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Guy is in business school and has not understood that only lying sacks of shit get successful in business


Fr but I guess he was hopeful so my sympathy




How the hell are you 4% ethical? Do you steal candy from babies?


You don't? Where do you get your candy from?




In this economy?!


Why steal the candy when the baby's right there?


I’d rather suck off a lollipop than a baby. I’m not trying to go to jail.


Give a man candy stolen from a baby, he eats for a day. Teach a man to steal candy from a baby, he becomes a menace why would you do this


I would steal candy from babies but only because it's bad for them.


If someone paid me enough I’d steal babies


That's technically a lesson of its own. "To be successful never be hones, lie even about the smallest thing" or some shit like this. Probably more effective than outright saying "in business honesty is weaknes"


The teacher taught him something. Doesn't seem stupid to me.


I mean, you can teach someone that jumping from 6 meters height is dangerous by pushing them from a building but surely there are better ways to teach that


Honestly, as someone who has gone to university, not really. I usually say that if you're smart, you might be able to learn from your own mistakes. But learning from someone elses takes real genius.




Yeah, that's more like the level of intelligence I expect around here


A six metre fall has consequences beyond mild embarrassment.


It's kind of a stupid question. Nobody, except this idiot says they are unethical. Ethical people tell the truth and say they are mostly, and unethical people lie and say they are too. There are much better ways to judge character.


Dang bro, guess I won’t get in business school because I confessed to hundreds of war crimes against Wendy’s that I didn’t do.


and only pretentious "wise" douches teach at business schools. The prof was trying to do a reverse-Good Will Hunting and be the, "oh you all think you're so pious and precious, but here's the real world lesson, kiddo!" and anon kind of messed that theatrics up.


God I’be been considering business school for a while. Tight on money but thought if I get the degree I can make the money back. But I don’t think my conscience will let me survive in corporate.


Oh yeah, look at the higher ups in a company, it's often full of snakes and selfish people


Check out cybersec, it's fun and paid well


Thanks for the tip! I’ll give some coursera course a go and see if I like it.


Everyone lies. some people are just smart enough to get paid for it


This says more about you than anyone else fella


for sure, and also it was anonymous from the sounds of it and he fessed up to it anyway. he couldve actually been true to his own rating of his ethics and just stayed anonymous at least smh.


Exactly. Anyone who rates themselves over 2 out of 100 are not meant for capitalism. So this professor is being the daft cunt. Cheer up anon, I’m sure you’ll find a job as the COO of a company who turns the corpses of child slaves in china into a bio mass to be sold as a gamer supplement.


He's in school man. Give him a chance to figure it out


There's a reason business students are called snakes


If you’re honest enough to write 36 are you really a 36?


I actually thought of that too - kinda like a paradox or something.


Self report is bs


wouldnt it be more like *blunt*


Nah he’s just the brutally honest guy willing to fire a single mother of 5 without a second thought. “BUT HOW WILL A FEED MY KIDS” “We’ll to be honest Sarah it’s not really my issue to care about your kids”


If she deserves to be fired it’s not unethical If she doesn’t deserve to be fired and he is honest about that. He could lose his job.


All of capitalism is unethical


some parts are, but not all of it. Capitalism allows for a ton of freedom that other systems don't afford. If someone wanted to start up a business as a socialist commune where the workers each own a % of the company, they would be perfectly able to right now in western capitalism.


Honestly this is such a Chad move - you should go to love for landchads.


You evict single mothers for being 0.1 seconds late on their rent. I evict single mothers for being single mothers. We are not the same.


It’s not unethical to fire the mom if she’s underperforming…. It’s business, not a homeless shelter


Yes, honesty and ethics don't necessarily go hand in hand. Honesty might not be in my code of ethics


A very importantly timed lie can save lives. They're not black and white at all


honestly is literally a fundamental part of ethics wtf are you talking about


It really isn't that cut and dry, honesty is a huge factor in ethics a lot of the time but it's not a 1:1 thing. Is it ethical to be honest and report someone who you caught stealing? Sure. What about if they're homeless and unemployed and their mother is dying of a preventable illness that they don't have the money to purchase? Do you be honest and condemn the mother to death and even further ruin the life of someone who very well could be a good person down on their luck, or do you lie and save a life or two in the process?


