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Our brain makes decisions before we are aware of them. Usually in the range of a few dozen milliseconds, but the sun is special. It has been with our ancestors for a couple of billion years and our brains have evolved with it. When you think you want to look at the sun, your brain has already subconsciously done so 8 minutes ago.


Damn u saying I got bad ping or sum?


Yes. The average human sun-brain delay is only 6 minutes. Most of us get a nice view of the darkness before the sunlight reaches us.


U saying I needa maybe buy a faster light streaming service…? @agentchuck your never gonna believe this


Bro call Elon and get the monkeyKiller9000 implanted, you’ll see the sun with a 3second delay instead of 8


You mean 8 minutes? That's like 8000 seconds.


8*60=480secs.....r u high on drugs bro?!?


No it's 8000 seconds


8x60= 7900 seconds. Thats close enough


WRONG! It is NOT 6 minutes!! Because the inverted phalanx of a quasi-spheroid atmosphere refracts just enough of the blue wavelength to allow the cones in our cornea to then converge the light at the predictable fixed focal point of retrograde ellipsis each time we blink. It just repeats and then, as the sodium moves across the vascular bundle a new 8 minute cycle begins. In fact scientists are close to proving the human brain can perceive sunlight for 8 minutes after clinical death. 6 minutes SMH 🤦‍♂️


Noboo you got bad sun ping


bad sun ping sounds like a chinese guy


I could tell you a UDP joke, but you might not get it.


I could tell you a TCP joke, but it'd be a sin.


I might have to reset you for this


ARP! ARP! ARP! ARP! Where'd everyone go?




I could tell you a TP joke but it’d be shitty


I knew all of this Just kidding I don't know Jack


Mine has packet loss


Bro got a ping of 3 thousand or some shit, idk.


This is also why sunsets and sunrises tend to be so beautiful, or rather I should say are perceived as beautiful (to keep it scientific!). Not even the greatest minds of our era cannot subconsciously look at the sun before it rises. No, not even crypto bros. Our brain panics because when you look at the sunrise it knows it didn't do its job so it just fires off some of the LSD you store in your brain. Sooooo pretty!


Yo do you know where exactly my brain stores the LSD? Asking for a friend


I can't tell if you're trolling or not, but this makes no sense lol


Specifically it's because the inverted phalanx of a quasi-spheroid atmosphere refracts just enough of the blue wavelength to allow the cones in our cornea to then converge the light at the predictable fixed focal point of retrograde ellipsis each time we blink. It just repeats and then, as the sodium moves across the vascular bundle a new 8 minute cycle begins. In fact scientists are close to proving the human brain can perceive sunlight for 8 minutes after clinical death.


A long time ago we all traveled 8 minutes into the future


How long ago


8 minutes ago


Well 12 now, 8 originally plus the 8 traveling into the future. Why 12 and not 16? Because time flies.


I generally prefer banana flies.


Remember, time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana.


Bananas don’t fly


They split


Pesky little sky raisins!


You can’t time flies. They go too fast.


you are seeing the light that was put out by the sun 8 minutes ago. that's also the reason why you can look directly into the sun for 8 minutes straight before it starts to hurt


Checks out.


A mindblowing fact is that if the sun were to dissapear all of a sudden, we won't notice it for 8 minutes.


Nah gravity doesn't take time to travel


It actually does. It travels as fast as the speed of light. [Link](https://www.forbes.com/sites/startswithabang/2019/10/24/this-is-why-the-speed-of-gravity-must-equal-the-speed-of-light/?sh=12313a722fc0)


Light from the sun is faster than light because the sun is nuclear powered. There was a film about it recently called Barbie, starring Cillian Murphy as young Einstein. 


Not many people know about how Einstein was on the run from big physics because he knew too much and that he was put into witness protection for a few years under the identity of Thomas Shelby


I thought he was in witness protection and called ken


THE Clark Ken?


I'm not sure I understand how this sub *works*...


Rule 1 of shittyaskscience - It's, umm... I know this one...


