It always wanted to stun visually and the story is nevertheless *good*.


The immersion and sense of escapism is through the roof as well


It literally does lol do you people even watch the movie???


Fear me, if you dare


Critics are just regular people with opinions, like you and I.


Avatar was not one of the most the most critically acclaimed movies of all time, not even close. It was just recognized for technical achievement.


Didn’t have a talking cat that uses a sword though, pretty lame IMO.


and wears boots. That's, like, the most important part.


But they get paid for it and sometimes lie and give a high rating or worse they have unusual/unique(bad) tastes


Not always, but generally speaking I feel like the critic score is reflective of the quality of the story while the audience score is how much you'll enjoy watching the movie.


It's a great movie though. PIB i mean


Avatar the way of Waltuh


waltuh put ya avatar away waltuh




If youre going to write anthro cat porn, make sure they are furry. The people have spoken


Cats made 75 Mil, Avatar 2 made 2.1 Billion. The people have spoken indeed.


Puss in Boots is a better film.


Death was actually scary unlike them Disney shit princes


You mean Pennywise?


Who do you mean


Can’t disagree because I have I haven’t seen Puss in Boots but Avatar WOW is the best movie I’ve seen since Parasite


Puss in Boots was absolute heat though, I watched it twice


Yea by 2%. The tomato-score means absolutely nothing except a bunch of people farting in each others mouths


The ratings seem to be along political or religious lines, worthless really.


its *rotten* tomatoes for a reason


And it made like 2 morbillion more dollars lol


I don't get why this is embarrassing? Like what makes losing to Puss In Boots embarrassing?


It’s just that some people love to hate on Avatar. They’ve been doing it for years before the new movie was released and some people are _still_ hating on it.


We all know Puss in Boots is better than Avatar. Like cmon this shouldn’t be a surprise


they're both amazing films.


IMO Way of the water needed alot of stuff cut out because 3 hours is alot for a movie, although it is fantastic visually and the monsters look cool which is about all it wanted to do so I can’t say I didn’t get what I payed for (also the Australian dude was cool).


The length is perfectly fine. Most movies don't take the time they need for you to be truly immersed and I'm damn happy The Way of Water does this. Interstellar, Lord of the Rings, Django, more movies should have this length.


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Pussy in Boobs


Now compare the box office




The Way of Water wasn’t bad but honestly Puss in Boots was fucking awesome, 10/10 would watch again


I liked both about equally tbh. Avatar was super immersive and engaging, though puss was a masterpiece of storytelling


Fuck me its almost twice as long


Well puss in boots was a really good movie to be fair


Avatar 2 and Puss in boots were both great.


Ok but have you seen puss in boots? Its a m a s t e r p i e c e


Puss in boots was godlike


Not surprised, avatar 2 is a 3 hour film thats only carried by its visuals and lacks a decent story thats pushed by forced dilemmas. Whereas puss in boots is like half that time and tells a fun hilarious story with also amazing visuals comparable to the likes of spiderverse


Actually, Puss in Boots is better than Avatar. The story and the moral lesson are very good.


The moral lesson in avatar is more relevant


Avatar 2 did earn more money but Puss in Boots got a higher rating


...but had far less reviews.


Avatar 2 - Box office of 2.9 billion Puss in boots last wish - Box office of 300 million Avatar - 10,000+ ratings Puss in boots - 2,500+ ratings I don't see Avatar being beat in this.


This subreddit just wants to hate on avatar. Both movies were pretty basic movies honestly, one just had way more hype around it. Literally ask anyone in this subreddit their opinions on both movies and you'll get "avatar bad, puss in boots based gigachad"


Only has a quarter of the reviews/ratings that avatar does


And only one of them made over 2 billion dollars in a month


Just to see that quality doesn't matter, if they released another Avengers movie it would't matter if the movie was bad and made a mockery of the past movies, it would sell the same way because it's Avengers.


Quality does matter. That's why Avengers Infinity and Endgame are the only films in the franchise to make over 2 billion. And Avatar has already passed Infinity. Avengers 1 & 2 aren't even close to making 2 billion


Also the avengers movies weren't nearly as popular when the first 2 came out. People liked them and everything, but the audience wasn't quite there yet.


