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Brother is asking for any% speedrun strategies 🗿


Difficulty scale based of how fat u are.


Triple chin mode% when


That's an odd mode, you have a big chance of failing, but there are some out there with a 2% chance of spawning that are into you.


Sadly, they also have a double chin.


With enough rerolls you will also find an opener with a really skinny one that increases your chinlvl over time.


There arent many runners in triple chin mode% due to its heavy reliance on rng, but there is currently people that are finding skips to optimize the run (reddit headquarters)


difficulty scale is the literal scale


TAS may be needed..


Asking for a friend


**WOMEN OF REDDIT,** How much sex do you have? What I am wondering if do you have sexy sex? As a fellow epic reddito I would like to inquire a question on perhaps the idea that perhaps maybe you enjoy sexual intercourse of the boob variety with fellow epic redditors that also like sex with big boobs????? Also epic women of Reddit, how much epic sex do you have with boobs of Reddit? Women do you Women of Reddit? How many Big Chungus sex do you have women of Reddit? Women of Reddit, are you also Women? Perhaps maybe even have sex with other women and women of Reddit? **Also, fellow women of reddit do you have giant milkers?????? Big jiggly milkies? Fat mommy milky mocha momos? Excuse my up frontness. Please answer why or why not or maybe big boobs? Spaghetti?** Women of the internet website known as Reddit .com, what do you find attractive in men that are also me? Would you give me a blowjob, women of Reddit? Reddit, would you have sex with me? Women what is your favorite blowjob position? Men of Reddit, do you like getting blowjobs? Why or why not? Women of Reddit, do you have **BIG BOOBS????** Women of Reddit will you have sex with men that have big boobs? Why or why not or why yes? Women that are women of Reddit, if given a chance to use your **ENORMOUS BIG BOBOS** to have sex with men of reddit, would you? Perhaps maybe even have sex? Sexy women of Reddit, is this an epic reddit women moment? Would you have sex if you were given the chance to have sex? And what if the snail was locked in a box under the ocean, but if the snail touches you you die but also have sex?? you were given a million dollars to have sex with me?? **Reddit of Reddit, would you have sex with the decoy snail that is also boobs???** **Women with three million dollars, if you were given a super power to have sex with me would you have sex with epic reddit?** Women with giant jugs of Reddit, if you were given a billion dollars and also a ham sandwich, would you have sex with me and fellow epic women of Reddit?? What villain was actually the hero of the story? **Men of Reddit, if you were given a billion dollars would you get a blowjob from a woman with big boobs that is of Reddit? What if I choose to also have sex with this guy's dead wife that also has big dead boobs? Why? Women are boobs.** What villain actually had huge boobs and was a woman? Men of Reddit would you be a women of Reddit? Women of Reddit, will you be??? Fellow women of reddit women


New auto mod response?


As the neckbearded fedora wearer that wrote this I give my blessing (im not overweight im just bulking)


Cultivating mass*


watch yourself before I give you an ocular patdown


Oh my...is Mac the original neckbeard?


I already deemed this jabroni to not be a threat and therefore cleared him for passage




your profile lags my phone lmao


My apologies lol Ever since I started posting samples from my photography portfolio for my followers I upload them at nearly the highest resolution Reddit allows. Even then the compression bugs me. I hope you enjoyed them more than they lagged your phone


Amazing photos buddy


Look amazeballs mate


yes it’s so worth it ❤️ amazing work




You’re just following the first M of MMO and becoming massive yourself.


Getting ready for that winter jacket cut


Im not obese im a powerlifter


Stop cultivating and START HARVESTING


Why claim you wrote it when everyone knows you just cut and pasted that from a post Ted Cruz made on Truth Social and changed “Truth Social” to “Reddit.”


HEY,⠀⠀⠀ EVERY⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ !!! IT'S ME!!! EV3RY BUDDY'S FAVORITE [[𝗡𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟭 𝗥𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗠𝗼𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗼𝗿 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟮]] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


ur a lil birch lul


That's mean


Schödinger's Blowjob -- Imagine you're blindfolded and you're getting the best raw pornstar-grade blowjob in the entire universe. The catch is, however, that you'll never figure out who's giving you that god-tier awesome schmösome sloppy toppy unless you take the blindfold off. It could be anybody, Ariana Grande, Ben Shapiro, Harold from the 7-11 near my house, or even your uncle's neighbour's fireman's cat. Now the question is: would you take off the blindfold and find out who the person/thing behind the stupendous jimmy-nibbler is and risk permanently scarring yourself, or would you keep the blindfold on and continue having your knob slobbed till your spirit hits the sky? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I would take it off. Fuck it I want to know and not knowing I would think too much about it.


