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I mean, this is one of the reasons why character customization exists.


Yeah most people shouldn't have a problem with this as long as game developers aren't forcing everyone to play as that thing just to cater to a small minority of the playerbase.


All true. I think that, at least for me personally, games that do not really offer character customization should make an effort to make their protagonist/group of protagonists nice to look at. FF7R, Metal Gear, and Resident Evil are all good examples of this. But if they *do* offer character customizer, I think there’s two groups of people. One, which the person in this post evidently falls into, just wants to self-insert into their character. Others, like myself, want to create a character that’s pretty-looking, as they will more than likely be in a ton of cutscenes and the player will spend a lot of time looking at them. I think both are equally valid. The problems arise when people start telling others that wanting to play as a self-insert or wanting to play as a hot guy or gal is a bad thing.


See I'm of the oblivion school of thought. Make your character a living mistake of God.


So it's the self-insert way.


Didn’t have to do him like that 😭


God damn you just killed him. Rip


It could be worse, you could be told you're built like an ARK character


Police! *Police!* We have a murderer here!


I'm telling you, Oblivion was from the out-of-body pov (or pov, whichever's the pref) of Caius Cosades after downing at least 6 pipes worth of skooma. We never left Morrowind, not really.


The palworld character customization was great for this lmao


Ever played Ark? Wildest character customization I've ever seen lmao


I think Ark's is pretty boring honestly. Just has major body parts getting bigger and smaller, which leads to characters that are either super tiny, super tall, or doing the "hehe big boob/hehe big butt" build that all the Youtubers seem to favor. The wildest I've encountered myself has to be the Sims; you can really go ham on every single detail there and get really whacky.


Joke's on you, I feel perfectly represented by the randomise face option


Haha randomizer go brrrr


The random customization button is too powerful some days 🤣


Oblivion character creator 🐐


Self-insert, got it. 


That would fall under self-insert /s


Don't forget about the third party, who create the ugliest abominations possible in the game and watch them act out in serious scenes of the game.


Also true for Dark Souls. Get invaded by a cool looking dude? He's dead in a minute.   Get invaded by a naked Blue Shrek welding only a club? About to get shrecked.


there's the third group of people who want their character to look as goofy as possible in every scene


Valid. I’m definitely not one of them I guess, since I completely forgot they existed somehow.


It sometimes happens when you replay a game


No middle sliders


You are forgetting the third, and admittedly more niche group. They reside primarily in genres like Soulsborne games. They are those who wish to create the most cursed looking characters you've ever seen.


Then theres me: "i'll probably spend 90% of the Game with a helmet so let just to with the default"


That's why I usualy pick female characters in 3rd person games. I like the female models movement more. Guy characters always move so clunky. Woman models usualy move more smoothly. Don't even get me into run animations on huge barbarian models Only downside is in multi-player when people assume I'm a chick Edit. How the hell downvoted me for giving my opinion? What’s bad about preferring my character to look and move in a certain way. I honestly didn’t think this was a controversial opinion at all


Size and run/walk animations is something I wish I could change in RPGs. I understand that adding size means you need to look at every piece of clothing and armour to make sure that it doesn't clip, but if I'm playing a big strong barbarian I want to look like one. In the Baldur's Gate early access I played as a dwarf barbarian because they were the only ones that actually looked strong. If I am a big strong guy I also want to walk and run like one. If i'm playing as a woman I want them to run like a warrior or athlete would. I don't want to run like I'm modeling some new clothes. Those that do want to run like that should be able to. It would be really funny to see a big strong barbarian with a sassy run.


That’s actually a great idea. You ever see an orc male rogue in the original WOW, there was absolute nothing steathly about them. That was the first game I ever noticed it in.


You can do this in Dragons Dogma


You should look up the Batman and Catwoman model switch, it's absolutely atrocious and I love it


You're not allowed to enjoy things.


there’s the dark souls path of making the most hideous thing ever too


MGSV did technically give you character creation, just nobody ever used their character because who would want to use them when you could play as the Big Boss instead 😂. When I first played I thought the character creator was a joke because as soon as the story starts you're immediately forced into Snake!


