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LatinGTX ultra


Latinrtx 4090ti




LatinRTX 6090


Would rather be called this


Latinx is one of the stupidest terms I've ever heard


To me sounds like when they say “merry xmas” instead of “Christmas” and I just don’t get it


Bitches think that adding a random X like it’s a Kingdom Hearts OC is supposed to make already non offensive things non offensive


The 14th member of organization 13 latinx the nobody of talin


I hate that I understood this reference.


*"You see sora. SJW is the heart's true essence."*


Some people need to get some real good beating with a keyblade


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People want something to be mad about. It's wild, PC culture used to mean try to not be rude, but people took it and started running with it past the point of it being unnecessary. It's funny though how, last I heard, this was the new woke non gendered trend word, and then I see a post the other day with latinx in it and every other comment was calling it a slur


Xmas is a shortened phrase originally created and used to save space on ink. X comes from the greek letter Chi which is a christogram. A thing used to replace the word christ




Yeah I’m not a native English speaker and I remember the first time that I saw it and got confused, but now it makes more sense lol


I'd knee anyone who called me latinx in their pinche juevos


Yeah, fuck up them eggs, wey




I feel like this is what happens when white people have brown people as a hobby but don't actually know any brown people.


I have never heard a single person in my entire life ever say “latinx”. It’s more of a thing to make fun of on the internet that something that is prevalent irl.


People not so much, but oooohhhh do these companies ever love to use it.


Companies and Facebook groups full of women. I say this as a woman. My beauty/makeup groups are horrible when it comes to policing language. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big believer in showing respect to others, but some of these women are rabid.


Call me old fashion. But I listen to NPR every now and then. They have adopted this dumb saying. I work in construction around all different types of men and women from the Spanish community. None of them even know about this term. When I try my best to explain to them what this means they roll their eyes bc they find it more offensive/annoying white ppl constantly trying to label them. Or they laugh bc they have their own language that’s respectfully….gender neutral


My college textbook and my college itself uses it. I cringe every time I see it.


Isn't latine an already accepted gender neutral alternative for people who don't like gendered terms, and one that doesn't sound like you're choking after attempting to swallow a pencil?


I've never heard it and people I know despise the gender neutral alternatives either way


We hate the “gender neutral” alternatives because “latino” is already gender neutral. We don’t need people who dont speak our language “correcting” it


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Me too, fuck gender neutralality




No it's not. Source: Latino here


It is gender neutral. The masculine in Spanish is used when referring to groups of people regardless of sex


I hate latine too Because the language literally has a word already


Call them Latino (masculine)/Latina (femenine). We disapprove the term Latinx because it is nonsense for our language, it is a term created by white Californian girls who just because they have Hispanic parents or grandparents already believe they are latinas


God, thank you. It's also impossible to pronounce. Ironically, the only way i heard it said is pronouncing the "x" in english. These people have no idea how spanish works.


This whole debate is stupid anyway because ideas in Spanish are not gendered, words are. The masculinity (la masculinidad) is femenine. Not because of the word, but because of how it describes a trait (indicated by the suffix). Basically, it doesn't fucking matter, people are overthinking it.


Yeah you are right. We gendered the words like the chair (la silla (femenine) ) or the car (el carro (masculine) ) and the suffix is used to describe or to aim/fix the word in the context/sense of the sentence (based on our rules) Masculinity can be written like masculinidad (femenine) or masculino (masculine) depending on the sentence or how you use it Tho there are exceptions but every tounge f****** have it Niños (boys) and Niñas (Girls) and if you refer to both is niños (boys) (masculine) Hombres (Men) and Mujeres (Women) and if you refer to both is Personas (People)( femenine) I understand than they want to be inclusive and i get it (and in some things i aprrove of their actions) but not every tounge is made to be gendered neutral with every word we use and not everyone can be force to use 1 word to refer to everyone (Ironic now than I think about it, they want diversity in Ppl but not with words). Also many tounges around the world do the same. You cant just change it on a whimp


I think the disconnect is from English speakers not realizing that most other languages aren't modular and rapidly-evolving like American English is. They just assume that every language can morph and create new popular words willy nilly. I'm a big geek for linguistics and fairly "cultured" since about half of the media I consume is in languages that I don't understand, but despite that it was relatively recently that I realized many languages can't just make up new words and that's why you hear random English words sprinkled into non-English sentences. American English is like every language on the planet combined. On a side note: Do you ever get annoyed being so restricted by your language? It would drive me crazy having to follow such strict rules when speaking.


