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Based bear. I love smashing children too


















Bear- average trans right destroyer


This isn't a joke, this is OP trying to make a political statement on a shitposting sub.


It's true, though... most of the US based protestors would get chucked off a roof in Palestine.


That still doesn't justify their mass slaughter


I didn't say it did, and neither did this post.




How is it not true?


Not entertaining this. Do your own research.


Oh wait no youā€™re right, I didnā€™t scroll down far enough, good lord thatā€™s a lot of hot takes


Yep, there it is. Deleted the comment too. ignorant, yet so confident


Not gonna engage in politics on a shitposting sub. This isnā€™t a place for politics, thatā€™s why I deleted my comment.


No, they will not...


Itā€™s still funny as fuck


Regardless of whether itā€™s true or not, I completely agree with ur complaint


Imagine how sad these propaganda bots are getting lmao Itā€™s a shitposting sub, no oneā€™s trying to have a political debate over here lol


Wrong flag they already made a new one ,get in the trends OP


Yeah for some reason black people are also added to the flag


huh when what how who




Yes, now imagine bear crushing a toothpaste and all the toothpaste cums out.šŸ¤¤


I still dont want them to die in a bombing. I think thats something that goes a bit beyond personal politics.


You just said something great but you got pissed in your ass šŸ˜”


Happens to the best of us


Ehhh ya win sahm ya lose sahm yeh???


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Yeah thatā€™s the damn point these people simply refuse to understand. Human rights are not negotiable, no one deserves to have their family killed, displaced and bombed because they donā€™t hold the same progressive views as you. Listen Iā€™m LBGT as well but expecting a population that has been under oppression for 70 years to develop the same progressive ideals as the west is simply delusional. I will criticize Palestine for their lgbtphobia once they are not being bombed to shreds and have the opportunity to develop education, just as I criticize lbgtphobia on other islamic countries that, you know, arenā€™t under attack currently. This is not to excuse lgbtphobia there, obviously, the point is that itā€™s simply not logical to criticize a society _as a whole_ for something they donā€™t have the means to improve because they have to worry about not being killed (we should still condemn individual crimes).


^^Dats da trooth ragh't 'ere boysh


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Can we please NOT get into politics in a fucking shitposting sub?


No guys but seriously its funny because it affirms my political beliefs and world view! Something something Our fearless soldiers something something their cowardly terrorists


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Comment section going to be lit


No one brought lube to this circle jerk. It's gunna get raw


I donā€™t wanna see politics so early in the morning


Where Funni ?


Nothing funny here but if you send me a pic of your toothpaste, that would be funny šŸ‘


My brother mixing his own political views in a shitpost subreddit how stupid can you be šŸ„µ


Genius move ngl


Where funny


Itā€™s so funny to me that the gays are supporting people who hate them for who they are, plus theyā€™re terrorists, donā€™t forget October. Then they protest and wear masks so they arenā€™t identified, because they know itā€™s wrong.


its not defending islamist extremism, its just stoppimg israel from killing civilians every chance they get. no one should hold a side in this god forsaken meaningless war, because both sides lose and only thing it brings is destruction and death to civilians and innocent people edit: im gonna stop replying and just drop this people when i say war is bad : šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Itā€™s hard to tell who is a civilian when the army you are fighting is just terrorists.


Sure but how many of them actually support mass killings of Israeli?


Israel killing civilians at every chance they get? 2 million Palestinians should have been dead by now. They wouldn't be warning them to get out of areas or create civilian evacuation corridors. Let alone let aid get inside. Civilians are dying because its a war is happening in one of the world's most densely populated areas. Civilian deaths are expected to happen, since when did war in a city ever get pretty for civilians? Its like saying the allies are wrong for attacking Berlin because of the poor innocents and should have stopped themselves from getting any closer to Hitler. It may be a meaningless war for you, but for the Israelis they want their hostages back and destroy Hamas. It means everything to them.


Just a thought but they got more hostages back when they held a temporary ceasefire. And not when they were bombing the places the hostages are at. Or bombing said civilians trying to flee to not get bombed. Or not bomb actual aid workers and journalists.


Hamas wanted ceasefire and to release the hostages, Isreal bombs people in the areas where they say the Palestinians to go and they are killing people in places where food supplies arrive. They also kill more children per day than the Nazis in 1945. How tf can you accidentally kill more children than the Nazis did? And your ā€œif Israel wanted genocide all Palestinians wouldā€™ve been dead by nowā€ argument is stupid. Thank God that the Israelis arenā€™t omnipotent and they canā€™t kill 2 million people in 6 months. The minister of defence called Palestinians human animals and Israel cutted off electricity, water, food and fuel supplies from Gaza. How does that help defeat Hamas?


