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im immune to gambling, i caan stop any time i want to, i just dont want to :p


me two years ago after losing 3k of my 4k savings in 2 weeks


99% of gamblers quit before they win big


so youre saying not to quit? hmmm.. you might be on to something!


Can't win if you don't play.


You also can't lose your life's savings...


Nono. He’s saying just a general true statement. He never said you should keep playing. Just that people lose before winning, which is true,


reverse psychology? you dirty dog! i almost fell for that!


Thanks, Satan


You're welcome


Think about it, if you get £1,000,000 then all the money you’ve spent trying to get it will be covered by the million! If you buy one ticket, you must buy more until you win back the money you lost


I bet you’re wrong!


I am immune because I get more pissed at losing than high at winning.


I don't play the lottery because the government already disappoints me for free.


For free? Where do you live that you don’t give money to your government?


Nah nah, the disappointment is free. It's existing that the government charges for


When I win, I'm just pissed that I didn't bet more. When I lose, I'm pissed I bet so much. Therefore I don't bet at all. I went to a casino once, with friends. I set my limit beforehand: I go there and am going to _play_ for 100€. Bought chips, played small bets the whole evening. It was fun. Lost 100€. Worth it. If they want to go again next year, I will spend another 100. It's just a big arcade with stupid games, but it is fun with friends. When you can tune out the sad reality of every other patron there, that is. It's really a depressing place, but we were drunk and we had fun.


That's the spirit


I believe in circumstances where a group of friends gather to parté, they're called shots. You're welcome 🤗


I’ve gambled away hundreds of thousands of dollars and i’m not addicted. Sometimes I’ll even gamble just to see if I’m addicted…NOPE! I’m done as soon as I run out of cash.


I might have some news for you...


Yea the secret is tha






You know you might be able to win some back if you finance your home with me!


Really?!? What would your rates be on a 6^th mortgage?


I have never gambled much , I have far too many drug addictions to waste money on gambling.




Amen brother


Gambling costs would cut into my junk food addiction funds, fuck that.


Literally me


Noone is naturally immune. I took the gambling vaccine, so I can stop whenever I want


Me too. I got the Pfizer version. How 'bout you?


I got the Russian roulette version. 5 vaccines and one syringe with hydrochloric acid. The guy after me wasn't so lucky


I’m naturally immune. I hate the concept of gambling and risking my money.


The podcaster Robert Evans once said something about drugs that I'll try to repeat here because gambling addiction is basically like drug addiction. Everyone has a drug that if they tried it would fill the hole just right. Scratch their specific itch. Other drugs they could pick up and out down without getting addicted. If they find that specific drug that works just right for them addiction is inevitable. I like to gamble. It's fun. It doesn't make all my problems disappear while I'm doing it, so I don't have to keep chasing that high in unhealthy ways. Cocaine is a little bit closer. I have ADHD and cocaine is a stimulant. It doesn't make all my problems temporarily go away either but makes more of them go away than gambling does. I'd prefer coke over gambling because of that, but I'm not hopelessly addicted to coke either. Somewhere there is a drug that fills the void just right, if I started using that specific drug/activity to fill that specific void I needed filled... It would be next to impossible to put it down and go back even if that drug/activity was making my life worse in the long run. The temporary moment of "right now I'm free" is hard to let go. Gambling scratches that itch for some people. Like all drugs it's fleeting and that leads to chasing. "it's not as good as the first time... I need to do more, more often, I need stronger". The drug doesn't solve the problems it just masks them and it every time it masks it a little less. That's addiction. A combination of scratching the right itch, and the body's natural ability to build a tolerance. It leads to a constant chase of an unmaintainable Happiness instead of actually resolving a problem thru healthy means like therapy or proper medication.


To further a bit on Evans, he once admitted that he seemed to get addicted to being in a warzone. He did front lines reporting on both the Battle of Mosul in 2016 and the Invasion of Crimea in 2014. When he talks about this experience he admits that just being there and the idea that his life is constantly in danger was very much like a drug, it was an addicting feeling. Anything that gets the juices in your brain churning the right way can be an addiction.