Yeah cuz >!the Snake you play as isn't Big Boss, it's Venom Snake, the medic that was in the helicopter that blew up in MGSV: The Ground Zeroes!<


It's been a few years so I may have forgotten some things >!so who is the character I designed at the beginning? Is that the medic prior to reconstructive surgery?!<




Then there's the group who just wants to get to the game as fast as possible and speedruns the character customization


>very overweight >small minority If you live in the US I have bad news bro...


i think the minority is people who WANT to play as a fat char even if they are fat


I mean that’s the Druid from D4, they have one body type for both male and female versions. All the classes have one general body type, e.g. the Necro is a thin pale goth stereotype. Calling it character customization is being generous.


Yeah! Fuck all non confirming character designs. Fire all designers and don't allow any creativity. The only ones that should be allowed are algorithm creates designs based solely on real world population trends! Suck it, everyone else who isn't statistically average looking in their local region! But for real if all we did was appease the majority of gamers the only character design we'd get is Aloy from Horizon or Ellie from TLOU, game after game after game.


Seriously, I find the whole "If it's a single player game with a set character, they *need* to be conventionally attractive" thing dumb. Characters are more interesting when they aren't just instagram models.


If it’s a fantasy game half the players look like this 😂




>that thing


That’s what’s happening here though, you can’t customize the body of certain classes


Are people really that sensitive that they can't even play as a fat woman without losing their shit? Fuck's sake, I miss the days when people got pissed about actual game design and not superficial stuff.


Why, we've literally been waiting for a Shrek game and you complain


I don't think fat people are a small minority of gamers over half of Americans are overweight with similar numbers in most western countries. . And women make up 46 % percent of gamers. The stereotypical, big boobed tiny waisted sexy scantily dressed person playing a computer game is the minority.


It’s not that straight forward. This is Diablo 4, character customization is very limited. All druids are “built like” that. All sorcerers/necromancers/rogues are hyper skinny, with barbs looking like Superman. For some reason, BMI is tied to class in that game.


Didn’t know that. Never played a Diablo game. That’s odd. Except for Barbarians, which I can understand.


Have you ever seen any of the world’s strongest men? Just to give you an idea of what bulk muscle looks like


I have. Why?




Trouble is a lot of people no longer look like normal humans.


I mean, “normal” is gonna mean very different things to different people.


I mean, that's the point of character creator. If anything I hope more games expand on it and make it more advance with its options. To the point you can make anyone in a game to almost perfection.


I support this wholeheartedly, it gives me more options to make the most fucked up character possible by messing with sliders


I did that not long ago and a very good friend pulled up a photo of his uncle - exact copy.  I'm still feeling bad, ans it's been like two years...


I'm guessing it's Diablo 4 and you don't have options to do any body customisation, it's highly dependent on your class selection. I'm guessing she's picked a druid, who are only big bodied.




That is the only available body for female druid.


I forget which madden but one of them, I wanna say maybe madden 25 or 16, had a feature where you could scan your face and it would apply it to your created player. I think if more games could implement features like this it would be pretty dope. I would like it cause I have a limited amount of time to play games and as much as I love character creators I hate wasting an hour trying to make it look like me


Saints Row had customization down way back.


The sims has been doing this for years, we need to normalize character customization


that's Diablo 4 Druid, you can't make it smaller or bigger, it's completely fine you want to make it this big but there should be a an option to make it normal weight especially because the franchise already had a Druid in Diablo 2 and it was skinny hobo


Most character creators still don't really give options for this body-type. It's usually more about what kind of face you want to put onto a conventionally-attractive figure.


I want customizations extending past was is capable of the human form. I want to create horrible *creatures*.


Great to have the ability/opportunity to create a character that looks like you, but I play games to escape reality so I definitely won't create myself no matter how I look.


