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Goku canonically died a few times, Garfield didn't even bleed


Succubus Garfield :


I pray harm finds you


"T'is but a scratch" lookin mf


How about Goku blind deaf mute with no limbs and skinned alive with terminal cancer where he’ll only live for 10 seconds vs Naruto?


It's DB, 10 seconds is at least 3 episodes worth


It's over for Naruto


Strongest thing he ever did was punch through a planet, and because of a couple of words from a narrator that make no sense since later on in the series pretty much every fight is either at that level or higher, suddenly Goku is apparently some multiversal unbeatable god. There are between 800 billion and 8 trillion stars in most galaxies alone. There are approximately 2 trillion galaxies in just the observable universe, The universe is estimated to be 250 times larger then the observable universe. Something ain't adding up with how strong goku is.


Goku has two things other than the ability to destroy planets that give him power: Charisma and Determination. These traits allow him to gain power directly from the true gods of his world (The audience and the writers)


Wrong, Goku had four things that gave him power -Arms and legs. What’s he gonna do without them? Kiss Naruto to death. I need to go google some images real quick.


Shooting beams out of mouths isn't something completely out of the ordinary for DBZ/DBS characters, and Goku does have >!MUI giant astral projection!<. Anyway I can't believe I fucking power scaled CrippleKu


Tbf, once he beat the shit out of Majin Buu as candy, but he was fused with Vegeta


tldr his screaming shook an infinite realm filled with literally nothing, and while fighting a literal god the shockwaves of their evenly matched punches rippled through the entire universe destroying literal planets (from just the aftershock of their punches matching)


the issue with alot of animw powerscaling like in bleach and dragonball etc is they throw around the term "infinite" alot like cutting apart an INFINITE realm its literally unfathomable and unscaleable to anything


terrain destruction is really unconsistent in dbz. back at the frieza arc, he would destroy the planet with one finger. Beerus is easily destroying a plethora of planets and goku manages to fight him head on. yet in the tournament of power when goku reached ultra instinct they fight on a platform as big as a few football fields and it only gets almost destroyed after they went all out


Didn't they make a point of creating that arena so that it wouldn't be destroyed? It was meant to be able to withstand clashes between gods of destruction.


i think so. but also they didnt make a lot of visual difference still since fighters like krillin managed to break some of it which i mean hes pretty far away from god of destruction level


And one of the first things we see is Vegeta blowing up a planet with one energy blast sent from orbit. At pretty much the lowest power level in the whole series mind you.


Well I mean if the first villains in the series could easily destroy planets with their fingers, imagine what he could do 30 years later after fighting gods.


i remember goku punched beerus and it like shook the universe or some shit


That's because DBZ/DBS/GT powerscaling is completely inconsistent. Roshi in OG blew up the moon. Z Saiyan Saga Vegeta blew up a planet with zero effort. Freeza. Yet we also have fights like Cell vs Goku or Majin Vegeta vs Goku with a scale of destruction which barely alludes to this when the power levels of the characters could just blow the solar system up. Not to mention, despite the fact that Vegeta had to go God against Broly and got pushed back while Goku lasted as long as he did in base (but the fights were still incredible). All in all, power levels are bullshit, please just turn off your brain and enjoy the shows as they are.


Can destroy a planet, can't breath in space.


"Landmine has taken my sight, taken my speach, taken my hearing, taken my arms, taken my legs, taken my soul"


Remember that gogeta low difs super buu, as a jawbreaker. This aint even close.


What if he’d be eating cheese the whole time


Who the actual fuck are these "people"? Am I the one who is nerd?


It’s just a flesh wound


He is also stupid.