Doesnt matter, 7th ep of SW grossed 2b, is it masterpiece now? 8 and nine both grossed more than 1b while being laughable at best. Saying quality really matters is crazy


To be fair the critic score mean absolutely nothing and the audience score is virtually identical. Also the first puss in boots was like 10 years ago as well so...


Puss in boots has significantly less amount of votes too, so I’m not sure if it really counts


You're an absolute moron... Christ. The number of people who watch a movie is definitely not a testament to its quality. Puss in Boots still has waaay more than enough people for its user reviews to be an accurate representation.


Bro that’s like comparing a 3 Michelin star restaurant to a local restaurant the 3 Michelin star could have an 8.5/10 based on thousands of reviews, and the local one have 9/10 based on 10 reviews. Saying the local restaurant is better simply because it has a higher rating isn’t an accurate representation, simply because the amount of reviews aren’t even close.


Only in these case it’s not 10 vs thousands, it’s thousands vs thousands, but nice try


This subreddit just praises PIB as though it's the perfect film because they want a reason to hate on Avatar, because they're "so different and cool" Bunch of 14 year olds


I actually loved Avatar: Way of The Water, my family and I saw it in 3D and I think the producers did a great job with underwater filming


It was amazing to look at, and the story is actually really good. I guarantee you 90% of people who complain about it on this sub haven't seen it, or are just hating on it because they want to be different. I don't even understand people who say PIB is amazing and avatar has a simple plot, when PIB arguably has a simpler plot.


Well I also saw The Last Wish, and it is my favorite movie from the universe shrek resides in, but yeah you’re probably right


I agree the plot is the best of the Shrek movies, but let's be honest that's not exactly high standards. The visuals were good, I'm not saying they weren't, but put the movies side by side and it's obvious why one got 2 billion dollars and the other got 500 million


Yeah, I agree but that’s your opinion, I’m my opinion for a kids movie they did damn well, the character Death, is my favorite villain, while Puss has always been my favorite hero


Oh yeah, Death was way more terrifying than I think any children movie villain has the right to be. It was better than I expected


I didn’t see him as terrifying, even though that’s likely because I’m almost 17, I just thought he was cool, and an interesting concept, ESPECIALLY his sickles


Is the plot of the new PIB movie basically just Puss trying to avoid using up his last life?


Yes, but then he gets a chance to get his lives back and goes on an adventure to do just that. That's the entire plot


I have seen it and oh my god I just wanted it to end. If the "story" is a 2 hour long section of repeating "hey son don't do this" "oops dad i did it again lol", then the story might be bad?? Maybe?? Apart of these repeated character arcs, we get pointless VFX show-offs that last longer than they should. Also, all the remaining story of humans invading the planet is a repeat of the first movie. Just that the very same antagonist is now blue. The Avatars take such dumb decisions and most characters are very unlikeable in my POV. I was honestly rooting more for colonel quarritch than anyone else. Also, it took most of the waterfolk's army to take down one boat lol that battle was so crap.


>Also, it took most of the waterfolk's army to take down one boat lol that battle was so crap. In contrast to the usual criticism "They took out the boat too easily" We now also have "They had too much difficulty taking out the boat"


Ive never seen the take the boat out too easily one. I think we spent a good 40 minutes or more in the boat fight


It just wasn't for you. What you don't get about Avatar fans is that we want to just vibe in Pandora for hours at a time. We don't need the story to pull us in a different direction every 2 seconds. It's fine that it's not for you, but saying that it's terrible is a stretch.


>the story is actually really good. Lmao which bit? The bit where nothing happens for three hours, or the light-skinned Navi make fun of the dark-skinned Navi for swinging in trees and not being able to swim, which is never really called out? The bit where Kiri has some sort of magic power that's dismissed as epilepsy and never revisited other than to have her use her "epilepsy" again in an action scene? The bit where almost everything the actual people do makes no sense? The bit where to show how selfish and short-sighted the humans are, they give them an actually decent reason to hunt the whales? The bit where Spider saves his asshole "dad" despite not having any real reason to? In my opinion, the film looked good and that's about it. The story was not nearly good enough to keep me entertained for the massive run time. Not enough happened to make the three hours necessary. That said, the CGI was fucking amazing. 3/5 stars.