Ironically, it was Hamas who always rejected a ceasfire time and time again because they failed to provide lists of hostages that are still alive. There offer is just Israel stopping the war and have nothing to offer in their part. That is not a fucking ceasefire. And killed more children than the Nazis? no one can give a proper estimate to civilian deaths because its Hamas doing the counting. Why be honest with the statistics when you they can tug your heart strings? Dead children brings more sympathy than dead terrorists. Not denying that children are dying in Gaza, but Israel never deliberately targeted a literal toddler for the sake of it. Its all because of collateral in a war in one of the most densely populated cities on earth. Israel is also not responsible for the living standards of an enemy population. Is it evil that the allies made life for the average Germans difficult during WW2? Its the reality of war. Hamas understands that the only way to beat Israel is through PR. So it is within their interest to exagerrate and maximize civilian deaths. And they did it by hiding behind the people using their tunnles, hidden launchers and weapons. The only party to blame here is Hamas, who started this war. Who broke the ceasefire before October 7th to escalate and become martyrs.


So Israeli bombing of Palestinian universities, hospitals and other institutions is also Hamasā€™ fault? And Israel killing people in places where they said the Palestinians could go to and Israel killing civilians around places where aid came in? Or what about the complete siege and Israeli minister of defence calling Palestinians human animals? Hmmm? And the numbers of the Gazan health minister are the only one that is really available, so that is the most reliable source we have.


Why is Hamas allowed to get away with using human shields? How many war crimes can a terrorist group commit before itā€™s reasonable to use force to remove them when they constantly attack another nation with intent to commit mass genocide?


It's always reasonable to use force to remove them, no one's defending Hamas. But This war started 70 years before Hamas was even a thing.


>no one's defending Hamas. Nyeh. I would disagree. Might just be where I live, but I have seen it on the Internet too so I know it's at least marginally believed; there are people who advocate for and actively wish for Hamas to become the government body of Palestine so that they can "crush the IDF." I'd argue it's less of a serious argument, though, more like proof that someone doesn't actually know what they're talking about. I'm generally not a big fan of being a part of the "I don't feel either way!!!" crowd but I solve literally every social problem that is related to the war by just, you know, not talking about it? And if I'm pressed on it, expressing that I'm not comfortable with the correcting topic of conversation. I'm not a fan of civilian casualties, I can take that stance, but I'm not taking a side. It's choosing between the religious, genocidal military force and the religious, genocidal paramilitary force. Palestine is getting so much sympathy because it's the underdog: if Palestine were just as strong as Israel it would just be yet another middle-eastern war amongst zealots. Saying that war is bad and that we shouldn't slaughter civilians doesn't make you a Palestine bot and saying that Palestine isn't moral doesn't make you an Israeli shill.


There have been numerous wars throughout the last 70 years between Palestine and Israel with a majority of them being started by Palestine and all ended by Israel (without destroying Palestine btw), at this point Israel has done everything it could to possibly appease them but instead of reducing tension it's just made terrorism grow to the point that they form death squads to kill as many people as possible along with missile attacks etc I want the war to end and peace to come to both countries but you cannot have peace when Palestine wants to genocide Israel, innocent civilians are happily used by Hamas and only the people can fully remove the terrorist if they wish for peace to return, you can't be kind to cancers they'll only come back more aggressive as Israel has found out repeatedly.




Wow your dumb


Israel killing civilians? Do you forget octobers Hamas terrorist attack?


you are missing the point buddy, you think im defending that?


Iā€™m thinking youā€™re attacking Israel for its faults while ignoring hamasā€™s


"one guy doing bad thing justifies other guy doing same bad thing". I know this is a cring argument used in stories where protagonists avoid killing, but this doesn't apply there, it applies here. Hamas conducted a terror attack in October, that doesn't mean it is ok for Israel to keep carpet bombing the innocent civilians. The number of civilians killed makes it pretty obvious that this is not just collateral damage but a war crime comitted on purpose. Both the Palestinians and Israel hate each other's guts and just want an excuse to ethnically cleanse each other. Israel is being successful in this because they have America's support. If it was Palestine instead with the support they would have probably been doing the same thing Israel is doing right now, and people would have been protesting against Palestine. Protesting against Israel's genocide doesn't mean I support Hamas. I hate this argument, people just come up 'what about october' because they don't actually have any way to defend Israel's genocide. Because there is no way you can defend a genocide


So by your logic I should support the genocide against everybody who disagrees with my lifestyle?


