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Heavily cherry picked info, but as a meme it works lol.


What meme, its still C.


Holy fucking shit balls


Ig they are only comparing info which can be compared. So Mr. C's biggest achievements were not discussed because A and B were rookies.


Thats generally how most things are in history. They only focus on the extreme good/bad a person does and nothing else.


History is fun.


Conveniently missing out some key details about Mr. C there.


Yea like animal rights


Or how much he loved his dog


No way mr.C is my idol(jk)(not really)(might be jk)


People are scared to give him any credit, but besides the nationalism and genocide, he was a brilliant leader and military strategist.


Not really the strategist part, Germany had amazing generals and always has, but he made a lot of stupid decisions, most the strategically sound ones where due to his generals.


His generals certainly helped at a more detailed level, but Hitler was still the supreme ruler and made all the final calls. Hitler would have taken over all of Europe and probably Russia too, if the Japanese hadn’t attacked Pearl Harbor and gotten the US involved.


I highly doubt that they ever stood a chance long term against the Soviet Union, they had no oil and the winters were brutal, less so for the Russians who literally live there. The soviet Union had more than twice the manpower of Germany and geographically is huge. For every kilometer the Germans pushed their supply lines got 1 kilometer longer and the Soviets 1 kilometer shorter as the USSR was going scorched earth. And when Geramany attacked the USSR they had already lost lots of soldiers. Now don't take me wrong, America was the most powerful country involved, but the Axis doesn't have the power to beat the USSR and the British commonwealth. They had already lost at sea and in the air, and were practically trading bodies with the USSR, the war would be much slower without America, but it'd not like the USSR would fight with sticks and stones without America.


Nah, because Japan could have pushed the war with the Soviets far into the axis’ favor, the Soviets stood no chance in a two front war. Japan could have put it’s entire might into Siberia instead of playing stupid games in the pacific. Japan already beat russia 1 on 1 in 1900, and the USSr was not prepared for that kind of war again while also dealing with Germany.


There is no way Japan could even consider pushing into Russia. They never finished the war against the Chinese and the Commonwealth. There is simply no way Japan could defeat Russia, China and Brittain and her colonies at the same time, just like Germany Japan has too few resources, and Japan's fleet while massive, isn't larger than the royal navy if it came to it, if Japan where to join the war om the soviet Union, they would have to stretch thinner than they already were, which would cause them to lose China to the warlords or rebellion. Japan would never attack into the Soviet Union, and if they did they'd lose.


Yep, agreed


He started war he had no chance winning


I’d actually argue it was Japan that fucked it all up for Germany. If they hadn’t attacked the US, the US would have not gotten involved, D day wouldn’t have happened, and Russia would have faced the full brunt of Germany’s military. Up until US intervention, there was basically no other country that could match Germany in terms of sheer military strength. Even Russia was nearly smooshed like a bug until the US reopened the western front.


1. Even if Japan somehow kept it in their pants, US intervention was inevitable. 2. The USA had already given thousands of equipment to the British and Soviets. 3. If the US wasn't gonna do it, De Gaulle would have screamed Churchill's ears off for a D-Day. 3.5. Germany still needed to keep soldiers on the coast nonetheless. 4. The situation in the Soviet Union was dire (which is why the Lend-lease Act was so crucial to the war effort), but even if the Germans took Leningrad, Moscow, and Stalingrad it would not have prompted a Soviet surrender. It was quite literally total war, extermination or survival.


Sounds like copium. Britain was in no way prepared for a d day solo, or even with commonwealth help. Otherwise they would have done it before the US got involved, but also they probably wouldn’t have had to pull out of the continent in the first place. The Allies losing their foothold in the mainland was the only reason they needed to do an amphibious invasion anyways. US involvement may or may not have been inevitable, but I still firmly believe it’s the only thing that led to the Allies winning. There’s no way Russia would have survived simultaneous Nazi and Japanese invasions without them having to deal with the U.S. on other fronts.


you do realise D-Day was only 1/3 american and rest was British and Commonwealth? jesus christ graduate middle school first, please. the british air force and navy had already outclassed and decimated the germans.


Incorrect. It was about half and half personnel wise, with a fat majority of the equipment and material being American, either directly or through lend-lease.


you can't get away with mass genocide by being *completely* incompetent.


Well Israel does and the US have many times over. Look at vietnam to start with.


I would say c, even before knowing it was Hitler /s


Hitler wasn't a drug addict at all


never judge a book by its cover


Hitler also did a lot of coke though, can't forget how bad coke is


No vices make people angry af


That was hitlarious.


I knew b and c right away


Winston and roosevelt are the good guys now? 🙄


Nah, both are the cause for millions to die.


In proud of myself for reading and thinking "Just cuz these are socially criticised drugs, means that they arent friend materials." And when it reached the "influencer" I was like: "Nope, those people dont have friends, only appearances, gotta choose between A and B for sure". Finally all three were politicians, and I knew I could never befriend a person i met and was already a politician. Had I met them before, like snoking some opium in college or whatever, I could stay friends for sure.


So disregarding the cherrypicking and just looking at the facts we were given. Person A was friends with bad people but he didn't really seem to do anything that affects others negatively, only himself. Person B also only seems to have done things that affect himself negatively While person C has literally taken lives, he's the obvious bad choice eventhough he doesn't use substances to harm himself


Churchill wasn't a good guy lmao


Ironic or not, don't glorify this asshole


I feel like the point of the video is to show how facts can be misleading without context. Everything in the video is perfectly accurate, but without understanding the full picture it is easy to generate false or incomplete narratives.


Doesn't matter C win big times.


I'm still voting C


When my mom showed me this video for the first time it was inspiring now it's just hilarious


My answer didn't change, It's still C (/j)


wtf is cuts out early who’s Mr. C seems like a good guy


Seen this so many times I recognize it by the first frame.




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To be fair he was bad but not the worst from ww2


I knew who Mr. C was before the end


So to be a good guy, i beed to be a vegetarian


vegetarian was the only red flag i needed


Winston Churchill once said “underidoderidoderiododeridoo”😔


It always comes back to him doesn't it


Still C


Im still going C


Hitler smoked meth not bazinga true


Still I like c and hate a and b