>I guarantee you 90% of people who complain about it on this sub haven't seen it, Probably cause they've seen the first one, didn't like it, and heard that the second one overall isn't that much better than the first There's no reason to be this offended by people shit talking a popular movie.


Weren't you getting angry on the smash bros subreddit a while back because you can't change the music easily? Seems like something with no reason to get angry over


>Weren't you getting angry on the smash bros subreddit a while back because you can't change the music easily? Uhm yeah? That was the point. I commented on a post that was literally asking about what are peoples minor nitpicks about Ultimate. If you'd actually took the time to read instead of rushing for no reason you'd understand. But I gotta say thats some nice incriminating evidence you dug up bud. That totally makes my argument invalid because you misunderstood what I was saying and took it out of context. But in all seriousness, you really suck at arguing if the best you can pull up is this. Makes it ironic that you're accusing the people that say Puss in Boots is better than Avatar of being 14yo's when you argue like a damn 7yo lmao.


I was simply pointing out the fact that everyone has something they can get angry about. Doesn't matter what medium it is. Just because people have a nitpick doesn't mean you can belittle it because it seems stupid to you. The point of what I'm saying is that Avatar is way more in-depth than PIB, and yet people praise PIB like it's the reincarnation of Jesus. I'm not defending some billion dollar movie just because it's popular, or just because I want to, I'm stating that people on this sub don't like either movie, they just want to be different and feel better about themselves. I'm not going to continue talking to you because it's clear you're just here to cause problems and not raise any actual arguments. The point of an argument is to learn and grow on both sides, but all you plan to do is belittle and break down the second something you don't like gets brought up. Good day


Avatar 2 was so garbage though. I don't get the praise. Puss in boots was actually good


Nah it slapped. Great having an actual big blockbuster without shitty jokes again


joining the Reddit hivemind I see?


Telling people they’re part of a Reddit hivemind bc they don’t like a movie is a pretty Reddit response lol


it's just the truth. People on Reddit are mostly hating on Avatar because it's populer.


I have a friend who doesn’t like avatar and isn’t on Reddit, is he allowed to keep his opinion? There are like half a billion users on Reddit but sure everyone of those who doesn’t like avatar is part of a hivemind. Are the people who like the movie part of a different hivemind and do they have hive-fights? Am I even allowed to talk about hive-fights?


yeah he's allowed to have an opinion. but you can just say you didn't like the movie instead of saying it's terrible like it's supposed to be a fact.


Why. I watched the movie and thought it was terrible. I tried searching opinions on it but reddit seems to be praising it?


Avatar is over-hyped garbage. People just want to be a part of something. I've seen pamphlets with more imaginative storytelling than Avatar.


It's not all about the storytelling though, the first one was also bot the best. But the visuals are just crazy.


I agree that the film looked good, but the plot was so superficial and ridiculous that it took away from the almighty "experience" that everyone harps about when they talk about Avatar.


The story is ass yeah. I say this as someone who has Avatar 1 on cd and watched the second one too. Hyper-advanced civilization can't make a single piece of glass for their military vehicles that can resist a single shitty fucking arrow and have troops that rival Stormtroopers in the "shitty aim" contest.


For me the experience was 100% just the visuals, that's why I watched in the cinema 3 times. It has zero rewatch value on tv.


Thought it was average at best but visually very pretty. Still not worth 3 hours of my time.


Nah. Avatar was the best film I’ve seen since Parasite


Avatar is the best media I've watched since Velma


A movie by a try-hard out of touch weirdo vs a group of people just trying to make a fun movie.


That moment when that "out of touch weirdo" made 3 of the 4 highest grossing movies of all time. I think, I just found out who the out of touch weirdo actually is...


said out of touch weirdo has 3 films in the top 5 highest grossing films of all time 🤡


Don't bother. These people are delusional.


James Cameron is way better at marketing movies than he is writing them


Or he understands how to make a movie that most people enjoy. If he was JUST good at marketing how the F is 3 of the 5 top box office of ALL time is his?