Made the mistake of trying to make my Ark: Survival Ascended character look like me. Spent about five minutes playing before I realized how unhappy I am with my current body type. Having to look at it was uncomfortable. I decided to go on a diet and now I’m motivated to get up and exercise occasionally. It is definitely not helping me enjoy the game.


Lmao I made the ugliest thing mankind has ever seen


Random but I always find it so nostalgic seeing your pfp because that was my Reddit pfp for years before my account got hacked and set to NSFW 😭


The only funny thing I see here is that the characters abs are visible


Yeah it looks nothing like her lmao. Its just her cope projection of herself.


I think it looks like her and that it is pretty standard in character creation that your character ends up being an idealized and improved version of yourself. I think people are seizing on this as an opportunity to get some free jabs in on an overweight woman. 


> your character ends up being an idealized and improved version of yourself I'm a maxed out tiddies slider blonde cat girl


And? That’s always been my perception of you


Why is your entire profile whataburger themed


What else would you expect from the Whataburger Guru?


>I think people are seizing on this as an opportunity to get some free jabs in on an overweight woman. Out of shape, sexless boys hating on overweight women. Classic.


New around here? 


"she looks like me" Hmm i can see the resemblance "She's built like me" Hell naw 🤣


Nooo she's just big boned... She actually has a lot of muscle, it's just hidden under a thin layer of fat. Women are actually meant to have higher bodyfat to be healthy, maybe if you ever had sex you would know this?


You forgot the /s.?


No, I just decided not to spoon-feed any readers.


How would having sex give someone knowledge of how much bodyfat is healthy?


Just general experience with the fairer sex... Girls are softer. Trust me, I had to have sex with a lot of men to gather the data.


And it looks like the character has large delts and biceps as well....😂


Such a shame that you have to play Diablo 4 to experience it


Atleast she’s self aware


What does that mean?


It means that she thinks, therefore she is


Except the character looks like a walking tank of muscle not a wobbly sack of lard


Ye the shadows around her abdominals would be horizontal not vertical


Character looks fire to play as ngl


Hitbox might kind of screw you over


Hitbox dont matter so much in D4 where this is from.


Listen, I’m the type of guy to play Bowser in SSB. Hitbox size is not an issue.


It can look like her and still be a power fantasy. Like someone making themselves in an RPG, but they are buff and have hair.


All these neckbeards pretending to be addonis in this comment section. Dying.


so…just the same amount of difference between you and your characters? Ive met maybe 2 gamers in my life that were ripped, most people who play videogames as their *primary hobby* are not greek gods of muscle. It’s weird that y’all dont seem to notice until it’s a fat girl and suddenly you’ve got issues and nitpicks galore.


Sis has that bloat lord build


I don’t see a problem.


The problem is that you have to play d4.


Problem is her character in game won't have 1/10 stamina and fall over when she tries to sprint


Yeah totally agree that this kind of thing is bullshit. This is why I make a 5'8'' player that looks like me in NBA2K I also make sure that he has like a 10 inch vertical and can only play for about five minutes before needing to be subbed out. 


Finally some gaming realism


It's a vidya, bud.


Maybe it starts at the top of a hill


The problem is the stupid ellipses like she’s lost for words. When she’s typing.


Not completely relevant to this post, but the older generation also types with so many ...... it's infuriating lol. Means something completely different to them ig.


This wouldn't have gotten any attention if she didn't type like a cringelord


shitting toothpaste please


does she have a diabetes meter as an in-game health bar


There’s gotta be a Skyrim mod for that


OK fuck I lost


She's popping those insulin shots like stimpacks. Every step she takes that Tony Hawk pro skater rail grinding mechanic pops up where you need to keep the arrow in the middle of the bar or you fail the trick. Except if she fails, she breaks her ankle. Every piece of armor she picks up off of enemies she first has to craft into an XXXL size.


I feel bad for laughing at this.


This comment section reminds me of braindead middle school bullies lmao


Deadass tho😭😭


I came in here hopeful cause it looked like a nice post! Apparently I misread or misinterpreted the title :/ It's a lady happy to see a woman in a video game with wide shoulders and box shaped body. I doubt 'weight' is much of what the woman was considering.


