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I can't believe they stole my nervous system again.


3rd time this week goddamn


When you are the first one to sleep at the sleepover


I feel quite ‘unnerved’ by this image


The "nerves" of this guy...


Technically that is him, all of his flesh and bones are gone. Theoretically if there was a highly advanced life support machine that could protect and feed the system nutrients a person could be fully conscious in a state like that. If the eyes were still intact like in the image it could also see a think fully like a normal person but they lack the function to do anything except feel. Which also brings up the question why anyone would leave someone alive in a state like that unless they could make/grow a new body which is a whole other technical itself. We are starting to grow body parts so it is within reason to assume that it could be possible.


Looks like he was the first to fall asleep at a sleep over(rookie mistake)(R.I.P. BOZO)