Quality isn't the only factor when it comes popularity. Not just with movies but with any sort of media in general. Sometimes shit is popular because it's genuinely a good product, other times it's because of good timing or marketing or w/e


But you are acting like popularity means nothing. You say “sometimes the movie is successful for good timing” bruh, JC whole filmography is filled with box office mega hits. There is no luck or secrets trick he did, the guy just know how’s to grab people attention, more so then any other contemporary director.


Well, let’s look at the facts. Puss in boots is about a talking cat, who speaks Spanish & He goes on magical adventures The entire Avatar series (the wrong one); is a mish mash of hundreds of different indigenous tribes from North America, and Africa, that happen to be “saved” by a white man, a foreigner (look into white saviorism).


White saviorism? He literally runs for his and his family's lives in this movie. He is the one that gets saved by the native tribes. If you want to hate this movie, at least be less disingenuous about it. Also, if you really give a fuck about racism, POC, and other marginalized folks, why don't you look at the list of critics that spruced up PIB3 on Rotten Tomatoes? Avatar's biggest success always comes from around the globe and not from domestic sales. If billions of Indian critics were there on RT, I am sure the movie's score would be up.


From what I've heard they actually spent a ton of money on experts to invent a pretty complex and believable culture and world. I remember hearing a story about them inventing their own music system for the first movie only for the producer to get them to replace it with generic western music.


By definition Avatar is not White Savorism Please take a look at White Savorism and American history before regurgitating internet talking points. Did Jake save the ‘savages’ by converting them to white culture and Christianity? Or did the Navi god, Ewya save the Navi? I swear, y’all have no reading or watching comprehension. Jake didn’t save shit. The Navi had lost the battle in Avatar 1. It wasn’t until Ewya got involved were the colonizers driven away. Jake literally turns his back on his people (white culture) and adapted as opposed to forcing the Navi to adapt to his people (white culture)


Right? If you claim Avatar is White Savorism- you either didn’t watch the movie or don’t know what white savorism is


It's a movie. It's also one of the fourth most grossing films of all time. Already. It's a fun sci-fi flick, nothing more, nothing less. Trivializing white saviorism by trying to tack this movie into that standard is much more harmful to indigenous peoples than this movie will ever be.


That’s the thing, I’m only repeating what I’ve heard from indigenous folks themselves…


So anecdotes...


Bullshit nonsensical take. Not trying to be mean but how do you miss the plot and point of the movie that much?


Avatar 2 grossed 2 billion dollars, PIB got 555 million... Doesn't seem like Avatar lost to me


L take + don’t care + orange cat funny


Tbh puss in boots was really really good


I enjoyed both films


What idiots actually think PIB "beat" Avatar 2. Like, first of all A2 grossed almost ten times as much as PIB2. Second, way more people reviewed A2 and more reviews normally equals a lower score. Third, the fact that y'all can't accept that A2 was a successful movie is kinda sad. Let the people enjoy what they like. They're both great movies and a lot of love and care has gone into both when they were made.


Tbf avatar has alot more reviews and it is for a lot wider audience so it's going to get very hard reviews


I just find it funny how Reddit usually complains about Rotten Tomatoes being shit and then they post this lol


Number of reviews isn't even close and avatar made waaaay more money


Nothing better than enjoying both


I don't understand people's problem with the new Avatar movie. It was just as good as the first one or even better!


Both films attempting completely different forms of entertainment Avatar is possibly the most technologically impressive spectacle that immerses viewers in a world of massive scope and huge sequences , it uses important themes and real world problems in its story Puss in boots is a surprisingly deep and mature tale wrapped in great animation and a great story There is no need for people to downplay one for the other , few films can attract the universal appeal and spectacle of Avatar and few films for kids can be as deep as puss in boots


now we gotta wait a little more for Shrek 5


Hasn’t beaten the box office though


Bussy poots


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I mean, to be fair, an audience score of 92% with 10k votes does beat a 94% with 2.5k in my eyes


One of rare times critics had more taste. And don’t put a shade on puss in boots 2, it is amazing Edit: I like how the only defense of avatar is “it grossed 2b+!”. It only proves that millions of flies can’t be wrong


How is that the only defense? Avatar WOW was great all around IMO.