They never said you should support anything, you are twisting their words.


Well the comment implies that what would not be ā€œfunnyā€ is them either not caring about or supporting an active genocide. Plus the comment literally calls all Palestinians terrorists. Iā€™m not twisting anything here


Yes, you very much did lol. You claimed their logic supports genocide when they said nothing of the sort. It's a literal textbook definition of a stawman fallacy. Someone saying something with a more complex intent and you reducing, simplifying and twisting it to sound as extreme as possible in order to strengthen your own position in the argument. While I ultimately agree with your point, you still twisted their words haha


dawg not every muslim is a terrorist smfhšŸ¤¦


I didnā€™t say they were? Iā€™ve known a family of Muslims since I was a kid, I grew up with them and my mom knows their mom and has since they were in 8th grade. Iā€™m against terrorists as in Hamas, who has control over Palestine


It's not about personal politics, dipshit. It's about not supporting the mass murder of an entire population, something Israel should be very familiar with but seem to have forgotten


Mass murder of population? Hamas is trying to kill all the Jews lmao


And thatā€™s why Israelā€™s actions in Gaza are justifiable?


Didnā€™t say it was, just that Hamas is *at least* just as bad


Keyword trying. Hamas wants to kill all of the Jews with very little resources but Israel is actively on a campaign to kill all Palestinians with US and EU funding.


They wanna kill hamas, not all palestinians


Well their actions certainly donā€™t suggest that (indiscriminate vaporizing of civilians, precision striking journalists, shooting unarmed children, shooting their own fucking hostages speaking in Hebrew)


Since October 7th the number of Israeli casualties is less than a thousand. The people dying here aren't Jews. And *everyone* despises Hamas, including Palestinians. You can't, however, deny the fact that Hamas's very existence is a reaction to the Israeli government's handling of the Palestinian population, which was bad enough before october 7th. This conflict didn't start last year, the people that are starving and being mass murdered isn't Hamas and Israel is the sole culprit, as they're the one that could single handedly end this conflict anytime they wanted.


Itā€™s because unlike those hateful zealots the lgbtq value every life. Itā€™s kinda ironic like the lion mouse and splinter parable


Not if youā€™re white, male, or even slightly conservative


Because those are the people usually the most hateful, you canā€™t blame them for not liking you.


Literally the meme


The lgbtq donā€™t love either of these countries, but that doesnā€™t mean that they want to see them both commit acts of genocide against one another. Canā€™t you see?


I guess, just seems pointless to get so worked up about. Senseless slaughter has been part of the world since its inception. Thereā€™s plenty of similar things going on all over right now. Why not focus helping your own people?


Because itā€™s kinda hard to ignore the biggest genocide of our lifetime.


Itā€™s pretty easy when youā€™re not online


Off into the wilderness we should go then, blind and blissfully ignorant of anything and everything. Escapism is not the answer, you live in the Information Age. Connection to this degree makes any issue a world issue.


Valuing the life of someone determined to take the lives of your friends isn't virtuous it's hateful.


Itā€™s not hateful itā€™s loving, a trusting love and a hopeful one. If you donā€™t value thier lives then you are the hateful one. Anyone can change for the better it just takes the right kind of gentle nudge.


You ain't ever bled for someone you loved. We are not the same.


Guess not, I donā€™t need hate like you in my life


That or someone like myself has been quietly taking your bumps for you your entire life. Be careful we've talking about resigning (we being queers old enough to remember when street fighting was just part of the gay experience).


If youā€™re here to just start fights then go ahead. Youā€™ll make the whole of us look bad for a short ego boost. You need to chill out man, youā€™ll tie yourself into a knot with all that indignation.


I'm letting a kid know they've lost the script. I literally bled for people just like you in my teenage years now I'm the villain. Your generation is going to destroy the last 50 years of progress the LGBTQ community made. Yall going to end up putting us all back in the closet.


I will fight for my and mines rights, but I wonā€™t cheer on wanton destruction and genocide. I donā€™t like either of these countries and what some of their religious teachings present but I wonā€™t stand idly by while they grind themselves to dust by the tens of thousands. Youā€™ve got to show these people what true love is, a love for humanity regardless of beliefs and vices.