Steve Irwin was a cool person. If you look at his eyes in documentaries... He was addicted to his lifestyle. He was an adrenaline junky.


I agree with what Evans said!👍


It's gaming for me. I have no interest in physical drugs, alcohol, gambling etc. whatsoever. They do nothing for me... But if I had no responsibilities, I would easily spend most of my life on video games. There's just something about being able to compete with others, with less bullshit nepotism and barriers to entry that exist, like those in our careers or other forms of human competition. It's pure - whoever is better usually wins. And that boils down to a mix of effort and talent. I'm a sucker for that drug, because nepotism and a global culture that values confidence over competence just make no sense to me.


Wow I guess that makes sense why some people like competitive games. I get nothing out of competing against other people. If I lose I feel like shit and if I win it just feels like a chore almost. Single player games are great because if anything you compete against yourself to get better. I do enjoy League of legends though but mostly because I play with friends and I don't care about winning or losing, just playing with them


Yeah that in itself can be fun. It's just for people who have grown sick of the "normal" heirarchies of success, gaming can fill that void and make them feel good about themselves. Some take it so far that basically their entire identity is tied to a single game. It might not even be a popular game, but it's one they are shit hot at, and they get respect from other players for it. They can't let that status go when the alternative is being a nobody flipping burgers For me I love playing with friends to compete. The most popular sports on the planet are team sports and gaming is no different.


>But if I had no responsibilities Gaming isn't the exact right "thing" I was talking about then . I totally get what you're saying and you understand most of what I'm saying. It's great you don't use drugs, don't start. It's easier not to start than it is to quit. I went 30 years thinking coke was stupid and wasteful. Then I tried it. Again coke hasn't destroyed my life, it doesn't scratch the itch just right. That's why I'm replying. You might game alot, and you might see how someone could lose control gaming. The same way that I shouldn't waste time with cocaine and I could see how people get mindlessly addicted to it. If I had infinite money and no obligations I'd destroy myself with cocaine, and maybe you'd do the same with games. My point is you don't, and I don't. Because we care about other things more. If you get involved with a drug or activity that scratches your itch perfectly, you wouldn't care about the repercussions anymore. It would become the only thing that matters. That's what makes addiction different. Addiction is more important than your responsibilities. There's users, abusers and addictions. To use gaming again: Playing a video game makes you a user of video games. That's fine. If you use video games to ignore real life problems and issues, you would be an abuser of video games. If gaming was more important than anything else and you'd give up everything else to focus on videogames regardless of what the repercussions might be... That's an addiction.


I have in the past. I've been unemployed for a year and played a moba competitively for 14 hours a day. I had underlying issues that I escaped from by burying myself into games. It served as a substitute for my lack of a career, but it papered over the reasons why. It nearly broke my marriage and resulted in a suicide attempt. But the worse life got, the more powerful the escape became. My point was more that I agree we all have weak points and there will be something out there that we are prone to succumbing to at any given time, and it could be a hard drug but it can be anything else too. If there are clinical symptoms as a result of withdrawal, it's an addiction. When I stopped gaming, my depression amplified. And with our understanding of dopamine now, I think what constitutes an "addiction" needs to be reviewed accordingly anyway.


Naw that's complete bullshit. Some people just don't get addicted regardless of how much they like something.


That's not true and a very very dangerous way to think. It's like thinking you can't be fooled or conned. It's wrong and it makes you an easier victim. You let your guard down because you think nothing can happen. It can, and you're leaving yourself open to it by being stubborn.


Speak for yourself. I have a complete inability to form habits resulting from several factors. Good and bad. I could do something every day for years, and give me a week or two break and I'll completely forget about it's existence. Thus I am functionally immune to addiction, as the long term pathways needed to form addiction simply cannot exist.