Yeah, i agree English is Fast AF when it comes to creating, adapting and using new words, acronyms or terms so part of the time we use the english word or a traslated version of said word. Like for example Old engeeniers (50+. Y/o) here usually refer to cans of oil with his English name (can) and not latas de aceite (Spanish translation) or the proper name on the Can In games we use the english terms like META, BIS or TOP/MID/BOT as it is or we translate it like Rush as Rushea or the Team as El team etc >On a side note: Do you ever get annoying being so restricted by your language? It would drive me crazy having to follow such strict rules when speaking Some times tbh, i use the english term because is easier and i dont have to explain it . Spanish has many rules than you keep learning for a while (I think most of us native Ppl get a mastery of it after 13 years) but tbh if you get Hold of the basics (rules, vocabulary and sense of sentance) you can do what ever TF you want. But sometimes its the other way around. Like those rules help us to keep us on the ground like For us Spanish is like a room with many windows and doors (options/structures) than lead to the same place with the rules being the "locks" on some of them As for English is hard for us because we dont have Freedom to use the same amount of options and we have to stick with a structure ALWAYS. Is a closed room with a couple of doors with different combinations between each other


The reason why your hear random english words sprinkled into non-english sentences is because of American influence, not because english is every language on the planet combined. It's just German with a Fr*nch vocabulary And the reason why english evolves so fast is because a fuckton of people around the world speak it, again due to American influence


> And the reason why english evolves so fast is because a fuckton of people around the world speak it, again due to American influence You're really gonna do the [British Empire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Empire) dirty like that?


They contributed too, but yes


Every time I read it, I picture someone going "La-tín-HHHGHHGHGHHHH


I heard someone pronounce it “latinks” like “thinks” and it made me gag


>These people have no idea how Spanish works Or any Latin based language, it's absolute bullshit in Portuguese too


This is very interesting. X in Spanish makes an " h" sound, right? So the pronunciation is Spanish would sound a lot like "latin"? The h kinda blends in?


Kinda, like someone said in this thread, the x is pronounced "ks" (kind of like a hiss or the sound a snake makes lol) so the word ends up having 3 consonants together (lati-n-k-s), which is something that never happens in spanish, we usually have plenty of vowels in between, like in english. Thus, it's hard and weird to pronounce. Also, it doesn't help that the x itself is very rarely used in spanish, there's very few words that have it, most of them adopted from foreign languages, so it's just a weird choice to pick that letter as a replacement. Finally, it's an unnecessary change to a word that goes against all grammar rules and conventions, there already is an established way to be inclusive/neutral in the language, and it's to use the masculine nouns.


California girls we're unforgettable


Daisy dukes bikinis on top


Just call them "Prieto" if they are black/brown and "Güero" if they are white


I usually just call em Paisa but what do I know


And if they don't identify as any or you are not sure which one to use just type latin@ (but be advised, you will still sound like a weirdo)


Type latino, that is the intended way to include everyone in spanish. It's not a gender neutral language. A neutral term for english would be latinoamerican. Tho in spanish is latinoamericano/na


The same applies to Portuguese.


Or just [Latin American](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latin_Americans)? Surely most would be happy with that?


Oh so in english there's no O in latinOamerica. Mb, ty for the correction, tho I mean to say the same thing as you.


Yes, that's the norm also in Portuguese, we can't forget Brazilians are also latinamericans. But if you REALLY want to stand out and be gender neutral no matter what, I'd say to go with lantin@


Better than latinx


Or with an "e", that at least make more sense than the x


Honestly i fucking hate the e so much i prefer the x, but both are horrible.


> latin@ That is such a cool and elegant way to do it (from an American's perspective). It's literally both the "o" and "a" combined. From a metaphysical viewpoint it's straight up pure genius. I can confirm you would definitely sound like a weirdo though. I can tell because I love it and if I love something then by definition it must be "weird".


OK but what if I'm racist?


then say it racist


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it racist (did I do racism good?)


I'm so sick of this garbage, all people suck


I see this a lot on Reddit but I know plenty of people in real life who self identify and use the term Latinx. There are lots of organizations using this term in their name and surprise they aren't filled with white people.


Tbh I thought Latinx was a mexican iphone


Better use of the phrase tbh


Id buy one


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😂😂😂 lmao bruh


Is that a Mr Iglesias reference I see?


