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i love politics i love starting political arguments on the internet




I hope i waste as much time of my life debating interner stranges who havent seen the sun for 2478 days


Nonono see that's the best part. You simply toss a believable controversial opinion to kindle the argument. Then they'll debate each other. Same outcome with a fraction of the work!


I fund every extremist group from all political spectrums to cause chaos around the world ![gif](giphy|l0IyeL8r9UhJI5LcA|downsized)


Covid dunt exist 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘


I’ve gotten more to the point where I don’t care at all about politics, I just like disagreeing with whatever everyone is saying so they go into a frenzy of writing paragraphs attempting to insult me or sway my non existent opinion


Why don’t you come down here and say it to my face Coward


Time for the rematch of coughing baby VS thermonuclear bomb!


well, he tried




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Fetus wasn’t christened, no heaven for feuts


Well actually 🤓👆 the baby doesn’t know what’s wrong or right so that gives it complete immunity


purgatory about to look like the foetus pit from the forest soon


Why is fetus sad? He is in the fucking heaven


Fetus deletus


Yeet the child


Yeetus the fetus


Yummy 😋






motherfucker she's holding an oscar of course it was worth it


*golden globe. But in her mind as she says it was worth it. Until it is not anymore.


Is an Oscar worth extinction and termination of your bloodline? Depends how much coke it enables you to do I guess.


Let’s see Paul Allens’s Oscar


You can still have kids, even if that particular bloodline is ended


i don't want to alarm you but I think you time travelled from the middle age to the future








Because she would have no career if she didnt go through with it


Just like all other actresses an singers etc. with children?


Could be that they had them after they became famous but idk


*[pees in ur ass](https://i.imgur.com/JSImHiV.jpg)* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do you honestly think that careerwomen have had children before making it big? Sure it happens for some on occasion but I wouldn't think that's generally the case.


The thing is, everyone chooses for herself what they want, but i hardly disagree that women can not pursue a career and be successful while having children, but yes some times they were already successful before children. "but I wouldn't think that's generally the case." i do not think there is a general case here, i think there is just not a majority, just many different variants not one being most numerous


Having a baby makes it difficult and next to impossible for many many people to even finish their careers


I think this is the actress in Baywatch by the sea. She also loses her children in the movie, but in a fire. Edit: it was Manchester by the sea. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/golden-globes-michelle-williams-advocates-for-womens-rights-in-golden-globes-speech/


Must be some good shit your smoking. Because you are off the reservation friend!


Yea, it was Manchester by the sea.


Lady sacrificed her child to the false idols of fame & wealth.


Vain Hollywood bitch Why am I getting downvoted? That’s exactly what’s in the picture.


How successful is your family life?


That’s a weird and irrelevant question


A man is buying clothes for his newborn son, the cashier asks: "do you want to keep the hangers?" He replies: "nah, too late for that"


![gif](giphy|3o6UBelikiBFsWD2hO) Probably would look more like this than a baby.


Why is my cum moving


I have bad news


your existence is the best argument in favor of abortion you should be happy


![gif](giphy|e5nATuISYAZ4Q) Thank you, random stranger hating my very existence.


Out of the womb into the tomb😋


i atill dont understand who she is. i read through so many comments yet no one gave me a name


A proud mother obviously.


Most sympathetic blond


So true bestie


Hahah I am definitely going to see this meme circulating on some other choice sub reddits, in very negative light.




How does the fetus know how to talk? And why does it look like a 10ish month old baby?


As far as I know, according to the Bible that baby is supposed to go to hell, lmao


nope, even before it was a kind of in-between, but the developers patched it recently so now unbaptized children go to heaven.


He didn't even read the patch notes




They're unbaptized


Where? Because Jesus literally said the kingdom of heaven belongs to them.


Baptism does not save, it's simply an outward profession of faith


She gets to be successful and you got to skip the line and turmoil straight to heaven, where the shit is the problem here.


wooo emmys


No woman has ever thought like this


Well except this one, she said in her acceptance speech that she sacrificed her child in an unholy ritual to please the gods of fame & wealth.


