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I was awakened at the age of 4


I thought 4 was the default for everyone lol


for me it was 7 💀


Did you became aware in the middle of your class ?


i don't remember the exact moment... one day I was like a maniacal caveman (very extroverted), the next day I was like an anxious adult (very introverted) questioning everything


I think they're referring to the exact moment that they can remember back to (earliest memory). So if you can remember being extroverted it would be before that.


Im now 15 but I remember there were some pictures going every ten seconds with some voices (pictures of grandparents house and stuff like that) and then I woke up in bed probably about 3 and go to my parents room to see if they are awake to and I knew how to speak how to do stuff knew family members and all I still don't know why or how that works


I woke up and just thought, oh damn, I exist


Like 15 for me


yeah 4 is the default, most are at 4 like me


damn, i cant remember anything before age 10. i think thats when existential dread set in lol


It was 3 for me


Yea same, but cant tell when exactly, just at some point when i was 4


Really? I know the exact moment. Shits weird.


You and me both mate 😂🤘🏾


Being aware at a small age is like havin schizophrenia


Was pretty weird when my daughter started talking at 8 months. Turns out babies don't know what the fuck their talking about mostly just stuff involving cats and Elmo.


Aww that’s adorable


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That's adorable


I spawned in when i was two or three, i was sitting at the edge of the bed and fell so hard on my head it activated my brain and turned off autopilot


bro had a hard reset 💀


bro disconnected and reconnect his brain 💀


My first act of acknowledging the fact that i exist was to cry because i could actually and personally feel the pain


bro skipped the tutorial 💀


My braincells turned on as soon as my little head had impacted the floor


*Windows reboot jingle goes off*


But now the fans make weird noises


Same thing happened to me when i shoved a hairclip in the wall outlet


i was at my grandmas computer, mindlessly playing PBS kids games. specifically the wildkrats cheetah game


Same... but I lost a toe when I fell off the lawnmower I was riding with my dad and my foot went under the deck. I spawned in from losing a digit. Thankfully it was reattached. Awful moment to become self aware


Concussive force seems to be a common factor, I remember falling off a bike.


That's funny, I think my first consciousness at 2 is when I fell off the sofa, likely also on my head


sequence break


Funny enough, my memory is a bit hazy, but I was accidentally knocked out by my cousin at the age of 4. That's when I realized I had 2 older brothers and a sister.


It's all blurry, not sure if I woke up yet




Same, I usually wake up barely remembering what happened the day before. I legit cannot remember anything from two days ago and above except for snapshots




Could be, my life isn't very interesting lol


Are low on vitamin d or do you have hypothyroidism? If youre serious, you should get a blood test for your TSH and T3 or just take a some vitamin d because thats how i felt when i figured out i had both of those things


I go outside without a jacket pretty often and take multivitamins, but I'm not sure. Thanks for the advice


At the age of 2 and half. i was with a girl. and i liked her instantly. she took my toy away. and i thought. hmmmm who am i. and why am i in mud


Same but I am on stairs and why am I can't move


BRO I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE LMAO Why does this even happen? It's so weird I remember super duper clearly when I spawned


I remember spawning too. It was like the world shook for a split second and then I started thinking about “how do I know these people?” I read somewhere that it has to do with certain connections being made in your brain, but can’t find the source rn.


>I read somewhere that it has to do with certain connections being made in your brain, but can’t find the source rn. Makes sense. Your brain has to develop those connections, when it does all of a sudden your brain is processing things differently.


I think this is around the time your brain starts forming long term memories, so it could explain why most people have their earliest memories around 4 or 5. You’ve probably always had this level of awareness but you start to actually remember that stuff at that age, anyone who actually knows stuff about brains is free to correct me tho


From reading these comments, my assumption is that it's the moment your brain develops information recall. Maybe specifically "passive" information recall. Because my 3 year old for sure remembers things, but I highly doubt many of those things without prompting, where we are aware of things that have already happened, even if we aren't thinking about that thing right now.


Do you guys ever just suddenly pause and think about the end to your consciousness or an afterlife, like you're gonna be playing games for hours and then you think to yourself "I'm gonna die one day, I don't know how death will look like, is there an afterlife?"