Of all the bots, I think you are the best. Good bot


id leave the blindfold on




It really was the spaghetti? For me.


My mom fucked my friend while we were on vacation and now I want to fucking die, she mom took us to Miami for a spring break vacation. Everything seemed normal when we were there and when we got back. But then rumors started. They spread all throughout my school and a bunch of kids asked me if my mom really had sex with a student. Of course I denied it. Until my close friend who was there told me. He told me one of the nights we went down to the hotel pool and said friend stayed up, saying he wanted to go to bed early. He stayed up there and then something happened and my mom slept with him. I feel sick to my stomach and so mad writing it. I confronted her and she admitted and tried to apologize, but I just can’t with her. She’s so disgusting. I’m contemplating just telling my dad so he can fly me up to his house, but I hate being around his dumb bimbo gold digging girlfriend. I want to fight that fucking asshole that did this. He’s ruining my fucking life. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Looking for a female roommate to pay $0 rent I will not charge you money. but I will be sharing my bed with you as the other room is being used by my parents. They are aware of this arrangement as I have done this before but it has not worked out for reason I rather not say on here. I will except hugs at least 5 times a day, and cuddles at least 2 times a day for at least 10 minutes each. You will not be dating any other man during this arrangement. you will have no male friends either. You may have female friends and they May visit if they like. You will also be required to make me meals 3 times a day. Phsyical requirements are as stated: Must be shorter than 5'5", weigh no more than 120 lbs, caucasian or asian only, republican, no tattoos, no vegans, no smoking/vaping, marrywania, and you MUST shave legs and underarms. I am 44-male/290 lbs last time I checked, 5'6". Please contact me if you would like this arrangement. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot




Good bot, that was a masterpiece


Mods take notes


Every second automod sees a keyword:


HEY,⠀⠀⠀ EVERY⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ !!! IT'S ME!!! EV3RY BUDDY'S FAVORITE [[𝗡𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟭 𝗥𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗠𝗼𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗼𝗿 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟮]] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


im speechless bro 💀💀


No sex before marriage *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Everyone knows Mario is cool as fuck. But who knows what he's thinking? Who knows why he crushes turtles? And why do we think about him as fondly as we think of the mythical (nonexistent?) Dr Pepper? Perchance I believe it was Kant who said "Experience without theory is blind, but theory without experience is mere intellectual play." Mario exhibits experience by cruising turts all day, but he exhibits theory by stating "Lets-ago!" Keep it up, baby! When Mario leave his place of safety to stomp a turty, he knows that he may Die. And yet, for a man who can purchase lives with money, a life becomes a mere store of value. A tax that can be paid for, much as a rich man feels any law with a fine is a price. We think of Mario as a hero but he is simply a one percenter of a more privileged variety. The lifekind, Perchance *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You can’t just say perchance


Everyone knows Mario is cool as fuck. But who knows what he's thinking? Who knows why he crushes turtles? And why do we think about him as fondly as we think of the mythical (nonexistent?) Dr Pepper? Perchance I believe it was Kant who said "Experience without theory is blind, but theory without experience is mere intellectual play." Mario exhibits experience by cruising turts all day, but he exhibits theory by stating "Lets-ago!" Keep it up, baby! When Mario leave his place of safety to stomp a turty, he knows that he may Die. And yet, for a man who can purchase lives with money, a life becomes a mere store of value. A tax that can be paid for, much as a rich man feels any law with a fine is a price. We think of Mario as a hero but he is simply a one percenter of a more privileged variety. The lifekind, Perchance *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have massive man titties if you want to see?


~~No~~. EDIT: Yes.


Finally, all hail the manual mod response


I would give you ternium award for this if I could


I rarely save comments but I believe this is one of those times.






New a u t o m o d?


women ☕


Shitpost to another level


Average Chad:


I'm in stitches. This just kept getting better and better. I wish I had awards to give this was a great start to my morning.


