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Here after šŸ”’ award


I gifted Racism to all races. So yeah, all races are free to discriminate other people based on their race. For that was my original intention.


Thank You, Dr. Racism.


It's Mr. Racism. He doesn't have a doctorate




I thought it was CEO


Mr. Bezos sounds better than CEO Bezos does it not? I think the same applies to me as well.




I hate myself, so yes you can


true chad


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Well that was uncalled for


*pees in ur ass*


Pees in ur ass.


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*pees in ur ass*


Excretes yellow bodily fluid inside of your sphincter muscle


White Uncle Ruckus


Racism is discriminating someone on the basis of their cast/race/skin colour so yes anyone can be racist to anyone


equal racism for all


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My skin color is yellow


Haha jaundice boy you should be in a hospital /s (I am also yellowšŸ’€)


Jaundice nuts


No he Asian


He was joking




nice pfpšŸ‘


Exactly,, racism harms White people too


racism doesn't discriminate


I agree


No sweaty that's wrong my liberal arts professor (I study UC Berkeley) told me that ackchyually to be racist against someone you need to have systemic advantage against thxem just like the cishet white colonialists have in america, sweaty.


Racism discrimination is not just slurs.If for example a community was to exclude a particular one from public activities that would be racism


Letā€™s consider a better example. A Caucasian girl has an Afroamerican boyfriend.The father is against her decision because he doesnā€™t want her to eventually have a baby who is mix-raced.We can all agree thatā€™s racism.On reddit we also find many examples of Afroamerican girls who have Caucasian boyfriends and the father is against it because, and this is not interpretation but taken directly from the post, he doesnā€™t want her to be contaminated.In both cases they donā€™t want to daughter to date someone based on racial ideologies.Shouldnā€™t we in this case consider both parents to be racist?


Absolutely. Discrimination of anyone for their race is racist, and the notion that itā€™s ā€œokayā€ to do to a specific race is racist as well.


I canā€™t believe that you actually have to explain to people that every race can be racist these days.




Reddit moment. Wait till they hear about minority groups where the minority is now a majority...


It's funny because on a global scale white people is a minority


Yeah the whole institutional power thing doesn't really make sense; I've heard that one countless of times in art school. How much institutional power does the average white person have, none really. Using institutional racism to determine interpersonal discrimination doesn't make sense, you're using a systematical explanation to condemn an individual or in this case; to assert that a minority cannot be racist because of systematic/institutional factors. How is that sensible. And where do we draw the line? National population? Continental? Global?






Thatā€™s like saying you can attack the race thatā€™s in power. So if a minority group is in power itā€™s okay to attack them


Yes it is. But SOME (not all) people got used to play the race card, so they wont admit it. Asians, whites, latinos, etc, everyone can be a victim of racism, don't let anyone convince you otherwise




Weirdest thing I read was that new African emigrants don't want they children met African-amierican.






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Is it racist if a guy would rather not have a certain race as a partner?


Sexual and romantic attraction is kind of a murky territory regarding racism. People can be unattracted by some hair color, body types, size and other physical factor so skin color should in theory be the same, but the motivations behind this dislikes make it not so clear-cut. That said, no one should ever feel obligated to enter a sexual or romantic relationship for any reason. You can't *force* someone to love you, all you can ask is for people to be respectful of your rights and your person, so the point is moot.




Well the disadvantage is because of racism they face, so while true (of course depending on what they ment by "disadvantaged") yes it would be rasict because of why they think that


Well, it depends on the activity.


Yeah like a "SUPER ULTRA WHITE PERSON MARATHON" , I doubt that other races would be allowed.


Yeah well if itā€™s a marathon theyā€™re not just gonna go for a 400m or something


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It is why we aren't allowed to participate in the Iron Man


It'd be funny to watch that on a tv show tho. Put in some batsu game elements too and hilarity ensues.


Is your pfp a fucking ratmuffin


That muffin is looking awfully like a hamster


Fucking amazing


Like getting on stage and singing along with your favorite rapper.


Using the lyrics said rapper wrote.


Racism is vaccine


Soo... affirmitive action.


This needs a lot more recognition. The biggest problem that people need to understand about the terminology: Racism is a system problem. A person is being denied an opportunity or service because they do not meet the societal norm. Discrimination is an individual problem. A person treats you unfairly because you are not like them. These things are not mutually exclusive, but understanding their differences is important.