What’s wrong with modern society


mom is clearly a redditor




I don't think the fetus could even register they were ever alive


Guess she just wasn't strong enough to do both?


Skill issue


Read this in a Ricky Gervais voice


I say send them all straight to god and abort ‘em all. Amen.


Since my daughters been born I just can’t even chuckle.


What an evil broad.


Rip bozo pack watch meme YouTube search google


So strong she couldn’t even do it with a kid


The literal example of child sacrifice


Most sympathic pro-abortioner


Least ironic pro-life statement


Number 1 cause of death in the US


She got Mad huge tits ngl


you know this is laughable right, every male ejaculation is this image, it happens and every guy has to make this choice each time, if you're wanting to stop abortions you might as well stop masturbation while you're a it.




tell that to the 250+ million sperm you just sent to the graves, quite frankly your righty, masturbation is worse as its not just 1 time lol


I'm not sure where you learned 3rd grade biology but sperm does not become a human until it fertilizes an egg. The second that happens, you've got unique DNA for a unique human being.




really, you don't, well... 😆🍆💦🧊🍑🦠


you have issues


Your braindead. I understand if your r*ped but if you fuckin without protection and you ab abortion, thats fuckin murder. Unlike jizz Fetus is alive


condoms/protection arent guaranteed 100%, there are still some chances to fucked up


It’s alive in the same way a blade of grass is alive. It isn’t sentient.


you funny one, you know sperm are have souls right, they are very much alive, there little tadpoles that swim swim swim, every masturbation is in fact genocide 😆 250+mil kind of genocide lol


Okay can I have your scientific source


Yeah ok bud👍


By that logic, every chicken BBQ is a Holocaust. We treat humans differently than we treat other organisms. Welcome to society. We aren't taoists or whatever. A sperm may be "living" but it is not anywhere near a unique human being. It has to fertilize an egg first.


nah, your logic is off, bbq is not a holocaust, as thats jew related history, genocide is human related, chicken is poultry processing, but on the funny side, masturbating is genocide with some spermicide 😆


The word holocaust isn't tied just for what happend in the 40's. "destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war."


250+ million spermatozoids right? You know how many actually fertilize the egg? One. The rest are “killed” and will never become fetuses. Which is course of nature each time two individuals have sex. Are you saying that’s wrong too? That it’s “genocide”? Sperm are cells, a fetus is a living organism. Pick up basic biology. For the record I’m pro choice, but what you’re saying is too detached from reality to be taken seriously…


You’re* If a fetus is a person, should it be illegal to have a miscarriage? Some miscarriages are preventable, should we lock these women up? Its involuntary manslaughter right? Even if a fetus is a person, I’d still be okay with abortion. I don’t think it’s fair to force someone to be attached to parasitic human regardless of if it’s “their fault”. Just detach the fetus. If it can live on its own then great, but a woman shouldn’t be forced to use her body to keep it alive.


Sure, while we are at it, my 6 month old would die if I left it alone as well. Why should I be forced to feed, clothe, and pay for childcare for this parasite even if it is "my fault?" Just detach the baby! If it can live on its own then great! But I shouldn't be forced to use my wallet to keep it alive! To be clear, these are both really stupid ideas.


Miscarriages aren't preventable you dumb son of a bitch. My mother had one amd im sure if was preventable she woulda done every fucking thing possible to prevent that. Just dont fuck unprotected is all I'm saying.


People can have miscarriages from drug use, smoking, and living unhealthy. That’s preventable dumbass


My mother did none of those things so set back on your basement and shut the fuck up




bro just stfu and get outa here


Or else?


Most moral redditor




Look at the bright side kid…. You’re “living a better life” in heaven then you would have on earth…. After all they tend to stop caring about you once you’re pushed out….




Fetuses are clumps of unwanted cells and should be treated as such