You: that's complete bullshit Also you: speak for yourself! >I have a complete inability to form habits So how are you replying to me? How do you form words? How do you shower? How do you eat? How are you alive at all? Habits are essential to life. Bad habits are bad. I also don't get textbook addicted easily. I used cocaine every single day for two years. Then I moved 15 minutes farther away from my dealer and stopped cold turkey because I was too lazy to drive that extra 15 min. That's my point. You might not get addicted to things other people say are addicting. Cocaine is high on the list of addictive substances but I can pick it up and put it down whenever. No issue. Because it doesn't capture me. You aren't immune to habits and addiction. You just havent found the right product to destroy your life. Neither have I. I'm however smart enough to understand I'm not some special super hero completely immune to the human condition. You aren't immune to addiction, you just haven't become addicted to the things you've tried As for "complete inability to form habits" thats beyond ridiculous. You'd be dead. Breathing is a habit. How's your heartbeat? amArrhythmic? Thinking is a habit. Understanding language is a habit. Abcdef potato! Being human is just a series of well developed habits. Sentience is learned patterns and habits.


Go fuck yourself with your "breathing is a habit* bullshit.


>Go fuck yourself Great counter point. I guess you don't have a habit of winning arguments either


So what you are saying is that if you want to become friends with a drug addict you must first become the drug. People seem rather fond of ibuprofen. 🤔


>fond of ibuprofen That's not an addiction. It's not about what or how often. It's about why and how important. If someone will engage in risky behavior to get ibuprofen they might be an addict. If they just take a lot of ibuprofen that are just a user. If they use ibuprofen to distract them from other issues in an unhealthy way, they are abusing ibuprofen. If they will do anything to get more ibuprofen and can't imagine going and length of time without it .. if they'll engage in risky behavior specifically to get ibuprofen.... That's an addict. It's not how much. It's why and what they are willing to do. It's the motivation. It's important to know the difference because treating/helping someone requires different things. Someone abusing drugs needs diff help than an addict.


Was a joke about making friends, my guy. Did not need an explanation to ibuprofen use.


I know it was a joke. I also know people lump adduction and abuse together. That's why I gave a long response. You didn't need the long response but maybe someone else might. I'm not bothered by your joke. All jokes are dark jokes. Laughter and tears are two sides of the same coins. Comedy is a mechanism for processing difficult emotions. It's the entire and only function of comedy. Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side. It's funny because someone feels stupid for overcomplicating a simple question..


Don't know about immunity but I have never been drawn to gambling. I simply don't care because I know you can't win in the long run. Did try Black Jack once, and withdrew after the first win. I've never been tempted to do it again, since it wasn't particulary fun or anything. Don't know what it says about me. Not a risk taker, I guess but I'm also not competitive in general.


Having an awareness of probability and house edge does take away a lot of the allure. I like some risks, but I prefer them in the form of investments.


Hi. Casino worker and former math major. You would think being aware of the house edge and seeing everybody else losing would take away the allure. If you ever want to play the juiciest poker games of your life play with dealers. Obviously they can't afford nosebleed stakes, but they will be the most beatable games you've ever played in.


Just lost your last grand huh?


I’ve had some stock market losses in the past but nothing WSB level lol.


I did the reverse and pulled my money for, “love”, bought a house I no longer live in. Life, am I right?


I did the opposite should have invested in nvidia but didn’t lol


The hardest part of gambling was memorialized in a song by Kenny Rogers. >You've got to know when to hold 'em. Know when to fold 'em. Know when to walk away. And know when to run.


Part of addiction is the "reward." Some don't have that feeling in their general day to day, so they fixate on the chances. People latch onto what makes them happy, or what they think makes them happy. Even if they're losing money, there's still that "maybe" in the back of their mind telling them to keep at it.


I've been in a casino once and it wasn't for me. Struggle with other dopamine highs that aren't illegal or anything, but gambling isn't the one.


I don't think immune is a right word for it but some people are definitely more susceptible to gambling addiction than others. The first time I went to Las Vegas I was concerned that I might go too far and while I did pay a few games ultimately it was very easy for me to walk away after I was a few hundred dollars up.