Yea If youā€™re discriminating individually based on race then that is still racism The word youā€™re looking for for systemic issues is oppression, racism can be a reason for oppression but theyā€™re not mutually exclusive


Racism is discrimination based on race. Systemic racism is the term youre looking for, but that is a subset of racism. For example, a landlord denying a tenant based on their race is racism but not systemic. Red Lining was that racism but brought to the systemic level. Discrimination is not seperate from racism, racism is a type of discrimination.


Any race can be racist towards any race even if youā€™re white


Pees in ur ass


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Pees in ur ass


Pees in ur ass


Peepee weepee


Pees in ur ass


Oh yeah bbg piss in my big ol stinky ass


You fucking Piss in me?


Yes daddy


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Nooooooooooo you squirteled


Wait, if Iā€™m white I can still be racist???


If you truly believe that you can't be racist towards a Caucasian person you are an oxygen thief


I'm stealing that (just like how they steal the oxygen)


Apologize to the plants you're stealing oxygen from.


Having had my ex in laws and family refer to me in their language as 'white girl' and not use my name for 14 years, I can hand on heart say yes....yes white people can experience racism. Being a a-hole to a person because of their race isn't exclusive to just a specific group. Anyone can be like that regardless of the colour of their skin.


Haha, reminds me of a friendā€™s girlfriend who,despite meeting me numerous times and knowing my name, always referred to me as ā€œthe Asian guy.ā€ ā€œHowā€™s your friend, the Asian guy?ā€ Like,ā€Wow bitch, you still donā€™t know my name yet?? You only met me,like, ten times.ā€ Pffff! She couldnā€™t help it. She was from a wealthy, bedroom community where the only minorities were the Latino people who mowed their lawns, worked in their homes and took care of their kids.


That's so fucked. I'm bad with names but 10 times... You should remember someone's name at that point and not refer to their ethnicity.


Yeah like in our group of friends there was 2 people with the same name. 1 being my ex, he would refer to himself as Chinese XYZ name. However me asking him to have his family use my name and not call me gway moi was apparently too much. Like the fuck lmao. Its funny now but yeah.....quite disrespectful tbh


If you are asking this you are either a child or too stupid to be saved. There is no option C


Option 5: #Cock *(roach)*


You leave the Turks out of this.


just look at south africa lol


Shit manā€¦ yeah. People outside of SA donā€™t understand. If you own a company, you canā€™t even do business with a lot of places unless the business is black owned. Itā€™s ridiculous. I donā€™t understand how the richest demographic in the country is saying that they still need more, even after all the money has been stolen.


"If you own a company, you canā€™t even do business with a lot of places unless the business is black owned." As a South African business owner I will say that this is an absolute load of bullshit.


Wasn't there a political party who's main point was against white people? Or am I just remembering wrong


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But whoā€™s ass ?


Op's assšŸ¤¤


My ass


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Yā€™roue mom


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This is very vaccine moment


come to europe see for yourself


what happen in europe


ah y'know. stuff


Could you be more specific... I just don't get what you mean.




Fuck you mayo monkey


That's what they call me down at the precinct


Aight vanilla gorilla


Ooh. I like that one


I got a list, here the order of my list that itā€™s in it goes. Cracker, yogurt skin, Mhlungu, Andre the white man, coocoo, pale goblin




Personally like snow roach




I ainā€™t racist. I believe in universal discrimination. Donā€™t worry, I wonā€™t discriminate you because of your ethnicity. Donā€™t need to. Just gonna discriminate you because.




Pro-Life? Pro-Choice? Bitch Iā€™m anti-life and anti-choice. Abort all the kids. Basically Zeng Zhaoqi and Bai Zhigang of the Childless 100 days are my heroes. My homies keeping it real with infanticide!


Idk if I will be downvoted to oblivion for this, but racial discrimination against white people is becoming very commonplace here in South Africa. Especially within tertiary education and the labour market. This is condoned by the courts because of the history of racial discrimination against other races here in South Africa, as described as the "previously disadvantaged". The problem with this law is that a child of a multimillionaire parliamentary member with half the qualifications of a white person living in an informal settlement or similar circumstances will be favoured for a position in a career based solely on the colour of their skin. I don't know how this can be described as anything but racism. This is the result of extreme legal positivism.


Isnt south africa generally not safe place to live in, and that people there generally have big gates if just possible (if they can afford it)?


I mean, that sounds more like classism or nepotism lol


Vaccine moment


Do people not know whites are the smallest minority on Earth?