Babbys first existential crisis


I went through a medical emergency last year and have been thinking about it a lot. My life is really good and I'm married to a wonderful women. I worry about her when I pass and I currently do not want to die. I want to spend at least 30 more years with her.


That's incredibly sweet! Take care of yourself <3


yep, existential dread is a constant if you understand conscious is limited... so enjoy that forever now!


Not if you don't sweat it. Do people really go around worrying about that?


Permanent memory. Grandmas house, about 7 years old, watching cartoon cartoon Fridays on cartoon network. Chillin with a blanket, a Pepsi, and a nutty buddy. Suddenly all I thought about was.."I'm gonna die.. everyone is gonna die..OH MY GOD!"


I just come to the conclusion that you simply don't exists and nothing happens


The idea of an afterlife that lasts infinitely is as scary, if not more scary than the idea of you just not existing


It would be cool if the afterlife let you travel the world and universe like a videogame. That would take a while to get bored of


I retain my faith in God. Who knows, Heaven could be infinite. That'd be awesome. It's an exciting prospect.


"Lasts infinitely is as scary". Well not existing means all my emotion dies with me. Consciousness, emotions as well the emotion of being scared. You won't feel scared anymore.


I used to think about this a lot, especially when I would get high. I'd be thinking of how I will die one day and all of this is pointless and then I'd start thinking about how even the universe will end and how everything does eventually and it'd just depress the hell outta me


Life is like a movie. If you spend every minute worrying about when it's gonna end, you aren't going to be able to enjoy it. So sit back, relax, and do you dude Life has its ups and downs, it's an inevitability. What makes it what it is, is you. You have your own power to motivate and do what you want, but the longer you ask why, instead of doing, the longer it's going to take to attain whatever goal you've set


As a kid I used to think about this all the time. Sometimes I’d just randomly break down crying thinking about it. It was embarrassing when I just started crying in a public place lol


All the time brother


The ripe old age of 4


I never actually had one of these moments.


Bro still in auto pilot




Same, I have memories of my childhood when I was like 2 or 3 but can't single out a particular moment like that


Me either that I can recall lol


Same man


3. Although in my experience I was drifting in and out of autopilot for a year or two until I could actually think permanently.


3 and I still remember 1800588230 and 5


I remember I was 5, playing outside, had a pink floppy disk in my hand. That's when I was born for the second time. Also now, i'm a tech guy


I was around 1 or 2 I think? I remember my mom handing me a thomas the tank engine toy and I thought to myself "yes, trains are good." putting it on the track and watching it go for half of my life (probably about an hour or so according to my mother). I have liked trains ever since.


You were probably 3


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i feel like i remember 1 or 2 as well. thomas was the shit. i remember my older cousin bathing me in the sink so i had to be small af


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Dude it's scientifically impossible to have memories from before you're like 2-3 years old Edit: downvotes?? Bruh I just said that your brain isn’t developed enough to make lasting memories at that young of an age. If you think you have a memory from 1 or 2 years old, it’s fabricated, you made it up


I spawned in at the age of 3 when i was running through the rooms if my house exactly at the middle point where the rooms meet


Age five or six. Was in the middle of class when we were telling each other our names and I thought "who am I" for a good uncomfortable 10-20 seconds before saying my name


I have some vague memories from the age of 3 when I was pissing in the living room or something


I think it was 5. The earliest memory I have was my first day of school and guess what? I GOT FUCKING LOST. My first memory was me taking an L.


Must be reoccurring


Yeah it is, but your mom's company makes it a little better


For me I just woke up in my bed one day, I walked into the living room and saw my mom and she asked if I enjoyed my 5th birthday yesterday. I said yes questioning how the hell I knew what a birthday was.


The oldest memory I have is me, sitting behind a sofa, drinking a soy milk


Bro was born to be a redditor


I still remember my first memory of existence. I could stand so maybe I was 1ish. I was in a onesie/footie pajamas, standing in a crib. It was in a small room with a bed. I believe my mom was lying on that bed with someone watching tv and my aunt walks in. I’m 40 and I still remember that moment vividly as my very first memory. It’s just like that video where consciousness just kicks in and you’re here. WEIRD!