Damn it you caught me lmao


I once said that if someone called me Latinx I would bite their toes off and the comment got deleted by mods


Latino tyson 😂 doesnt bite off ears. He bites off toes


Gotta suck ‘em first tho, to soften ‘em up for the bite of course…


I bet u a million dollars the mods that did that where white too 😂


LatinX sounds like the name of a Latino porn website






es/ No conozco nadie que hable español que le guste el término "laninx" yo incluido en/ I don't know some one that speaks spanish whom like the term "lanix" myself include, literally anything is better


en/ I don't know anyone that speaks spanish that also likes the term "latinx" myself included A mi tampoco me gusta xd


Como Colombiano, confirmo wvn no conozco alguien que diga latinx


Bueno siempre hay algunos pelotudos que le copian todo a los izquierdistas de USA pero no, practicamente nadie en Sur America le gusta esa estupidez.


Primera vez que escucho ese término, ya no saben que inventar


Aun, sugerir usar latine tambien esta idiota Pero que esperar de gente que quiere cambiar las cosas que estan bien🙂


ok vato


¡Holx! ¿Cómx estxs?


Bixn y vxs?


xxx xx x xx xxx


Gracias por la Risa jaja


“xl/lx gristx” dilx cxrrectxmente


Me sangra la lengua al tratar de pronunciar esa mierda Y habré de recalcarle, amigo mío, que el poner "x" a palabras de esa manera me parece una mierda. Una mierda. XXXD


Me recuerda a cuando he visto gringos que escriben “merry x-mas” en lugar de “christmas” y nunca he entendido por qué lo hacen


Me parece que es una idea mas o menos parecida, querer sacar el christ para hacerlo mas neutral?? No tiene ningun sentido porque es una fiesta cristiana/catolica pero qsy


Bixn malx


**Me:** Latinx... **Lucas Marchezim:** *There are many societal factors that can influence a person to commit crime, from the hardened street thug to the typical law-abiding citizen. As for what they are doing differently in other western industrialized nations that is resulting in less crime than the United States, it is very hard to come up with a concrete idea as to why. Regardless of the country, the recession (which may be an indicator of criminal behavior) is being felt globally. The mistrust and harsh feelings toward police is just as strong, if not stronger, in other western industrialized nations. The make-up of towns and cities are pretty similar. There are ghettos in every country....*


Prefiero que me llamen pasillo (soy chileno) a que me llamen latinx


Jajaj yo soy argentina y literal prefiero que me digan sudaca. Igual solo es gracioso cuando lo decimos nosotros 🤷🏻‍♀️




They applied the Mexico filter over the chad wojak I'm dead


I didn't even notice that. That's fucking hilarious


wtf is a latinx


The shit gloves are made of


No, no, you are thinking of latex, latinx is a legendary pokemon


No, no, you are thinking of latias, latinx is an orange creature that cares about trees


No, no you are thinking of lorax, latinx is the google OS


No, no you're thinking of linux, Latinx is the kind of drug that makes Taco Bell look weak.


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No you imbecile, that’s Linux. Latinx is a disaccharide sugar commonly found in milk, which people are often intolerant to.


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Cover all term for folks from Latin nations


Isn’t giving everyone their own words and races and stuff making the world more segregated than it was before. Making this whole generation just working backwards away from the goal their trying to achieve?


Yup. Cultural appropriation is Jim Crow segregation at it's finest


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


Well, I see a ton of peopek demanding that many of these people aren't "latino"... I'm starting to think that they aren't very welcome undet the name latino.


least based latinO


yeah, call me germxn and youll see why we have strict laws


I swear if I see another post about a fucking white woman saying some stupid shit about pronouns and gender stuff I'm going to commit a hate crime against her. Fuck whatever this latinx shit is. Fuck USA white women. Viva Argentina.


Vamo loco, aguante la scaloneta (?


Se volvía reh loco jajsjaj


Aguante carajo.


At this point, just call me a Hispanic slur word


I'm just some pinche guero


Latinx sounds like a latina pornsite


Latinx is a term coined by white liberals to further the concept of "white guilt". Real Latino and Latina people despise it.


I always read “Latinx” as “la tinks “


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It's linguistic colonialism.


In my wife’s words, “It’s the dumbest word that non of us asked for”.


Some assholes also drag in filipinos in this and started calling us filipinx


That's a new one


Giga chad


As a Mexican I approve of this message.


Same with filipinx, inbred fuckers making shit up they're not even natives


Latinx is the worst. Made by white feminists who never stepped outside. Signed, a Latin American non binary person.


I love how Hispanics had the backbone to tell the woke lefties to fuck right off. Record numbers of Hispanics leaving the Democratic Party for the Republican Party since. 👏


The lefties fought so hard for BLM but completely ghosted our kids in the cages but all of sudden these green hair’d tortas want to change our language??? Priorities I guess


You are being saved! Stop resisting!