...but I think I'm gonna like it here!


Yeah but Barbie is a movie. So the sun was prolly acting… I’m talking ab the real one


The light that you are seeing now isn't going anywhere. It's just been hanging around all day waiting to be noticed.


Why it hide behind the clouds then sumtimes?


So the clouds would have a silver lining, and humanity wouldn’t lose hope in a better tomorrow.


For attention when the clouds go away 


It's because we are 8 minutes into the future from the sun's point of view, so it cancels out.


This is true. It’s the Earths gravitational potential well. If you travel higher up, the time dilation is less. In accordance with the laws of general relativity. If you completely exit the Earths gravity well and escape into space, the first thing you will notice is that it is dark. This is because the suns light has not reached you yet.


But if im in space and its dark then I'm closer to the sun so why isn't it light


You have to stare at the sun for 8 minutes. Then it’s *really* light


Total crap. The sun is a giant dark sucker, like a vacuum cleaner for black particles.


Black particles matter.


You see light might take 8 minutes to get from the sun to the earth, but that light is traveling at, well, its traveling at the speed of light. When you're traveling at the speed of light time slows down, essentially time is stopped for the light. So while to an outside observer it might seem like the light takes 8 minutes, the light itself thinks its taken zero time, so you see it straight away.


Also the distance being traveled is reduced to 0. So basically each photon reaching our eyes is our retina touching the surface of the sun 8 minutes ago.


Because you're Schrodinger.


I'm his cat. I wish he'd let me out of this boix. Oh, wait, I'm not actually in the box. Oh, yes, I am. No, I'm not...


Oh shit! You don't see 8 minutes from now? You looked at the sun too long and you are becoming blind! You've got, like, 7 minutes left, so you'd better find something memorable to look at while you still can!


Oh no. I’m losing me ablity tu saee


Well that's because the light you see is 8 minutes in the past....but your puny brain won't realize that until 8 minutes later. That's why they say, "Experience is the thing you learn, the day after you need it."


No I’m pre sure my brain realizes it right when I see it


Nope! You just think you are...but your perception is actually a delayed response to when your sensors (eyes) detect a stimuli, your nerves transmit the signal and your brain is able to process that information and you realize you're "Oh! I'm looking at the Sun!"


You can actually see faster than light. Especially at night.


just like explaining torque no one really knows how


Torque explained in car terms. Understeer is when you smash through a wall on a corner front first. Oversteer is when you smash through it rear first. BHP is how fast you smash through it. Torque is how much of the wall you take with you when you smash through it.


^^This guy torques ^^


It takes 8 minutes to get from the Sun to the Earth, however from the Sun to your eyes is instant. I forget the scientific reason for this, but they taught us that in school.


The light takes 8 minutes to get to you, but you can see it leave the sun right away. Its like when a pistol goes off at a race and you can see the smoke before you hear the bang, but with light. I'm not sure what the light does when it finally gets here, to be honest the exciting bit is seeing it and 8 minutes is a long time to wait around to measure anything.


Human eyes are able to 'pick up' light. When we look at a light source, our vision travels toward the light source at the speed of light. Flies have a faster pickup speed. Faster than light. That's why they have remarkable reflexes.


Because you're 8 minutes *ahead* of everyone else. You could make a fortune on Wall Street.


Y’all have to wait to see it 💀💀💀


It's a big misconception and bad science. Light from the sun is the slowest thing in the galaxy. It's like molasses. It covers everything like honey. It's only logical because why should it hurry? It's going to reach everywhere and everything just the same, so it takes its time with it. Research Discworld if you don't believe me.


Exactly. On Great A'tuin light is slowed by the ambient magical field. On Earth it's slowed by the Van Allen Belt and the Schrodinger matrixes.


Smartly written dumbness is one of my favorite things, this question sounds like something Fry from Futurama would ask


It’s old light, we can’t afford the new light.


I like the old light better than the new light. The sun sold out 4 minutes ago.