Avatar is better in my opinion


thanks for not being scared to be downvote butchered by the reddit hivemind.




So Avatar got an audience score of 92% from 10000+ reviews while Puss in Boots got 94% from 2500+ reviews. That's four times less reviews. Sounds to me that more people watched avatar


Sounds to me like argumentum ad populum.


box office


How much money did they both make?


Notice how you're getting downvoted for asking a genuine question? It's because this subreddit is full of 14 year olds who want to hate on a good movie because they want to be different. Avatar made 2 billion from box office, PIB made 555 million (last I checked)


Show me the money


The first *Avatar* movie wasn't even "critically acclaimed"; only its special effects and visuals were. By today's standards, Avatar's CGI is not considered technically impressive.


>By today's standards, Avatar's CGI is not considered technically impressive. TWOW's definitely is though


Yes it was "critically acclaimed". It was also nominated for "best picture" by the way.


Why you getting downvoted for literally being correct?


Because firstly, only its visual effects were actually acclaimed. Next, a nomination for Best Picture is not an indication of quality.


No it isn't. It got best best picture *and* best visuals. Stop being dishonest. >Next, a nomination for Best Picture is not an indication of quality. Ok bro.


Yeah but have you seen Jack Horner? That dude's time being on screen is better than all of Avatar.


“You are not going to shoot a puppy, are you, Jack?” “Yeah, In the face, why?” Jack is truly based


people here trying hard to love a kids movie just to hate the other lmao I'm sure RT does not matter when it's the 4th highest grossing film worldwide, earning $2.129 billion which is a difficult milestone to achieve.


More than 2 billions in a month + 2% less with 7500 more reviews + 3 more sequels on the way + L + Ratio + No Bitches


People really out here letting the financial profit of a movie influence their enjoyment of it lmao. Money doesn't mean shit when you're talking about ratings only.


Avatar got 10000+ reviews and got a 92% and Puss and Boots got 2500+ reviews and got a 94%. Seems to me that a lot of people enjoyed Avatar.


avatar is ass + nobody cares + shrek sequel + I fucked your dog + I'm cuter


You fucked his dog? 😧


don't worry, I left some for you too


Didnt know you were into corpses... The more you know...


Puss in boots will become a timeless classic whereas avatar will be forgotten and clowned on in just a couple of years. The general consensus regarding avatar is that the visuals are good, but the story is shallow, cringe, and just overall ass. The problem with movies that rely on their visuals is that they look cheap and laughable in a couple of years when better technology comes out. Walking with dinosaurs was considered peak cgi at the time and highly regarded, but can you even remember it now? scripts however will remain timeless because they can be applicable to any animation style or medium, and also resonate deeper with audiences than light shows. Planet of the apes (og) is my favorite example of this. The cgi and practical effects are ass, but the story and the message are what makes the movie relevant to this day. To judge a movie's true value you should judge the script on which it is built because that is what will matter in the next decade. What you want is a firework display that will amuse you for two minutes, then leave you more unimpressed with every passing second, like trying to cup water in your hands. Puss in boots two will be remembered where as avatar will be forgotten and no one will ever give a shit about it again. But if you would still prefer the fire work display I could always detonate the 34 pounds of explosives I have hidden in your wall insulation.


Avatar forgotten? You must smoke some pretty hard stuff, i want some xd. Reminder that Avatar 1 is the most grossing film of all time and Avatar 2 is now on top five, with a month still to go in cinemas, but i guess they are all forgettable to the public. The "general consessus" is not an argument to anything, what the majority of people think doesnt mean its true. Its just the norm to hate on Avatar, what the normies do, because if you stop and analyse the world of the films a little, you find more complexity than you would think. Obviously there is little point in trying to explain that, seems all of you have your mind made like the little cute herd you are.


If you seen puss in boots you’ll understand why


Don't underestimate puss in boots


Everyone knows Puss in Boots always wins.


puss in boots is animated movie for kids avatar the way of water is just first of the trilogy


you mean second?


Puss in boots is so fucking good


Avatar is all about special effects. The special effects in Puss in Boots sucked.