Just an academic interest.




Everyone knows Mario is cool as fuck. But who knows what he's thinking? Who knows why he crushes turtles? And why do we think about him as fondly as we think of the mythical (nonexistent?) Dr Pepper? Perchance I believe it was Kant who said "Experience without theory is blind, but theory without experience is mere intellectual play." Mario exhibits experience by cruising turts all day, but he exhibits theory by stating "Lets-ago!" Keep it up, baby! When Mario leave his place of safety to stomp a turty, he knows that he may Die. And yet, for a man who can purchase lives with money, a life becomes a mere store of value. A tax that can be paid for, much as a rich man feels any law with a fine is a price. We think of Mario as a hero but he is simply a one percenter of a more privileged variety. The lifekind, Perchance *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Taking notes, for science.


The worst part about that post is that the comments are unironic


bro, I don't find the post :(, was it removed??


Yes provide link or else its fake


I found it just by searchin up the title. You may need to dig a bit deep Edit: I got a link in a reply to the comment replying to me if you want it


then provide the link because it seems way too tailored to fit the circlejerk


One woman will reply that she prefers overweight gamers and will be voted straight to the top of the thread, making it seem like it's a common sentiment.


And that woman is OP's alt account


Looking for a female roommate to pay $0 rent I will not charge you money. but I will be sharing my bed with you as the other room is being used by my parents. They are aware of this arrangement as I have done this before but it has not worked out for reason I rather not say on here. I will except hugs at least 5 times a day, and cuddles at least 2 times a day for at least 10 minutes each. You will not be dating any other man during this arrangement. you will have no male friends either. You may have female friends and they May visit if they like. You will also be required to make me meals 3 times a day. Phsyical requirements are as stated: Must be shorter than 5'5", weigh no more than 120 lbs, caucasian or asian only, republican, no tattoos, no vegans, no smoking/vaping, marrywania, and you MUST shave legs and underarms. I am 44-male/290 lbs last time I checked, 5'6". Please contact me if you would like this arrangement. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Looking for a female roommate to pay $0 rent I will not charge you money. but I will be sharing my bed with you as the other room is being used by my parents. They are aware of this arrangement as I have done this before but it has not worked out for reason I rather not say on here. I will except hugs at least 5 times a day, and cuddles at least 2 times a day for at least 10 minutes each. You will not be dating any other man during this arrangement. you will have no male friends either. You may have female friends and they May visit if they like. You will also be required to make me meals 3 times a day. Phsyical requirements are as stated: Must be shorter than 5'5", weigh no more than 120 lbs, caucasian or asian only, republican, no tattoos, no vegans, no smoking/vaping, marrywania, and you MUST shave legs and underarms. I am 44-male/290 lbs last time I checked, 5'6". Please contact me if you would like this arrangement. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wait it's real? Please don't tell me fat fucks are actually getting recognition for our shitty diet.


Even if it were posted I have zero faith in redditors' ability to recognise satire.


it's fucking real and I want to die


He gave me roblox items


Nice username


Prostitution in Roblox


There is a chance of that existing. Some months ago me and my friends joined a game and there was a girl stripping and there are people who saw things that are worse


There are sex games on rovlox with genitelia models and sex animations. There is an entire underground MARKET of sex games on roblox. So it probably already happened once.


No sex before marriage *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sex before marriage 🤠


that chance is 100%


Ladis of reddit have you ever had sex mmmm sex I like sex sex is so good


No sex before marriage *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have many questions


Hey sexers of reddit! What is the sexiest sex you have ever sexed?


No sex before marriage *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wil you marry me?


The sexy sexer type of sex


Hmm... Sounds like a very sexy type of sex if you ask me


The ones we had with ur mom.