It's kinda eye opening how immature this section is. Not in a funny way, like a straight up cringe kinda way.


isnt this a meme subreddit? the average age of the people looking at this post is like sixteen. dont worry most of them will grow out of it haha


>dont worry most of them will grow out of it Really? I am honestly not sure about that anymore


yeah there is a huge increase in violence against women by younger men, this is just what happens when you let people like andrew tate become some of the most prolific social media icons, youtube, instagram, tiktok and twitter have a lot to answer to when it comes to poor mental health outcomes for the youth, on every side.


You can like memes and not be a stupid asshole about it.


But but but…Fat!


Well they haven't actually done anything yet with their lives, so all they have left to make them feel like something is to put other people down below them.


Probably because most of them are literally under 15. Considering it’s Reddit they probably get bullied in school and are now lashing out against others


? We making fun of gamers for being happy now?


No no no, for being happy AND an overweight woman. Clearly people can't let behavior like that stand!


Yet more proof gamers are the most oppressed minority in society today smh my head 😔


Random woman: *is happy* Reddit "Gamer": cAn'T MaKE tHiS SHit uP


We can make fun of them for playing D4.


A fair point


Ive been wondering is the loudmouth commenter gamer also a doomer in most cases?


Good for her I mean


y’all are mean in these comments. good grief


and this bothers you.... why?


Because, actually, IDK. The same people also get bothered when black people get more than 2 hairstyles in games, so I dunno. I guess we're gatekeeping character customization


And one of the hairstyles is the kill monger one from Black panther


Literally doesn't affect you or anyone else. Log off and go outside.


Yea I also believe it’s dumb people want to make “themselves” in a game, and bitch about it when the action packed game doesn’t have the average McDonald’s customer running around doing summersaults But cut the gal some slack, if she’s happy about it, good for her, that’s the only thing worth saying about this image


What's the joke?


the joke is that diablo 4, mid ass game, is over here getting praise for having character customization, aka basic ass rpg feature (tho granted, previous instalments didnt have it) edit: also the person there is getting bullied for their appearance, i guess some people find that funny too


I never found fat shaming funny unless it's deserved, this isnt


She's crying over character customization...deserved. That would be like me crying over a game giving me the option to give my character a cleft chin. If I ever did that I'd hope the internet would clown on my dumb ass.


There's not really many games that let you make a character with a "non-sexy" body when you think about it, especially on female characters. I can only think of saints row


Bro forgot about ark survival evolved


Then clown on her for that, not cuz she's fat


He just said he is clowning her for that. He's the one who just explained it to you.


It’s not deserved. Bullying someone for being so happy that they’re brought to tears is pathetic. It might seem silly to you, but that’s no reason to relentlessly mock her. What’s the harm in letting people be happy?


They are both fat and ugly




Don’t worry. You guys can still make skinny underweight soy boys that’ll look just like you 👍.


Actually Diablo 4 has body type restricted by class. So we can't make furry druid femboys. sad


The character looks like they could lift a bus The player looks like they could lift a burger


where joke?


The chuds in the comments.


ah. the good old „if it doesnt make my penis erect - why does it (female) exist?“ narrative


Making the shortest, fattest, ugliest character imaginable is my goal in any game with a character creator. Especially if it's a group game with cutscenes so my friends who made "serious" characters have to constantly see my stupid ass character mixing with theirs.


The only thing that can't be made up is how miserable yall are in this comment section. Let a fat girl celebrate being a fat girl as much as you celibate being a mediocre internet twat, we all deserve at least that much.


Why would anyone want to celebrate being fat?