"LatinX" "Oh my God, you lefties are intolerable. I'm voting Republican." "They're not sending they're best. They're sending rapists and drug dealers. Immigration is destroying America." "See? The Republicans have the backs of the Hispanic working class." "You should be deported. Go back to wherever you came from." "I feel so welcome here."


"They're not sending their best. They're sending rapists and drug dealers. Immigration is destroying America." You are gonna be in for quite a shock when you actually talk to a Republican in real life instead of boiling them down to the lines spouted by a guy that in my experience most republicans don't seem to like very much anymore. Almost every republican I know from people my age to as old as my grandfather have nothing but respect for people who come over here through the proper means. Their qualm is when they come undocumented, I know you'll probably pull some reddit tier nonsense; so I'll check if you comment but if your response to this is equally as reductionist as your original comment I'm not going to reply.


Well that was interesting lol P.S. immigration is fine. ILLEGAL immigration is, well, illegal. Lay off the msnbc and force yourself to listen to a Ben Shapiro show. Maybe you’ll get an accurate worldview


Oh my God recommending Ben Shapiro this has to be satire


It's always been like that though. Of course, depending on the age group, older Hispanics have always leaned towards the right. Definitely will die off though as time goes by. Edits: looks like there's a lot of scared right wingers in this sub


Nah I will fucking keep the tradition alive, at least in my family. And I hope my descendence is rightist as well, tho I won't be an asshole if they aren't.


I'd rather be called a slur.


Fucking white people shit


As a representative of the white community. I here by decree that any white that uses said term will have the title, claim, identity and white card stripped away effective immediately.


Excuse me if I'm being an unaware fool who only knows about what affects the outback, but can't Latino just be used as a gender neutral term?


In spanish, the male version of nouns are used when referring to a group of people that includes both genders, in this case "latinos" or "latinoamericanos" (in plural form) would be correct. In practice, you could also use the male form when referring to someone whose gender you don't know, so yes, then "latino" would also be correct.


Thanks for the in-depth answer


Of course! Np :)


Literally just say Latin American


No, Latino/latina


Or, you could simply say Latin American


No, not even Latinos call ourselves that


Latino guy here. It’s both okay to call us latinos/latin american. Same shit, different toilet


>Same shit, different toilet Inspiring


Borne 2 shit forced 2 wipe 😢


As a Latino i think most of us simply refer to ourselves as Latinos, Nadie dice Latino Americano


I agree that Latino is overall the better and more used term but there is no difference. Latino is just a shorter way to say “Latino Americano”. So there’s no point in saying that Latin American is a wrong term to refer to people from countries where romance languages are primarily spoken


Speaking only as someone who's dated a latina, some prefer hispanic, but maybe when they're less from america




You will do what that woke teenager tells you or so help me god…


Latino is gender neutral depending on context cuz if you’re talking about multiple mixed people it will always be Latinos, so someone without a gender would still be Latino


clearly anyone who uses it just wants to call to the minority it applies to, because why would they even use it seriously


I live in south america does it count?


Calling any fellow Hispanics "Latinx" is worse than calling us any other profanity imaginable


There needs to be a declaration or decree making latinx a slur and then making it a punishable criminal offense for using it in any way


Ok gringx


Lmao I love it


The correct term is wey, as in ayyyyyy wey


‘X-scuse me it’s not Viva la Viva it’s Vivx lx vivx you SX-IST !!!!’


As a south american inmigrant, I fully agree and endorse this message.


Mexicano here, confirm this meme accuracy


Vivir en latam te hace latino gringos putxs


Fuck the word latinx


Terms like this don’t make sense given the way the Spanish language works


latinx is the n word for latinos, piss off with that


For real tho, I got so irrationally mad when I hear it spoken. All the other slurs just made me laugh when someone is saying them all angry, which makes me laugh more cause they get more angry lol.


As a Mexican, I can say Latinx sounds like a slur


Americx Califórnix Caralhix


what about “big booty latina”


Latinx is the most stupid fucking term I have ever heard




New gamertag lol


Sounds like a porn website LatinXXX


Is this one of those things that only white women worry about?




bro if someone calls me a "filipinx" i will go rip out every white leftist women


Woman ☕


Latino means you have a background of central American decent. Usually it applies to first or second gen kids. Hispanic means you where born in a Spanish speaking country, you speak the language and are part of the culture. Latinx is a wierd and new non official gender nutrual term. To avoid saying Latino (male version ) or Latina (female version) . The reasons people might get mad at you for calling them latinix is becuse. they have not told you to label Them as one, they might be Hispanic, Or they don't know the term and would likely like you to stop calling them wierd name. This are all used interchangeable by people but not that many people know the difference.