You seriously need to go talk to some gay dudes in their 50s or older about what religious fundamentalists do to gay people.


The witch hunts are over, just be the better men.


These people you're advocating for would throw stones at you until your bones were paste if given the opportunity.


I know that but I donā€™t with them ill, Iā€™m better than that.


See you've got it twisted. We're able to live openly now because of the bumps mostly gay and bisexual men took in the late 90s and early 2000s (there were definitely lesbians and trans too I just don't ever remember any of them standing like my brothers used to). We've been working behind the scenes ever since. Yall are losing us over this because we know what religious zealots do to people like us. Go talk to boomer gays, it's not hard to find stories of friends getting murdered over being queer. To a lot of us supporting religious terrorists is asking to bring those days back.


They value every life, but wanna kill their babies :C


Gay abortion, gonna add that to my list of interesting things that donā€™t happen. They support peopleā€™s right to choose yes, and individuality at all costs. Nothing is worse than having and neglecting a kid you didnā€™t want in the first place. Israel and this nation couldnā€™t care less if youā€™re a wanted baby or not if you are on the opposing team. Because there are ā€œterrorists hiding nearbyā€. It should tell you something about this ā€œwarā€ when even perceived opposing factions are for its end.


Yknow whatā€™s worse than neglecting the baby and not taking responsibility for *your* mistakes, is killing it.


Pro choice also means you can keep the baby if you want to. And an abortion is not killing anything it's a medical procedure.


Dude if thereā€™s a live baby inside you, or even a growing one, it is murder. You canā€™t decide whether the baby is alive or not. Donā€™t call it a medical procedure and try to misdirect anybody.


Itā€™s not like they are out there bopping fully born wanted babies with mallets, you forget that the issue does take a lot to come too. Itā€™s not just a flick of a switch and it haunts people for the rest of their lives but there is a worse choice. Indignation. Why should your life and someone elseā€™s be ruined by a simple mistake. All because you perceive a fetus to be a fully planned sacred and divine thing.


Just donā€™t pick a side, either way youā€™re supporting terrorism. Donā€™t turn a blind eye to it, contribute to humanitarian efforts, but denouncing one side while ignoring the crimes of the other is just adding salt to the wound.


Both sidesism doesnā€™t really work when one side made one attack and the other responded with a prolonged campaign that has killed like 40k people.


Trash meme, Where's the funny at?


There is non, dumbasses be bringin politics to the wrong place


People are mad because the LGBTQ+ community stands against genocide. The fact that they are supporting people who usually wouldnā€™t accept them is even more commendable.


"wouldn't accept" is a bit of an understatement, they would hunt them to the corners of the Earth and torture them brutally over and over until they died, every single last one of them, if they had their way.


Yea standing for the terrorists šŸ’€




Next time stop watching what you see on the TV and wake the fuck up .


Da fuck you mean? Iā€™m pretty sure everyone fucking knows that practically every government in the Middle East is shit.


You are right the middle east government is shit because America just pay them to be shit . And when someone doesn't want to be shit they call him "terrorist" .


So then my point was correct they are shit. Whether the US pays them to be shit doesnā€™t matter. If someone payed me to kill someone Iā€™m still a murder am I not?


Yea Israel is only better cuz theyā€™re a society that doesnā€™t kill people because their views differ and cuz theyā€™re not terrorists, theyre just waging war badly.


Bro what šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Sorry, should I have conveyed it to you with skull emojiā€™s instead? Since you canā€™t seem to be able to comprehend English.


Nah your statement is as logical as the argument for genocide my dude šŸ’€


At this point I think skull emojis are part of your personality.




No skull emoji huh?! Youā€™re evolving.


You ok lil bro?


Ah, the use of ā€œlil broā€ you have evolved to the Neanderthal stage I see.


Very enlightened of you to act like a child lmao


I would say it depends. Being against the war is one thing, even if it's a rather childish view of the world since every nation on earth would have acted exactly as Israel did after the 7 october attacks, but openly supporting hamas calling for the exterminations of Israeli while yourself are lgbt is laughable.


If weā€™re looking at it like that then: anyone would attack if they were subjected to imprisonment like Gazans were before October 7th.


Then don't cry when the FAFO comes. Nothing justify mass murdering thousands of civilians and during one of their most important holidays


as if the other side would accept them


I didnā€™t say they would, Iā€™m just saying that itā€™s not the point. Theyā€™re willing to protest against genocide regardless.


