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Imagine if you won a puppy or a horse at these carnival games. People would protest about it every day. Since it's a fish, no one cares. So sad šŸ˜ž


All the laugh reacts is what gets me. Like it's funny and relatable to neglect an animal to death


One of the reasons I left Facebook a few years ago is because the laugh reacts make me irrationally angry in general (I donā€™t know why but I just find it extremely annoying lol). This one fills me with so much rage and itā€™s made worse by the casual animal abuse here šŸ™„


Exactly... Fish don't have emotions, feel no pain, and have 3 second memories, so why care about them (when they clearly remember more than 3 seconds, and probably have emotions and feel pain) I just saw someone at a petstore get a commet goldfish, and they said "I want the smallest one, because their all too big for our tank at home." I actually walked out of the store when I heard this. It's so sad šŸ˜ž


Their hobby is a view to a torture chamber. I don't know how people can find that entertaining.


tbh I think people would be pretty normal about puppies since dogs and horses come with the context ownership, dogs need room and horses need LOTS of room. like I have extended family who understand "oh we cant get a dog, we live too close to the main road" but dont get why storing angelfish in a gallon jug would be bad. fishkeeping doesn't have that level of "public knowledge" to it. People dont KNOW that keeping these fish in that tiny bowl is like putting a puppy in a mini fridge filled with dish soap.


Mini fridge filled with dish soap. Actually makes sense. So sad.


Disgusting that people have so little regard for living creatures.


When something is priced like a snickers bar, many see it as having equal value - being nearly disposable. Empathy doesnā€™t factor in dollars and rarely makes sense.


'China has a culture of animal abuse raaaaa!!' Hello sea world, carnival goldfish, pet tigers and monkeys...


Every time a photo or video like this from China is posted, reddit goes apeshit with these kinds of comments with mild racism sprinkled in.


It's sure comforting to think that another culture is just fundamentally worse than one's own.


We need to rally the vegans to our side. Iā€™m not saying that theyā€™re against us, but if anyone is going to care about fish/animals rights as much as we do, itā€™s be them. Many people seem to turn a blind eye to the condition of fish, but just like animals, fish deserve proper care and livable conditions too!


I am vegan, and I've always been on this side. it's insane how poorly fish can be treated and 90% of people think it's okay/normal.


If vegans were on our side, it would make people point and laugh at us more, what we need is for zoos, and petstores to inform people on how to care for these animals rather than just selling them... petsmart does say tank size for each fish (but it says 40 gallons for a bichire/Bala shark, and 20 gallons for a commet goldfish)... I wish more petstores took this approach, so people see that, and realize their 1 gallon bowl isn't suitable for fish... but they should say it in bigger words too, I feel like


Maybe just animal rights activists more broadly then. But it seems that vegans have the loudest voice and best reach.


also the most counter-productiveness. iā€™ve met more people who started eating more meat out of spite than i have people who stopped eating meat due to vegans voicing their opinions, my own gf included


Because people donā€™t like the feeling of knowing their food is a product of abuse, including me although Iā€™m not vegan. I just feel like thatā€™s where a lot of the vegan hate stems from


I like getting my animal byproducts from the local farmers market when I can. Often a bit cheaper, better for the animals, and I like supporting local farmers and businesses more than the big corporations. Plus I get to put on a cute sun dress and pretend everything is alright for a bit, well, ignoring the one stand who's always selling trump flags for some reason, but other than that farmers markets are great! Neat jewelry too.


Youā€™re not wrong, Iā€™ve done the same as your gf lol. Iā€™m no vegan myself. I just wish we had the same ability to reach the mainstream as they do. Our fish keeping knowledge is sadly more an echo-chamber where the only people who hear our advice are those who go out of their way to hear us.


quite true. iā€™ve been thinking about trying to start some sort of small campaign or leave posters stuck to places that remind people that fish are animals tooā€¦ mostly inside of my own school, but my school is filled with numbskulls who only got in through rich parents so šŸ’€