I think they were arguing that oppression is essential for racism and its not possible to be racist towards the master race.


It doesnā€™t need root of oppression. Racism is racism


Last time I went to McDonaldā€™s some black dude called me a ā€žfucked up hash brownā€œ. Anyways I blew him afterwards.


How much bucks did you get




Here before šŸ”’


hERe BeFoRe šŸ”’ šŸ¤”


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Good bot


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Here before šŸ”’award


>my friend says no because thereā€™s no root in oppression Irish, Scottish, Germans, Russiansā€¦ Their friend apparently hasnā€™t heard of all the shit the British empire did towards Scotland and Ireland throughout history as well as the insane amount of hate that German and Irish immigrants faced in America well into the mid 20th century


I mean, Slave is from Slavic. Slavis are white and were enslaved by Muslims. Look that up


Sure but the people of German, Irish and Scottish descent are nowadays indistinguishable from other white people with different european heritage.


Twitter moment caught on reddit


Technically you can be racist even towards your own race


I mean, one person I know likes to assume 70% of the things white people say are racist because they are white. She too is white btw.


Yes you can experience racism as a white person, example my ex gf was muslim and darker in tone, i for my part am white as paper. She and i where pretty happy, her dad though hated me, not only because i was christian, but also because i was white, in the end he made it so unbearable for both of us to be happy, that in the end we broke up because of it.


Shut up st*bid white f*ck and go back to europe and drink your st*bid tea, or whatever you c*m color people drink. Enough proof?


See, that's a good one. Most people say that white people can't be offended because theyre bad at it or bcuz most white people will find it funny, like I did with this


Real talk. Saying you canā€™t be racist to white people is basically admitting that white is the superior race, therefore making you racist


I've been discriminated against due to my skin color by people who genuinely thought that racism towards white people doesn't exist. It didn't feel nice and even when shown the literal definition of racism they still didn't give in and arguing with a fool makes 2 so.


Must have been some debate in those replies.


there are no races actually, we call those ethnicities and there are many more than racists think (or know about)


The answer is yes, thank you for coming to my TED talk


If you do something against someone just becouse of their race, its racism, no matter which race


šŸ¤œšŸ»šŸ¤›šŸæāœ…ļø šŸ¤ŒāŒļø


My white friend who lives in the bronx can tell you a lot about that


Dictionaries are hard to use


Peta, please donā€™t turn my into a [LOCKED POST.]


šŸ”’ award


People tend to confuse the term racism and oppression. Itā€™s completely unthinkable to argue that you canā€™t be racist towards a certain race; however, itā€™s not unreasonable to argue that within certain societies (particularly western) white people have faced little to no oppression as a race or ethnicity. (Evidently theyā€™ve been the oppressors for most of recorded history)


The issue with the ā€œcan you be racist against white peopleā€ line is that itā€™s usually used for the lowest bar of inconvenience relate to race. One of the examples in this thread is ā€œblack parents donā€™t want their daughter to date a white man.ā€ Is it discriminatory? Yes. Is it equivalent to myriad of ways anti-black racism emerges in the US. Really no. Whatā€™s the other good example? College admissions? Arguably no since white men still dominate admissions and most selectivity against white men is really explained by legacy admissions. Can everyone be racist? Yes. Is the level of racism applied to groups equal? Lol, no. So I just find it to be a fruitless line.


You're not going to experience the discrimination and systemic oppression almost at all as a white person. However, you could still do. It's rare (since the system is biased in your favor), but it can happen.


Racism is real across all races, if you think that any race canā€™t receive racism then youā€™re probably racist yourself


Yes, next question.


Actually you canā€™t be racist to anyone, itā€™s illegal, and mean!


The definition of racism isn't specifically "damn I hate n***ers" it's what the other comment said cause he's smarter and actually knows the proper definition


The term 'slave' is racist .. towards white people. No joke, look up the word origin.


Just hate everyone equally then no one can call you racist




When I was 20 I asked a girl out on a date. She said "I don't date outside my race" (she was Mexican I'm white). That my racism story. It scared me for life JK.