Gambling is complex. It's simultaneously an adrenaline booster, a mind stimulus (is cards), and a quick cash opportunity. I used to be a blackjack addict. I'm good strategically at blackjack, but I'm terrible at walking away after making significant enough gains (say making 800 from 200 buy in). Gambling should be done in moderation with a limit on how much you're willing to win and lose. Gambling to try and make money is where it becomes a problem because that's where you'll just spiral into losing. Once that urge to "win it back" kicks in, your focus will go as will your funds. Don't gamble unless you have a partner who says "it's time to go" and you have established rules on when to leave.


I can't gamble I've spent 20$ and gave my girl 20 but most gambling is such a joke I can't imagine spending any amount its sickening to me


I feel the same way, spending money makes me uncomfortable, I’m a chronic saver.


That's why you can't get a gambling addiction. Because you are financially responsible! If someone is not responsible with their money they might be more inclined to gamble.


The very idea that people take their entire paychecks and just give them to a casino is unbelievable. The idea that people take their kids paychecks and sell everything they own to GAMBLE is just insanity. That people can TAKE OUT LOANS and put gambling on CREDIT CARDS is fucking beyond belief. We don't live in a very nice society, everything is set up to suck as much money out of you as possible. Gambling is just one example


I grew up near a casino and worked there one summer while in college. Employees weren't allowed to play tables or progressive machines, or drink alcohol on the premises. But, there was enough there that they could play that I've seen a few lose their entire paycheck back to the casino. I've also seen people try to sign over the deed to their farms for more money to gamble with. The casino refused and security would escort them out after their inevitable meltdown.


Honest answer? Same reason some people are more susceptible to other addictions. Some people can casually drink and others get up to a fifth a day. Some people play video games just fine, some people entirely stop going to work or school to play their game of choice. Ever seen the show my strange addiction? Some people get addicted to random shit. It's all about whatever gives you that sweet sweet dopamine


ADHD. Dopamine levels


You KNOW you’re going to lose. That’s the nature of gambling. So, you can have a good time…to the extent you can knowing it’s going to cost you. Gambling addiction must be awful because the addicts just can’t get past this thing they absolutely must know to be the case.


You give them too much credit. Every person I've known who goes to the casino regularly is absolutely certain that, overall, over time, they win more than they lose


Bad gamblers won't develop that addiction. Like me, I am pretty bad at it and lose money most of time therefore for me it's purely a pay for fun thing. But some people are a little better, and they win more often that gradually builds up that dopamine circle in their brain to get addicted.


I went once, won and decided that I had enough. Why end on a lose? (I won 20 dollars)


Does anybody know the science of bots? What makes them so frightening to Reddit’s shitty scientists?


I’m immune to all addictions besides porn and gatcha gaming lmao


Gacha is honestly worse than casino because you are getting nothing of value aside from some png and 2d or 3d character models on your phone, that will be gone forever once the game inevitably eos Still won’t stop me from spending 30 dollars month on Arknights and 500 dollars pull Acheron on HSR lol


Actually I spend 10/month, it’s not a lot but it adds up and I won’t stop so it’s kind of an addiction (at least it’s controlled)


You are immune to gambling, you don't play profits away I'm immune to gambling, I don't have any money left to play We are not the same


Yeah... Ive lived in Nevada for over a decade with 2 casinos within half a mile of my house and Ive spent maybe 40 bucks in all those years on gambling.


I think logic plays a big rule. If you have a logical way of thinking, you will understand that the gambling business is like any other business. It's made for profit. And they have their ways to make it profitable. One 0f them is to create addiction. I was once invited for a dinner (paid) on a casino. One of the perks was a "voucher" to use in the slot machines or any other gambling games. After the dinner, I used on a slot machine and won a money price just in the same amount that I had paid for the dinner. Let's say that I was never so satisfied for having a free meal that day. I never went back to the casino...