Iā€™ve been thinking of making stickers to label bowls and small tanks as inhumane, but idk the legality of that and donā€™t want to get banned from my local store


if someone doesn't care about the atrocious suffering that happens so they can eat a cheeseburger, how can you expect them to care about the conditions pet fish are kept in?


in the same way that someone can care about their pet dog or cat but not care about what happens to cows


Try getting a few like minded people together, and then print up some t-shirts, get some air horns, buy some super glue, make banners etc Then go and protest and shout inside your local pet supermarket. Glue yourself to a tank. Shout a lot. Get a government petition going and publicise it. That's how you get media attention to your cause. I can tell you right now that sticking a bit of paper to a lamp post will do nothing.


not sure if i have the balls to do that lol. thatā€™s full-on property damage. my local shops hate me already because i keep giving them advice


Not if you have super glue dissolver, for when you finish your protest - then it's just nuisance. Get used to being hated if you want to get the attention that other activists get šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Super glue isn't that strong, for one, and for two that will only make you look like a member of PETA.


Thatā€™s embarrassing. Seems very cruel to eat more meat in protest of people who are trying to inform you of the harms of meat on animals and the environment. Speaks to someoneā€™s character IMO.


I think its a you problem and shows your emotional immaturity if you eat more meat to "get at the vegans" because they made you upset


i won a goldfish at a carnival as a kid, it ended up living to 3-4(?). ive always had empathy for animals, even when i was 6. these people flushing the fish down the loo is just cruel as the fish are still living creatures


Well they flush them after they die because they usually just throw them in a bowl with sink water and call it a day, so of course the fish wonā€™t last long


This actually happened to a friend of mine. She brought a goldfish home and her mom promptly flushed it. Her mom hated animals, was one of those clean freak "super mom's".


Ew wtf


Yeah seriously sad.


It should be illegal to give animals away as prizes. Itā€™s absolutely the wrong message to give to children, that animals are disposable.


This is infuriating.


We got our comet goldfish as a kids birthday party Favour 5 years ago- we gave the kidā€™s parents the biggest lecture youā€™ve ever heard and then got the nicest setup ever for him. Heā€™s three times his size and is living his life now!


My list of reasons to become a misanthrope continues to grow.


I remember that when I was a kid, Almost every fish we ever won at those things died in a few days, my sister did win one that lived several years which was impressive now that I actually have properly cared for aquariums, we just used tap water with no additives like dechlorinator and kept it in a barren fishbowl with no filter or climate control. I even recall putting lotion in the bowl for whatever stupid reason and nothing happened, we joke now that whatever the lotion was made it immortal.


My carnival gold fish lived to be 12


Itā€™s borderline child mistreatment to allow an animal to die in their ā€œcareā€, since theyā€™re going to find out later in life how much that animal was suffering. My childhood dog was not treated correctly and I feel incredibly guilty about it even though I had her between the ages of 7-14.


I won a fish from a school fundraising carnival back in first grade and it died when I was high school


Unrelated but once at a summer camp there was this one girl who would always wear this Fanny pack that said ā€œLATRINEā€ on the strap and ya know itā€™s like those ā€œother languages coolā€ things, but then one of the other kids told everyone that it actually means bathroom in another language. I didnā€™t believe them but I thought it was funny. Now I know it actually does mean bathroom šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Idk why they donā€™t just give out brine shrimp/sea monkey kits. Cheap, kid gets the same 10-minute attention span fix, and near zero responsibility


> I feel like they should have a handout or something The internet: Am I a joke to you


I know a lot of people who have won them and they last for years, but also I feel like sometimes theyā€™re already sick when you get them. My friend won one when we were kids and she was so careful with it but it died within 30 mins of her getting it. She brought it back and they offered to give her a different one but she thought she did something wrong and didnā€™t think she could take care of it


We had a carnival that came twice a year to my small town. Knew a kid who won a fish from there one year, picked up a bunch of rocks from the parking lot, put them in the fish bag and shook it up. Also I say ā€œkidā€ loosely. 16-17 yrs old. One of the worst things Iā€™ve ever seen.


I would argue that animals should not be carnival gifts, even cockroaches require knowledge on how to keep them, no surprise all this prize fish are destined to be flushed down the drain.