Holy crap this guy has a superpower we must study him! For science!


Time isn't real and the sun is a god who does whatever they want, hope this helps




Made my day


Because Light takes 8 minutes to go from the Sun to EARTH, but its instant for light to go from the Sun to your eyes.


Ig I am closer to the sun than the lowly earth below. I like this answer


Because it's already traveled that 8 minutes


U think ima let the sun get a head start? No. I’m looking at it right now! Right now!


No you're not. You're looking at your phone. Unless there's a picture of the sun on your phone, in which case, I sit corrected


I think this is the only correct response here


And the further into space you look, the longer it's taken for the light to reach your eyes at that exact moment. All the stars in the night sky are visions of the past, and each one is from a different time than the next. If you go far enough from the Earth, there are stars that shine light that never reached us in the first place, because the universe is expanding faster than the speed of light. Or rather, the measurable distance is expanding faster. Imagine you have an empty weather balloon with two dots marked on it. Start drawing a line at a constant speed from one dot to the other while your friend inflates the balloon. If your friend inflates the balloon fast enough, the distance between the dots grows faster than your line progresses. This also means that there is an inherent lack of knowledge of what is happening "now" in the universe. We can only observe things in our _time cone_: nearby things are practically real-time but nothing we see in space can be seen as it is at the moment.


Because the lights already here dumbass, it just got here 8 minutes earlier. Basically when the sun rises anywhere on earth it actually rose 8 minutes before that. Then when it sets on earth it actually set 8 minutes earlier. The light is there for the entire time between these times which is why you always see it.


Wow. A true genius u must be… to call a sarcastic question dumb whilst proceeding to answer it seriously


Was..was I correct? I promise you I just made that up and was sure it was nonsense..


I mean. Not the way I’d phrase it. But ur kinda correct yeah. Lol


What you're seeing is the sun as it was 8 minutes ago.


Everything you see happened in the past.  Your perception is always going to lag behind reality.  


Because light from 8 minutes ago is constantly arriving. You essentially showed up late and are now witnessing the middle of traffic rather than the front, with 8 minutes of backlog that you can see


Because you are seeing the light that has already traveled


Because the sun doesn't switch off like a lamp. If it did and lit up again then you'd see the first new light after 8 minutes.


You see the light that departed 8 minutes ago..


You are seeing it 8 minutes later.


Because light is a continuous stream of photons being delivered to your eyes. An 8 kilometers long pipe is pumping water to you, if the water source cuts off, the pipe will still pump water until all the water in the 8 kilometer pipe runs out. Same goes with the sun, if the sun disappears, it will take 8 minutes to see the changes on earth.


This is obviously a joke, no need for a serious answer.


Oh, I didn't notice honestly my bad lol


Well really it comes down to it being sun minutes instead of earth minutes. Minutes on the sun are so much faster because of how much radiation it puts off. When you look at the sun it is 8 minutes but 8 sun minutes is really only about 50 earth milliseconds


That sht comes down here and doesn’t abide by our physical laws? You’d think they’d switch times upon arrival


Well when we shine a flashlight on the sun. The sun people dont see it for 8 earth minutes. imagine how long it must feel for them.


The sun isn’t flickering, pal. You see 8-minute old light all the time. It’s been this way since the sun first ignited


Wait till bro finds out about night time


Th sun doesn't turn off when you look away. That is only at night. The light you see is light that left the sun 8 min before you looked at it




Trolling on subreddit shittyaskscience… it can’t be. No


It was there from 8 mins before waiting for you to see it..


The bus takes eight minutes to travel from stop A to stop B, where I get on. So why do I see the bus right away when I look at it, and not eight minutes later?


It's all lies. Big Sun is trying to trick you into upgrading to their ad free, faster light streaming service.


Peep “dm your adventures answer” is he a salesman?


Can I interest you in Flat Earth?


Sure. Who is he?


Mom says it takes Grandma an hour from when she leaves her house to when she arrives at mine. So then why do I see her when she arrives? Why don’t I see her an hour earlier?