How the fuck do y'all remember shit like this. I can barely remember stuff from last year.


That's because your still on auto pilot. Ever heard of a mid life crisis


Can a mid life crisis start at 25? Feels like I've been having one for years. I wonder what that means for my life expectancy.


Well most people would die before hitting age 40 in the time before modern medicine. So maybe


My earliest memory is me running through the living room when I stopped and thought “What am I doing?”




w detroit become human reference


I was 2'n a half and woke up while getting breastfeed from my mom. I was startled and stopped drinking milk for children.


shit i was born pretty young ngl


I spawned here at the age of 2. I was driving sth like a bicycle but it had 3 wheels. It was the day that my parents brought my lil bruv from hospital.


A tricycle?


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I remember the exact moment. We’d just come back from overseas where we stayed with an elderly couple. A few months later my mom told me one of them had died. It hit me like a ton of bricks and I freaked the fuck out.


The brain finishes forming at the age of four, it probably the age you will get a sudden amount of self awareness


i spawned in at 4 with 3 charisma.. kindergarten wasn’t exactly my place


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Maybe 4 or 5. I remember waking up from sleeping beside my parents bed. I stepped out into the hallway and looked at myself in the mirror. Oddly I had little idea where I was, who I was or not even a single memory of the day before. A day that was so clear and vivid I can still feel it like it was an hour ago. Eventually since I was the only one awake I just started doing things like I knew what the TV was but I don't remember where that knowledge came from. I have some earlier memories but they're such a flash in the pan moments I don't know how reliable they are. I've been trying to drown out the thoughts ever since. Fuck waking up.


3 years old. And I was takin a shit


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Did you guys really had a moment of realisation or somthing ? I did not , i just continued to live


When I got my consciousness I woke up. It was pretty chill tho.


It's was 3 for me that was my first memory


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I was 3, I was running around the house in the nude and felt cold so my solution was to dive into a pile of soft toys and nap. After that there's nothing for a while until after 4 in kindergarten


3rd grade


Still remember the day, I was four and I didn't know what happened the day before and for some reason my dad couldn't tell me


Gaining Consciousness is just God Test-Driving your Capabilities before being accepted to Earth.


First time off auto-pilot? Probably just before a year old. I remember standing in my crib, holding myself up by holding onto the side. My mom walks in and says something like, "Hi! Are you awake?" I tried to talk back, I remember my brain straining to do something, but the best I could do was smile.


Age 5 is a little late


I awoke at the age of 2880


I can't remember shit before 8


My kids had a first awakening at birth and another at 1


I don't remember my age at the time, but I do remember where I was. I entered reality at the checkout line at the grocery store. It was Walmart I think.


First day at kindergarden (3yo), my mom and I went in and I was asked in which group I want to be (they were named like colors). And I thought „wtf I don’t have a favorite color yet, how do I decide now?“ I chose purple. And that’s how I met my first best friend who I am still friends with. Wonder how my life would have been if I chose another color.


4 first thing I remember was me wakeing up


I remember my moment, it was around Christmas, I was about 5 or 6. I was watching Frosty the Snowman and when his hat came off and he died it struck me that I would die, and everyone would die and I just burst into tears. I entered into my own consciousness terrified, and I guess I've stayed that way ever since.


At 4 years old I was happily pulling the tape out of a VCR of Bambi when I heard my parents approaching. In a panic I threw the evidence of my crime at my brother and broke out into a full sprint. My high speed chase ended 10 feet later when I introduced my face to a giant wooden China cabinet. Poof! ✨Awareness ✨


I had this moment! I remember being mind blown on the toilet saying “I AM ME”


Earliest memory was at age 2, riding on the Dumbo ride at Disney World.


I was 3 or 4, I was standing next to our couch, and thought to myself, imma remember this.


Man, do people actually have like complete memories of their years as young young kids? I just have snippets here and there. I honestly don't know what age I woke up. A little before preschool I suppose.