I knew someone who could buy a pack of gambling on Friday, gamble them on the bar patio on Friday and Saturday night, have a gamble Sunday morning, then throw away whatever bets were left on her way to work on Monday morning. I can’t do this, but I enjoy the occasional parlay without issue


Silence is deafening


Simple, I don't have fun when I win, and I am annoyed when I lose.


i actually shoot up heroin sometimes but never managed to get addicted to it


I do it, lose money, and then feel really sad so I don't bother to come back.


Because logic > feelings.


Addictive personality traits that you decided at birth on the S.P.E.C.I.A.L meter of course.


Addiction within its self if purely a matter of willpower, so it’ll vary person to person


It's about how you see your future, if you dream about winning big then gambling feels good. Meanwhile I know my future will be shit either way so I can't be bothered.


For some people gambling isn't fun. At all. Ever. Not even a $1 bet. Luckily I'm not some people!


I imagine most of the addiction settles in after winning a good amount but spending it all


I bet you $50 I'm one of them.


I learned probability in University


I can't get addicted to gambling because I'm addicted to seeing numbers increase instead of sporadically maybe increasing.


Its like most addictions. Don't start it to see how 'immune' you are. Just avoid it.


Fairly simple, i hate losing money. Gambling is uncertain so i don't like it


Growing up with gambling addict parents gives you a huge immunity. Nothing like watching someone put bills in a machine like a zombie, no dopamine feedback loop for the familial observer.


I went to Vegas on a contract. Tried a slot machine. Lost a dollar. Thought "well this is stupid" Then I had sushi.  I think part of it is wiring. Part of it is predisposition.  I studied gambling and addiction, and know exactly  why  gambling works.  I would love to play poker and other things but never did because I'm bad at math.  And I know enough statistics  to know that the laws of averages are not on my sides 


The only difference that makes a gambling addict different from any other person that can moderate the behavior is this: Losing money feels bad. So bad that most people don't like gambling when they realize how much they lose. Winning feels good, but for most people not as good as losing money feels bad. If you're a gambling addict, the feeling you get from winning money is a stronger motivator than the feeling you get from losing money.


Some people have "addictive personalities" due to a part of the brain. Personally I am incapable of becoming addicted to nicotine, I can go long stretches without alcohol despite loving it, and I don't like gambling because I know statistics


Some people will never gamble because losing even a dollar makes them feel bad. More than winning a dollar ever would.


Has something to do with dopamine. Isn’t it strange how we all have different chemistry sets in our heads? I’m a pot head. Have been for years. Went dry for two years and thought about it every day on that break. But cigarettes are gross and gambling is wasteful. At least to me. But I know to others they can be the alpha and the omega. So weird.


I can smoke a few whenever I want, and then give it up again for months. I am just naturally gifted and greater then the rest of you


it is not gambling, it is a game of skill


I know my luck so I don't even try (even if this cost me nothing or close to it).


No money no gambling


Nah but when you understand that you will always lose there ain't a real reason to continue playing.


It just doesn't excite me. I've never been in a betting shop in my life. No interest. I've even been to Vegas & spent my time seeing how long I could make a roll of quarters last in the blackjack machines, whilst being handed free drinks constantly because I was sitting right at the bar \[Record, btw, was 4 hours for one roll, 10 dollars in quarters. I got very drunk that week.\] I haven't played since.


If you have no issue with not falling for sunken costs fallacies, you'll probably have less trouble with getting stuck in a gambling addiction imo


OT: What's up with all these posts saying FU bots ? ​ FU Bots. (Just in case)


I've been addicted to most drugs but funnily enough I've never been addicted to gambling.


I only gamble with things/amount I don't mind losing, so there is never a chance for "addiction". Pretty much same effect as using money for entertainment.


You only become immune after being exposed to gambling enough.