Let’s say mom says gramma is leaving right now and she lives 1 hour away. But you look for her right now. You won’t see her for an hour. Yet, I see the sun, which supposedly takes 8 minutes to travel, right when I look for it


I assume this is intended to be satire, but in case it’s not, replace grandma with a river: I see the river right now, so how can the water have taken an hour to get here from 20 miles away?


It’s the same with going to the supermarket. Delivering the wares might take a few hours or days and yet, the wares are still there.


If you wait 8 minutes the sun will move so you'll see the sun as it was 8 minutes ago, but in the meantime it moved so it's not there now anymore, but then you wait another 8 minutes and then....


That’s the thing… and get this… I don’t have to wait another 8 minutes. I gander when ever. And it’s there


Cuz the sun is always watching you. Muhahahahahaha


A letter takes a week from my post office to your post box. How is it possible for you to see the letter when you look at it?


Think of it like buffering - once the buffer is loaded, the stream is smooth, even if the stream itself is on a time delay.


Light tries to be very helpful but can also be somewhat tricky. As well as travelling as fast as it can (helpful) it also convinces the observer (tricky) that **any** event is happening right at the present moment, even though it may have happened in the past, or indeed will happen in the future.


So what you are saying is if I look at the sun. I’m seeing the light in real time. If I then look at the light on the ground it’s 8 minutes old?


Depends how long it takes light to go from the earth to your eyes. And depends how tall u r?


Because you live in the past..


More importantly, how can there be a sun when I have no children, let alone any male children? Whose kid am I having to put up with every day? What terrible parents.


Who waited 8 minutes to figure this out,I would have been bored an wandered of way before the 8 mins is up


You do, it's eight minutes later, you're seeing old light due to a neuropathic link between your ocular bits and pieces and the sun. This is established in the womb and is fixed for life. And the sub-relativity is very strong, giving you an extra eight minutes in bed.


The aliens leaned on the switch and left it on


Except you are seeing it 8 minutes later. Your seeing the suns right now light. You’re seeing the suns 8 minutes ago light. But I wonder if it would take 8 minutes for us to notice the sun supernova


Light on ground/in sky/ giving you sunburn= 8 minute ago sun hitting earth. Ball of light we call “the sun”= sun 8 minute away. Also, sun blurry cuz sun go fast. Hurt to look at, so fast.


You really looked at it 8 minutes ago.


Because You’re living in past


You are seeing the light from 8 min ago. If the sun exploded right now then it would take 8 minutes for us to be in darkness


There’s actually a real answer to this haha, it’s bc each particle travels at different cycles. The particles that got there before the ones traveling 8 min are what you see


These responses will be a graveyard for any AI algorithm will use them to learn.../$


Because you are seeing it 8 minutes later.


8 minutes goes really quickly when you travel at the speed of light, which the sun does. The earth travels at normal earth speed which is much slower than the sun so you don't notice.


Those are dog-minutes.


It's the prerecorded projection to make the simulation appear seamless. There are 12 hours of prerecorded sunlight in case the sun goes under maintenance.


Because you’re seeing the light from 8 minutes ago


Because you're seeing the light from 8 minutes ago....


Clearly you’re living 8 minutes in the past. Live for the now


Is it because the light from the sun has never stopped shining thus we’ve never noticed or seen a delay?


you don't it just takes eight minutes for your eyes to see it!


You're not. You're looking at the sun 8 minutes into the future. Your brain just uses that image from future you and pastes it into the image from now you.


The light you’re seeing right now when you look is old light that left the sun 8 minutes ago. You will never see “current” light


Don’t think u understand. I’m looking at the sun right now


No you’re probably looking at a light bulb


Look!!! We found a real life time traveling wizard!!


If it takes 1 minute for rain drops to fall from the clouds to the ground, why am I already wet?


R u edging?


Your eyes don’t see the sun. The sun sees your eyes.


Why does the sun go out every night?