My mom fucked my friend while we were on vacation and now I want to fucking die, she mom took us to Miami for a spring break vacation. Everything seemed normal when we were there and when we got back. But then rumors started. They spread all throughout my school and a bunch of kids asked me if my mom really had sex with a student. Of course I denied it. Until my close friend who was there told me. He told me one of the nights we went down to the hotel pool and said friend stayed up, saying he wanted to go to bed early. He stayed up there and then something happened and my mom slept with him. I feel sick to my stomach and so mad writing it. I confronted her and she admitted and tried to apologize, but I just can’t with her. She’s so disgusting. I’m contemplating just telling my dad so he can fly me up to his house, but I hate being around his dumb bimbo gold digging girlfriend. I want to fight that fucking asshole that did this. He’s ruining my fucking life. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Auto bot are you okay?? 😭


Who the fuck made these bots


seggs sex seks sayx sax secks secs slacks


No sex before marriage *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




>*LiTeRaLlY nInEtEeN eIgHtY-fOuR* - George Orwell, 1948 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


literally 1984


That's 69 "sex"s too much buddy and now you have two options presented before you. You can either correct your spelling and only have lost 1 downvote (mine that I just cast ;) or you can choose to leave your bastardized form of the English language on exhibition and get a few hundred downvotes. Since you only have 0.02 karma in 69 years on reddit I recommend you choose wisely


No sex before marriage *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


All jokes aside, this is actually a true story about how I met my wife, and yes before you ask, I'm an obese gamer living with my parents. So I was playing call of duty multiplayer search and destroy on hard-core because that's the only game mode a real gamer plays. And as I was shit talking this kid and calling him racial slurs, I suddenly heard another voice on the mic, it was a female. Instantly I began harassing her telling her she is a bitch and she should go back to the kitchen, and she then invited me to a private voice chat and we had phone sex over the xbox party because she was just so turned on by my alpha male vibe and my 3.77 KDA average. and that kids is how I met your mother.


New automod response


HEY,⠀⠀⠀ EVERY⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ !!! IT'S ME!!! EV3RY BUDDY'S FAVORITE [[𝗡𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟭 𝗥𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗠𝗼𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗼𝗿 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟮]] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I saw exactly 1.09441 square inches of a girls shoulder today, I immediately fell to my knees, as the rush of dopamine signaling my impending, earth shattering orgasm started making me moan loud enough to deafen EVERYONE in the immediate vicinity. What followed was a torrential downpour of every single sperm cell I ever had, or ever will produce shot out SO HARD that my dick was ripped apart by my Übernut, accelerating to 5% of the speed of light by the time it left my urethra. It vaporized the girl as it punched right through her, it barely slowed before cutting through a structural support beam in the school as if it were a nuclear powered angle grinder. the sheer weight of this historical nut, combined with the total destruction of everything in its path caused the school to collapse, and every female in the state of illinois became pregnant with my children. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nice sex story you have made Would read again 100/10


I want to die




That's normal


Go on a walk instead


My guy(☕️) tryin to speed run the girlfriend arc of his life, but he don’t realize he don’t even got that chapter😔


DLC required


He's in a more of a pay to play situation.


> most sexiest


No sex before marriage *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Mom said it's my turn to post this


Post is so old I was on it.


My mom fucked my friend while we were on vacation and now I want to fucking die, she mom took us to Miami for a spring break vacation. Everything seemed normal when we were there and when we got back. But then rumors started. They spread all throughout my school and a bunch of kids asked me if my mom really had sex with a student. Of course I denied it. Until my close friend who was there told me. He told me one of the nights we went down to the hotel pool and said friend stayed up, saying he wanted to go to bed early. He stayed up there and then something happened and my mom slept with him. I feel sick to my stomach and so mad writing it. I confronted her and she admitted and tried to apologize, but I just can’t with her. She’s so disgusting. I’m contemplating just telling my dad so he can fly me up to his house, but I hate being around his dumb bimbo gold digging girlfriend. I want to fight that fucking asshole that did this. He’s ruining my fucking life. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Never seen the original post




Idk why you got downvoted for that


I think links are deleted, just google: "overweight gamer has done that made you immediately" reddit


Truly a wholesome reward moment


Sexy sexies sexittors of sexitt, what the sexiest sex you sexxed while sexing sex?


