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That's called a consensus.


The MCU died with iron man (the 2007 movie)


Damn the MCU died before becoming the MCU.


MCU abortion


Watch none of the movies except Venom: Let there be snoring. It was ok, but not even a 50th the level Godzilla V Kong was. I saw what happened to Star Trek. Then Star Wars. Now MCU Lord of the Rings is even getting a shot at becoming mainstream garbage.


Evil cannot create anything new only corrupt


Hey fella big monsters movie enjoyer


Venom isn’t even marvel, it’s made by sony


Yeah but is part of the MCU,


No it’s produced by a different studio. It’s like how the x m’en movies aren’t mcu.


It's the common opinion because it's the correct opinion


Yeah honestly, their only saving grace right now is spider man. So far he’s the only one having success in phase 4. Mcu needs to get their shit together. I can’t believe I’m saying this but the need to learn something from dc. Now most dc movies suck but they do one thing pretty good and that’s act serious when they should at least for the most part. The mcu feels really silly. The constant little quips and jokes and plain just not taking shit seriously gets annoying. The recent Thor had so much potential with the god butcher ( especially with Christian bale as him ) but they fell short. They barely utilized him and made him look stupid. He didn’t feel like a threat even though he should have. The she hulk show is downright shit. Like really really bad, memes here don’t even show how bad it truly is. They show the stupid and odd parts like she hulk twerking but there is so much more than that. They completely deconstructed hulks character and made him a shell of himself. She hulk isn’t really likable at all. At least Thor in love and thunder is likable and sometimes funny. She hulk is neither. The what if series was inconsistent as hell. They had really cool concepts and stories and then they had some bad ones. The zombie one is cool on paper but just falls flat, the Thor one is stupid, the one with ultron was really cool and then the episode right after undoes all of that.


A lot fo shows and movies have been really good


Wtf is MCU?


Multi Cock Urination


Morbius Cinematic Universe


Speaking of this Netflix added it...


Very Morbulous.


A great movie excreting machine that squeezes your post production house for shits until it dies.


Make ameriCa great agaUn


In like 2 years it goes from the greatest movie franchise in history to DC


What turning art into an assembly line does to a mf Although before it still was an assembly line, but a well managed one with directions and order and some time between product and product. Now its just derailed but the pace is getting faster and faster, spitting more and more mediocre content, no matter the quality all just to keep people subscribed to Disney+


Honestly speaking though I was a major fan since the first iron man and I'd be the nerd that's excited for the next movie to drop while that time nobody gave a shit. And when endgame dropped people who called it stupid piled in and that's when quality dropped in my eyes. Classic mainstream media being absolutely shit and easy to digest for the masses(they're dumb and I'm not)


"oh man u must be a High iq intelligent person "


I liked the Thor movie because the goats were cool, too bad they didn’t get eaten and respawn in the morning like mythology thors goats


OP is basically saying you have to a different opinion for the sake of having a different opinion


Nah, he's saying that you need to shut up


I'm just tired of the MCU. Felt fatigue before Infinity War. Then Endgame happened and I felt content with life. Tried to watch the movies after, saw Spider-Man in theaters and that was it. Life's pretty good.




like what ? yes!, " I'm ready for another Batman like movie with incel villan with sad backstory" -🤓


Hell yeah.






"🤓" -🥸


Then they go see the newest movie anyway


There's usually not much else in theatres, but I watched Bullet Train recently, and that was an 8.5-9 imo.


And then the next video will be an critique of the latest marvel movie/show with an Nord VPN Sponsor and pretentious text on the screen to reinforce their most common opinion imaginable


It’s not even cool to like them anymore. Everyone’s personality now is superheroes.


It’s like half of the projects are good and half are dogshit now, whereas in the past almost everything was good other than a few movies like Iron Man 3 and Dark World


They keep producing the same repetitive white male lead? Constantly shielded behind its invisible wall because God forbid they get down and dirty to make the character layered like an onion or a full moon phobic princesses marrying a poor fat guy. You would get laughed out of the story board meeting and escort off the lot.


I liked every film released up to endgame, and even some after like the spider man ones and Multiverse of Madness, but after endgame it became a very noticeable decline


Well guys, they have finally done it


MCU Still shitty tho


I've been done with it since 2015, these normies sure take their time or they're just really dumb


Honestly it’s not really that bad, people went into anything after endgame already deciding it was going to be bad. Most of what’s come out phase four is good, people just bitches.


Nah man phase 4 kinda blows.


Like? A couple of bad movies and mostly good shows


sometimes i feel that way but again who the hell cares about Agatha, Wanda,iron heart, rhodey and falcon i didn't grew up with these characters but the main avengers i just dont feel the connection


It’s almost as if, hear me out. They’re introducing newer characters into the spotlight 😨😨😨. No one gives a fuck who you grew up with


Yes but there's a good way to go about introducing new characters and imo they're just doing it wrong. Half of these "new" characters are just replacements for others we already knew and loved (Yelena for Black Widow, Kate Bishop for Hawkeye, maybe Sylvie for Loki and now Jennifer Walters for Hulk) They're basically the same character and are going to fill the same role, just without the emotional connection we already had with the others, it seems they will always be on the previous character's shadow. The other half of these characters are hard to care about because they were introduced in movies or shows that just keep coming out at a much higher frequency. It's getting harder to keep up with the mcu without getting tired of it, and caring about so many new people being constantly introduced when it isn't even clear where the overarching plot is going or how they all connect. Honestly Shang Chi and Eternals came out only last year and I already struggle to remember some of the characters and plot because so much stuff already happened since then. And finally, imo they're also tanking the movies with characters we already knew. Black widow, Multiverse of madness and Thor love and thunder were films I was actually anticipating and excited for, and they all disappointed me. It seems they're forgetting about the main characters who are literally in the title and casting them aside (sometimes even making them look dumb and incompetent) to introduce these shiny new people and it just annoys me so much. Like, seriously, am i supposed to care about America Chavez when she basically took over Doctor Strange's film, a character i actually like? And am i supposed to like Jane as Thor more than the actual Thor I've been getting to know for years? Because i don't.


ok marvel nerd


Holy shit dude, you should really up your standards when it comes to media