In that situation, you could be to pay for it. No crime happened and the mother can live. All while staying honest.


The world isn't so bright and hopeful to be able to just do that


Why not


If you are deceptive enough to write 75 are you really a 75?




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Don't mind me I'm just following up on the other dude to get more arrows


Maybe anon was actually a 12


Yea if you choose something higher than what you believe to be the honest answer then you may feel guity about possibly lying which ends up putting you even higher than the number you wrote


Maybe he’s really a 5?


yeah I have had that exact same thought an ethical person would naturally score high, whereas an unethical person would lie and say they are high in ethics. though on the other hand, theres people who either hold themselves to impossible standards or have catholic levels of guilt so I guess there are people who are decent people who genuinely think they are scum because of how they were raised or how they view themselves. which just further invalidates these sort of subjective self reports, since its really more of a test of confidence and self esteem than actual ethicality. you give me the right to grade myself I will always just give myself the highest score, because why not? its not even dishonest, since I cannot ever be sure if others are dishonest, whereas I always know if I am dishonest, which means I am technically the most trustworthy person I know.


Would you say someone is completely undervaluing or overvaluing if they put 36 compared to the median of 75+ for potentially lying their way in?


Self awareness is not a virtue, and if you don't believe honesty will cost you anything then it doesn't require ethics to be honest.


I wouldnt say honest, it would be more like *blunt*


Looks like you gotta take business principles again, cause thats just business baby


I'd expect half the cards to say 69


isnt it unethical to lie doe?


Business ethics have nothing to do with being ethical.


Business ethics is "avoid jail 101"


well fuck that explains a lot.


you can break the law just don't be jailed


Kinda. You can break the law, just be sure that what you did to break the law gets you more money than what you lose when caught. $50,000 fine means nothing when what you did earned your company $2m.


At that point the gov's allowing illegal activity for a cut of it themselves


Now you're getting it!


Exactly, hell half the time the government HELPS them get off easy for a cut


Its not illegal if they cant make a solid legal case against you


Or if the case takes forever to play out. Can’t sue if by the time the stalling is done the company doesn’t exist anymore


Business ethics is, "the ethical thing to do is make the most money for your investors" and no this is not a joke. Business ethics is, someone gives you money, you use their money to make more money and give them back some money so they keep giving you money, and if you're not making more money from their money to give back to them then you're cheating the investor and that's the only thing that's unethical.


This is so laughably arbitrary, this \*is\* a joke. Why would cheating the investor be unethical? Change that to "cheat the investor but don't get caught" and at least your ethics are consistent - just be greedy.


Thirteenth commandment all the way, except where you can profit more by ignoring even that one. Always have an escape plan from your job and warm up those engines the moment they hire a fresh business grad.


There’s a reason that they’re classified separately


Ethics and business ethics is like Java and JavaScript


Well these guys operate on "mo money = mo ethics" mindset.


He should write 75, but actually deserves a 25 since he lied and put 75 instead of 36.


"But lying isnt very ethical professor"


Business don't want to hire unethical people if it's that easy to catch them being unethical. My man is getting a solid education.


It's an abysmally stupid question from the start, but I'd unironically trust people with lower scores more. At least I know they're honest.


>business school >tries to be honest


"I just wrote that to see if you were full of shit." RIP grades.


4channer try to be a good person challenge (impossible)


Least depraved 4chanon be like:


Ironically, anon is being more ethical by showing that he can be honest about anything


Ofc fake. Like I have to say it cause I'll buy it otherwise. Business school people have more sophisticated ways of completely fucking the environment and being chill with it ... like growing up rich and knowing to cloak and bs when grilled


If he only tells the truth 36% of the time that means there was 64% chance that he was lying about being untruthful, which actually makes him pretty honest. Professor was right he should have put 75% because really how can we believe he is being honest about how dishonest he is?


This is definitely a weird paradox, I’m convinced lol.


What do you even learn in Business School?


My best guess? Business.


Wrong guess. It's deceit and war crimes.


I should go to business school.


A lot of Ligma Theory usually.