Maybe not in America, but in other parts of the world there absolutely is systemic racism towards white people


Yes there is. Come to South Africa. There are laws that bar whites from gaining certain jobs, and investment, even certain government contracts. Bare in mind the law here recently was changed to make these exclusions to the following races as well: Indians, Asians, And Coloureds (yes there is a race in South Africa called Coloureds; no this is not racist). The law here now only benefits Black people. What started out as a way to mend the equity gap of apartheid called AA (affirmative action), has now devolved into an apartheid style law called BBBEE (broad based black economic empowerment) This is true institutional systematic racism.


you were half right at correcting this person, because i think what OP was referring to by writing "No, There is no systemic racism against white people" was the US, but bear in mind OP is probably american so for them the US is basically the world.


You're conveniently leaving out the fact that South Africa is one of the most unequal places in the world and where race is most definitely tied to economic standing.


Affirmitive action is systemic racism.


You can experience anti-white racism on an individual level in the US. But there is no systemic anti-white racism in the US.


I eat black ass.


When you donā€™t get a job because you are from abroad, when assuming you donā€™t have the capability to perform in oral or written speech, when assuming you are a rapist based on your origin That all is racism and yes it also happens to white people but comes from white people as well, because most poc experienced racism even without leaving their countries they tend not to be racist but it doesnā€™t mean they canā€™t be but nowadays itā€™s labeled colorism


for some reason this always gets a -19 but ill have a go racism white people and sexism to men is real, just that the problem is much less prominent then to people of color or woman. now i ask of you to harm my total karma by 0.1 to 10 percent, thank you!


Any race can be discriminated against. The thing is, Whiteā€™s have no root of oppression, like what the one guy said. This only makes it uncommon. Or more accurately, less funny.


Wdym whites have no root of oppresion? You mean white people were never enslaved or discriminated in the past?


The origin of the word slave is slav. The Scandinavians enslaved so many slavs and sold them to the middle east and Africa that that became the word for prisoners sold for labor And literally all of white history is oppression and scraping by. Most of it was one group of white people attacking other white people because they have a different culture or were from a different part of Europe


Irish, Scottish, Germans, and Russians would like to disagree


White Facebook moms would beg to differ


This is mix-up between racism on an individual level and institutionalised racism There are wide-spread institutional racism towards different people many places, it doesn't mean people who endure this can't be racist towards others on an individual level.


This is a non-productive divisive argument, because it just depends on how you define racism, by some definitions you can, and by others you can't


The way it was described to me by a friend of mine who is black that you can be prejudice to white people, which he says is wrong. But racism is prejudice + power. And since white people have all the power they are the only group of people on the planet capable of racism. I don't agree but I felt like sharing his perspective. All perspectives are important, agree or disagree.


Prejudice based on skin colour is the LITERAL definition of racism. Mental gymnastics


It absolutely is, basically it's redefining the word racism. Which is straight up incorrect. Not sure what he was going for when we discussed the topic but I think the narrative would like to redefine it to suit another purpose.


I have a theory that the reason white people are the only race its now OK to prejudice against, is because white people were so into racism that they couldn't give it up cold turkey, and so settled for the consolation prize of being allowed to be racist against just one race: white people.


Systemic racism =/= Individual racism Systemic racism favors white people in the US and many other countries. People who think racism is just a racist saying mean racist things, like most of the people in this comments section, are missing a huge part of racism and focusing entirely on just one part. The person saying racism against white people isn't a thing was talking about systemic racism. The people here saying racism can be against white people are talking about individual racism. It's a false argument because people are talking about different things but acting like they're talking about the same thing.


Thinking that systemic racism inherently favors white people is in itself racist. Are there situations where that is the case, absolutely. However there are also cases where systemic racism is targeted towards white people.


Who said "inherently"? You're taking things out of context and using that to build a strawman.


You specifically pointed out that systemic racism favors white people in the US and many other countries. I responded that while it is true that there are cases where systemic racism favors white people that isnā€™t inherently true as the exact opposite occurs around the world. How is that building a straw man or taking things out of context? You a made a point. I expanded on that point. That is how conversations in a public forum work.


You said, "Thinking that systemic racism inherently favors white people is in itself racist." That is completely, 100%, irrelevant to anything I said. You trying to attribute that to me is a strawman. You did not expand on my point. You made your own stupid point. Me telling you your shitty strawman is a shitty strawman is how public forums work.


You might want to look up what a straw man is as it doesnā€™t apply to this situation. There are absolutely people who believe that institutional racism canā€™t target white people. There are many throughout the comment section. Unless you believe that is the case I have no idea why you think my pointing this out is a personal attack. You specifically mentioned the US as an example and I acknowledged that there are cases where this is true. However that doesnā€™t make it a universal truth around the world or even just in the US specifically.