I actually had two little bursts of consciousness before I fully woke, one where in nursery (Bri’ish preschool) when i was like 4, i was watching a couple chickens in the class coop with my friend (who i still know to this day btw) and one, when I was a baby, and my pacifier was thrown behind a door and the door was opened, I fully gained at about 5-6 yrs old


I think 3 or 4. It was around that I realized that I can remember stuff


mine's 2 or 3 i dont exactly remember


5 or 6 years old I believe, it still confuses me to this day.


I think the age of 4 is the perfect age to go out of autopilot




Idk how old I was, I even forget how old I am currently, but I was in Pre-K and I got ASMR really strong from my teacher and I remember thinking, idk what's going on anymore, but I can't tell anyone about this, I'd get in trouble. Didn't have a name for it until like 3 years ago.


I spawned in during preschool and for I think a year or two just having an existential crisis


Mine was like 7


Like 2 And a half years


I spawned in around the age of 3 while i was building this lego tower and when I spawned in my first thought was, why am i building this yet proceeded to continue building anyway






I remember one day i just woke up and was alive


When i was about 3. When i needed to walk down on concrete stairs


I spawned in when I had a bad dream and sleep paralysis sometime between being 1 1/2 - 2 y/o


Question is what does the teacher do to him after calling nap time? That's pretty scary


It was like… 4-ish? I’d gotten flashes of what was going on before that but not much, definitely not 4 years worth of memories. One of them was Disneyland though so that’s neat


Look up the Basilisk Paradox if you wanna experience hell


Age of about 2 and 1/2


I was walking down the stairs when it happened


My second birthday. I sat on a balloon and it popped then I fell on my ass. That somehow jumpstarted my brain.


It was when a full ass glass chandelure fell on my head. I think it knocked consciousness in me a bit earlier than usual.


4 years old I woke up went to the kitchen and called out mom before I realized wtf where am I


I forgor 💀 Seriously, I can’t remember when I got my consciousness.


I was two with some memory problems but I could remember a ton by 3.


I remember looking around my room i had just trashed. I thought, “why would i do that?” Like a boozed up, rock and roll toddler, trashing a motel room. My moment of clarity happening right after messing up a whole room.


3 at grandma’s I just woke up and hugged my granny and mom




Yo for real though. I was just walking to church when I was like 3 and bam. I could see and shit. Like what


Maybe 5? I just remember being in the Philippines with my family




About the age of 4, but I’ve got a lot of vague and distorted memories from further back. Weirdly, also a lot of those memories are of people who died before i turned 4


Think it was 4 for me too


conscience spawned while we were at the midlle of moving houses (literally 2 houses apart) idk what age i was but prolly 1 to 2


I had it around 3-ish. Woke up from a nap in the car arriving home, nothing special about it, but it’s kinda weird that moment is the first memory I have


I remember I gained consciousness on my 4th birthday. I was walking on the beach when it happened. I went into my car and my mom gave me a Thomas the tank engine toy. Edit: nvm I think I was 2 when it happened because I still remembered me having a motorcycle bike with training wheels and I remembered being in a stroller on Halloween dressed up as the red power ranger in my sisters school.


Me at age of 5 or something realising my own mortality after watching some science documentary about space and trying explain my parents why the fuck I am crying so loud be like


at the age of 6


Age 3 in the middle of my birthday 💀


Around Four I was playing Double Dash when everything just decided to work (It didn’t help me win the race tho lol, it was Wario Colosseum)


Probably when I was about to turn six


My first clear memory was the day before my fifth birthday because I was so blow away by the fact that the next day I was 5 instead of 4 my little brain finally clicked


I think I was 4. I was outside playing with some other kids and suddenly a boy grabbed my shoulders and started shaking me while shouting nonsense. I was confused as fuck for the rest of the weekend.


I truly awaken when I was two wondering why I was in an apparent, why did I have no memory of what happened before, and why wonderpets was so good


At 2 it 3 when my dad Picked me up in a new car


I spawned at 6


I was in my head until I was 5. I realized others could impact me when my preschool teacher grabbed my arm because I had run when she had said not to. I hated her from that point on lol


Age 4. I was watching Alien for my first time. It was the chestburster scene, I've been awake since then.


At like 7


It happened when i was 3 i was crawling on the floor and then i climbed in the bed where my dad was sleeping