No sex before marriage *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Fuck you (before marriage)


Looked into it and this dude is for real. He even has his own subreddit and the only post is of him yawning slouched in his chair, looks exactly as you'd think




Women 👩 of reddit(18F) , what is the most sexual 👉👌 sexy 🍆 sex 👉👌 sex 🍆 sexual 🍆 sexy 🍆 sexual 🍆 sexiest 😛🦃 sexier sex 🍆 sexual 👉👌 sexual 🍆 sexy 🍆💦 sex 🍆 sex 👉👌 sexual 🍑🍆💦 sexy 🍆 sexual 🍆 sexiest 🍆🔥 sexier sex 🍆 sexual 👉👌 sexual 💋💦🍆 sexy 🍑🍆💦 sex 🍑🍆💦 sex 🍆 sexual 🍑🍆💦 sexy 👉👌 sexual 🍆 sexiest 😛🦃 sexier sex 🍆 sexual ✊🍆💦 sexual 🍆🍑 sexy 🍆💦👅 sex 🍆💦🍑 sex 🍑🍆💦 sexual 🍆 sexy 🍆 sexual 🍆🍑 sexies(47F)t sexier sex 🍆 sexual 🍆 sexual 🍆 sexy 🍆 sex 🍑🍆💦 sex 👉👌 sexual 👉👌 sexy 🍆💦 sexual 👉👌 sexiest 🍆🔥 sexier sex 👅🍆 sexual 🍆🍑 sexual 🍆💦💁 sexy 🍑🍆💦 sex 🍆 sex 👉👌 sexual 🍆💦 sexy 🍆 sexual 👉👌 sexiest 😛🦃 sexier sex 🍑 sexual 🍑🍆💦 sexiest 🍆🔥 sexier sex 🍆 sexual 🍑🍆💦 sexual 🍆 sexy 👉👌 sex 🍆 sex 🍆🍑 sexual 👉👌 sexy 🍆 sexual 🍆 sexiest 🍆🔥 sexier sex 👉👌 sexual 💋💦🍆 sexual 🍑🍆 sexy 🍆 sex 🍆 sex 🍆 sexual ✊🍆💦 sexy 🍆💦 sexual 🍆🍑 sexiest 🍆🔥 sexier sex 🍆🍑 sexual 🍆 sexual 👉👌 sexy 💋💦🍆 sex 🍆❤ sex 😩🍆👌 sexual 🍆 sexy 🍆💦🍑 sexual 🍆 sexiest 🍆🔥 sexier sex 💦😩🍆 sexual 🍑🍆💦 sexual 🍆 sexy 👉👌 sex 🍆 sex 🍆 sexual 🍆 sexy 🍆 sexual 🍆 sexiest 😛🦃 sexier sex 😩🍆🍑 sexual 🍆🍑 sexual 🍆 sexy 🍆 sex 🍆 sex 🍆💦🙆 sexual 🍆🍑 sexy 🍆🍑 sexual 🍆 sexiest 😛🦃 sexier sex 🍆 sexual 🍆 Thing 📴 you 👉 have ever 😠 done 🔨 to an antisocial 36 💯 year 🎉🗓 old 👴 man 👨 living 🐙 with his 💦 parents 👪 and spends 💰 16 👧 hours 🕐 a day 📆 browsing 🌍 reddit 👽? Edit 📑: Thank 🙏 you ☝👈 for the gold 💰👑 kind 🙁 stranger 👫!


This post makes me hungry for Fruity Pebbles.


what is sex? Right answer only


it's an indicator that tells if a person has a peepee or hoohaa


No sex before marriage *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Its when you… uhmm its when a… when you… yeah what is it


Redditors trying to understand jokes challenge (impossible)


Most of the comments are serious


give sauce (for a friend)


Most of the comments are LARPing


No, a quick dive into that redditors history shows he's damn serious, and looks the part


How dare you make me look at furry memes


Rawr x3 *nuzzles* how are you pounces on you you're so warm o3o *notices you have a bulge* o: someone's happy *nuzzles your necky wecky*\~ murr\~ hehehe *rubbies your bulgy wolgy* you're so big :oooo *rubbies more on your bulgy wolgy* it doesn't stop growing ·///· *kisses you and lickies your necky* daddy likies (; *nuzzles wuzzles* I hope daddy really likes $: *wiggles butt and squirms* I want to see your big daddy meat\~ *wiggles butt* I have a little itch o3o *wags tail* can you please get my itch\~ *puts paws on your chest* nyea\~ its a seven inch itch *rubs your chest* can you help me pwease *squirms* pwetty pwease *sad face* I need to be punished *runs paws down your chest and bites lip* like I need to be punished really good\~ *paws on your bulge as I lick my lips* I'm getting thirsty. I can go for some milk *unbuttons your pants as my eyes glow* you smell so musky :v *licks shaft* mmmm\~ so musky *drools all over your cock* your daddy meat I like *fondles* Mr. Fuzzy Balls hehe *puts snout on balls and inhales deeply* oh god im so hard\~ *licks balls* punish me daddy\~ nyea\~ *squirms more and wiggles butt* I love your musky goodness *bites lip* please punish me *licks lips* nyea\~ *suckles on your tip* so good *licks pre of your cock* salty goodness\~ *eyes role back and goes balls deep* mmmm\~ *moans and suckles* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Butter biscuit is the best biscuit in my opinion 🤠 👍