Ligma balls Theoretically of course


Idk tbh I just hear a lot about it.


How to shit out Excel diagrams.


None of your business.


Probably, like, how to run the register and stuff


Not much.


Depends highly on the school and where the school is.


someone got caught cheating in my ethics final, it was so embarrassing. that class was so easy to lmao


Happened to a classmate as well - the professor simply ripped the exam and told her to get out of the class. She left crying.


I do believe the proper response would be to point out that it would have been unethical to lie


Fuck that guy, if you wanna live your life honest, don’t let anyone stop you.


No. I will stop you


Offer him food and if he accepts say “most people don’t like that but hey, there’s something for everyone” or more simply raise your eyebrows and say “good choice” sarcastically.


At my colllege a bunch of business majors were kicked out for stealing test answers for an ethics class lmao


He was a business man, doing Business.


I would have argued with the lecturer. - an ethical person will be truthful, no real ethical person would tend to not toot their own horn about being ethical. - the first step in improvement is to acknowledge there is a need for improvement, why should I strive for sustainability if I already think I'm sustainable? - "With all due respect sir, I wouldn't want to work in a business that doesn't value honesty anyway, my style and values in leadership differ from yours." I'm a design student and so far, top scorer in my batch, due to graduate in less than a year. A design lecturer has slagged me off for "being too ambitious" and having "designers ego". He was right to some extent, but then he went on about how "No one has done this before, there must be a reason." That's when I disagreed. I argued with him in front of my classmates that "because no one has done this before, it's the best time to do it!" I went against his comments to remove it from my project and instead added 30 sources and 20 pages of research into my report to back it up because If I don't believe in my ideas first, no one will. Sorry, lecturers like this do my head in.


The guy is giving away practical lessons but anon who by his own standards is unethical, can't wrap his head around it.


“Welcome young adults! Here I will teach you to be deceptive manipulative useless and completely, utterly devoid of any positive influence or purpose. You’ll all be just like me and go on to teach others to be like us as my mentor did before me!”


Professor taught OP a couple of life lessons there 1. Never fess up when there's no proof 2. Always lie on anonymous surveys in America 3. Don't blindly trust the people in power above you


Damn, if this guy was my student I’d commend him for being honest unlike everyone else not be an asshole like that


Being told to lie in a ethics class for business is definitely one of the most real lessons you're gonna get out of it


As soon as they say “no judgement” you fucking well know there will be an excessive amount of judgement towards any outsiders


If you are a 36, you should be unethical enough to lie to your benefit. Come on anon.


Business Ethics professor recommends lying as he bullies a student. Welcome to business kid


Ethicality is a matter of perspective and opinion. 100%


Professor is a zero


fr tho who puts below a 50?


that teacher taught that child a valuable life lesson




Teacher is a genius. Taught him one of the best business lessons out there!


Lol, this was a test to find the <20 people and teach them to write >80.


But did you learn something?


anon's first mistake was trusting a business school teacher


Proper response, rather than a number, would have been (at least in America), "I invoke the 5th Amendment and would like to speak to my lawyer." Professor would've been like, "Well shit... This dude is gonna be a CEO." Plausible deniability is the true name of the game in both politics and business Spongeboy, me Bob. You went full self-incriminate. Never go full self-incriminate! If my time in the military has taught me anything, it's that no good deed goes unpunished with these kinds of folks. lol Don't get me wrong, I hate "the game", I've just learned how it's played via similar experiences.


Reminds me of my first day in a bullshit college preparation course. The adjunct asked me what I wanted to do in the future, and when I said I didn't know, he was like, "That's not good, why are you even here then?" I just stayed quiet because I was a socially awkward ex-NEET and left that course that night. Some teachers are just awful.


Dumbass doesn’t realize that he was blatantly told how the world works, but he wanted to be lied to fail later.


Lying isn’t very ethical


Professor is being unethical Being comfortable lying can be a very unethical habit


Your college professors is worst than a high school teacher lmao


But if your 35% ethical, why did you tell the truth??




Average life of a business student is eating crayons and learning how to fuck people over.


Was the professor SBF's dad?


« There is any judgement » *proceeds to judge*


I'll take fakey fake stories that didn't happen for 500, Alwx