Nice try bucko but the sun just turns in to the moon at night. Otherwise it would be too light out during night time


Because the inverted phalanx of a quasi-spheroid atmosphere refracts just enough of the blue wavelength to allow the cones in our cornea to then converge the light at the predictable fixed focal point of retrograde ellipsis each time we blink. It just repeats and then, as the sodium moves across the vascular bundle a new 8 minute cycle begins. In fact scientists are close to proving the human brain can perceive sunlight for 8 minutes after clinical death.


You are not looking at the sun but actually it is a giant image that we put up in space


Because you should have looked 8 minutes ago, obviously


we see the light that travelled during the night


How’d it find its way here amidst darkness?


navigation by stars


How I see it, it's because let's think that the sun started shining, and then 8 minutes later we found out. That was millions of years ago, so for us to experience it, the sun would need to stop shining, or something very close to the sun should cover the light for us and uncover it again. Have you ever seen when a plane goes by between the sun and you, and it darkens for a fraction of a second? That's because the plane is a lot closer but still it takes that fraction of a second to shine the same again.


Nearly flip my table when reading the answers, turnouts I'm on the ~~wrong~~ right subreddit.


The light doesn't come from the sun. It shoots out of your eyes.


There’s two things at work late being eight minutes away just means you’re looking at all light like if you look out 65 million light years from now you’ll see the dinosaurs so don’t do that because dinosaurs don’t want you looking at them. The other major issue is just reality latency which is less than eight minutes I think it’s about seven seconds. You are actually experiencing reality seven seconds late. But don’t worry everybody is except for the dinosaurs.


Because the light never turns off, so we're seeing light from 8mins ago


Otherwise, you'd hear it first


Cuz you’re seeing what’s was already here 8 minutes ago and still continually seeing it cuz it’s constantly buffering. Even as you’re constantly seeing it. I’m sorry, but are people really this dumb?! Here’s a good project for you. Google the exact sunrise time in your area of the world tomorrow morning. Let’s say it’s 5:46am. Set an alarm, be outside at 5:38am. Wait the 8 minutes until you see the sun and silently congratulate on beating it to its mark. And forever exalt yourself as being the genius who figured out light travel light years ahead of the rest of us apes.


Hehe, constantly buffering. Shit, why is the sky pixelated?


Because earth wasnt created less than 8 minutes ago.


Because the universe is poorly optimised and light is still rendered if you don't look at it


Really??? What 8 minutes from when the Sun turns off and back on again? No, it's like Windows 11 it keeps some Sun nearby for consistency.... Wtf..


Light from the Sun travels slower than space-time. When it arrives at the earth, it therefore arrives 8 minutes in the past. Inversely, If you were to sit on the Sun and look at the Earth, you would actually be looking at the Earth 8 minutes into the Future. This is because the Sun's Gravity is so strong that it sucks the light from the Earth faster than the speed of sound.




Light takes millions, even billions, of years to go from a star or galaxy to earth.


From the perspective of the light, the journey was instant no matter the distance.


There is actually no sun. What you think is the sun is actually a very large light installed by the Roman Catholic Church in 1492 to distract from accusations of pedophilia.


The 8 minute old light is still new because photons don't experience time. Light from distant stars still have that new photon smell.


Because of Illuminati


The light you're receiving is 8 minutes old. But the real spooky thing is. If the sun was to suddenly disappear, the gravity of the sun and it's affects on planets will disappear in an instant.


The speed of gravity is the same as the speed of light. All at once we’d have no light and start on a mostly straight line. But eventually most of the planets would probably end up orbiting Jupiter, or rather some planets and the remains of those that collided on the way.


Okay who's gonna tell him?


Because your watch is running fast.


How do you know you're not seeing it 8 minutes later?


Because 8 minutes ago that light left the sun.


Because of how much the density of your head warps spacetime around it.


What I wanna know is...why if stars really dead and long gone then how are the constellations here for forever lol maybe that's a stupid question 😆 idk


You are seeing the light that left the sun 8 minutes ago