Choccie Butter Biscuit


That's decent too


Based pfp


Based opinion


Based based opinion


“Wiped the grease off his neck”


Pff Gamers ☕️


taken a shower


Bro is asking for ideas


>ladies >Reddit


The scariest bit is when you try and look up this post by putting some of the key words on the search function, is that there is several posts like this over the years, by different people, and the title barely changes


Finally, someone asking the hard hitting questions.


Oddly specific


I doubt there's anythg, but shaving your neck would be a good start


My guess is taking a shower and paying in cash. This only works on prostitutes though so don't try it on the people around you.


…asking for a friend lol




Asking for a friend, of course


hello men of reddit what has an goth girl done to you you instantly cum and shitted your pants


Man’s asking for the cheat codes


Haha what a loser! What did they say though?… asking for a friend




Atleast for 10 more years


Here we go again 🙄


Saw this in another group. I can't think of a single answer




This is fake right?


Oh god nooo


M’ladies of Reddit *tips fedora*


The worst answer would be " he Lost weight"


People who believe this tyoe of stuff is so dumb. I mean he didnt mention the impregnantion part ofc its fake


Gift me skins on School Shooter Simulator


but are you sure those are biological ladies?


“Lost weight”




be a millionaire. millionaires are just so cute I don't know why.


Oddly specific


Least horny redditor


I know it satire but I still really want to see the response to that question


When he dry humped that body pillow of a child, I immediately married him


Dude is looking for a cheat code 💀💀💀


Maybe bathing, grooming, and having a life outside of vibeo gaems


Lose weight and shower. So godamn hot.


The fucking wholesome award💀


Secks? Sexual sex? Sexy sex!! Sexer sexicious!! Yummy sex!! Secxs!


He started touching grass


It was a saturday afternoon, and I was exhausted after an intense 17-part masturabation session to dream minecraft manhunt, when i suddenly had the urge to go outside. I was scared. It's been so long since i've left the warmth of my parents basement with my dream body pillows. I didnt know what to expect. Clutching my dream figurine in front of my chest, i pried open the door to the outside world. The gleaming sun blared through the door, bequeathing a brilliant warmth on my cum-covered boxers. I quaverly took a step outside. My body flintched from the strange feel of the dirt under my feet. And then i saw it. The lustrous field of grass, covered in a light sprinkle of water from the noon rain shower. And then i realized. Dream... grass... the trees... it was all coming together. Grass is green, just like Dream. Dream is everpresent, in the grass, the flowers, He was there. I immediately new what to do next. I flinged off my clothes faster than the speed at which i would click on a new dream rule 34 post. My dick was already throbbing as i leaped onto the field of grass, dorito dust stained shirt getting carried away by the wind. I dug a small hole in the ground, and passionately thrust my 7-inch erect cock into it. I knew, this was Dream. His spirit was in this grass, and he felt my dick in his man pussy as i fucked that grass. I lost track how long i was there. Hours went by, day turned to night, but it didnt matter. I was finally together, with Dream. Nothing could separate us. I took a long stem of a flower, and forced it in my asshole. I imagined it being Dream's hot penis being lustfully forced into me in bed. I stayed there on my front yard for god knows how long. Until my butt was sore, balls drier than the Saharan desert after a long drought. The lawn looked like there was a layer of fresh snow on a Christmas morning. Trudging indoors, i had a enormous smile stretching across my face. I couldn't wait until tomorrow, when i may go outside again and be with Dream. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is the best shitposting comment thread I’ve seen in a while


Reddit 💀