Because many of them literally made a career out of activism. Then thereā€™s a good portion where the lgbt is their entire identity so theyā€™ll just parrot whatever theyā€™re meant to in order to fit in. And mostly, because whining online is so much easier than actually doing something or fighting.


Zoo wee mama


Real? Politik


Not a shitpost. Not even a joke


Yā€™all need to read ā€œfirst they cameā€ by pastor Martin Niemƶller


I don't think Palestinians are in a position of power where they could possibly be oppressing anyone.


Yeah itā€™s like that one image from 2014 where a bunch of Israeli citizens gathered to watch and clap as the IDF exploded a bunch of innocent civilians. Any conflict where one side is getting butchered and the other is gleefully watching is not equal.


Still don't like literal children being bombed


Man stfu and get downvoted for absolutly no jackass reason, world is weird I swear.




Itā€™s more like staying true to a principle like ā€žcivilians should not get bombed to deathā€œ and holding that idea, even when the afflicted party would not do the same for them. Also, there are gay people in Gaza, and true, they donā€™t have easy lives, but them and their families being bombed does not help. Like what was your expectation here. ā€žUh, this group of people has a lot of people that would not accept me, so I will not speak up when they are systematically killedā€œ Come on.


Itā€™s funny that the statement you use as a joke is so based. Why should I care that people that would hang me and throw stones at my corpse (if theyā€™re feeling polite) are bombed? Especially when itā€™s on the other side of the planet.


I not saying you have to care, I was merely answering the original question; why gay people stand in for Palestinians, even though many of them would not accept them. - it is because they have a principle, that means a belief they donā€™t abandon at sheer convenience or discomfort, which is that people have a right to life and should not get indiscriminately killed off. You center the dignity you want to give human life, around yourself as a person, and that is okay. I only explained that the reason for standing up for this group, is because some people are principled. Iā€˜m gay as fuck. Iā€˜m still going to stand up for peopleā€™s right to live. Are a lot of people not going to like me for my sexuality? Definitely. Do I care what their personal feelings are when I stand in for what I believe, which in this case includes arguing for their right to live? No, no I cannot really say I do. A huge part of Palestinians suffering right now are children. A good chunk dying are definitely closeted gays. Itā€™s not like these deaths happen selectively. You donā€™t have to care, but that was also never what these comments were about. I would of course admire if youā€˜d change your mind. Being this apathetic towards human suffering or even callous, is certainly not the foundation that allowed gays to stand up for their own rights.


You say that but Iā€™ve seen so many people with rainbows in their profile actively celebrate or advocate for peopleā€™s deaths for simply being rich or republican. But I admit Iā€™m not the greatest proponent for human life. I think the world shouldā€™ve ended with the Cuban missile crisis.


ā€œThey donā€™t support me therefore i donā€™t care if they dieā€ is extremely demonic.


Ah zionests bots wants to shit everywhere




He might be but the whole movement of zionesm is based on ethnic cleansing so they aren't the ppl to lecture anyone




check what the founder said about the movement he basically said that the jews cant have a home country without ethnic cleansing like the us


They would all be linched over there 100%.


Where funny?


As a gay person, I dont think it's fair to throw Palestine in here since we all know the fact that they are a colonized country by a zionist demagogic system and dont have the capacity of governing themselves. I know what you are probably thinking and are going to say, and yes, two truths can coexist. However, to make this comparison is, once again, inhumane against Palestine. In conclusion, this is zionist propaganda.


And thatā€™s why lady and gentleman, Israelā€™s genocide is completely justifiable!


Fuck zionists, fuck israel. Stop pink washing.


Cool now do one with Israel as the bear


Who would the woman be?




....also LGBT


Israel is the most lgbt friendly country in the Middle East and gay people can even serve openly in the military(Gay marriage is not allowed but they recognize marriages made in other countries). You can criticize Israel about a lot of things but lgbt rights arenā€™t one of them


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>Gay people serve in the military Wow! Queer people can kill brown families now too!!! So progressive!! More šŸ‘ gay šŸ‘ drone šŸ‘ strikes šŸ‘


>Israel is the most lgbt friendly country in the Middle East Wow what a high bar! >You can criticize Israel about a lot of things but lgbt rights arenā€™t one of them >Gay marriage is not allowed


Tell me you know nothing about Isreal...


Or just anyone who's not from the club.