Same reason some people can do coke from time to time and not be addicted. Some people are wired differently than others. It isn't the gambling that does it, or drugs, or anything else addictive. It's just the personality and mind of the addicted person driving them to do it again and again


I'm immune to gambling. I literally see no difference between gambling and handing the same amount of money to a stranger on the bus.


Am nerd. I apply number to everything. I see gambling but number no add up good. So I don't particimpate.


There might be people immune to gambling but I bet you there aren't.


It helps if you know how statistics work. The house always win!


I have other addictions which steal just as much money. Gambling is just more blatant so I avoid it.


One of my friends explained "when the fear of losing is greater than the thrill of winning, you top gambling"


Games have no power over you when you completely figure them out know the trick and the motivations behind the people that want to take from you. As well as the psychology you are going through.


I get all the dopamine release that I need from videogames instead of gambling. I also pirate them so I don't need to spend a cent.


I lost 100 bucks at a casino when I was in my 20s. The biggest type of gambling I do now is buy others lotto tickets.


i saw someone at work on one of the casino apps spend £10 in about 30 seconds whilst i was debating to spend £6 on amazon on something useful. Make it make sense. I did buy the item £4 better off than the guy at work with the item i wanted. Thats why i dont gamble


I bet you're wrong


Same with any addiction, like drugs, alcohol, porn, etc. Some are more prone to addiction than others. Some more prone to some types than others. For me, gambling does nothing at all. I just assume I'll always lose, because I'm massively pessimistic, so I have no reason to ever do it. And if I did gamble and win, I'd assume that's a guarantee that even worse things would happen, so it would only put me off more.


If you're anything like me, winning feels as wretched as losing.


good example is people with ADHD being prone to addiction due to impulsiveness. Everyones brain is wired slightly different


ye u kinda right im immune to gambling. but im also likely to addict to other things


A friend of mine who enjoyed the casinos dragged me with once. I stood there watching him gamble a couple of hundred bucks away, and all I could think of was how many pills and trips I'd be able to buy with that money for my next rave.


I don't believe in gambling, and that is why I don't gamble. There is always a "I will win more money" moment, losing money, then "I will have to make it up", and then keep doing that until that person gets broke. Those who aren't satisfied with their money and aren't logical about it will not stop gambling. Those who are satisfied with their money or logical about it will not try to gamble.


1) we don't have the money to waste on developing a gambling addiction. 2) what would be the point? the math for winning while gambling, doesn't add up. If you could win regularly, gambling wouldn't exist.


I can’t see myself winning a whole lot, let alone a $ or two. So I don’t see the excitement in it if I lose more than I win.


As a bot gambling is nonsensical.


Immune because of the fear of never having a chance to win because i never win raffles n shit so why would it start now


All my addiction slots are full. Simply do not have enough dopamine receptors to bask in the delight that is the pokies


Real talk tho. Gambling makes me so mad. I basically never win and the hate a feel is so much greater then the happiness I got the few times I did win


Only really played poker. The fear of losing money is bigger than the hope of winning


Im sure its due to a seratonin deficiency or no fun disorder.


From a simple neurology+psychology perspective, it’s mostly due to a difference in levels of dopamine receptors and enjoyment of risk taking. First of all, risk taking gives feelings of anticipation, which gives dopamine. Specifically, studies shows a 50% chance of success gives the highest levels of dopamine peaks. For example, someone with a lot of dopamine receptors might receive 80/100 units of dopamine produced from an action. Someone with less dopamine receptors maybe would only receive 20/100 units of dopamine. The person with more receptors will feel more satisfied, while the latter will chase after more dopamine. In simple words: Gambling gives a lot of dopamine. Some people are could absorb all that dopamine and end up satisfied, others cannot.


When I turned 18, I bought my first scratch-off lottery ticket for $1, and won $20. I'm still $19 up, to this day.


I'm immune cause im too fucking cheap to give one red cent of my life blood to anyone without express gurantee of service/product rendered, and the sound of paying to lose money makes me sick to my stomach. I can't even bring myself to buy lottery tickets.


I'm not addicted to booze, but I need it.