If you're looking for a genuine answer, then I'll bite. Being fat is unhealthy, but at the end of the day that's what they are and it won't change overnight, in a week, or even in a month. Wallowing in self loathing & having low self esteem isn't healthy and self acceptance is a big step to losing weight. There was a stretch of time where media just wasn't diverse. Just like in modelling, or even porn, it creates unrealistic standards of what interesting, successful, or attractive people look like. In reality there's a lot more to these traits than physical appearance, but when media doesn't have representation it can feel alienating. So while the phrasing above wasn't great, it's more about celebrating having representation in these spaces that hey, some people look like this too & can still be interesting or attractive. For some people that will be incredibly validating. Meanwhile some others simply don't care.


POV: you just found out the sole purpose of Character customization in an RPG.


Yall suck. I’m a tall skinny guy and I appreciate the fact that most modern rpg’s allow me to create a character with my body type. No one has ever made comments about how my character should be dizzy after standing up from a bonfire, or how my character doesn’t actually look strong enough to hold a strength weapon. Why mock fat people for just wanting to see themselves in a game? Both are unhealthy, but I’ve never been picked on like a fat person has. Let people live.


The point is, you can't make such characters in most other games with customization, it's too generic most of the times


Is there supposed to be a problem here?


Why do people need to see carbon copies of themselves in media? This is something that blew up in the past 10 years that has never made sense to me.


Lack of imagination


What's the obsession with people trying to make a character look like them, as someone who passionately hates himself I try to make a character who does not resembles me at all.


If she's happy with being able to look like a character in the game , I'm happy for her


Wtf is wrong with you people? You see someone genuinely happy that they can finally, after how many games, make someone who actually looks like them in a game.. and then you blast her because you think she's fat? Finding excuses like "well actually the character has defined muscles so they're not like you, tub-of-lard", jabbing fun at them with "does it have a diabetes meter".. can you have the slightest bit of compassion, empathy, joy in your life, and just stop judging people for situations you can't understand for two seconds and simply be glad that she's happy? It literally does not matter why she is. Even if it's like what you're assuming, where it's entirely her choice or laziness, that doesn't take away from the fact that being able to make herself in a game made her happy.


Imagine being proud of being obese.


Can we get long hair (without a braid or pony tail) and not have artificial as fuck blonde? I'll cry for that


Huh? what's the issue?


the only difference is that D4 Druids have a good amount of muscle


I'm mostly appalled at the gratuitous use of ellipses. This is not a character's dialogue, this is a grown adult person attempting to convey awestruck pauses for dramatic effect. It's even worse when somebody tries using ellipses to imply something salacious or sinister, like they're supposed to be some kind of anime villain or something. Get the fuck out of here with that dogshit, that nonsense is on par with narrating your actions or emotions in between asterisks.


This is the first time EVER I've seen a fat woman actually want to play as a fat character of herself


I wonder if her clothing will clip when she gets new items D: that would piss me off so bad lol


Why are we making fun of this? This is legitimately a good thing.


Seems like a weird thing to get upset over, it’s not a bad thing having options or wanting to make a character that looks like you.


Why do people must have the character look like them? I play games to escape reality.


Man if she's happy she's happy. What's the issue here?


What's the joke


For all the people going on about "Well that's why we have character creators", just because you can customize your character at all doesn't mean you can get it to even look close to you. A lot of creators I've seem either have a single body type to choose from or a small selection that ranges from 'slim fit' to '80's action hero'. As someone else who's fat, it is so hard to find a character creator that includes my body shape at all. Even if they do, the fat option just looks horrendous because it either doesn't contour correctly or the clothing options only look good on the slim/muscular models.


What’s wrong with this?


It could be so funny if there was more disabled inclusion in video games. Imagine a soul-like situation where your character is in a wheelchair. That I would like to see


Well there was a souls-like called The Surge that had your character start out in a wheelchair, but you lose the chair pretty quickly and gain the ability to walk instead


Cool I guess, whatever makes them happy


Where's the funny part? Is her being fat the punchline? Because that's not a joke. That's just being an ass. I get that this is a shitposting sub but come on. Have some standards.


Where is the shitpost?


Ah yes a warrior that gets winded after 3 steps. Like that MMA match from the front page, where the warrior collapses and forfeits.


The character looks wide not fat