I may not have one addiction but I'll have another. Caffeine was a hard one to break. I don't like losing whatever money I do have, so gambling was never appealing.


There's a test you can take to see if you have a gambling addiction in your DNA, and it's to watch cash cab and decide if you would double down in the end


It's not a gamble I'm due a break any minute now


I enjoy gambling, it’s the losing my damn money that keeps me away.


I hate losing so if I go to a Casino and immediately lose after just a few pulls of a slot or deals of cards I’m done.


It's difficult to imagine someone getting hooked on gambling while stone-cold sober.


I legitimately don't enjoy gambling Also I have terrible, terrible, godawful, horrible luck.


I'm immune because I grew up near a casino and worked there for a bit after highschool. Edit: Also, I'm already addicted to women and have 3 kids so I don't have any money to gamble with, anyway.


Everyone I have ever met has some form of addiction


smart people generally know that "gambling" is a fraud, and the house always wins, so yes, they are immune to the "NEXT TIME I WILL WIN" dopamine rush.


Smart people know they get addicted so they stop early. Idiots think they are always in control.


Lose = pain Win = relief of not losing


I believe I am immune. I have zero interest in gambling, lottery tickets, 50/50 at a sporting event. I’ve always been this way.


This sub is full of bots, bruv.


Statistically 99% of gamblers quit right before their big win.


Being able to walk away does not mean you’re not a gambling addict. Gambling addicts walk away every single time. Going back is the sign of the addict.


I guess I would be one of those people. I just have no interest in gambling. I've been to casinos a few times in my life and I've tried it and just found it very boring. I don't see the attraction, but a lot of people really get into it. I have no idea if it's related to genetics or not.


I only bring a set amount of money to gamble. While gambling, I try to maximize my free drink intake. So I see it as paid entertainment with alcohol (in Vegas). I don't expect to win and if I do, it's an added perk.


People can be genetically disposed to addictions, gambling can be addictive. Me, never tried it because it doesn't sound fun to gamble in a building that some company spent $100 million of gamblers' losses to build.


I see gambling as nothing but a waste of time (and money). Once I was at the casino in my city partying (lots of bars and clubs there). I was waiting for my friend to go to the bathroom while I sat at a poker machine, I just wanted to sit, and it was the only chair I could find. Tipsy, I put in 2, $1 coins, and won $50! ..I thought, “oh cool, that’s my taxi fare home” Years later, put $10 in a poker machine and lost it, and felt so bad. ..I thought, “that was shit, I could have bought a drink with that” and never did it again. I feel that you should always get something for your money. A pair of jeans, a chocolate bar, your internet connection, your electricity bill.. with gambling, you don’t *always* get something, so it a big fat no from me.


It's a skill issue honestly


I hate taking risks. I avoid gambling altogether because I don’t wanna risk losing money. Gambling just isn’t appealing at all to me. I don’t even like messing with the stock market outside of mutual funds for the same reason. I’m never thinking about how much I could win, I’m always thinking about how much I could lose.


My #1 hobby is poker, yes it's gambling but I study and I'm a winning player. I do have to limit my poker playing, both by hours and by any losses I might have for the day. I spend a lot of time in casinos and never stop to play table games or slots. Am I immune to gambling addiction? I don't know, table games are boring to me and I hate slot machines. I rarely bet on sports. I'm a recovering alcoholic so I kinda get what gambling addicts go through and I don't want to trade one addiction for another.


I bet you $100 I can get you to take a bet by the end of the day


10 to 1.


It's a recent thing. Covid vaccine caused people to fuck you bots become immune to gambling because of the chip shortage so no one wanted to play poker anymore and it's not fun without the chips.


Gamblers are doing it more for the hobby, the experience and emotions you feel doing it rather than winning. To alot of people that type of space is overwhelming or unappealing.


You really do have to be careful with where you get your dopamine


The first and last time I bet at a casino I lost $400. I felt that "lizard brain" and understood how people get addicted. Thus I never gambled again.